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Posts posted by Luckylondon

  1. 2 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

    Typical Hannah, smoking a cigarette while the guys haul her luggage to the car. I never liked her and I won't miss her or her nauseating accent.

    I thought she asked the guys to get her suitcase out of storage in the Laz. While they were doing that she went to have a cigarette and call her boyfriend. After the run in off boat with Sandy, she came back on board and her suitcase was in the dining area. I figured she was going to then go pack. It is hard to tell with the editing. Did the guys pack for her? Didn’t seem like it. They didn’t even seem to know for sure if she had left, quit, fired or even the reason why for certain. Maybe production packed? I could not handle someone else packing for me. I need Valium thinking about it. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, BlueHawk said:

    Correction: electronic scripts are preferred currently since the laws changed a few years back. Also benzodiazepines and opiates are no longer allowed for the same patient at the same time. Electronic scripts cannot be forged or altered and go directly from doc to pharmacy.

    pain management is not the same as it used to be. People suffer from too many opiates and people suffer from not enough😔

    In NY state, it was required to have a paper script for benzodiazepines or opiates until the law changed in 2018 (?) and now it is required that they are electronic so that it is centralized and they can see every script you fill to prevent filling multiple scripts from multiple doctors at separate pharmacies. All pharmacies can see when you had your last prescription of scheduled drug filled. 

    It is difficult to have a prescription for benzodiazepines and opiates, however, it is not impossible; it is dependent upon your health conditions and sometimes it is appropriate. It is rare and quite difficult though! The physician may come under more close scrutiny and be monitored which is why many doctors won’t do it anymore which is good for preventing overdose for people who misuse substances, yet horrible for people who truly need pain medicine and anti-anxiety medicine in order to improve functioning for disabling illnesses with severe pain. Pain patients are now treated terribly in the US because of the over prescription of OxyContin (different and stronger than Oxycodone- don’t use them interchangeably) in the 90’s/early 2000’s and heroin epidemic. OxyContin is now rarely prescribed except in cancer patients or very severe pain. Oxycodone is still appropriate for managing pain in many cases. However, with new laws it now carries so much liability and monitoring that many doctors are simply not willing to risk their license to treat “pain” anymore (because you can’t objectively measure it) and they just refuse to do it and often refer to pain management which often won’t prescribe an opiate pain medicine if you are not already on one when you are referred to them. It’s a mess. 

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  3. On 8/16/2020 at 4:25 PM, princelina said:

    ...that tacky neon sign in the entryway . . . 😄 

    I don't feel like we've really even seen inside of Teddi's current house.  I liked the house where she had them all over for the potluck weekend.

    I feel like that sign is totally true for Teddi. Teddi wants to be a Kyle so badly... and Kyle loves her for it. Kyle gets help with diet and exercise for it, an area where she feels she needs a push of discipline and she feels Teddi is a good go-to for that. 

    Aside: I watched a house tour of Kendall Jenner’s house and she had a pink neon sign just like that in her bedroom sitting area. Different saying. Looks like the same artist. It had a misspelling though! “Your” instead of “you’re”! *cringe* it was cringe for a lot of reasons (it listed penis measurements? and then reads “I’m glad your a happy girl”) Ugh 😑 Kendall named a famous mother/son decorating/design team who did her house, yet me thinks seeing the pink neon signs in both places has the bff of Kyle and Pimp Mama K/decorator MCFR allllll over it! 

    of course it is! 🔽🙄

    23 hours ago, Marley said:

    The house on the beach is her vacation house. I saw on ig tho she has purchased a new house in Encino I think they said. It’s apparently close to Kyles.

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  4. 8 hours ago, princelina said:

    If you are asking about Teddi's - no.  Her first season she lived in a house that opened right onto the beach which was when she invited the ladies to all come for a weekend and bring pot-luck and pretended that she was eager to be herself and didn't care about impressing anyone 😄   That was the house I liked.  It also had a nice yard where she tried to have her facial/spa party.  Then in a following season she said that Edwin had always admired that house hanging off the cliff, so when it came for sale they bought it and moved in.  But we have barely seen anything in that house besides Teddi bidding her kids farewell and leaving.

