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Posts posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Doris plots just bore me to tears largely because it results in Steve's Manly Manpain taking over the show. Doris was also more of a plot device than an actual character anyway. I also think the show is at its weakest when only featuring one character and not focusing on the team as a whole.

    I'll give AOL credit for having the guts to kill off Doris. Though I am by no means buying that she's actually dead.

    I also liked that Junior got to do actual SEAL things. I think the show forgets he's actually competent in the field.

    • Love 2
  2. That's the excuse the owners will use to maintain their monopoly. Who's to say a San Antonio resident who is a Cowboys fan might not go to some games if there's a team in their hometown in another division? It's not like you can't go to an early game and then you're forbidden to watch Dallas on the Sunday night game.

    Trying to start a new franchise actually *in* Dallas, no way.

  3. I didn't get to see him much in the regular season, but he was impressive in the post and made some really good plays. He's got quite an arm too.

    • Love 1
  4. 9 hours ago, meowmommy said:

    Because in the end, that's all that matters when placing a franchise.  What the billionaire owners want.  And what they want is everyone else's money.

    7 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    The problem is, Jerry Jones is never going to be amenable to another Texas franchise. I don't know how they convinced him to allow the Texans, but he would certainly throw his toys out of the pram over a team in San Antonio.

    Yeah, that's what I was saying. On paper, it would look like a good market in a football State.

    7 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    But honestly, I don't think there's a pressing need for the NFL to expand anyway. Thirty two teams is enough, and we still see three or four each year that are fairly hopeless.

    No I was speculating as to where the Chargers would go instead of London. I even think 32 is too much just because of that.

    3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    The league would have to realign, and I can't imagine any team wanting to be booted form their current division.

    I like the Pats, but no way will Kraft allow the division to be broken up.

    I don't think you can get any more olde tymey fat cat names than George Preston Marshall and Clinton Murchison, Jr.

    • Love 5
  5. I think Denver would object to a franchise in Salt Lake. They're the team over most of the mountain west. I would speculate Seattle/Portland might be similar. 

    The NFL isn't going to expand into a second tier market. That's why owners whined so much about taking teams to LA. I suppose they could go back to St. Louis. Most major markets are covered by the NFL. Is San Antonio too small a market, or too close to Dallas? You'd think the South could support another franchise. What's a good big city in the South?

    Honestly, internationally, Mexico City seems logistically better than London. I can't imagine many players are going to want to stick with a London team with all that travel or being away from kids, family for that long a stretch.

    • Useful 2
  6. One thing I really like is how they're all talking about listening to the radio. I used to because there was no internet. But I still do, probably 97/3 v streaming. I don't have spotify or anything.

    Now, you can listen to the radio from anywhere! And any station!

    • Love 1
  7. Hard to change horses in midstream though. I think that's the main gripe if it is a time machine. Even though Elliot is a super hacker, he's still using techniques that are grounded in reality, even if Mr. Robot is in control. 

    It's a little much that the Dark Army is *everywhere* but that the same time, it's not like they're teleporting. 

    I tend to think now the 'project' is a red herring. 

  8. I'm skeptical that the NFL would be sustainable for 4 weeks in London versus the Premiere League, unless all the London teams play away for an entire month. Even then, fans travel well. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Popples said:

    Has anyone in real life brought home a person to pretend to be their significant other for the holidays just because they might run into an ex?

    No, but I used to go out with my platonic of sorts gf when she wanted to pick up guys and we said we were cousins so dudes wouldn't think we were together. We actually kind of had a resemblance, and I knew her family, so I know her parents names, where they lived (because I've actually been over). My shit was locked down. 

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  10. Brian freaking out about the cats in the cafe was hilarious for me because I used to take my dog everywhere. I like when Brian does dog things.

    I mean though, it's not like Quagmire doesn't actually have a job.

    I wasn't surprised they went for emotional support animal. I totally want to do that.

    I think they dropped the ball and should have gone on full chicken fight with Quagmire and Brian.

  11. 1 hour ago, Arcey said:

    Why is everyone so sure that Abby became a corporate lawyer? I didn't hear or see anything along those lines.

    All I heard on the phone was her say 'client'. Otherwise, I didn't get that impression until it was said here. 

    1 hour ago, Arcey said:

    Question about the wedding couple: Was that the woman who went home with her father and then came back?

    Yes. And based on real life events!

    5 minutes ago, Snewtsie said:

    Or she had no ID and the police/coroner labeled her as Jane Doe. Her story is the saddest of all.

    I don't think they'd need her license to ID 'Lori Madison'; she was kind of famous. But - she shot herself in the head, so I'm wondering if they would be able to identify her at all. One telling thing was the credit card - she left it on the dresser, and I think it was Eileen's. Presumably the police would likely want to ask her why her credit card is in a hotel room with a dead hooker. She'd then be able to put 2 and 2 together. If no one took it in the meantime. I couldn't see her paying for a funeral anyway. 

    • Love 6
  12. Baltimore played better and should have won, but the Pats committed some rare unforced errors too. I'd find it hard to believe they'd spot the Ravens 17 points again. 

    • Love 2
  13. 37 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

    I'm honestly shocked that people don't know this is a thing.

    I have no idea when I've last been in a mall.

    Tina's whole plot was kind of sitcommy. I like Gene, but that was a little much. It was worth Louise's stunt at the end.

    I can completely can buy that Linda is some kind of mystery novel savant though.

    • Love 7
  14. 2 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

    Ha, Lenny & Carl sleep in bunk beds a la Bert & Ernie (and even have a picture of them on the wall), and their girlfriends look like the other one (I've sworn we've seen them before).

    I missed this! Where was it?

  15. Wow is this series long. I'm on 1968-72 now and it's taken me months to get through it. It's dense.

    I was surprised how much of the songs I knew. I wasn't really a country fan too too much, but I didn't realize that how popular these songs were growing up. I didn't know they were all basically Jimmy Rogers' songs. I guess on the variety shows in the 70s had a lot of country.

    It's also interesting how great songwriters all of these people were.

    I was surprised that Dolly Parton wrote so many songs.

    • Love 4
  16. On 10/28/2019 at 12:44 AM, Minaboo said:

    This times 1000.

    I don’t even know why I continue to watch this show, it’s been so long since I enjoyed it.

    Thank you. I think part of it is the century and a half between seasons for me, but this season has been excruciatingly ponderous. Everyone seems to be just *opining* all over the place.

    I get the feeling that this season could have really been like a 6 hour miniseries.

    • Love 4
  17. I guess this was kind of the Mr Robot version of Pine Barrens in a way. I did like the scene with Tyrell going back and forth with Elliot and Mr Robot at the same time.

    I thought they were going to kill the woman in the store. She certainly had it coming.

    Wow, *everything* with Dom is so boring. The actor is fine, I'm not knocking her, but I feel like she should win an award for most scenes jerking off ffs.

    The Santa was amusing. I don't think we needed 50 hours for Darlene to have a breakthrough though.

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