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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. You know it would be just like this show to have Nina somehow convicted of identity theft over this while at the same time, the authorities/townspeople all know and have ignored that Sonny was trying to kill Julian leading up to his accident, Carly kidnapped an elderly woman, and Jason had 2 of their mob rivals killed on his wedding day.
  2. I bet the show decided to have Michael seek revenge against Nina because most people online call the character a huge dud and say that the last time the character was interesting was when he was feuding with Sonny. I do find the character extremely milquetoast but I also believe that the whole Michael Q arc gets overhyped because of the fact that it’s Sonny he was standing against. There’s a portion of the audience (myself included) that loves Sonny being called on his crap and a character finally standing against him who wouldn’t automatically lose. Having Michael go after Nina doesn’t hit the same way. It’s essentially just been him and Joss parroting their mom and taking on her battle and more of the bullies punching down without seeing their own hypocrisy. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t even like Nina.
  3. I think she was for her first year on the show at least. Don’t know exactly when the shift was made but she’s been like this for a long time. Definitely once FV took over GH back in 2012. They started writing her both more campy and kinda shrewish/judgmental. I think it only got worse since they hooked her up with Ned and he enables it to an extent because he never calls her out. Possibly because he’s hardly on himself.
  4. I also was confused by this for a very long time, but we see him drinking on many occasions so I guess his addiction didn’t involve alcohol. Drugs I guess? Curtis was addicted to cocaine. A lot of former addicts do stay away from all drugs and alcohol IRL but this show tends to play a little more fast and loose with it especially with all of the former drug addicts drinking. Though they did have Alexis mention her alcohol addiction last year to Portia so she would prescribe her a non-narcotic pain med so it might depend on who is writing it.
  5. I see that they’re going to use Nina as a way to give Millow “angst”. They’re so dull and flavorless that their scenes give me nothing. Since I can’t hope to be rid of them, can we just leave them to group scenes because someone needs to have a personality to carry them
  6. Regardless of how the Cassadine family dynamics play out, I’m sure they’ll use this as an excuse for Valentin to try to usurp Nikolas. No, he doesn’t have a legitimate claim to anything as Victor’s kid but otherwise, what’s the point of making him a Cassadine again unless they just did it because they didn’t want to change his name?
  7. Idk some of this is coming off like a quick rewrite to me. Involving Jason in this SL at this point after making the fallout with Jarly such a nonevent looks suspicious. LW and SBu both mentioned in interviews/fan events that they knew romantic Jarly wasn’t popular with fans so I wouldn’t be surprised if the show knew and killed an upcoming story for them which left Jason free.
  8. Since DOC became one of the HWs, I have found most of the big reveals to be lackluster. The Wiley baby switch, Millow’s affair and now Sonny finding out about Jarly has to be one of the worst yet. It was so flat and is there even a story there anymore or is it just going to be Carly whining about Nina until the end of eternity? I think the only entertaining one has been Olivia finding out that Ned and Alexis slept together though I didn’t care that Olivia got cheated on. I just find it fascinating that they can take these classic soap moments and give them such a boring end with no fallout.
  9. From what I remember of that SL, Ned did try to help her by having a lawyer (Diane?) look at the contract but there wasn’t a legal way out of it. I’m not sure what else she expected him to do. I also think the big penalty was that she wouldn’t be able to sing or record her music outside of the contract which was a bust anyway since her throat was slashed right after she signed away her shares. There was also a side plot of her blackmailing Julian into threatening her producer to get out of the contract, which either didn’t work or she gave up on. She didn’t know Valentin bought the shares until well afterwards because she traded him to the producer to get out of the contract. She didn’t know where the shares were going but she also didn’t look too closely into why the producer wanted them.
  10. Part of me found those Nina/Joss scenes funny because I didn’t recall some big Joss/Nina relationship that Nina cared about losing. Joss acted like it was this gigantic betrayal when all I remember was a couple of scenes of Nina being friendly with her then boyfriend’s daughter. It was nothing like Nina bonding with Charlotte when she was with Valentin. She isn’t thinking about Joss or even Jax for that matter since it’s always him reaching out to her since they split. Now Sonny on the other hand is a different story but Joss has no way of knowing that. Also, Carly telling Joss to mind her business and worry about her own life was something. When has she ever done that herself and it should be a big clue into her parenting that Joss clearly expected Carly to be proud of her confronting Nina or seeking revenge on her behalf and nothing.
  11. I didn’t really get that part. Nina doesn’t even own Crimson, she just manages it, so it be more of a problem for Jax than her and they can easily find a new office. It would just hurt Carly/Olivia if they can’t find another person to lease the office space.
  12. I can’t recall an episode where Olivia hasn’t annoyed me. It’s truly a talent because she’s not on nearly as much as others. She’s way too snarky about the Qs now and I seriously resent it considering how she worships the ground Sonny walks on. I always think we’re supposed to assume that Ned and the family are lucky to have her but I like him much more than her and I’m really over their pairing as of late.
