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Everything posted by goldilocks

  1. Is drinking forbidden for everyone? I missed that. I thought I saw people having drinks, the wives and commanders maybe. No?
  2. Yeah, because no one else is hurting like June is. 🙄 And the fact remains that SHE KEEPS GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Any other handmaid would have suffered an awful punishment for not doing her duty at the birthing ceremony.
  3. It was a good glimpse. I hope they show us more, particularly when Gilead started.
  4. The girls in Mean Girls look like Mother Theresa compared to the suddenly brave handmaids in this episode. The only sane one there was Janine.
  5. It was a waste of a flashback. I wanted to know more about the nephew. Why bring it up in the first place? Oh right... they forgot about it.
  6. One of those websites that deletes negative comments obviously.
  7. They did add that to justify it. The show runners couldn’t desanctify her.
  8. When the Aunts toasted to June being a bad apple, I was right there with them.
  9. Yep, they’ve all turned into the Stepford Wives.
  10. It’ll end up being something ridiculous like he wants the Merriwick muffin recipe. Or they won the sweepstakes but he doesn’t want to hand over the envelope until he’s sure they are true Merriwicks. It always ends up being something lame.
  11. Superhandmaid! I thought she was going to fly over the wall and land at Hannah’s feet. They’ll have to expand the wings of her headpiece like the Flying Nun’s.
  12. They’ll probably have an alternate cut on the same DVD. Same as when there are two different endings, or a director’s cut. They often put both on the DVD.
  13. "Sometimes a good kick is what we need." Ooo, Cassie, getting snippy in your old age. Way to burn Martha. Good Witch is getting edgy! 😄
  14. I’m an idiot. I thought they were semi-circles pierced in at the ends only, but reading about the”rings” gave me a forehead slapping moment. And a horrifying thought. I don’t think it’s been mentioned... can it be that the rings are pierced into the tongues inside their mouths? (I know, eek!) This way there is no way they could talk like we were assuming they would be able to if only the lips were pierced. And the locking mechanism could be inside and only accessible with certain tools. I know, it sounds even more gross and dangerous but who knows with these Gilead monsters (and shock hungry writers).
  15. Actually, I wouldn’t put it past them. You can insert things digitally after the fact. I can see these bozos uttering your exact quoted words while rubbing their hands with glee. 😄
  16. Apparently someone has grabbed a screenshot. I found this online. You’re right, AnswersWanted, no balls, just piercing right into the skin both top and bottom. It looks like it is only artifacts in the other pictures that could be mistaken for balls.
  17. It wasn’t cut really, they changed the whole newscast. I was chatting to a British friend about this. I asked her to check her recording for that part and I was telling her "it's after the Trump reference" and she was confused "What Trump reference?" So we compared notes and it ends up that whole part where he's driving has a different radio newscast here. We got Trump, the UK got Brexit. lol Not sure why the UK got Doris Day and we didn't. Do Brits like Doris Day more than Americans? 😄 The HBO newscast as per subtitles was: Newswoman: This is BBC Radio Four. Good morning. And here are the news headlines at 5:30 a.m. President Trump has called on his opponents to bridge divisions as he refuses to abandon his plans to build a wall on the border with Mexico. The DUP will begin further talks in Northern Ireland this morning hoping to break the deadlock over the latest border proposals. In business, the next president of the World Bank could be one of its harshest critics. In the UK it was: (You can hear the Brexit mention in the clip you posted too.) RADIO: This is BBC Radio 4. Good morning. Researchers have to carry out a 5-year study into the causes of inequality in the UK which, they say is, a threat to democracy. Theresa May's Brexit negotiator is going to Brussels for talks on the document that sets out the UK's future relations with the EU. Doris Day appears on most of the front pages following her death yesterday at the age of 97.
  18. A year is nothing. This is going to stay with them a long time.
  19. You don't have to find the character likeable to enjoy their performances. Sometimes villains are the most fun to watch!
  20. It’s awful. It looked like straw in this episode. Her hair used to be such a deep color and shiny and healthy.
  21. There are tricks to watching the show. There was no one else by the casket. Not even anyone in sight, besides the two characters pertinent to the plot at that moment. That right there alerts you that it's a dream.
  22. Oh, LOL! Yeah, I have to crank my brightness way up for this show.
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