    I think the beach house was a separate beach vacation house that she had the ladies overnight to stay (remember Erika stayed at a hotel and Teddi thought it was “weird”). I think Teddi’s previous house with the nice backyard was across the street from where she lives now. I remember when she bought the new house she said Edwin always had his eye on this house and loved it and when they saw it was for sale, he jumped at it. I recently read about it from a link here and they bought it at $4.2 million, way under the listed price of $5.9 million. I have seen the inside in videos or a house tour or some things from here or the Bravo site and I find it to be a neutral/white box of bland with AstroTurf balcony.

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  5. It wouldn’t occur to Janie that Nicole F. hates her because she did BB interviews or commentary or answered questions in interviews and gave her opinion on the game. She wasn’t being personal about Nic F. When asked, she said she didn’t think she played the better game and Paul should have won. In Janie’s mind, that is part of her life to give commentary on the strategy game that she LOVES and watches as a fan every season! Nicole F. is all... she’s so mean and saying I didn’t deserve it! I’m the first girl to win against a guy! I’M THE LEGEND!!! She never even won!! (*dissolves in tears*) Seriously, Janie has NO IDEA why Nicole F. hates her or thinks Janie hates her... she is like... I don’t...why would I hate her (almost like... she is not important enough to to hate). But Nicole F.’s self help reading in sequester about anxiety and your subconscious mind and creating positive outcomes was a complete flop. Ever here of The Secret, Nicole? You manifested this war in your own mind with your own defensiveness, insecurity, and inability to tolerate an opinion that doesn’t lick you up and down as an iconic game changing winner. Instead of letting things that don’t align with her self-concept roll off her back, she gets so upset that people are personal and it is so embarassing for her on TV (whine) and she makes mountains out of molehills (out of no hills!) and has manifested this war with Janie that Janie barely even knew she was in. With all Nic F.’s talk of her discomfort, it IS getting back to Janelle, who is all 🙄 sigh, and then starts pressing hard for Nic F. backdoor. Nicole F. created the bad blood, the not being polite or talking to Janie and flat out ignoring her and trashing her to everyone. She is creating the tension, the “sides” of the house and is contributing to her downward game spiral this week where she is now being proposed as a back door, when she was really in a good position if she could keep her whining about how Janelle is a monster and her enemy out of her thoughts and mind! It’s drawing attention to her and attracting attention that makes her a target. Law of Attraction— the energy you put out is what you become and attract to you. No one was paying attention to Nicole and Janelle not talking until Nic F. kept bringing up how she is not with her and has beef. Giving people excuses to run with it. You self-identify as a major target, you manifest that in to reality and it becomes true as your energy has shifted and attracts more if that negative tension between you (from Nic F’s side) and Janelle and she made it a reality in the house that makes people uncomfortable. They are already looking to get rid of her!

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  6. These two are actually fun to watch because they played this game and developed themselves before social media and are not scared of ruining their life and following by making moves or saying anything. They know who they are and it’s glorious. Nicole F. has constant anxiety worrying about how things will look to people and be embarrassing. It ruins the game, the deep concern for how they will be received. Play!! And you will be well received! 

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  7. Why is Nicole F. crying now? She has health problems on slop? Ughhhhhhhh... I can’t. Dani is saying that the DR should call her doctor because she needs more fiber and Nic F. says “and Xanex... because once my heart starts palpitating when I don’t feel good, I can’t.”

    me thinks the stress of being a potential replacement nom and a HN is getting to Nicole F. and she is whining about (not able to eat slop because her body shuts down) *medical problems*). She is the worst. 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

    You are correct. 

    season 6

    Janelle sitting in kitchen 

    Janelle: “Rachel, you are so beautiful!”

    Rachel: “Thanks Janie, you are too!”

    Janelle: “Thanks! ☺️ Maggie... you are such a bitch!” 
    Maggie: (walks by from bathroom to bedroom and has no response)

    House: “ohhhh 😂😂😂

    Another Season 6 clip of Janie doing commentary from the kitchen island and telling it like it is... 


    • LOL 3
  9. On 8/15/2020 at 9:09 PM, Dmarie019 said:

    Janelle has never been fake nice to people has she??? In her previous seasons? Like if she doesn’t like a person she’s not afraid of letting them know. 

    am I wrong? 

