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Posts posted by Luckylondon

  1. 2 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

    I loathe to defend her, but I blew up like a whale during the pandemic and my diet is fairly good. Had to put a stop to it before I ended up sprawled across the back of a minivan on my way to meet Dr. Now.

    The struggle is real! It is interesting that the food that is expensive and elusive to some of those from poorer economic backgrounds in other countries is what is less expensive and more easily accessible here in the US. Eating Whole Foods (autocorrect insists it is capitalized and I’m tired of fighting it) without pesticides or hormones is extremely expensive and takes work and effort when 2 people are commuting and working as many people do in the US. Convenience “low fat” foods filled with high fructose corn syrup have raged havoc on Americans and it is really glaring when you see the foreigners gain significant weight so quickly when they arrive and live with their partners and adopt their diet.

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  2. Did Natalie gain 30 pounds in 90 days eating the great American diet? I know our food is said to be infused with corn syrup snd extra sugar and genetically modified everything compared to the rest of the world and even compared to ourselves 30 years ago and 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight, but dayummm... is it in the air here? She has been here like a minute! 

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  3. 17 hours ago, geauxaway said:

    Has anyone ever figured out why Hannah wears a necklace that says Butter?  Is it because she is greasy?  

    I don’t know for sure, but I feel like I remember it being her cat’s name? That sounds right to me. 

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  4. Living in NY state for most of my life, my understanding is that you need to get a masters degree within 5 years of being hired as a teacher in public school system. So you can be hired at 22 to teach high school, however you need to be actively working on the Masters degree and earn it relatively quickly to get a faculty position at any grade level. 

    Regarding the job of being a “buyer” at Macy’s, I don’t know what is required; however, it is a somewhat advanced job that Teresa does not seem to have the education requirements for the position. Tre is 3 years older than me. My roommate at our Ivy League school graduated with a degree in Consumer Economics and was hired to be a buyer at Macy’s through campus recruiting and had the position secured during Spring semester of our senior year to begin September 1st. She was not a genius, yet a smart person with good grades at a top school and an interest in fashion and finance. She went on to a higher level buyer position at Ann Taylor Loft and continued working there and commuting to Manhattan after getting married and moving to a North Jersey suburb. She eventually went on extended maternity leave and then returned to a part time position from home 2 days and office 1 day per week somewhere that was not these large retail giants and she was intensely busy. It’s not an overly impressive position like Investment banking training program, yet it is no slouch fluff position either and requires skills and education. I can’t imagine my friend and Teresa at remotely even comparable positions. The social refinement required alone would make it impossible for Teresa to be a “buyer” as we here collectively seem to understand the position. An assistant buyer/retail manager or some hybrid made up exaggerated version of a brief full time job at Macy’s in a retail store (rather than corporate) is more likely... in my opinion... based on some limited exposure to these positions and people who work at them in NYC. Teresa was not even close to my friend’s education level, business acumen, economic knowledge or social presentation (not even going there on her fashion sense and knowledge).

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  5. On 3/13/2021 at 1:46 PM, thesupremediva1 said:


    I think Jackie has no idea what show she's on. OF COURSE Marge doesn't believe the treacly BS about Teresa - you're on a reality show and you just skipped an important group trip. Your friend is throwing you a bone, giving you scene to film, and trying to show you a way to keep your job alongside a woman neither of you like that much. Being on this show is a (relatively easy) JOB - and to keep it, just like at an office, you have to show up to work. Marge sees her friend losing perspective and is trying, without breaking the fourth wall, to show her a way to move past Teresa's bad behavior so she can save face, respect her marriage, and still keep her spot on the show. Jackie just can't see that - she really thinks that "never talking to Teresa again" is possible and everyone is going to line up behind her. I don't know what planet she's on, or if she doesn't want to be on the show anymore (could we get that lucky?), but biting off Marge's head and threatening to take your toys and go home isn't a great look. 

    Jackie took a totally different tactic once in front of Joe Gorga - she's really spineless and will talk down to other females but not males. 

