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Posts posted by swanpride

  1. Honestly, I am not sure what we are seeing...to this day I am not sure if Ruby actually aimed to hit her, or if she aimed for Mack und Elena just run into her path.


    I wondered about the Davis question, too, but then, he got badly hurt during the whole Aida thing, perhaps taking care of him involved a brain scan.

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  2. Hopefully Stacey Abrams good work will do its magic during the run-off in Georgia, too.

    Otherwise, yeah, I really enjoy this finale of "Big Brother: White House Edition" too. Can't wait to see the back of all those people. And I can't wait for a world in which Donald Trumps last Tweet is no longer the first news of the day.

    Granted, there was little in this show which had the "really? I didn't know that this Batshit crazy thing is happening in the US" effect, but for once I don't mind that he didn't dug deeper. Sometimes one just has to celebrate.

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  3. flamethrowers? Ooooookaaaaayyyy…...


    But frankly, I have a slight dislike for Halloween too, or, to be precise, Halloween in Germany. Because it kind of clashes with our own traditions and I just don't get why people can't leave the dressing up and bothering people for sweets for Carnival. I mean, nothing against watching Horrorfilms or even doing a halloweenparty (when there isn't a pandemic going on), but All Hallows Eves is considered more a day to remember the death in Germany, and I think one should respect this and leave people who want to do this in peace.

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  4. Somehow I thought that the Biden Laptop story was debunked as fake news and therefore none of the major outlet run it.....


    Anyway, that is so transparent another round of "but her e-mails", but this time there is not even a small camp fire, just a giant smoke machine.



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  5. Quote

    Is that the one where he actually got the wording wrong and ultimately said "I am a donut"? I just remember that routine from Eddie Izzard.

    No, that is the one which turns up in every history reel in Germany....

    Seriously, as others have pointed out, the idea that he got it wrong is an absolut myth. German is a complicated language, in which certain phrases can have different meanings, but context is everything. And in this special case, the "Berliner"  (to jelly donut) is called this way pretty much everywhere in Germany EXCEPT in Berlin itself, so there was no way to misunderstand it anyway. That the myth even exist is kind of insulting, because back then, the words meant a LOT for a war torn and split up Germany, which was on the naughty chair in the eyes of even its former allies.



    Every week more and more is added to what needs to be unfucked by the next administration. Sure we can refund WHO, get back in the Paris agreement but there is no way that in 2 years we can reverse everything to where the uninformed public can see the results. This will just open up another "tea party" situation in the midterms like 2010. I truly hope that isn't the case if Biden does win the presidency.

    Even if the US rejoins and refunds, the lost years will result in a lot of lost lifes down the line. Just think about it, if the WHO had been properly funded, they would have been less dependent on China's good will in which case they might have at least relayed the warnings from Taiwan which, if the world had listened to, might have lead to better preparation and therefore less victims.

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  6. I think what Aida mostly did was to shove Jemma out of the picture, but I don't think that she really touched any of the regrets of the others.

    The only thing I think is kind of odd about the Framework is the role of Daisy...if Aida was collecting Inhuman powers, then Daisy was right there, even pre-reveal. This would only make sense if Aida could only take the powers of Inhumans which died in real life for some reason.

  7. Yeah, that is the thing...they always mention his "tear down that wall speech" and me being German, I have a very different PoV on that speech, because it had absolute nothing to do with why that wall actually went down (and arguably, it was more a hinderance than a help). The Americans always go on and on about that speech, and for Germans the one speech which actually really means something is the "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech from Kennedy. We don't give a sh... about Reagan's theatrics.

    So what exactly was so great about the Reagan years? As far as I can tell his politics mostly planted bombs which went off in the years after (mainly 2008 and now).

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  8. I am now wondering what the story with the Brazilian Politician who had shoved money up his butt was about….

    Anyway the Town Hall was a fun watch, mostly because the moderator didn't allow Trump to get away with hedging or avoiding the question, and called him out with facts when he tried to lie (well, as much as this is possible without turning it into a fact checking show).


    Anyway, regarding the segment: There are actually honest concerns regarding the influence China has on the WHO, which predates Corona. For example, they basically accepted Chinese remedies, even though for most of them aren't scientifically proven. And during the crisis, they basically ignored warnings and data from Taiwan, due to the political BS John mentioned. So yes, there is a need to take a close look at the WHO. But naturally Trump isn't really interesting in improving it, he just wants a fall guy, and while there are points in the handling of the WHO of Corona which are questionable, their handling has been the hell better than Trump's.


    But I honestly didn't know that this is ANOTHER thing Reagan f... up. I am always stunned that he isn't listed under the worst presidents the US ever had - well, until I remember some of the presidents they had.


    I just imagine the US being responsible for international health….considering their track record (Spanish Flu, HIV, Corona) they are pretty much the LAST country I would trust with this.


    Wow...I didn't know that we are so close to getting rid of Polio...Go WHO!!!!!


    When John basically thought that nobody would care about visiting a sewage plant I had to grin, because it was indeed more or less a given in my primary school to visit the local "Wasserwerk", meaning the place where water is cleaned and turned into drinking water. The process of cleaning water is actually very interesting. If Danbury does this right, they actually might have a shot of turning that sewage plant into something educational.



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  9. @starri I know that Silverclaw is a minor and mostly forgotten character all things considered, but, well, so were the GotG, and everything about Silverclaw is perfect for Marvel: Badass name, an ability which is something new and very cinematic and with her whole cultural background she could offer up true representation for South-America.

  10. Mace was really neatly done...the writers new that the audience would hate no matter which outsider they made the new director...so they gave us permission to hate on him (since all our favourite characters did too), and when they got around, the audience was kind of brought around - and made to feels like heels when the actual motivations of Mace were revealed.

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  11. Tony giving his responsibilities to Peter makes completely sense to me. I mean, he is impressed by Peter when he tells him his motivation for being a hero, he tells him that he wants Peter to be better than him and than he is impressed again when Peter turns down the chance to be an Avenger. Tony is always obsessed about Legacy and I guess in his mind, Peter is part of his legacy...hence he is also his main motivation to participate in the time heist, even though he could be perfectly happy just spending time with Pepper and Morgan.

    And in my head canon they had more contact between movies anyway.

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  12. Not sure I follow you...do you think that his character don't match up? Keep in mind that 1. his father was different AND lived longer and 2. what we see in the flashback is a teen grieving for his father, not a young man.


    It is kind of the point of season 7 that different decisions have different outcomes, hence you can't judge people on things they haven't even done yet.

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