    You are correct. 

    season 6

    Janelle sitting in kitchen 

    Janelle: “Rachel, you are so beautiful!”

    Rachel: “Thanks Janie, you are too!”

    Janelle: “Thanks! ☺️ Maggie... you are such a bitch!” 

    Maggie: 😦 Keeps cleaning table, says nothing

    House: “ohhhh 😂😂😂


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  10. 2 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

    Nicole is not happy with Memphis. 

    Yeah, she’s mad Memphis is a dick. She wrongly thinks Janelle is in his ear telling him to get Nicole A. out for being “nice” and “cool with everyone.” I’m starting to realize why Janelle has no time for people and it rubs them wrong. People are stupid and always think she is against them! She’s not! She often befriends the underdog. Sigh... Queen Janie. Kevin’s Janelle hate is bizarre and next level beyond even Nicole F.’s seething rage. 

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  11. 4 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

    Day says someone (she) is terrified today 

    Nicole F? I think she is saying Nicole F seems terrified today? I don’t know with these 3 (Da’Vonne/ Kevin/ Nicole A.) and their “reads” and conspiracy theories that they piece together as clues

    Nicole F. does seem scared though... or she is just cranky and hates Janelle and is scared of her. 

  12. 2020 Memphis is so different from 2008 Memphis. This one is wound so much tighter and is carrying burdens. I wonder what 2008 Memphis would think seeing video of himself in the BB house 12 years later rolling around on a yoga mat like an upside down turtle and making little moan sounds about it?

    ETA: I didn’t mean this to sound snarky! I have felt the time pass too. I FELT that sound he made when his back hit the floor and I know EXACTLY how that feels and would not have expected that in 2008 either . He still a snack. 😂

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  13. Just now, kellog010 said:

    I'm liking this Bay and Janelle chat. This is a good team up. Janelle is stuck in old school thinking and Bay explaining about how the house votes with emotions in these later seasons. 

    Came here to say exactly this!! Loving this convo and Janelle being shocked how people play with emotions... she’s like, but why (cause that’s dumb)? 😂 Contrasted with Bad Nicole whining to Good Nicole about Janelle last night, telling her that Janelle has no feelings at all. Nicole F: “Did you see on BB14, Britney said to Janelle, ‘Do you remember a time when you were really happy?’ and Janelle said, ‘mmm... no.’ She said no! Then Britney said, ‘Do you remember ever being really sad?’ and Janelle said Nooooo! She has no feelings! She is scary!”

    Nicole A: “Wowww. I didn’t know that...”

    Me: 😂😂😂💀 Janie still a unicorn after all these years... making them seethe with envy and confusion

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  14. On 8/8/2020 at 4:02 AM, Dutchgirl said:

    Kyle has a nice pool house but my favourite house was Yolanda's Malibu house. What a stunner. Her new house isn't too shabby either. 





    Not sure if the Teddi thread is the right place for this reply, yet we are talking about all houses so...

    I agree that I looooved Yolanda’s Malibu house, it looked like living an absolute dream. I love her new farm house as well. I wish/would love/aspire to Yolanda’s homey aesthetic that is also clean lines, soft tones, non clutter, yet personal and lived in for a family. Kyle’s new house is beautiful for an old home with historic preservation. I love that Kyle’s homes also look lived in comfortable as a gathering place for her family. That said, I still prefer her old house to the new one. I really loved the vibe in that house— it was not necessarily the decor that I particularly noticed— it was the energy and flow. It was beautiful and lived in and I felt a lightness and happiness observing her family in that home and I looooved her pool and backyard. Perfect for entertaining outside. Inside, it was large enough for 5+ bedrooms with a room for a gym converted to a closet/glam room— so the House was quite large, yet didn’t feel huge inside. It felt warm around central hub of kitchen/dining/living room in to the back yard. I miss that house. Kyle’s energy feels different in the new house. Her energy does not feel as comfortable, settled, or grounded in this new home which can be due to a lot of reasons including the robbery, less children at home, different stage of life— yet some of it seems like it IS house energy related. 

