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Everything posted by Taryn74

  1. Oh wow, totally did not expect that to be it, heh. Okay, I will do another person! These are fun.
  2. Honestly, I don't even remember what episode it's from! I made a paltry attempt to find it but gave up. I just remember the hotness of it, heh.
  3. Wild guess - Christiane Amanpour?
  4. I LOVE Luke's ruffling-the-hair hugs. They look so genuine and affectionate. Like others, Jess and Rory's "kid code" kiss was my favorite, followed closely by their "you two were like shrapnel" kiss in Luke's apartment. I just love the awkwardness. Hee. As much as I love the intensity of L/L's first kiss at the Dragonfly, I think my favorite is when they were in the limo on the way back from NY. STEAMING HOT. Lane and Zach's first date, when Brian comes home and sits down in between them, is awesome. I know it's L/C, but I really love Chris setting up the drive-in movie for Lorelai.
  5. Has Rory taken to the waters in a stolen yacht? Is anyone on the show friends/acquaintances with this person?
  6. Christopher Returns, Help Wanted, AA
  7. Lorelai's generation? Does she interact with any of the Gilmores?
  8. Before I keep guessing other people, LOL, is there anyone else in the scene?
  9. Sorry, I knew it but for some reason didn't respond LOL. It's from B&B, when Luke is telling Lorelai about his marriage-not-marriage-impending-divorce-whatever.
  10. Okay now how did you do that?!? LOL!!!! You're right on!
  11. Three sentences! Woo! Person 1. Male 2. A little bit older than Lorelai, but probably still considered her generation 3. Not seen in more than one episode 4. Not seen in SH 5. Did not interact with a Gilmore 6. Seen interacting with someone from the credits 7. Not seen in the Gilmore mansion TL: Seen during the Plaid Seen after termites got the munchies (2.12 - 3.22) Lane's hair has not been any color other than the one she was born with (2.12 - 3.04)
  12. Person 1. Male 2. A little bit older than Lorelai, but probably still considered her generation 3. Not seen in more than one episode 4. Not seen in SH 5. Did not interact with a Gilmore TL: Seen during the Plaid Seen after termites got the munchies (2.12 - 3.22)
  13. Person 1. Male 2. A little bit older than Lorelai, but probably still considered her generation 3. Not seen in more than one episode 4. Not seen in SH TL: Seen during the Plaid
  14. Right? The whole list had me shaking my head for sure.
  15. Person 1. Male 2. A little bit older than Lorelai, but probably still considered her generation 3. Not seen in more than one episode
  16. SO, SO true! I actually laughed out loud when I saw Mitchum at the top of the list. Whatever, buzzfeed.
  17. Oh, I'm glad that was it, because otherwise I had no idea! LOL. OK I'll do a person.
  18. I cannot remember the episode, but is it the scene where both of them wind up at the Harvard table at the college fair?
  19. Ooh, does it take place in the cafeteria?
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