    Heeee... Jackie has made it clear that she definitely is not interested in working at any “job”— no matter how hard or easy it is made for her! That is how this all started! 

    • LOL 4
  6. 8 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

    I don’t think Housewives does much for the husbands. Being on the show would be risky for someone wanting to advance their career. Plus the divorce rate seems to skyrocket. 
    What was the point of the redo if all they were going to do was talk about Teresa and the rumor? 

    I totally agree! I am always amazed that people think that they will be different and come across well on these shows and then are surprised when they do not!

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  7. Regarding Evan’s arguable overreaction to the rumors of alleged cheating and why he would care about it affecting his reputation whether it is true or not, I had the impression— this was never stated— just my impression, that perhaps Evan may have aspirations beyond his current job in finance and that is how any rumors about his ethics and morality could adversely affect him and that is why he was so upset. My impression is that Evan was so offended because he actually is so far from that type of person that he resents being lumped in with a category of men who cheat like some of the other husbands who also have a history and reputation of loose business ethics (both Joe’s, Frank, Margaret’s Joe had an affair with her). Evan said (paraphrasing) that he is young and has a lot of things he wants to still do and this affects him. Maybe he has aspirations in local politics or starting a non-profit or somehow launching his business success in his company in to a private company or starting his own hedge fund? I have no idea about his life goals and agree with many that the best way to handle the rumor would be to laugh and not give it any life beyond to make it simply look bad for Teresa’s character to do such a thing as a guest at their party. Evan and Jackie definitely made it worse by being so upset and not letting it die for several weeks. That said, I don’t blame Evan for being upset about criminal Teresa, of all people, maligning his character on TV out of nowhere because she felt like starting petty drama. However, Jackie and Evan dragging this on for weeks about how this is so devastating and launching a counterattack on Teresa is not productive and leaves everyone helpless in supporting them, in the manner they request, because Jackie won’t listen to any of the women that “two wrongs do not make a right.” It would serve Evan best to keep his upset feelings private with Jackie and for him to help her roll with the BS more so that they can then both say “you are bananas” and “consider the source who is a shitty person who has a history of doing shitty things when not thinking about consequences.” Evan may have strong moral character, however his wife is on a TV show that involves socializing with Teresa Guidice, a lying criminal with a cheating ex-husband and a history of violence and holding grudges forever and making dirty digs for revenge. If you don’t want to fight with Teresa, then... don’t. fight. with. Teresa! That’s what she does! If you lie with dogs, you get up with fleas!

    Also... Evan may want to evaluate what he and Jackie share on TV as Jackie opened the door on talking about their sex life and speculation about it in her declaring on multiple occasions about sex acts that she will not engage in with her husband! That is private information and gets people wondering about the health of your sexual relationship and people start speculating based on their own marriage! People like Teresa start automatically thinking about what her husband might do, as we witnessed in that being her immediate verbal reaction in the moment, no less given time to think about it. Jackie, don’t open the door for people to talk about your sex life by talking about not giving your husband blow jobs in his “happy birthday, I love you so much baby” speech and then be shocked that people are talking about your sex life and if Evan might get sex elsewhere. Teresa is a brain dead idiot for repeating a rumor to every face she saw, however you are the one who keeps reminding her of the fact that you don’t give blowjobs. Teresa thinks that is weird and is going to voice it every time that you do! Stop talking about it and maybe everyone else will too! Sheesh! 

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  8. 1 hour ago, ProudMary said:

    Regarding Danni: She also seems to have a vocal tremor, which could indicate something neurological. I do hope she's OK; she's one of the very few people I still like on this show.

    As for the set decoration, there was also an antique sewing machine behind Craig, which I thought was a very nice touch.

    This is an interesting note about Danni. What is a vocal tremor?

