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Everything posted by Taryn74

  1. HA! "I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?" Five favorites: Pilot (because it's just so endearing) Beyond the Sea (phenomenal episode, I always forget it's from S1 because it's so solid) Ice (I don't love it as much as some people, but it is a good solid ep) Deep Throat (I appreciate this one more every time I rewatch the series, Scully is so naively determined to do a good job and see justice prevail) Roland (I developed an odd love for this one while recapping it) Five least favorites: Space (the boredom, good golly the boredom!) Ghost in the Machine Genderbender Lazarus Shapes
  2. Managed to sit down with Rory's Birthday Parties today. This is such a good ep. Lorelai and Emily actually trying, plenty of humor, just enough of the townies....it's all great. I hadn't really noticed during my rewatches before, but right now they are really pushing the point that Luke and Lorelai hadn't been all that close before now. It sounded like this was the first time Luke had been invited to one of Rory's parties. I still don't hate Dean yet, but I feel the twinges starting. Rory was SO CUTE when he came into the diner though, all shy and blushy. I love BabyFace Rory. Sookie is the perfect best friend. She really knows what to say in every situation, you know? She's just so great. I don't remember who said it or what thread it was in, but Lorelai's fancy party dress really was hideous. The top of it was pretty, but the bottom just looked like someone had thrown random bits of fabric together in the vague shape of a skirt. Tristan was so funny. "Wow, meeting your mom. It's a bit sudden, but okay." He handled himself well being introduced to Richard, too. I know that kind of thing doesn't impress the Gilmore girls, heh, but it does me. The caterer behind Emily during her fight with Lorelai makes me laugh. She was obviously eavesdropping (not that they were being at all quiet) but was trying not to noticeably react. I don't think that Rory would have hated the gifts that Emily was picking out - well, maybe that blue hat. But I could see her wearing a sweater set, pearls, liking the fancy pen. Sometimes I think Lorelai didn't know Rory as well as she assumed she did. But maybe that was the point the final scene (with Dean giving her the bracelet) was supposed to imply. "I....am an autumn." Richard is so great.
  3. WoQM. "You were lying earlier." How much pain could have been avoided if Lorelai had just said, "Yes, I was. I'm sorry. I didn't want it to become a big deal because it wasn't a big deal, but here's what happened....." Sigh.
  4. Driving Miss Gilmore - because even though it didn't work out, I love that Richard and Emily tried so hard to find a way to buy Lorelai a bigger house in SH Go Bulldogs - because lulu mentioned funny Luke stuff, so I went and skimmed the transcript and this is the one where Luke threatens Kirk over breaking up with (his) Lulu
  5. Aww, Lorelai's Graduation Day. I literally cannot stop laughing at this one.
  6. Ballrooms and Biscotti. I was totally going to do that one at some point, btw. Love it! Today's theme - Emily at her finest!
  7. I haven't had time to even think about watching these yet, so sorry!!! I'm getting my Jamberry sales going and Dana's had two volleyball practices a day and Nathan one football practice a day, and it's just been nuts.
  8. Oh I agree. At this point, I'm trying to remember which of these eps had at least a moment or two in them that either I enjoyed, or at least I could see something good in it, to vote for. Because we can throw all of these in the trash and I wouldn't care LOL.
  9. I know, and Lorelai is so amused by her whining LOL.
  10. Slipping and The Great Stink, I guess. I really don't remember much about that one other than it had to do with pickles.
  11. Is it at a place of business? Plaid years?
  12. Oh wow, I had no idea. That makes sense. And yes, Kirk would have been happy to make a couple of bucks by printing a shirt in the middle of the night. Heh.
  13. Are they at Uncle Louie's wake?
  14. Is somebody yelling Stop the Noodle Scooz?
  15. Poes and Fire. And I totally have that parrot that's sitting on the table there! I've never noticed that before. I still want to know where Lorelai got all that stuff overnight, LOL.
  16. Are there regular townies there that do not appear in the credits?
  17. Yep! I knew that would be an easy one, but it's so poignant to me, and even more so every time the kids start a new school year. Dana is going into tenth (!!!) grade this year. *cries*
  18. Are the elder Gilmores in the scene (and/or in the area nearby)?
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