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Everything posted by BizBuzz

  1. MarkHB CuriousParker Drogo SilverStormm Athena MuuMuuChainsmoker Jesse Machiabelly saoirse SVNBob Firearcher aquarian1 Lady Calypso TJtrack99 Lisin OinkyBoinky Dougal The Crazed Spruce caprice HangedMan BizBuzz Sorry to hear about your furbaby caprice, ugh.
  2. Way to go SS! I was a WW, but got so confused with the robber talk, I genuinely thought I wasn't a WW anymore. I honestly didn't have a clue to who I was. When Drogo voted for me, after knowing he was the other WW, that threw me off big time. Great game SVNBob
  3. For someone that claims no understand of the game Drogo, you sure do keep on top of things. ::giggle:: There is something about the Dougal line of reasoning that is resonating with me. 2 votes for Silver (caprice,Machiabelly) 1 vote for CuriousParker (Aquarian) 1 vote for BizBuzz (Drogo) 3 vote for Dougal (SilverStormm, Oinky Boinky, BizBuzz) 1 vote for Athena (CuriousParker)
  4. I didn't say any particular person was a Robber, just that there was one ...
  5. Just because one may have started as something, doesn't mean they are that for life ... I love how almost everyone is gunning for me so early in the game. I can say with some certainty: Yet, though I am not what I ought to be, nor what I wish to be, nor what I hope to be, I can truly say, I am not what I once was. Someone is indeed a robber, whether that person is SS or not, remains to be seen. But there is something definitely nefarious afoot.
  6. Drive was tough ... sorry for being MIA ... And while I was, gosh things went a bit crazy ... so many accusations, and what looks like switched or copied roles. I have to read again ... when it's not so early ... will be back ... just wanted to post so I wouldn't be accused of not playing.
  7. I told SVNBob that I wouldn't be available today from 6am-4pm today ... I have to drive my daughter to her Dad's to attend a funeral :( This was just to inform you that my non-participation during those hours is all about me being TRULY busy and not anything else. Other than that ... let the games begin.
  8. Ok ya'll ... that is enough ... I guess this is just another "not allowed" subject for the list that is ever growing for The Little Couple ... There is absolutely nothing that has been noted in this episode that leads toward this conversation ... so not only is this extreme speculation, it's off topic. Change the subject. Thank you.
  9. It took me out early, but it was well worth it! It's about time, I was gunning for you for how many games??? ::giggle:: I gotta say, I was STOKED to be Argo! And then BAM ... I pick the right person to protect, and I am dead ... but sure did love the way I went! Thanks Mods for that. Answering questions within quote: MODS: Great game!!! Some unique powers ... ha! Once you mod a game, doing a game becomes much more than just playing! LOL You didn't ask anything about the "twilight" feature ... as someone who died early, it wasn't my favorite part of the game. Not the twilight part so much, but the extension of the twilight into when you posted the night story. As a dead player, night is the only time we can chat and it was kind of confusing to when I could or could not chat so I basically didn't say anything. That could be just me though.
  10. Oops ... so sorry for not putting up a episode thread ... had some offline challenges yesterday, and then huge storms that knocked off power/internet.
  11. Ya'll, seriously ... state your point and move on. This is how these things get blown out of proportion in TLC ... We all base life on our OWN experiences, not the experience of others. We form opinions because of how we were raised, or whatever. It doesn't make it wrong or right. It just is. ALLOW other people to have their OWN opinions, even if they are detrimental to your standards. As long as people are snarking on the show and not each other, there isn't a thing we can do. Constantly stating the same thing over and over again just because your point isn't being "heard" is not a nice way to be civil to each other here on PTV. Please don't be sarcastic with each other, please don't signal each other out, and please oh please, stay on TOPIC. If you have a serious issue with another poster, please handle your dirty laundry via PM, that is what it's there for. If someone does something in a PM, you can report it and we can take care of it. Thank you ... ETA ... profanity is allowed here on PTV. Just for the record.
  12. Wasn't that whole scene prompted by Will?
  13. That was all kinds of intense... Best line ... Karev with "everyone in here is family". Best scene ... Karev crawling in bed with Mer. Best actor ... Justin Chambers. Great episode.
  14. Ok, I wasn't going to watch live ... but you just talked me into it ...
  15. Floats in ... Well that was a short ride ... Floats out ...
  16. I can't say more than already has been said ... I will tell you this ... my 11 year old (at the time, she is 16 now) daughter introduced me to Doctor Who ... there are some episodes that can be a little scary, they were for me, but it's a kind of catch your breath scared instead of keep you up at night scared. I am a DW fiend. ::giggle::
  17. The rape discussion is not applicable to this thread, and so all references to said scene (from Season 1) have been hidden. Please keep this thread to the observations to Season 6 Episode 5, or all Season 6 episodes up until this one, thank you.
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