    I have not seen evidence of disordered eating with Danni; however, we don’t normally see her as much as we even did this year. Without any knowledge other than looking at her, Danni is extremely thin for a woman in her mid to late 30’s. No one (there is always an exception) that is rail thin like that over a certain age without involving food restriction. Most slim women have to restrict to be slim. Even healthy fit women watch it carefully. The way her upper arms and thighs are, it does not look totally natural. She looks under nourished. I don’t think she looks bad, I think she looks beautiful. Yet she is painfully thin. She eats on camera and in front of others, yet I always wondered if she didn’t want to be involved full time as a cast member because it would require having transparency and access to her life and judgment of her that she prefers to avoid despite the huge amount of money she could make and have more exposure for her art. There are things she doesn’t want to reveal. It may be an eating disorder, an anxiety issue, or she just feels it best to maintain distance and maintain her dignity rather than gamble with what the editors will show with these crazy cast members. I have always respected her for her decision to remain their friend and participate, yet never participate any more than she wanted to or feel beholden to pushing a dialogue. She stands up for herself, but she rarely needs to, because she seems to be a good loyal friend. She is mostly kind to almost all without pandering to anyone that she doesn’t like. She is fun and pleasant to be around; therefore, she continues to be invited as a friend, and doesn’t want more involvement than that level of involvement and engagement with the cameras.

    So, part of me thinks... what is she hiding? My immediate gut feeling, based on how she vibrates, is that I see a complicated relationship with food that is not at all uncommon among many of the women in her larger socio-economic group. She may need to starve or do extreme behaviors that others might find odd if she was followed more closely and had to account for how she fills her days. Maybe it affects her neurologically or vice versa or perhaps she is just naturally severely thin and has nothing to hide and she doesn’t need money (although her mom seemed to be pushing her to work more on one episode that she did film having a meal with her mom). I feel badly even musing about it if this is what actually keeps her from being a cast member. I really like Danni and admire many things about how has she handled things at times. She is down to earth and good for a laugh or a serious talk or a fun activity or meal and carries herself with grace and dignity. I understand the layers of complexity in food restriction and do not at all judge her if she is dealing with it. I admire her putting her mental health and physical health above being on this show full time. Yet she has consistently been Katherine’s only friend on some seasons for years and that is not a pre-existing relationship. Danni was a friend to Katherine when no one else would film with her which is why I believe she must have repeatedly been offered a more lead role when Katherine needed friends and turned it down to be a “friend of” who attend trips and parties. I think she would be invited to those events organically with or without the show. 

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  9. On 11/18/2020 at 12:35 AM, carolinagirl81 said:

    Like ALL the women in Los Angeles and he has to get a in my eyes a child, I don't care if they have celebrity parents and may "know Hollywood life" a 19 yr old has NO business being with a almost 40yr old man, period. But I guess because these are monied people that folks don't care, namely Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin. I saw bits of Real Housewives of Bev Hills flipping channels months ago and it showed Lisa and her daughter having a meal and talking about how when she went off to New York City for college she had an anxiety attack or something and had to come back home because she couldn't handle it. Is this that same daughter?

    Yes. Amelia is the daughter that had to come home from college in the most recent season of RHOBH due to anxiety issues. Rinna stated that “her life was at stake” because you never know what someone will do. Amelia then went looking for apartments with Rinna and realtor Alexia Umansky (Kyle’s daughter) and needed an apartment that was $5000 per month to feel comfortable and safe. Amelia Hamlin has also shared about her battles with eating disorders and during a scene last season told her mom that her therapist told her it was a “one year anniversary that [she was] fully recovered from anorexia.” According to Rinna, Delilah Hamlin also has severe anxiety issues and had previously moved to NYC after high school and returned home to LA as well. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, HartofDixie said:

    She’s in real estate and she married well. She’s only now getting into influencing (on IG her follower count was 82k when BB22 premiered and is now at 252k). 

