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Everything posted by lammykins

  1. After a month of being bombarded by promos and trailers for this show while I've been binge dvr'ing/watching another show on TBS, Chad looks absolutely gawdawful. Are there no young male actors that could do this role? She/he just looks creepy and is obviously a female. Blech.
  2. Many thanks to both of you. Appreciate the info.
  3. , Where is the forum? I can't seem to find it.
  4. I completely agree. Well put. I really do not like that Thirty Mike guy, who's a total jerk, but when he referred to Jason and Trent as Statler and Waldorf, I cracked up.
  5. I see your point, but this show and the characters have grown on me and Hubby. (I was kinda surprised to find this in the "Comedy" catagory here). I'm hoping it gets another chance and gets renewed.
  6. Jayne? Is that you? Same here. When he brushed her off as he was leaving, she should have waved goodbye...for good. And I do not like all the angst stuff with Jason and the psychologist/psychiatrist. Enough already. Then again, Jason is my least favorite team member. I know I'm in the minority here (very possibly the only one here), but I like the Mandy character. P.S. Full Metal showed up in the first or second season also, I believe.
  7. Bleh. That sums up how I felt about this episode.
  8. The Kurgan! I, too, thought it was a solid pilot and will be back for more. I did feel shades of Manifest, although I couldn't recall the name of that show until I came here and read the comments. I liked the beginning of this one better. I also like that Chief Jo looks rather ordinary and not some glam queen. Seems more "real". Apparently not, including me.
  9. That made me laugh, too. Pet owners do go on about their pets. (Guilty).
  10. Oded was a big reason I kept watching this show (what little time he actually appeared), so yeah, losing his character and Fabi, who, as it's been pointed out, could have had an interesting continuing storyline, is dragging my interest away. Not exactly must-see tv, but still brainless summer fare that's mildly entertaining, so I'll probably hang around til the end of the season.
  11. When the camera panned individually on those clean shaven faces, my reaction was "Whoa" each time, and a little louder each time. Jason and Blackburn looked much better, but the younger guys looked like 5th graders. I used to refer to Trent and Brock as "No Lines" and "No Lines 2", but this season they've actually had several spoken lines each. So my husband laughed out loud when Brock said something about Guam actually being a part of America and Sonny told him he liked it better when he never said anything at all.
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