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Posts posted by swanpride

  1. Okay, I already mentioned it elsewhere, but a huge disappointment for me was them basically skipping over the end of the cold war. It was such an important event, I really can't imagine that the royals didn't even discuss it or had no feeling about it. In addition, there was also Thatchers role in it...or lack of role. I mean, she basically acted as if she didn't like the notion of it ending at all. Exploring her role in it and her view on it might have been a better explanation for the various problems her policies caused other than "she always says Nononono to Europe".


    A surprise to me was the inclusion of Andrew dismissing the morally questionable aspect of a movie about older men "educating" a 17 year old in sexual aspects. I wasn't sure if they would allude to the scandal at all, and I certainly didn't expect it happening that early.

    Speaking of Andrew, it's also a little bit strange how they skipped over Fergie pretty much completely.

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  2. Quote

    Off to google Fagan - they made it seem like he had such a calm, lovely chat with her

    Yeah, the chat is made up according to Fagan himself. Apparently he went the first one drank the wine, waiting for someone to come and arrest him. The second time the Queen and a maid basically redirected him to a pantry by offering him cigarettes. I guess the break ins were some sort of call for help, but it doesn't sound like he wanted to speak with the queen. He just wanted the attention.

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  3. Really? Sometimes life is too strange for fiction…..I mean, I was pretty sure that something like the lunch happened, but the name of the Restaurant sounds so strange to me.

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  4. My mother is obsessed with treating us all fairly too, because in her case, her brother was always the fav. The dynamic was quite similar to what was shown in the show with the Thatcher family. Like, my grandmother literally send my uncle money all the time and then my mother had to pay the heating costs for her. And yes, my uncle became an egoistic a-hole too, and yes, it was my mother who did all the caring, just like it happened in the Thatcher family.



    I used to think Peter Morgan was too enamored of the royal family and the queen in particular, but this season he's really pulling no punches. Now I'm wondering if he's a small-r republican. The royal family is a toxic mess and they really embody the phrase "hurt people hurt people." And they just keep repeating the cycle

    Sometimes I am not sure if we are actually meant to empathize with them or meant to think "what a bunch of shit heads", but there is at least some level of honesty intermixed in it.

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  5. Quote

    You have a point because I found it downright jarring that they chose to depict her ironing a shirt.  That seemed entirely out-of-character given her personalty and, quite frankly, her social status.  (Surely she had hired help that took care of her domestic chores.)

    I didn't mind that, since it underlined that she actually believed in the role of the women...she just thought that she was strong enough to do the job of a man on top of it.


    True, but she had zero women. 

    And she pretty much choose to keep it that way. As others pointed out around this time other countries which had MALE leaders already had women in some political positions. Granted, usually related to "Family" or any offices which are considered as "soft" (and which are habitually given to women nowadays btw), but this through and through male cabinet of Thatcher was kind of unusual during that time. I mean, while she was PM, Norway way lead by Gro Harlem Brundtland, who paved the way for a LOT of women. And during the era Kohl the number of female ministers rose from one to three (one of them being naturally Angela Merkel).

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  6. To a degree, yes, but Thatcher could have helped to lift up a few women in the party, and she never did. And when I say "lift up" I don't necessarily mean the position of a minister. She was in power for eleven years, a lot of time to make at least some small changes. But that was never her in her interest, she cared more about her big plan, and about keeping her donors happy.

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  7. Quote

    Did Margaret Thatcher REALLY say that about women?  That they (we) are emotional?   I wasn't even born (my mom was still pregnant with me at the time) when she became PM?

    Not sure if she said that, but it sums up her attitude pretty much. Frankly, Imho there has never been a female Prime minister, not really. Because being female isn't just about gender, it is also about a certain attitude. Thatcher acted like a man (and a pretty macho man) to get where she was, and she had no time to even touch the system. I guess she thought that women's right were a waste of time because women just could lift themselves to the top if they just wanted to, because she managed to do it.

    I always wondered if she would ever be ready to admit that her version of a better Britain was a complete failure if she saw the results today. But I guess she just would blame others for being "too weak".

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  8. Well, her attitude at the games is apparently pretty much in line with who she was. Thatcher was sneering at pretty much everyone, and she was very "english", in the worst sense of the word. Frankly, this attitude towards Scottland is pretty common in Westminster.


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  9. Honestly, it was a little bit over the top for me...menage a trois? Please. Honestly, if that really happened I can't imagine the Diana would have went through with the wedding.

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  10. Yeah, it is kind of strange that Anne is present pretty much all the time, but there is nothing really about her outside of two or three scenes. She is just there to provide commentary.

    • Love 23
  11. I was a little bit disappointed that there was at no point ANY discussion about the political backgrounds of the event. It seemed to gloss over all the events which actually lead to the explosive situation in the first place.

    • Love 18
  12. So far this season has mostly managed to make me dislike the characters more and more and more….if I hear one more time how thankful the land supposedly has to be, I'll consider the writers completely delusional (which they most likely are). But this episode was pretty interesting...not that I was surprised abut the "result" of the question. I was surprised about the whole "movie about older gentlemen having sex with underage girls" thing. I didn't expect that they would even go there, I was convinced that they would try to completely sidestep the whole issue.

    Is it bad that I was actually confused for a moment when they mentioned four children? I completely forgot about Edward.

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