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Posts posted by swanpride

  1. When Trump was asked if he is a good loser, my first thought was "He is known for cheating at golf. What do you think?" I mean, that alone tells you everything about Trump and losing right? He can't stand it, and he isn't worried about cheating to win.


    I'm glad that John doesn't allow himself to get distracted by the whole "Trump has Corona" nonsense and kept it to a close segment. Hopefully he will keep it that way. Life is too short to speculate about Trump's health.

    • Love 6
  2. ...really depends on how you are raised. My mother was always intend on me not eating things which were overly sweet (not that I didn't get sweets at all, but never anything which was pure sugar), so on the few occasions I encountered something like this, I didn't like it, exactly because it was so sweet. Still don't, btw.

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  3. Well, I never tasted the pumpkin spice one, so who knows, maybe it is great. And I at least get the appeal of something you only get in season...god knows that I'll buy a package of Lebkuchen from Aldi every year, just like I am excited when I discover that they have their white chocolate with passion fruit filling (which happens soooo rarely). But those Peeps, they are already looking nasty, and I bet they taste like pure suggar.

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  4. Ward is still alive because in this reality, he encountered Hand first and not Garreth. Daisy still goes by Skye because  for one, Coulson is a teacher hence he never recruited her and two if Katja had exposed the existence of Inhumans early on, there is no reason for her to ever seek out information about obelisks or strange signs. And Trip is still alive because he never went into a strange alien place with Daisy. On the other hand Lincoln still died (he is really unlucky in every reality...maybe he has a better fate in the Ward one), because the Inhumans were rounded up and Hydra experimented on him.

  5. I am pretty sure most of the tactical guys were on the plane....if I remember correctly there were scenes suggesting that the core team just "happens" to be the part of the agency which is still awake and able to fight.


    Also, those tactical shield agents are supposed to be newbies, too, they haven't been at Shield much longer than Lincoln. Coulson is lacking people with experience all around, hence Mack being turned into a field agent, because at least he has some experience.

  6. @Gothish520 The cats are cute (thought the colour weirds me out a little bit). The others are kind of weirdly shaped. And that green….reminds me of the time when a Supermarket in Orlando traumatized me with rainbow coloured toast. Everything about those things look through and through artificial and disgusting.

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  7. I know, it's maybe naive to ask, but can't the democrats pack the court and THEN do reforms which will ensure that all the manipulations the Republicans do won't work in the future. They might even been able to then push for term limits for the judges, or introduce legislation which will stop others to pack the court in the future? Granted, they would need a majority in the house AND the Senat to do this.

    • Love 5
  8. I always assumed that Weaver got back teaching, so her not being around isn't that big of a deal for me. People come and go after all (we never got to see Agent Akela again either after all), but there are a few people which seemed to have been a set up for something which never happened or which just vanished without explanation. And that is odd considering that Shield was so good in picking up plot points you wouldn't expect them to remember.

  9. Vijay Nadeer is the ONE lose plot line which annoys me. There were ample time to address him in season 6, and I don't get why they never did. Even if they couldn't get the actor again, he could have turned into pretty much anything, making a recast easy.

    There are a few other plot points which were just dropped, like what happened to Agent Blake or Agent Calderon, but those aren't as annoying as this one.

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  10. I always assumed that those jump points weren't "set up" but basically naturally occurring "folds" in space, but even if they were, it would be a huge advantage for everyone to be not forced to rely on those jump points and being able to travel from one point to the next however they wanted. And the Skrull basically wanted to a place which would be unreachable for the Kree, the only way to get one of those would be to find one which is not reachable by jump point.

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