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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Wasn’t Drew’s deal supposed to be a terrible one for him because he was making sure Carly skated? It had nothing to do with the judge being biased. I never got how that made sense but they made it clear that the deal he agreed to was more about falling on his sword for her.
  2. They’re so set on Cody being Sasha’s hero that I don’t think they realize quite how dumb this SL is. What makes this entire thing stranger is we haven’t seen enough of Cody and Sasha together to be invested in them and to show us why Cody willing to do this much for her. I think they were kind of cute during their first scene together but that was months ago and it was the only substantive scene I recall them having. Cody has shared the majority of his scenes with Sam or Dante since Britt died.
  3. Is the surrogate planning to use her own eggs or are they using an egg donor since they can’t use Molly’s? I ffwded the surrogate interviews so I missed it if they mentioned their plan.
  4. You can tell which of the actors are not comfortable or are struggling with the longer scenes the scab writers have implemented.
  5. Willow’s advice to Kristina was terrible but it does seem in character for her to think that way and go along with people when they are being rude or even outright unreasonable Ferncliff is supposed to house the criminally insane. How would patients in that environment have access to each other and why wouldn’t Cody just, idk, tell Mac/Dante privately what he suspects is going on with Sasha and why Gladys is manipulating her? He’s a moron
  6. She started off at Pentonville where they let her spend all her time hanging out with Shawn but they later transferred her to Spring Ridge. She was in jail for an abnormally long time considering she was onscreen the entire time. I think she ended up serving 7 months. She tried to kill Franco but brainwashed Dante got in the way and got stabbed with a syringe. The judge dismissed the attempted murder of Franco charge but she pled guilt to assault and battery of Dante.
  7. While I like Spencer and Trina together, I think she should dump him. He’s admitted that he thinks Esme is a good mother so he’s only choosing to stay there because he wants to be versus before when he thought Esme would ruin the baby. Ace spends all day in daycare so Spencer mostly spends time with him when Esme is around anyway. Her bf is actively choosing to cosplay Esme’s spouse/coparent instead of having his own life. Also, Spencer talking about his relationship with Nikolas is a complete rewrite. They were close before he chose to stay dead in 2016 but now, he’s saying Nikolas was never around.
  8. Sam/Dante’s place went through another remodel. It looks better than before but that set has gotten teeny tiny. It’s as hard for me to buy that the PH can comfortable house 2 adults and 3 (sometimes 4) kids as Anna’s place being a townhouse. I’ll never get why they didn’t move into a house because those kids should be just as on top of each other in that place as Maxie’s are in her apt.
  9. Felicia was applying to be a patient advocate. I worked as one right out of college and it didn’t require a social work degree. However, I’m not sure Felicia is qualified either because it did require several years of clinical hospital experience and a bachelors degree. I would think it’s pretty difficult to be a patient advocate without hospital experience considering you have to act as a liaison.
  10. Dex can’t pull off intimidating. There is absolutely no way I buy that the prisoner was threatened by him. Though to be fair, until Jason bulked up in the late 2000s, I thought the same thing about him. In the 90s, he still looked like a scrawny dork to me and the T-shirt and leather jacket wardrobe wasn’t doing the heavy lifting the show thought it was. Cyrus is the mystery boss and Austin knows Nik is alive. He’s the one who saved his life and is keeping it from Ava. The scab writers might have fixed this story that has been dragged out for eternity because this is the first day I’ve been mildly interested in Austin. However, another story that continues to drag and doesn’t seem like it’s getting fixed by the new writers is Drew being sent to prison because Nina is evil. Carly hopes whoever turned him is punished. After that joke of a “identity theft” case they pulled on Nina last year, I have no doubt that they’ll somehow make it illegal in PC to be a whistleblower if you don’t like the person who committed a crime and Drew will be simultaneously be pardoned since how dare someone turn him in for a crime he was 100% guilty of. I’m not really sure what to make of Felicia and her career change. Maybe they realized that they need more characters working at GH and Felicia going back to PI work would he redundant when you consider how many other characters are investigators or law enforcement. Does no one retire in PC? They’ve had multiple characters who are either close to or at retirement age who’ve gone into “second acts” the past few years. Robert, Alexis, now Felicia and I’m assuming Anna is next since she’s out of the WSB.
