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Posts posted by Luckylondon

  1. Dani is telling Cody that Kevin told her that if he gets voted out this week, Kevin won’t be her friend anymore. She said she would feel so terrible because it is his birthday Friday and he would be alone and going to jury. She says that if she sends Kevin out, she will “for sure lose a jury vote.” Cody is like... awww yeah that sucks, but seriously?!! Then he offers some ways he can mitigate that and soften the blow on Kevin’s exit in next weeks and how blow back can fall on to some others. Kevin’s sad sack routine is actually effective. Is this how he got to final 3? Ugh, he is a mean girl wrapped in a sad sack wet blanket who thinks he is genuinely empathetic to others. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

    Why does Enzo think that it actually helps him to paint Da'vonne as a bad comp person --- 

    I think he is trying to point out that the Slick Six is dead and that Da’vonne is a lovely person, yet not an asset because she can’t win comps and take people out or save them with veto and she is harmful with all her suspicious lack of trust and how that manifests itself in to trouble that he sees as unnecessary. I think he is trying to say that she is not helpful to the Core Four and that by pointing out her weaknesses, it makes his strengths more obvious to the HOH. That is how I read his motivation or what he is trying to look like is his motive right now.

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  3. Kevin- “I just don’t wanna feel some type of way about it. I don’t want to be upset. I don’t want to be in jury alone with my feelings hurt... *sigh* you know?”

    Dani- “yeahhh... no.”

    Kevin- “I just don’t want to feel upset. I don’t want to be in jury and some random stranger says ‘happy birthday’... *whine* *sigh*... you knowww?”

    Dani- “yeah, I know. That sounds terrible! Nooooo... don’t worry you are not going to jury.”

    Kevin- *whiney noise*

    ughhhh. I can’t believe Kevin is a 40-year-old man. My stomach turns watching him.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    Aha. But Kevin didn't know Dani and Christmas were aligned? It's like he wants to get credit for being clever for figuring out shit that should be glaringly obvious.

    THIS!! Like hellooooo, Kevin? You whine that you don’t want to wait to be picked off, yet you behave as if you actually do want to wait until it is your turn to be evicted and just feel insulted that it is earlier than he would prefer. Come up with some STRATEGY and a PLAN, make an alliance and voting block... orrrr continue to whine until it is your turn to walk the plank and then complain that you feel “betrayed.” Ok, Kevin. 

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  5. Day, Bay and Kevin are talking about being certain that Christmas has a power because Day and Kevin had their hands blocking the slot and Day was trying to box someone out and that person said, “uh uh” and elbowed her and pushed the piece in the slot. Day and Kevin both agree that it was Christmas’ voice. Day is 100% certain and said this person has the power piece, “I’m going to find out who it is and I will make them make a sound so I will hear them and I heard her (Christmas) voice!” Day is certain that Christmas has the final power and Kevin is all “welllll, but what-about what-about what-about” and Day is dead-set that “it is Christmas” who got the final power and she was right there to witness it and heard her and then Day said she (Day) jumped to the other side of the room before the lights flew on so that Christmas would not know it was her who was blocking her and got her to speak in frustration and reveal herself. Bay says that is why Christmas is so high on power this week, agreeing that it makes sense that Christmas has a power.

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  6. 25 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

    Yes, she did. Then some other names were brainstormed: Flag Day, Columbus Day, Hanukkah...

    I took it as a shout-out to this group. 🙂

    Me too. I laughed my ass off with them in the bathroom talking about this and Happy Thanksgiving 😂 I thought of you all.

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  7. Kevin thinks it is all BS and that Tyler or “they” are privy to “some gross ass shit” and they want to put some distance between them and those gross conversations so they go “oh I wanna self-evict!” as a way of washing his hands as not being part of it. Kevin says that Tyler can now use this to bond with Kevin and “that shit will work on him!” Kevin is right. I’m surprised how much Bay and Day don’t understand what is happening. They don’t want to believe that they are actually, as Kevin states it, “disposable” to Tyler, Christmas, Dani, Nicole, Cody, and Enzo. “We are interchangeable cannon fodder to them” says Kevin. Well, yes Kevin, that is Big Brother. Everyone else has to go. Are you in an alliance with Tyler? Then he is trying to get you out. Didn’t Kaysar give this exact speech to try to save Nicole A. 3 weeks ago? Yes, you will all be knocked down if you still believe you are working with them with no discussed strategy, targets, alliance name in a game for $500 K. 

