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Everything posted by swanpride

  1. Wasn't there also drama because Meghan wanted to decide who would be present at birth? I mean, how shocking a women who actually doesn't want people she feels uncomfortable with around while going through a really, really painful ordeal. The thing is, nothing Meghan ever did or wanted was in any way unreasonable. But the tabloids made a huge fuss around all of it. They bullied her, plain and simple, and then they were shocked when she didn't break down but decided to remove herself as much as possible from the situation. Bravo, I say. Never liked her more than when they showed those who thought that they owned her now the middle finger.
  2. Here is the thing: As controversial as Meghan was in certain circles, a lot of people positively loved her. William and Kate are reliable, but they are not particularly flashy, and there is zero risk that Kate would ever outshine William. Harry and Meghan on the other hand, they are glamorous and people love that. There are even people who love the fact that they left in the first place, in a "well, at least they had the spine to do that and isn't it romantic that Harry would do this to keep Meghan happy" way. Problem is that the tabloids still haven't stopped reporting about her. They are basically waiting for this marriage to break apart, and if it doesn't, it would in a way the perfect middle finger. If Harry and Maghan are actually happy with each other out of passion, that could be the next big love story. Plus, despite what the show claims, Harry is the grandson of the Queen. I would be really surprised if she doesn't care for him. How sick you get from Covid is only partly related to how healthy you are, most likely it is mostly related to how big the initial "load" of the virus is which infects you, and how fast it manages to reach your lungs. A lot of athletes actually got hit pretty badly, most likely because they got infected while training (hence they deeper breath made it easy for Covid). In any case, Charles has little interest in the throne and he should know that the public likes William better than him. The Queen will never cut him out, but it is possible that he will say on his own that he steps aside in favour of William, even if he does outlive his mother (and it is strange that this is even a question). They might have even planned exactly that when they discussed the possibility of marrying Camilla.
  3. Frankly, I take the royal family, but as a non-working member. This way I am rich and can go to fancy events once in a while but I am free to do what I want otherwise.
  4. I disagree...I actually think that the actress looks better than Diana, whose only truly beautiful feature were her eyes. Diana had the typical englisch nose and her chin was fairly big (though not as big as Camilla). If you just go by looks, I wouldn't have called her a beauty, what she mostly had was charisma.
  5. Thatcher did more than just "not liking it", she tried to sabotage it. But that was an issue on which she was outsmarted. She went into the battle thinking that she might have to hold off the US (since Bush really liked the idea) but would have Russia and France on her side. But then Germany (which had a really great foreign minister back then - Genscher really deserves more credit for all the work he did) went and first got France on its side (most likely by agreeing to the Euro, nothing official though) and then to Russia and basically bought Germany back. After that Thatcher had no choice but to agree, and she didn't even get anything out of the agreement. The whole thing must have been one of the biggest losses in her political career, especially since she despised the Germans - and not just because of the war. Ideologically, it must have been difficult for her to deal with conservatives who insisted on sticking to manufacturing and social aspects for their economic model.
  6. Well, I think if they really wanted to, something could be arranged. I think the point here is more that it would really look bad if the royals wouldn't follow at least somewhat the same rules set for the country...even though they managed to get infected, too.
  7. Most parents would never admit that they have a favourite, even if they have one. And a lot of children have a favourite parent, even if they would never admit it. This dynamic can be quite toxic, but it doesn't have to be.
  8. I think what did the trick was the scene at the Falklands, because it showed how ridiculous the whole thing truly was.
  9. Plus, not every bit of racism is obvious...you can just compare how the pregnancies of Kate and Meghan were covered. You had basically the same picture of one of them having the hand on their baby bump, but in Kate the title was something along the line how tenderly she was stroking it, at in Meghan's case it was suddenly "why is she touching it all the time". They were positively vicious to her. I don't even read those kind of tabloid (though currently I see more of them than usual due to going shopping for my mother), but even I noticed how vicious the reporting are. I didn't even like Meghan Markle (quite unfairly, because who I actually didn't like was her character in suits and not really her, and yes I know that this is idiotic), but they basically slaughtered her. And yes, you can accuse her and Harry of wanting the title for their own means, but it is also likely that they tried and figured out pretty fast that this wouldn't work. You just can't constantly stick someone into an abusive relationship. Not that the press has stopped reporting about her, but at least she now can do public appearances on her terms.