    Back to the Teddi topic, I don’t like Teddi’s house. Beautiful views, yet it feels rather sterile and cold. The AstroTurf on the balcony is a strange feel. The pool area looks great, yet it’s a weird set-up lower than the house and I don’t like that there is no yard at all. 

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  15. 17 hours ago, Jextella said:

    Brandi's such a whack job.  She is so anti-affair and feels victimized by Denise.  How about "just say no"?  She's an adult woman and in control of her own destiny.  If Denise did come on to her, it was up to Brandi to say no.


    THIS!!! If Brandi was so anti-affair, don’t hook up with a married person regardless of what they say! Don’t we all know that? Brandi is an attention whore betraying Denise’s kindness in doing her a favor for her podcast and letting her stay with her when she didn’t even know her that well. Ugh, I never even disliked Brandi or particularly liked Denise and I liked Kyle and did not think highly of Dorit and I loved Erika. This whole thing has flipped me around to where I understand Denise, now see how malicious Brandi and Kyle can be, see how Erika targets people and how Dorit has many flaws that are annoying AF, yet has a kind soul. Ugh, I’m so annoyed. I preferred seeing some good in all of them. I saw Rinna’s nasty a season or two ago and Teddi being such a follower with puppy-gate, so that is not new. 

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  16. 16 hours ago, kellog010 said:

    Not much going on today so far that I've been able to see. Maybe if they open the backyard people will start scampering so they can entertain me.  

    Also, everyone probably knows this already, but I've been using the BBviewer chrome extension and it's so cool. It has a PIP mode where I can pop out the feeds and it floats over whatever I'm doing on my computer and I can resize it. 

    Is there a fee for this?

  17. 7 hours ago, Colfrmb said:

    Regarding Denise, she has had multiple breast surgeries, probably hundreds of trips to the aesthetician for Botox and whatever over her lifetime.  I believe that when the time comes she will start going under the knife. Currently I get really distracted by her lower face which unless she is full on smiling appears to be in an inflated/deflated balloon style pout which she didn’t have 25 yrs ago and it’s not pretty.  I think she dresses like a slob or maybe call it “beach casual” but people from Hollywood and Beverly Hills always looked down on people from the beach and to an extent, still do.  Half the time she just looks... dirty.  That look only goes so far.

    I agree that her cheek and jowl area sags and what was once a pouty mouth as a teen/20’s is now a bit of a sagging frown and I think it detracts some from her beauty. I’m surprised Denise doesn’t do more to correct this because she is still working on HD television, however she seems ok with it. I don’t think it looks great. To me, it looks like natural aging without intervention and a lift. I can’t speculate as to what she may or may not do in the future. She said she wouldn’t ever say never or rule it out as she is not against surgery and has had her breasts done. It is just not for her right now. She said that she wouldn’t do her breasts if she could do it all over again because it required more surgeries for a couple of fixes. I believe her because she doesn’t look, to me at least, like there is a lot of facial work done yet at all. Although it is a cosmetic tool, I don’t consider Botox as plastic surgery, and Denise doesn’t even do that in recent years and it shows. Filler is arguably closer to the concept of plastic surgery, yet still not surgical, because it alters the shape and contour of the face. Filler can be tricky because it can fill in lines, yet it can age you (see Taylor, Adrienne, Brandi) and start looking weird. I don’t see filler in Denise’s face. To me, when first introduced on the show, her natural aging was startling when compared to housewives across all franchises. I didn’t understand why her face looked so aged, so her saying she doesn’t do Botox anymore makes sense why she is not trying to fix it. I think she would benefit from more proactive skin care, but to each her own. She certainly has a busy life and is a gorgeous woman, regardless. 

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  18. On 8/5/2020 at 11:02 AM, lasu said:

    I'm not arguing, but what do you think she has had done?  I just looked at pictures of her from ST, and the main difference I see is age.  She was 26 in that movie and she's 49 now.  

    I agree. She doesn’t look plastic to me at all. I was honestly surprised by her lack of work done around her jowl area and jaw line. She did say she stopped doing Botox a few years ago when she got together with Aaron because he disagrees with it. Not in a controlling way, she just said he doesn’t like it and his work is about natural therapies so she hasn’t done it in a couple years. I can tell, her face moves a lot compared to everyone else’s forehead who could not raise an eyebrow if they tried. 

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