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  8. Last evening, during dinner time, a bit after 6 pm BBT, Dani was eating at the kitchen island. She made a rice, bean, and vegan dish for everyone who wanted some. Cody and Memphis were also sitting at the island. I have noticed that Cody is increasingly shocked, confused, and intrigued by Daniele. Cody and Memphis saying that Dani is tough. She says, “I am so nice, I made food for everyone!” They said are you like this to Dom? She said that she is so much softer now, Dom softened her up so much. Cody and Memphis kind of look surprised and try to be casual and say, “really? You were harsher?” and Dani says, “oh yeah” and Memphis somewhat cautiously says, “because you are pretty rough around the edges now” and Cody says somewhat scared and fascinated, “yeah, rough around the edges. You were worse in the beginning with Dom?” Dani says, “yeah, Dom softened me a lot. Tennessee too has softened me so much too.” Both guys were kind of at a loss for words and just didn’t know what to say and she laughed and said, “yes, you are getting a very softened up Dani is the version that you know” and Cody quietly said, “wow.”

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  9. Christmas is talking to us in HOH about having to be sneaky and laying a trap to see who comes out of a room and who comes up to HOH just to see if all is ok. She is feeling paranoid about trusting Tyler and nervous that he may be working with Day and Bay and if so, that is a problem. She seems to want to figure it out now. She is also so annoyed that Ian didn’t compete in Veto. Crazy Competitive Christmas is coming OUT. She is highly irritated.

    Cody is wound tighter than usual and is snapping at Daniele. He is either jealous that Dani made food for Nicole and even toasted it, or he is trying to draw attention to their closeness.

    They are getting stir crazy. Tensions are rising. Please give them alcohol. 

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  10. Ian is not correct in defining time. He is defining half-life. Cody is actually closer in understanding by asking doesn’t have to do with us going around the sun? What does that have to do with an object decaying? 😂😂😂 They all just assume Ian knows everything. So, what is time? My eccentric 7th grade history teacher spent a lot of time having us learn that time is space and understanding that concept clearly before we even launched in to any history. We had to make a timeline that took all year and was about 200 pages long taped together and each of us had it wrapped up in a scroll and it was stressful to keep track of it all year. Random, but we learned a lot. I would tell Cody that time is space and let him have a think on that. 

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  11. David agreed to talk to Janelle in the Have Not room. WTF is David talking about? I legit don’t understand his point. At all. I am amazed at Janelle’s composure. She just offered him 3 weeks of safety and to use the veto on him. He is insisting that he knows Nicole A. and talked to him more and she was traumatized by last year and Janelle is bad. Whaaat in the WHAT? 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

    And it fit?  

    If I remember correctly Jenelle is voluptuous while Dani (back then) was borderline anorexic. 

    pictures anyone?

    Janelle was very curvy and Daniele was extremely skeletal looking. I knew it was the same dress, yet it never occurred to me that it was the same dress that Janelle literally wore on her body. Was it? Or did she just buy the same dress on eBay in a different size? They were several sizes different. Janelle had breasts and hips and Daniele was scary thin looking. Like at least 40 pounds difference between them at the time of their respective BB7 and BB8 finales and Janelle is 4-5” taller.

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  13. 16 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

    I agree (and I AM a psychologist though I’m obviously not looking to diagnose reality tv people). Nicole is comfortable doing exactly what she wants, where she wants, how she wants. Victor was smart to basically shove himself into the tiny circle of people she cares about (her parents and brother) in the only place she wants to be (Ubly) and make it so easy for her to be with him that it wasn’t worth the effort of not being with him. But yeah, if Hayden or Corey or anyone else had done what he had, that’s probably who she’d be with right now. 

    I agree 100% on Vic and Nicole.

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  14. At the wrap party for BB8, they showed a highlight reel of the HGs (this was back when people could go to that and post their pics and videos) and when Daniele came on the intro it said “Janelle 2.0” and everyone laughed except Daniele. She did not like that. Even though that is a large part of why she was cast and then why Keesha was cast. 

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  15. 29 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    This is interesting: Apparently, Dani bought Janelle’s BB7 finale dress on eBay and wore it to the BB8 finale.


    Really?? What in the Single White Female??!! I noticed it was the same dress! I knew production bought the black one she wore in finale night and the same exact red one that Janelle wore to the wrap party the next night because her dresses didn’t fit. She joked about it with Kaysar this season saying, “this Krackel is the gateway to my finale dress not fitting” and they both laughed hard. I noticed Daniele had the same exact dress the next year on the finale and I assumed that production bought her some options and she chose that one too. At the time, I thought that production bought them finale night dresses when they both had the EXACT same one. Did she think no one would notice? I definitely did!! I thought there is no way Dani would wear the same dress unless it was bought by production! She could not have bought it from Janelle because they were very different body types. Daniele was verrrry thin on BB8. She must have looked it up and bought it to bring on the show. Janie looked gorgeous in that dress. The red one too- it was exactly the same. Dani looked good too. Janie looked like complete fire though, as usual.

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  16. 2 minutes ago, rr2911 said:

    I think Darcey looks......well,....not good. I thought she looked beautiful as a natural brunette and before she blew up her lips and boobs! Now, it seems she's smiling all the time. 

    True. I will clarify again that she looked fantastic on that 1st watch back episode in comparison to the season. She dropped a good bit of weight and was not looking like an overstuffed sausage in tacky designer I’ll-fitting clothes with 10 pounds of makeup and hair extensions and ridiculous heels and bags. Not that she looks fabulous, in general... lol. She looked like a person and not a cartoon... again, relatively. She is still Darcey with her tacky hair and overblown lips. 

