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  1. I saw this also and thought it was well done. The young people were very brave in trying to help others through this horrible nightmare. I myself have a phobia about tornadoes due to my mom having been in 3 different ones (including the F-5 that hit Flint/Beecher in 1953) so I have always insisted my home have a basement or storm cellar where I can take shelter. When the weather gets bad here I am always watching the sky and if I see rolling clouds or a green sky I have a bug out bag to grab and take down with me. God Bless those who survived and also those who didn't. I hope I never have to have that kind of thing happen to me.
  2. I was glad that Chelsey finally got on the right path. Too bad she didn't start at age 9 when she was already 300 lbs! I think her faith and her church group also helped her. I would have liked to see her final weight and I also enjoyed her vast array of wigs! She will be needing skin surgery also. Please don't let Dr. Now do it -get a real plastic surgeon to tackle it. By the way, I liked Dr. Now's beard and mustache lol!
  3. It was so good to see this show again. I felt like I was visiting old friends after a long separation. Didn't really need to see Leery (ugh) but her daughter is very pretty. I don't mind the new Jenny-she did fine. I also liked the voice-overs in Rogers thoughts. Guess he missed his mark by a few years! I was also surprised by how calmly everyone took it when Claire spilled the tea about her being from the future. Too bad she can't save Ian the Older. And how long will it take to go back to the colonies to help Lord John's nephew? The poor guy would be dead by then. I got a little weepy when the 2 Ians said good-bye. And Gellis is there now? Should be interesting how all that works out. (As an aside and a bit off topic, there was a show called Brittania (I think it was on Epix) and Laura Donnely played a bounty type hunter. She was really good. And, the actor who played the Compte was in it too. He looked quite different without the silly white wig.) Anyway, glad the show is back!
  4. Ok, I havent watched this in a while but where do they find these people? First off, Shahid and Miss Dia-they wear matching clothes, he lives in her basement, does he even have a job? And the skank girlfriend who is always showing off her body-wants to be a stay at home girlfriend? Does she have a job? Mom flossing her sons teeth? Yuck! Then Miss Floozy says everyone must show cleavage at the party? None of the women I saw there were showing any. I think the Auntie knows whats up. Now on to gay Matt. First off take off the stupid hat. How much $$$ does he have if he wants to buy that house? You know Kelly would have a cow. And did we actually see Kellys husband (Pat?). I thought he was a ghost lol! Josh and Nelle-whoo boy! Tina needs to go back home (I would have given her the boot by now!) Doesnt Josh have siblings who could rein Tina in a bit? She is such a bitch to Nelle, raiding her closet, always complaining about someting. That house needs a lot of work and I cant see them converting the garage to accomadate Tina. She can jump on her broom and GTFO.
  5. Wow!! Thank you, T Summer for the link. Very interesting! I always heard about how expensive it is to film in Italy but now I know why! Still wish they could have done all 5 seasons but I am grateful for what we got. Thanks again!
  6. I watched this when it first came out. I liked it so much I have it on DVD. Wonderful acting on everyones part-the storyline was a little wonky but I thought the acting made up for it. I really liked the friendship between Vorenus and Titus Pullo (rest in peace, Ray Stevenson) and the costumes were very beautiful. I wish there would have been another season to see how things played out with Octavian but it seems HBO and the BBC ran out of $$$ since the show was very expensive to film. Anyway, great show and I would recommend it to anyone.
  7. Man, Roman has gone off the deep end-just wait until he finds out his daughter has been kidnapped (I'm assuming that was the plan with the Columbians at the end of the show).Not sure about the plan with the deal at Burtons fathers property-things could go sideways easily. Do you know if this show has been renewed? I would hate for it to be ended on a cliffhanger never to be seen again.
  8. That was pretty good. I'm happy that the girl figured out her boyfriend was a jerk but thought there would be more of a punishment for her for what she did. I don't blame Marisol for being angry at Roman-she could have been killed. Now that the corrupt congressman is bits and pieces, I'm sure things will get very bloody soon. And for some reason I am finding Roman to be kind of sexy (just my post-menopausal hormones here lol)
  9. Well, shit went sideways for sure! I would kill that kid for screwing up a good plan-wonder what Roman will do to punish her. Speaking of Roman-what a great shot he is! And despite his kid messing up the plan, he carried it out anyway. I hope he finds out about his lil angel stealing the coke to do with her idiot boyfriend.
