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Posts posted by swanpride

  1. My sister is fairly obsessed with the royals...like, she watched the whole damn wedding much to my annoyance (since we were sharing a TV). And she also watched some sort of made for TV crap called "The love story of Charles and Diana" (yes, really), which was basically the fairy tale the public believed in back then. There are basically two things I remember from it: The whole story with Diana's skirt, and a scene in which some old lady assured Diana that she never believed the "story with the train" (apparently the press wrote something about a tryst Diana and Charles supposedly had on a train???). Back then I didn't understand what the fuss was even about, but in hindsight the whole point of the stupid movie was to point out how "pure" Diana supposedly was.  

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  2. Well, I can now firmly say that I can't just get behind the current actor for Phillip. The first one, he pulled off the "prince" perfectly. But the current one...I don't even think it is his acting, it's his looks. He always comes off like a small time criminal to me.

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  3. Dunno...Camilla is mostly portrayed as the realistic of those two. It's not really that she doesn't have any feelings for Charles, its more that she knows that part of her appeal is exactly the whole affair situation Charles might have gotten tired of her faster if she hadn't been the forbidden fruit.

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  4. The joke was somewhat uncomfortable because rape isn't a laughing matter, but I admit that I kind of snorted over the punchline nevertheless. But it is beyond me how so many people were laughing beforehand about the raping part.

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  5. I mean, if a mother wants to do it, okay, but if she doesn't want to do it, nobody should complain about having to wait a little bit longer. We are no longer in the middle ages, where it was common to witness the coupling of the newly wed, or at Versaille, where it was apparently a Honor to watch the king taking a sh...

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  6. I wouldn't completely trust what Diana said over her marriage. Memories change over time, and Diana always loved to be dramatic. That was part of her appeal.

    I also have a hard time to believe that she did something to harm her baby during the pregnancy. She might have send signals that she needed help, but I don't see her throwing herself down the stairs.

    But it is certainly true that Charles was jealous of the attention she got from the public.

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  7. In a slight defence of this incident, this guy apparently always uses ape pictures and supposedly didn't consider the implication to use one in connection to a bi-racial child. That might be even true, but just because something isn't intended, it doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't racist. Racism is rarely someone calling someone else a "n-word", often it is more subtle and baked in the system.

    Just within in a year, there were headline commenting on Meghan's "exotic DNA" and how she was "(almost) straight outta Compton", even though there is no relation between her and Compton outside her skin colour. Then there was the double standard, like Kate "cradling her baby bump" but when Meghan did it, it was suddenly "pride" and "vanity". William gifting Kate avocados was a praised gesture, but Meghan eating one was suddenly her dismissing "human rights abuses and droughts". It's f... avocado for gods sake.

    And it wasn't just the tabloids either...ie one of their (extended) relatives wore a f... blackamoor brooch when she met Meghan the first time.

    But I think the worst in it were all the people who just dismissed what was going on as "normal" because supposedly the UK is oh so tolerant. This belief actually created a pretty unique form of racism….this is a pretty good video about the topic:



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  8. Honestly, I felt like the episode missed a beat there...they should have Charles joining Diana and the children in the pool after staring wistfully at them, showing them to have a fun time together and THEN have the awkward moment with the gift exchange. I think it would have been more impactful if there had been a moment of connection over the children followed by the realisation that they are simply to different to truly make each other happy.

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  9. Aren't the currently developing a TV show for Netflix? And isn't Meghan supposed to do voice work? Sure, their opportunities are currently limited, but it's not if they completely vanished. If not for the need to pay for security, they would have no problems at all.

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  10. For reference, is that meant to be per year or per month and what is the average income in the UK?

    In Germany our Chancellor gets 18.820 EUR per month, meaning something around 225.000 a year and if you add diverse perks, it's something around 290.000 EUR per year. Naturally she has to pay taxes and social contribution, but doesn't have to pay into the unemployment insurance or the pension fond.

    The average income in Germany is 3.379,25 EUR per month  (40.551 EUR for the year), so that salary is a lot of money, but way less than a top manager earns.

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  11. Lol...and here I was taught as a child in Germany, that I should never say "Was?" ("What?") but should always say something along the line of "Bitte?" (Excuse me? or Beg your pardon basically), because saying "Was" is impolite and rude.