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  17. 35 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

    Call me a marshmallow, but I'm one who almost always accepts a genuine expression of remorse, and to me, Nicole's apologies seem genuine. She messed up her game but I still like her. 

    I don’t think it is genuine though. She wanted to be with the cool kids and wasn’t and tried everything. Her motivation seems to be to make sure people don’t hate her so she loves Janelle and Kaysar and is so sorry and it was all strategic. Instead her perception and insight is awful and she acts like a mean brat when she is nominated because it’s not fair. I don’t think she is that sorry. She doesn’t want any backlash. That’s why she wouldn’t even take a stand against Jackson and Holly. She wants praise for that and it is the dumbest move strategically and personally/morally. I think she is sorry she played such a bad game. I don’t find genuine remorse in her “love them to the moon and back” for Janelle and Kaysar. She is covering her ass. 

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  18. 18 hours ago, Michichick said:

    Nicole’s face is eminently punchable. She’s so proud of herself for “accidentally” making that crack about Janelle when she picked Janelle as a have not.

    She completely planned it with a lengthy discussion with Cody in the bathroom about what she should saaaaay and is thaaat okaaaay and he encouraged her and told her several times how to keep it short and what to say. That was no accident. She planned it word for word 🙄

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  19. 18 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

    I'm starting to think Kevin was the reason his side of the house in season 11 was so toxic I always thought it was Gnatalie.

    Same. Da’vonne is a paranoid mess too. How can she play and talk trash about everyone to Kevin? What are they DOING? Kevin is on my very last nerve. 

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  20. 36 minutes ago, BlueHawk said:

    & even if a patient is already on opiates for management of chronic pain the new physician will reduce the dosage to what the DEA says is maximum which is much less effective for many. Currently no consideration is given to differences in tolerance, body size,, ect so that people who were able to have a pretty normal life with controlled discomfort are no longer free of pain .The reason given for no longer prescribing benzodiazepines and opiates together is they both depress breathing so the thinking is the risk of death is increased. Hospitals will treat patients much more liberally and effectively when they're admitted. Opiates as needed awa  the  benzo family. But when patients leave they're back to lower dosages. Also chronic pain patients taking opiates are now supposed to keep  Narcan on hand. Things are indeed a mess...

    Since Hannah is Australian I wonder if they have similar situations/ restrictions? She had 50 5mg pills & hereabouts  the allowance is one months supply and the need to return to the doc every month - along w. regular random urinalysis to  make sure the medication is being taken. Also didn't Hannas prescription say to take one 3x a day instead of take one as needed for panic disorder? 

    Very true about the newer dosage limit restrictions and them not being high enough to be therapeutic to manage pain. It’s horrible. 

    I am not Hannah’s doctor and have no idea, however I would speculate that the way around needing to get it filled every 30 days is to prescribe it for up to 3x a day (which could be appropriate at times for Panic Disorder) so that she has a count of 50 and it lasts a long time when she is traveling and only takes as needed. Physicians do this when they know someone, whether it is the exact rules or not. It can help stretch medication longer. They do this less with controlled substances and very rarely with a Schedule II substance in 2020. I’m sure laws are similar, yet differ in ways in Australia and they may not have all these new regulations have about the Narcan, etc. and the substance user agreement and the restriction within 30 days. I don’t know Australian laws. A 50 count of Valium is very difficult to get in the US though. Diazepam (Valium) is difficult to get in the US period. It is rarely used outside of relaxation for medical procedures (with exceptions). Currently, in the US, it is more likely to be prescribed Alprazolam (Xanax) for Panic Disorder, although that is very heavily monitored in recent years too. 

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  21. 9 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    That also must be state by state, as I have a prescription for both.  

    I agree, it is actually awful for people with chronic pain.

    Did he say he logged it with the ship?  Or that he just had it on him?


    It is legal to have a prescription for both. It’s just not done very often and some doctors will say that they “can’t.” It is not that they can’t as a function of being a physician, it may be that they personally can’t with their office policy or their own malpractice insurance or they simply won’t. It is not illegal to prescribe a benzodiazepine and opiate to the same patient, yet with all this new state and federal legislation around these 2 drugs being signed constantly, it may require closer monitoring and note taking to cover on their end that it is taken as prescribed. In NY state, because the scripts for scheduled drugs are now required to be electronic, physicians can see if you are on a scheduled drug prescribed by a different doctor and when it was last filled. Although many doctors are no longer willing to treat pain and anxiety, there are still good doctors willing to treat pain and panic disorder/anxiety as appropriate. In today’s climate, it is easier if you have a long standing history of needing both— it would likely be difficult to get new prescriptions for both without a lot of hesitation, push back, etc., yet it can be done when needed and appropriate if prescribed by physician who says it is necessary. 

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