    I read somewhere that Janelle’s husband is in commercial real estate and owns multiple hotels with someone else. There is not much known about him, as he is not a public persona. Janelle’s attitude seems as if she does real estate because she loves it and loves negotiating and the thrill of the deal for her clients. She has said that she is not interested in having a team under her. So her husband’s money may be for the family and Janelle’s money is for her to spend on her expensive stuff she likes. She has never said this directly, however that is the impression that I have. I don’t think they need Janelle’s income for the family. It seems like she views it as “extra” and, therefore, she can easily take time off when she wants to do CBS competitive reality TV shows. There is not pressure for her income to contribute to get the mortgage payment each month. 

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  11. 13 hours ago, Nashville said:

    My biggest shock of the season: Cody (a) knowing the word “facetious” and (b) using it correctly in a sentence.

    He indicated that Ian had taught him that grownup word in the house. He said, “right, Ian? Facetious?” As in, did I use that right? Leaving room to credit Ian and also for anyone to tell him he is using it wrong and to have a laugh about it. Cody definitely didn’t have facetious as part of his own vocabulary upon entering the house. Points for using the new word in a sentence and on TV, Cody! 

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  12. Was Julie wearing Janelle’s bracelets that she wore every day in the house? She had the same teal Hermès bracelet and 2 beaded bracelets. Did Janelle leave them there? Anyone else notice this? Speaking of, WHAT was... KevinDaniNicoleCody... erm, EVERYone wearing? Like they all had an existential crisis at the same time. Ian in a barn jacket? 😂 twice? 

    oh and yay Cody. He deserved it. 

    • LOL 1
  13. Logging in to CBS All Access today to check on the Live Feeds and the new picture is of Nicole with her hands on her hips like she is Wonder Woman, flanked by Enzo and Cody. I guess BB is not hiding that this is the final 3. They are already advertising it. Christmas is not in the picture. Nicole must be so happy. 

    • LOL 3
  14. 6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I love your theory because it makes Tyler sound sociopathic and I think he kinda is so!

    I agree and have already described how I have observed some sociopathy in Tyler in the game. At times it is unsettling to observe. 

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  15. 4 hours ago, Lamima said:

    Yep...fake. In his talking head after he had that 'trying not to smile' tell that my own kids have when they lie. Where the corners of his mouth look like they are being pulled down but fighting to turn up. 

    It’s known as duping delight. That small slight expression of glee that breaks through when they realize they have manipulated been presented falsely and it worked as they intended. 

    it is often associated with narcissism and some sociopathy. However, it is unfair to pathologize that behavior in a game that requires manipulation and lying in order to out maneuver others. Except with Tyler, this instance was not about lying to someone that you are keeping them and then voting them out, it was him claiming to be 100% genuine and that his plan was foiled by Christmas who would not comply. The duper’s delight expression occurred when he realized that he covered his ass and she bought his story and remorse and forgave him and likely will come out of this clean if all media and also Day are believing and accepting his version of events. A sly smile of satisfaction of having successfully manipulated the story so that he expressed to say what happened and how genuine his emotions were and all his complex feelings and that it became out of his hands when Christmas would not agree and then also relief in the victory that he was successful in that Day listened to his explanation and *SHE* responded with empathy *for Tyler* and his tears.



    Neologism coined by Paul Ekman in his book Telling Lies (1992).


    duping delight (uncountable)

    The pleasure of being able to manipulate someone, often made visible to others by flashing a smile at an inappropriate moment.quotations ▼

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  16. 13 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

    The only real interest in the HoH room for the audience is the screen where they can spy on where others are in the house, but that's very rarely made part of the storyline.  And the whole 'who wants to see my HoH room' has always been funny because there's never much change in the room from one week to the next.

    They have not included any of the “who wants to see my HOH room?!” reveals with the pictures, letters, and HGs discussing and looking through the HOHs goodies on the live feeds or the actual show. I don’t know if it is Covid related, but I really miss that segment on the show. It was fun, gave you insight in to the HG who won HOH and their outside relationships and degree of emotion they felt seeing pictures and reading letters. It was always telling who was excited to see pictures and happy for the HOH to hear their letter or got emotional for them or got happy for them for their goodies and who was pretend happy and a bit jealous, like “you got all that! I didn’t get that! Thanks BB!!” (Dani voice). It was also a glimpse in to true feelings of closeness and comfortability among which HGs who were willing to stay and chat a bit about the HOH’s excitement and family and who was not in to putting up the effort of the front if they were feeling awkward, unsure, insecure, or straight up “I’m over it” contempt and made a cursory sweep of the room and immediately left.

