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Everything posted by Taryn74

  1. Hmmm, are there more than five people (total - main characters or otherwise) in the scene?
  2. Does it include a Gilmore Girl? Anyone else from the credits?
  3. I'm Slippin' down to my First Cotillion
  4. What did Rory suggest that Mrs. Kim thought Lane said instead of being at a party, playing rock music, drinking beer and in love with Dave Rygalski?
  5. "See you soon"? And then he licked the key, LMAO. I love Beau so much.
  6. Q. What group does Rev. Skinner think might take Taylor, since he already has the beard?
  7. Was it a shirt or dress with ponies on it? I think I can remember Rory saying "I bet he likes ponies."
  8. Ha! That's the home birth discussion scene from FoLA! It cracks me UP the way Sookie rolls her eyes when Jackson calls the baby Colgate.
  9. "Wow, that's a.....weird guess." Heh. You're up, lulu!
  10. It looks like she's sitting across from Rory.......hmm.......is it from Bracebridge Dinner when they decide to have the out-of-control, over-the-top slumber party?
  11. Whoop! Along the same lines, what then does "TJ" stand for?
  12. Who else cracks up every time they see Jackson's wrasslin' jammies? So hilarious! Is that from The Big One?
  13. I know! And the worst part is that I don't remember much about the episodes that remain other than what I hate about them (or that the storyline was kind of stupid, like the spilled pickle train or whatever it was LOL). Uhhhhh...... BIAG and HSEB,D I guess. I wasn't as horrified with Rory in BIAG as some others are, and I thought Chris' heart was in the right place in HSEB,D.
  14. RBP New theme - All Things Sookie!
  15. Hee! I used to jump out of trees singing that song when I was younger. I only know one of the U2 references off the top of my head, so I'll give others a chance on that one. :)
  16. Sunflowers! And aw, Emily. Wanting to do up a special room for Rory. I thought that was sweet, even if Lorelai was offended LOL. Q. What "cheesy" song did Hep Alien rock out to at Jackson's political rally?
  17. It tastes pink. Heh. 21 is the Loneliest Number!
  18. Yes! I realized after I looked up photos that they aren't really all that dressed up, LOL, but it was for a wedding, so I went ahead and went with it.
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