  10. Are we the only ones watching this? Anyway, looks like the shit is about to hit the fan!
  11. I started watching this show a while back, not really expecting much, but man, I have been pulled in! Roman can be much more ruthless than I thought, especially when it comes to his family. He needs to limit the exposure of his daughter to her Godfather since now she's been told he is a major drug dealer (thanks dweeby kid of the politician for spilling the beans-asshole). When Roman was driving home after he found out he was going to be whacked and his family too I kept saying hurry up, the killers are on the way! Genius move to use the lights to thwart the hit men! I did feel sorry for the hotels owner since his sister got whacked just as they were getting along better. Was it the bank guy that set up the hit?
  12. I watched this with some trepidation.Part one was pretty good but part two really showed how evil this man was. He had chances many times to disapear but chose not to. I think he wanted to be caught. Thank God he's dead now but I wondered where is his wifes body? What did he do with it? He had to have killed her but he never said how. I'm sure her family would like to know so hey can get some closure.
  13. Hello all! This talk of tornados sparked me to tell a few stories. I have a phobia about them thanks to my dear late mother who was in 3 of those bad boys. The first one was when she was a kid about 11 I guess. She and her older brother were home alone while grandma was at work. They were living in a cottage on a small lake. Mom said the sky turned green and then the funnel came over a hill and my uncle had the foresight to take them both into the root cellar. Mom said the twister sucked up the lake in its funnel and moved on .It put the water back before it left. Grandma came came barreling home and was relieved to find the kids OK. The second one was the F -5 that tore through the Beecher area in 1951 (I think). It was horrible. Hundreds of people died, some whole families were lost. If you want to read more about it, just Google Beecher tornado, lots of photos and info on it. Mom wasn't in that one but did live close by. The third one was when I was a baby. Mom and I went down to the coal cellar while my Dad would'nt get up from his nap (lol). The storm missed them by just a few blocks, Scary stuff. I don't remember since I was just a baby but Mom told us these stories many times. Since then, any house I have lived in has always had a basement and I have provisions in place. Whenever I see a green sky or dark rolling clouds I head on down and stay there until the storm has passed. P.S. Mom said you could hear them coming. She said it sounded like 100 frieght trains coming at you all at once.
  14. Well, I'm Trying not to burn through these episodes like Bree's matches but some of it was pretty funny. I like the Chief-he thinks Jamie is funny. Can anyone tell me what the metal rings on the Indians clothes are for? What I thought was funny was the two gals coming into the tent to try to seduce Jamie and IAN! was cracking up about it. Then Jamie goes home all horny and tells Claire "I must have you! and she's like Well, alrighty then- HA! Poor Roger's preaching at the funeral went all kinds of sideways since the poor woman wasn't quite dead yet. I liked that Roger scolded Fergus about not being around for his wife but at least he came back and tried to help with the birth. The baby was cute! And we find out that IAN! had a child too. Jamie should get the Indians some guns-at least they might have a chance when the war comes. And, it was nice to see Adso again-I have a cat that looks just like him (except mine is a female) See ya later!
  15. Hello everyone I'm back! I moved some channels around so I could get the new episodes and wanted to share my thoughts. Didn't really care about the flashback to the prison. Where was Murtagh? I thought he was at the prison too. The old guy who thought he was the Bonny Prince was funny, tho. And the Ridge has improved a lot! They have stables now and lots more fencing all around. But Clair using ether? WTF? And poor Fergus becoming a drunk? No way would Marsali put up with that shit. Will she ever have that baby? I don't like the Chrisities at all. The dad always spouting off about the firey pits of hell shut up please. His kids look shady too, especially Malva. It was good to see Jamie and Claire and Ian! It was nice of Roger to invite the Chrisities to stay but I don't think Jamie was too thrilled about it. Last thought for now-I don't like the new singer of the theme song. Too strange to have a male voice when it's always been a woman. Anyway, chat at ya later!
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