  13. What Spencer did was horrible but didn’t Nikolas do the same thing? He returned to town stalking and gaslighting Ava and also used Kiki to taunt her. It was only like 2 years ago so I’m not sure why they are acting like all of that didn’t happen. I’m hoping they’re setting Nikolas up for a big fall with Hayden’s shooting because he and Ava don’t come off as remotely rootable in this storyline. Side note, Ava has been ruined since they hooked her up with Nikolas. They’ve taken away the interesting parts of her and I don’t know where they are going with her character. Having Spencer arrested is probably the single active action she’s taken since they’ve gotten together but she was very passive before this. I don’t think it works for her.
  14. I’m fairly certain that Alexis didn’t know but that may have only happened because her character was so isolated to Julian back then. I don’t recall the big SM outrage over this SL being so obviously retconned until that episode it was first mentioned around Laura and Sam and it was clear that they didn’t know who was responsible. I don’t think they should have revisited this SL but if they wanted to, they should have kept it as originally written and explored why so many people sat on the truth and why Shawn covered and sacrificed himself for Sonny. I’m also much more interested in TJ’s POV in this instead of Shawn’s because the latter made terrible decisions for years and in the end, it was his son who suffered. What we got is a place holder story for Shawn the one day a week he’s on. It’s been months of boring conversations and recaps and doesn’t even appear like it’s leading to Hayden’s return.
  15. I don’t know why Ava would care. It was a terrible storyline but Ava didn’t care when she found out about it originally (she was yet another person who already knew he’s responsible) and Nik and Hayden got together after the shooting because Hayden herself didn’t care until she figured out she could benefit from it. The start of Nava was just a redux of Nikolas and Hayden.
  16. The show has been gaslighting us for years into “selling” Jarly as this admirable friendship when it’s always been a toxic, codependent mess. It’s especially sad considering that this show has/had plenty of awesome opposite sex friendships which characters who would do anything for each other but also managed not to consist of a doormat and jealous mess who knows that her friend will never question her actions or let her know when she’s wrong.
  17. Were Sonny and Brando close? Those sage parent scenes came off as forced. Brando only came to town last year and Sonny and Brando had never met prior to that. They only shared a handful of scenes together and I don’t recall any particularly deep ones. Brando’s existence on this show continues to confuse me and the scenes were just done as a way to prop Sonny as being father of the year. Why I don’t know but they throw him scenes like that occasionally. I remember another one last year where Curtis was randomly asking Sonny for relationship advice.
  18. If this was another show, I’d consider the Carly/Britt conversation an anvil but this show is so weirdly adverse to changing up the Sonny/Carly/Jason dynamics that I don’t see it happening. I’m also not sure I want it to because I don’t enjoy watching Jason or Carly period so I’d rather their scenes with characters I like be minimal.
  19. Maybe she has and I ignored it but I don’t remember Carly being so direct about needing to be #1 with Jason before this. Sure her actions would say otherwise and the women Jason were involved with rightfully called her out on the toxicity but they aren’t pretending anymore. What makes it truly laughable is that Jason isn’t worth all that. He’s a terrible SO and father and honestly Carly is probably the most blind to his faults. And even if he was great, dealing with Carly’s possessiveness would never be worth it. It’s not just the women in his life, Carly couldn’t even take Jason putting his own kids ahead of her.
  20. Going to college full time and having to tape regularly would be tough, which they would need to do if on contract since they have episode guarantees the show has to meet. Even worse if they are working on other projects as well. I don’t know if either have anything currently in the works but WL is working on a music career and Sydney has posted about voiceover roles and commercials since joining GH so I’d assume she doesn’t want to be limited to just this show.
  21. I’d guess the writers screwed up that line but my college did have that course. However, it was more of a remedial course for students that didn’t pass a math competency test. Everyone else that needed math courses in college took calculus freshman year
  22. ITA with you. I find Joss, Trina, and Cam to be dreadfully boring and Joss also manages to be unlikeable and boring. I’ve long thought they they needed to find a lane with Joss because having her stand around and pass judgement on everyone isn’t it. Spencer and Esme are more interesting than those 3 but i have no interest in teen SLs and I feel like they’ve been on 3/4 days a week for months now.
  23. Valentin definitely did a DNA test with Alexis. There was a scene last year where Nikolas called her down to GH to do the test to rule Valentin out as a Cassadine. I’m not sure if he also did one with Nikolas to confirm if Helena is his mother. I think he may have done a DNA test with both of them but they weren’t clear.
  24. GH is the only soap I currently watch but I think they have gotten overly chaste. The occasional slow burn romance is fine but that’s all they seem to do. I feel like everyone is sort of slowly possibly dating but they have way too many discussions about what kisses mean for 40+ year olds. The only exception is Millow who still managed to be boring and lukewarm despite all of the love scenes and having an affair.
  25. I find the extreme age gaps a bit awkward as well, especially with a character as immature as Maxie. However, I think it’s a given because this show is so heavy with 50 something male actors right now while there’s only around 4 actresses in the same age range and 2 of them are in established pairings.
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