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Posts posted by swanpride

  1. I was actually referring to both. Well, Chloe for the singing, Enver for both. I am pretty sure that Ming-Na Wen is at least a good dancer, she must be in order to do all those fight moves. and the one tango scene she had with Gregg wasn't quite as shabby as most of them are. And apparently Jeff Ward can at least hold a tune.


    Oh, they had a few more experimental episodes, but they mostly played with narrative structures. Ie T.R.A.C.K.S, in which they kept telling the same events but from different perspectives until the audience gets the whole pictures. But they never went quite as much out there as they could have.



  2. Yeah, there are basically three kind of episodes which I would have loved to see, but AoS never did. One if the "minor agent" episode. One would be the "outside perspective" episode (it would have been great to see the team from the perspective of a couple of normal people who get drawn into the craziness). Third is the musical episode (which I only desired in the end, because at that point they had so many great singer and dancer in the cast).

  3. I think the issue with Lincoln was that he was originally mostly an exposition machine. The first episode in which he has to say "I thought you know" all the time is REALLY awkward. And later on he was mostly there to explain Inhuman history. They only started to flesh him out when Hellfire showed up, at which point he became a little bit more interesting, but his alcoholic backstory didn't really fit the "young doctor/Sunny boy" persona from beforehand. Suddenly we were supposed to believe that Lincoln has a dangerous temper when nothing pointed in the direction beforehand.


    So I would say it was the writing, not the actor.

    • Love 1
  4. Nah, the issue was a change in leadership at the ABC...and that new leadership didn't think that more Superhero shows were a good idea, hence Agent Carter got axed (to be fair, the numbers for the second season weren't good at all) and a lot of projects never came to pass. Word was that AoS itself escaped the carnage mostly because some higher up at Disney itself liked the show.

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  5. I don't think that they knew that Fury had chose Coulson...they just knew that Coulson had this toolbox. And they wanted the secrets in it and (rightly) thought that Coulson wouldn't share easily. And I guess the whole issue they had what the fact that Coulson died and was revived.

  6. I actually think what Gonzales did was stupid and unforgivable. Because he focussed so much on Coulson, a lot of Agents died. Coulson didn't have the means to reach them in time, while Gonzales did. Kara alone is an example for this. That Bobby revealed her safe house, okay, that was a decision she made to protect other agents, but Coulson could have reached her in time if he had access to Gonzales resources.

    The way to hell is paved with good intentions.

    • Love 3
  7. Not the entire first season...until Fitz tried to make a move on Daisy and Daisy basically told him that he is clearly into Jemma...at which point I guess his perspective on Simmons changed. Sometimes the most obvious thing is directly in front of you.

    What I liked about the dramatic "I love you moment" was that the show itself made clear that just because Fitz risked his life for Simmons and sacrificed his health, Simmons was not obliged to love him back. That she eventually did was more about all of his qualities, not just about his devotion to her.

    • Love 3
  8. Yeah, that is basically why I was okay with May and Coulson as a couple...while I would have been perfectly happy with them just staying friends, two people who went through so much together bonding late in life kind of makes sense, and they were never sold as star crossed lovers, just two people who had "a" deep relationship, but May could have been just as happy with Andrew and Coulson could have been just as happy with his Cellist or Rosalind. It just wasn't the cards for either of them.

    Fitzsimmons mostly worked because all the hurdles to their relationship came from the outside. What stopped them from being together was never the usual BS writers use to drag romances out, or something which could have been cleared up in a five minute talk, but simply circumstances. And honestly, can you imagine either of them being with someone who isn't able to follow their train of thought? Not trying to be arrogant, but a relationship with someone who isn't on your intellectual level just doesn't work out in the long run. You'll end up bored pretty fast.

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  9. I had the problem more with May and Coulson, but at the end of the day, I am okay with it. A big plus of AoS was always that they wrote relationships, not "romances"....and somehow what they did ended up ten times as romantic as the standard romance. Fitzsimmons vows are the best!

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  10. Pryanka wasn't like Silky at all. Silky was delusional about the level of her talents, Pryanka knows exactly where her weaknesses are and never defended a bad performance of her. Also, I don't think that most of the queens really "needed" that win, a lot of them were apparently already well-known beforehand. The younger ones, like Lemon, might be the exception, but they got the exposure they needed.

    • Love 4
  11. Hate is maybe slightly overstating it...the thing with Skye was that the writers tried a little bit too hard to make the audience like her. Once they allowed her to do awesome things instead of having Coulson talking about how awesome she is, the audience fell in love with her pretty fast.

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  12. The finale looks were great! The ones which really stuck out to me were Lemon's (because she really stayed on brand there), and Boa, because it was nice to see her in something other than a leotard, even if it was essentially a leotard extended to a long skirt. I mean, this silhouette suits her, but she should be a little bit more brave with her looks.

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