    A lot of social insight outside of formal alliances about the social ease and grace of how HGs who are not aligned choose to act in those situations and I miss that part of the game both on the feeds and the televised show. That is what this game is really about! Yes you win comps when you need power and it builds a resume of people you evicted, yet it is not always smart to win comps if you are not in danger as this then makes you a target and someone to watch.

    The competitions are exciting and fun and you have to win sometimes to get power to make a move if you are in danger, yet the real work is in the sliding with ease among relationships and using your particular social strengths to maneuver through, within, and past the others. That part is different for everyone as everyone has different social strengths and physical and athletic skills contribute to social admiration, yet other qualities matter too and the best players adapt to the mood of “the house” and to pinpointing some of the ego and emotional needs of the others and offering that to them in ways that creates strong individual relationships which lead to trust and sometimes sharing of info and loyalty (sometimes with a trusted relationships outside your main alliance). After the formation of The Committee, we saw many outside additional alliances this season, yet many were very large and not based on common ground, trust and loyalty, so at least 1 person in the group didn’t trust it. 

  17. 20 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    They seemed fake as hell to me. Also, I’m pretty sure there were no actual tears, just a lot of face pulling. But I think Tyler is one of the fakest people ever on this show so I’m biased. My sister couldn’t care less about him either way but she was like, ‘why is he fake crying,’ lol.

    Agree. Fake AF. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, Michichick said:

    Derrick swears on his children that he had no idea Nicole was going to be on this season and therefore the idea that he set her up with Cody is ridiculous.

    Yeah..... he’s lying. I don’t care if he is the undercover puppet master. He can’t hide his micro expressions and tells when the focus is on him only. My read is that he feels comfortable saying this on camera because Nicole told everyone that she wasn’t going on the show. And her family told everyone that. With certain people, *I* am not certain how she responded when pressed on her obviously short response of “I’m not doing it.” Wait... Nicole doesn’t want to talk about Big Brother? Knowing Cody and Derrick, they would be like, “No?! Why not?” and then, “Yes you are Nicole! You are such a bad liar!” And she could say, “Noooo! I swear I’m not.” And they say, “Ok Nicole.” and proceed to operate as if she is because she is obviously telegraphing that she is going to be there and Derrick knows how to read people... and Cody does too (he just knows less what to do about it to give them what they need to manipulate them constantly— however, he is not terrible at it, he just lacks the emotional control of his anger and his need for extroverted thinking style drives introverts a bit crazy with too much nonsense talking of every thought as he has it interferes with his ability to completely manipulate; however his good looks, athleticism, social ease makes others want to comply with him and be around him as much as possible.) 

    So did Derrick know? He can say that he did not know because he was told by EVERYONE that she would not be there. Yet, is he showing deception in that video posted? Yes. He is showing signs of deception because he knew she would be there despite her telling him that she would not be there. 

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  19. I really don’t like Christmas and yet I am annoyed that she panicked and Nicole won HOH. Earlier this season, Nicole was all nervous about potential competitions and being clumsy with poor balance, so Christmas taught Nicole how to run across balance beams by holding in your core and how to shift your balance on a teeter-totter. She even practiced knocking her off balance so that  could tighten her core to straighten instead of over correcting by moving the opposite way and falling. That was Christmas’ ego need to be recognized and appreciated for her knowledge, athleticism, and team value. I bet she regrets that now. 

    Does Vic not even pay attention to Nicole enough to realize that she really doesn’t care much about how and what he is doing and she wants to know what he thinks about how and what she is doing? 

