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Posts posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Good casting for young Junes.

    I've never really been a fan of the Danny-Steve whining, but Danny casually taking the coffee away like 'fuuuckkk yoooou' was funny.

    Pissed off Junes is good. I feel like Tani's been in scenes with Quinn mostly and it's been a while with just her and him on a case.

    Except for Lou being quippy, the tree plot was pedestrian.

    So they going to be hooking them up now? Because that scene at the end.

  2. 1 hour ago, Miss Dee said:

    So create one! "Memorable Dialogue: The Good, The Bad and the Repetitious".

    Personally I love stylized dialogue. Want your characters to speak in iambic pentameter? Long beautifully emoted monologues? Bursts of staccato rhythm? Go for it! If I wanted to hear everyday speech I'd just go to a public forum and eavesdrop. If I'm watching comedy or drama or genre I want to experience the wonderful breadth and depth of the spoken word. Show me what you got, writers!

    Spartacus had excellent stylized dialogue. 

    "Put thought to purpose."

    • Love 3
  3. On 11/18/2019 at 2:18 PM, peeayebee said:

    I completely related to Bob and Linda being averse to going out when it's late.

    Tina asked if they were in the mafia. I used to be able to go out late, but no.

    The Lost Boys joke was brilliant.

    Although I have to feel for Bob and Linda. It's not often they do grown up things. Even when the kids are on their adventures, Bob and Linda are kind of hanging around the restaurant, or accompanying the kids.

    Biodegradable, edible ukeleles. Of course.

    I mad because I couldn't place Ken Marino's voice, and I knew I knew it.

    I did like the friends thinking the whole adventure was cool. Actually, Bob and Linda could have just told a story about the kids' adventures like with the goat with 2 butts as the performance. No one would have believed it was real.

    • Love 2
  4. On 11/19/2019 at 10:35 PM, Mrs peel said:

    5.  Robert finally found someone he cared about.  I liked that story.  I kept wondering if they could have gone to Australia or somewhere other than the Japanese mainland, which would be difficult for them to be together.  I wanted to know whether the Japanese were evacuating other places like Australia.

    Yeah, it seemed rather short sighted of them to not think of that. Even when they got to the ship, I would have thought they said, let's just go somewhere else.

  5. I thought Smith was just going to take the girls and up into the other world. I didn't think he would yank Thomas into his.

    I don't know why everyone walked in because some of them sure aren't going to like the state of affairs.

    I think we were led to believe that now that America was independent that they were going to become America once again. That line about having the nukes wasn't a throwaway.

    • Love 1
  6. On 11/13/2019 at 11:08 PM, Lantern7 said:

    "Cool . . . but this is Matt and Trey we're talking about. What's the catch?"

    I thought the catch was you can be inclusive to trans people but just because they're being assholes doesn't mean you can't call them on their bs. 

    The song was awesome. 

    • Love 1
  7. 15 hours ago, emjohnson03 said:

    Just watched Season 4. I thought Episode 5 was the best of the whole season. I liked the way they set up the alternative reality and John living in it, and realizing what a  life he did have and oh goodness all the emotions on his face. 

    Sewell is putting on a clinic. John is the same but not. He's different but not. Plus he goes into a different universe and his distant wife initiates sex within the hour. And then makes coffee and eggs! Fuuuuuuck yoooouuuu Reich! 

    And just clinging to Thomas. 

    I'm on 6 but I noticed they made a HUGE plot point that alternate John doesn't have daughters. 

    I think the character should be regarded as a classically tragic figure. 

    I don't necessarily feel bad for him because he could have led a rebellion but did on the table you know. 

    How cute was the dancing?! 

    • Love 4
  8. I think they're kind of missing that nuance with Superman today. I'm not really a comic book movie guy, or have a favorite one, but I don't have anything against the movies - I think there's a lot of good there, teamwork, etc., but I think they're kind of missing that. Sure, an Ironman isn't that guy; criticizing him within this context wouldn't be fair.

    I would say the first round of Spiderman did a good job with the 'with great power comes great responsibility' theme. And casting Bale for Batman was a good choice.

    You get an actor that can work between the lines like Reeves did. That's something special.

    • Love 3
  9. As much as I criticize, Ny goes from pissed off and yelling all the time to taking on the Foresaken, *beating them*, cleansing the fucking taint, beating Ish at his own game, and removing the Bore from existence. 

    I mean, shit. 

    Not to mention the absolute comedy gold of the other three telling her they're all going to "marry" Rand. And you know poor Lan got an earful later. 

    • Love 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

    He, wardrobe, makeup, did a great job of making a very good looking guy into a dweeb. His Clark Kent came off as weak and feeble. Dean Cain never came off as weak to me. Of course his version was meant to be more sexy than superhero so there is that. 

    I think Reeves was a superior actor too. The scene were he decides to tell Lois who he really is just about as perfect as you can get.

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