  11. I think Sam wore the leather dress that Trina currently has on earlier this summer, or a early similar one. I prefer it on Trina. It’s a very cute, gen z look that didn’t work on Sam
  12. Carly and Joss have really made their entire personalities looking for excuses to hold grudges and judge everyone. Carly hates Austin because he “conned” Chase? Yeah, pretty sure Chase was a lot more hurt that day when he realized that his wife and best friend slipped away from their kid’s bday to have sex.
  13. Was that what they were trying to do? I thought they were just at a loss as to what to do with him outside of Carly’s Jason stand in so they gave him those random scenes. If anything, they took what was a fairly well integrated character, who was heavily involved in scenes with his friends, family and business and made him someone who was all about Carly and propping her.
  14. Willow has been acting like Drew is her surrogate father after they had a total of like 2 convos. I don’t think I can blame Michael’s influence on that one because even after the recast and Drew banging his mom, Michael barely cares about Drew and mostly treated him like a coworker instead of his uncle. I never got how Willow and Drew got so close that she was asking him to walk her down the aisle based on what we saw and I find it creepy as hell, even if it’s only so she can act super betrayed that Nina turned him in.
  15. I know it’s an UO since most tend to base this around whether it’s someone they like but the last thing this show needs is to add more characters. The cast is beyond bloated and the show can barely write for 75% of their current characters on a good day because of it. I’m almost to the point where I wish that they would just cut every character that they aren’t interested in writing for even if some of my faves are included because I’m tired of SLs taking weeks to circle around again and 15-20 named characters in every episode.
  16. Is the Dex actor crazy behind on his mins? Why are we getting episode after episode of him being the world’s least inconspicuous spy?
  17. Finn has better chemistry with Alexis than Liz. Wonder why they never gave them a real shot at a pairing.
  18. I don’t think they put much thought into that SL beyond needing to stretch out the truth about Nina coming out. I never believed a SL centered around Ned would give him real POV. Sine I’ve never thought much of Ned/Olivia as a couple, him getting amnesia and forgetting her means to me since before this, she treated him like he was something she scraped off the bottom of her shoe. I’d rather the focus be on Ned with his kids or Tracy if I’m being honest because his scenes with them have been way more heartwarming versus another round of him trying to win over Olivia.
  19. They should have made the actress who plays the evil nanny nuMolly instead of who they cast. She’s a stronger actress who looks more the part and they decided to turn her into a bitch, which the other woman can clearly pull off as as well.
  20. I’m never going to stop clowning the show for suggesting that Carly can quickly make millions from a single small town diner. Of all the unbelievable things that have happened on this show, that has to be one of the worst. So is Bobbie a near billionaire because she’s owned that place for decades. Like it’s ok for characters to fall off their pedestal and become middle class. There’s no reason Carly has to live in what’s probably the 3rd largest home on the show (assuming the Q mansion and Wyndemere are bigger mansions) considering others who have way more money than her live in modest places
  21. Sam and Dante spent today recapping 3 other SLs that we just saw. They’re seriously struggling with giving them a purpose beyond talk tos and props. Hasn’t Valentin been lying to Anna about something or other since they hooked up? I recall that she forced Lucy into that Victor plan because she was trying to suss out what Valentin was doing with him so I’m not sure why she’s acting so betrayed that he’s not telling her what he’s up to now. I think their partnerships only work 1 way.
  22. Lol why is Molly selecting godparents when there isn’t even a damn baby yet? Also I guess it’s good that she didn’t grow up with Sam because she’d probably judge her for being trash too considering that she wasn’t any more educated or together than Kristina is in her 20s. She spent most of those years grifting and/or chasing after a guy.
  23. I’ve found Sasha’s SL gross from its inception. I’m also not rooting for Cody to be big hero. He’s gotten less annoying since his introduction with Britt but he’s a big part of the reason things with Sasha have gotten as bad as they have. He’s been hiding Gladys’ gambling problem and the obvious reason why she would want Sasha out of commission. He could have told Sonny months ago and he would have migrated Mrs. Wu’s threats and dealt with Gladys since he barely tolerates her to begin with and cares about Sasha.
  24. Sonny/Carly reuniting is inevitable. I’m meh about it. Sonny is watchable away from Carly but he’s far from my fav so I’ll let him take one for the team there because no guy has escaped being completely unlikable for me during the time he was paired with Carly so I’d rather they not give her a new character to ruin.
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