    Thanks for the explanation, the scene really didn't translate well. Or maybe it did, since I took it as Margaret telling Thatcher that she has to be more rude to act like a noble....

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  12. The notion of snatching the child away at all is disgusting. There is no sign that they are bad parents (quite the opposite if they put their son over the stupid press demands), so why should you rejoice over the notion that someone might take the child away? I mean...really?????


    The taps are also very dishonest with their "clickbait". In the one I have to pick up for my mother weekly was a "Violence in the horror house" regarding Meghan and Harry (who are really in it pretty much every week). I was curious what they were referring to, so I skimmed the article...the "news" was that they were living in a house were at one point someone got killed or something like this. But the title was worded in a way that you would think that they are abusive towards each other.

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  13. Quote

    As a former smoker, I will say that Margaret was going through 60 cigarettes a day and not smoking the whole cigarette.   Its difficult to smoke that many a day.  Most likely she lit one, took a puff or two, then forgot.  Then she lights up another one 20 minutes later.  Her rooms would have multiple ashtrays strewn about for her convenience.   I would hate to be her maids.  They would have been the ones who had to put out the randomly burning cigarettes as they cleaned, and based on what I have read about Margaret, she would not take kindly to overflowing ashtrays. 

    It's possible if you have little else to do. I know for a fact that two package is daily for someone with a job which hinders smoking non-stop, so it should be possible to do three packages if you don't have any restrictions.

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  14. Honestly, the whole "bathing time" thing was completely stupid. She didn't know what to do? Well, there is someone there who can show you what to do. Every mother bathes her baby for the first time eventually, it's not rocket science.

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  15. Quote

    Besides that Harry and his son are in line to the throne, at the time Harry and Meghan were senior working royals and they lived on the tax-payers money. It's not too much to give the people a couple pictures. They made a gross mistake. 

    That they are so called "working royals" means that they have turn up at their charities or whatever. It doesn't give the public the right of pictures shortly after birth. And isn't it a good thing that the Christening was a small affair? No reason to spend a lot of money again.




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  16. I have to add, that I actually had completely forgotten about Beatrice and Eugenie and the only reason they turned up on my radar again were the ridiculous hats they wore at the wedding. Maybe not the best way to get attention. But considering their parents its maybe no surprise that their taste level isn't the best. They really lack class. I don't feel any ill will towards them and hope that they are happy, but I really don't care about them at all. They are simply irrelevant since they are too far removed from the throne - even more so than Charles Siblings. I mean they are what, number 9 and number 10 or something like that? Unless there is tomorrow an accident which kills off half of the family, they are just two nobles with too much money and no merits of their own. Which, frankly, kind of offends me, since they had every opportunity to become more than that.


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  17. Quote

    How about using private jets when warning of climate change?

    How do you intend to provide adequate security on a regular plane? Not that I ever got the obsession with telling people who actually want to do something about climate change to insane standards as if it would in any way ruin their point just because they use a plastic cup or whatever.

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  18. I don't think that this season strayed further from history than previous ones. I get the feeling that people are more upset about the fact that the show has stopped to be a never-ending praise for those who wear the crown and excuse for questionable behaviour by the royals and started to show them as the monsters they often are.

    Remember, last season they were all trying to make us feel for poor abused and misunderstood Charles. Too bad though that this isn't an excuse for his behaviour as an adult. It's an explanation, but not an excuse.

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  19. Back to history in general, I was a little bit confused how Thatcher's relationship to the EU was portrayed. I mean, yes, the Brits always said "no" and wanted opt outs, but Thatcher also spearheaded the campaign to be part of the EU in the first place, and she was one of the architect of the single market, for the better or the worse (most likely the worse - nothing against the single market, but I would have preferred a strong social economic underpinning for it). This might bite them in b... later when they actually reach Brexit (which, I guess, is something they have to address eventually, and that is NOT an event they can just skip, especially not the whole blue hat incident).

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  20. Well, young Diana did, but the Diana which is most remembered had lost all her baby fat through age and bulimia already. The actress works mostly because she has the right eyes, and she manages to copy the typical Diana look.

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