  10. I thought the episode was boring. I mean, the plus is that it was actually about some history I didn't know about, so kudos to that. But for one, I was already over Magaret's constant self-pity last season, and two, the whole episodes just played out very uneven.
  11. Frankly, I don't think that it would have mattered how long Harry and Meghan waited. It wouldn't have changed anything about the racism she faced, or the fact that she is at the end of the day a reasonably successful actress who certainly wants to play more than one role in life. We don't even know if they discussed possible venues to break out of the royal family business before the Marriage. I mean, Harry isn't stupid. His brother has multiple children, who eventually will also have children, and with every birth he himself moves further in the back or the line. At the same time it is kind of questionable if the monarchy will actually survive Elizabeth dying. People, even those who want to get rid of the royals, respect her too much to make a move now. Only five years ago my bet would have been that Williams popularity would be enough to hold the UK, but not the commonwealth states, which all seem to be itching for independence. And now there is a real possibility that the UK won't survive that long either. Getting out of the country and setting up an alternative future might be the smartest move now. And who knows if all the reports about the supposed unhappiness of Harry are even true. There is no substance to them at all.
  12. I don't think that Anna actually had that much to do with Diana in real life. Back then she lived elsewhere and had her own children to take care of.
  13. Camilla was hardly the first nor the last who "got away". I guess the two simply liked each other. They had similar interests after all. And, well, as others not so delicately pointed out, Camilla isn't exactly a beauty. She was nice enough looking in younger years, but unlike most women she didn't age well. If you are trapped in a marriage with a man who constantly cheats on you, but there is another man who basically considers you his "Juliet"...and I guess for Charles, who apparently hated to get overshadowed by Diana, Camilla was desirable exactly because there was no danger at all that she would get that level of adoration.
  14. Considering how often Elizabeth's dedication to the country is mentioned, I don't think so. But the fact is the moment you look deeper into those people, they are a bunch of rich a-holes whose "worth" in supporting charity might not make up for what they actually cost the country.
  15. Oh please...that article was written two days after she died. I would take it with a HUGE grain of salt. In death even the most despicable actions are often given a positive twist.
  16. It's just so odd because the show constantly shows the Queen having a meal with her mother, her sister and Anne. Granted, if Anne weren't there I would just assume that married women simply are expected to have and stay in their own households, but since Anne is married and nevertheless around all the time, it is kind of odd that Diana has next to no contact with anyone from the family outside of Balmoral.
  17. Thatcher spoke very deliberately...that was partly because her voice was originally pretty shrill. She actually trained herself to speak with a deeper voice.
  18. Strangely I was thinking more in the direction of "hopefully that isn't her favourite dress". Because those needle holes can really ruin a great garment.
  19. The gifts were still self-indulgent. They were about HER having a moment on stage, not about giving Charles something he would enjoy. Not that Charles gift was in any way better. The only positive thing I have to say about Diana's gift is that they required a little bit more effort than just picking up a book, but sadly all the effort mostly went into fulfilling one of her own fantasies. Basically if the gifts had been switched (if Diana had gifted Charles a rare book about history or plants or whatever and he had gifted her a stage appearance or an evening together at a musical or something like this) they would be both happy.
  20. Mmm...according to the Wikipedia page he should already be retired at this point...oh well, who cares.
  21. Remember, this is how the show portrays it. How it was in real life is difficult to say. And like I said, he deserves the lion share of the blame. But I am not a fan of removing all responsibility from Diana completely. She is just another example of someone who wants to become something without ever considering what it actually means to BE that.
  22. Well, the show suggests that it wasn't really accidental, too. Diana certainly wanted the attention of Charles. But I guess she married the guy in her head, not the real Charles. Diana certainly wasn't completely faultless regarding the situation, but she was the younger one, which is why Charles usually gets most of the blame, since he is the one who should have known better.
  23. What confuses me a little bit...why exactly couldn't Diana live with the other royals and have meals with them? Regarding the real live dancing: Charles is actually not that bad of a dancer, minus his posture, if nothing else he is pretty good in leading the lady. The main problem in this awkward dance is Diana, because her legs are too stiff. A big part of dancing is to go into your knee and to use your feet to go up and down.
  24. But not unusual back in the day, sadly.
  25. Honestly, in a weird way I enjoy it more now that all characters are portrayed like a-holes. It feels more honest than beforehand. My biggest joy this season was hating on Thatcher.
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