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  20. On 9/24/2020 at 5:07 PM, Happy Camper said:

    I like LVP, but it seems like podcasts are a dime a dozen now.  Heather Dubrow, Heather Thompson, Meghan King, Teddi Mellancamp, Bethenny Frankel, Brandi Glanville. I'm sure next in line will be Dorinda.

    They just like to hear themselves talk. JMO.  I'm sure there are many fans that miss them on the RH shows and will follow. 

    Having a podcast just doesn't seem to me to be any great accomplishment. To me it reeks of "I tried TV and failed, so now this is the best I can do."

    Hey, folks! I have a podcast! Definitely not a sign of success.

    Do they talk about RH stuff across all franchises or interview random people or reality stars or famous people or real people? WHAT do alllll these podcast people talk about? 

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  21. 26 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Honestly, it's fun to be Enzo.

    Right?! That’s what I’m sayin! 

    Just now, Nashville said:

    Yeah, every brain needs to be shut off and take a vacation from thought every now and then....

    That’s it, yo.

    • LOL 2
  22. 40 minutes ago, Nashville said:


    Y’all keep that shit up, and I’m breaking out the pointy sticks.

    Pointy sticks! That’s what I’m sayin yo! Bust out the pointy sticks already! Enough!! Right? That’s all I’m sayin! For real man though, that’s it! Pointy sticks yo, we got this.

    • LOL 5
  23. 1 minute ago, amazingracefan said:

    I've never liked Enzo this season (never saw his first season).  Even though his edit hasn't felt bad (getting jokes in the DR, us being told he's really liked) he still gives a bad impression with his ego and wearing those shades.  He is actually very shady and while that can be a valid game if played well it's very annoying to view when someone like that just gives an easy path to the biggest threat in the house (in this case Cody).  They both end up just floating by without much of a challenge.  It feels like he's playing for 2nd place. 

    That is Enzo and that is Enzo’s game.

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  24. On 10/3/2020 at 10:55 AM, SideofSlaw said:

    Still wondering how Johnny hasn’t lost all circulation to his feet with those thigh-strangling tight ass shorts. I noticed during the finale (especially) that when he smiled at Cely or when he noticed the camera on him, his smile didn’t reach his eyes. Very disingenuous. 

    THIS!! Johnny likes Cely enough. She is fun and cool and beautiful; however that man is not in love and his micro expressions of lack of sincerity are disconcerting to watch because he is acting. That man has a looootttt of control issues inside his home, and a lotttt of lack of self-control issues when around other women outside the home. He is a player and he has been playing the heck out of “adorably in love Johnny” who may or may not have some or any resemblance to real Johnny. He is a con-artist that spits game smooth and figures out to know what works for whichever woman and knows how to play the part of that to get them to fall hard. He likes them, however it is the power rush he gets when he knows he got them is an adrenaline rush that he will always seek with new people. Whether he is in a relationship or not, Johnny needs to hunt, he needs to chase, he needs to compete; if so, it doesn’t bode well for anyone to get involved with a Johnny because he will always be prowling. He referenced “the game” several times and Cely finally asked “what do you mean teach him (their 1-day doll baby) the game?” And he said, you know how to talk to girls, how to get with girls, what to do— how to play— THE GAME.” Cely didn’t seem to like or hate his response and asked if this was a game to him and he reassured her with all the right “no baby, this love is real and I’m all in, I was just saying I will teach him how to get all the girls.” And Cely was like,” I don’t want him to get all the girls like that” and Johnny was like “no, baby it’s all good, I’m just excited to teach him things” and she was like “*yeahhhh* (happy smile). Well if she doesn’t believe him that he is a straight-up borderline professional PLAYA in real life, after he said it many times, then that’s on her. Even Justine and her mom and siblings tried to point it out to her. Unfortunately it did not seem to make her reflect on these issues at length and take in to consideration something that more than one person has suggested Instead it only made her defend Johnny more causing slight friction with her best friend and also her family because she was annoyed at their judgment of him. It is almost like she is more determined to show and prove to everyone how great he is, how much he cares for her, and how they are the BEST couple! 

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