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  1. Lord Mountbatten threw those three names out at the beginning of the Roundtable, and I think everyone kind of locked in on those and were too afraid to mention anyone else. But yes definitely when Nikki was in the hot seat she should have deflected to Danielle. I think that's where the "gamers" have more of an advantage because the good ones have arguments in their back pocket and can identify when to use them.
  2. I mostly like him but I find his jokes about drinking blood, death, etc off putting.
  3. I agree with all of everyone's points. I too though Euan was trying to recruit Noah. There were too many loose ends and filler, and the filler seemed to intentionally throw the viewers off the scent. We didn't know Lisa was assaulted until the final episode, and that set off a domino effect that led to the murder. How were we supposed to guess that? I think a good murder mystery sets up the pieces and scenarios in the opening act. We should have at least known she was assaulted in ep 1 or 2 so we would know that was a piece of the puzzle. We didn't get resolution with Karin being Brutus, or if Astrid is going to be treated better by her parents. And instead of those many flashbacks where Annie and Euan were doing spy stuff we could have had one or two scenes with the killer's family life, to show how demented she was and that she might be capable of doing it, and to show how he was spending his time. We didn't get any character building from those two. I also thought the rave house was kind of a convenient scapegoat for the bad stuff to happen. I don't think those 40+ year old men would actually spend so much time there. But story-wise how would they get the gun. Overall I just don't feel satisfied with the story and resolution this season. I still love the show. I actually do like Tosh and Calder's interactions. I thought the final scene was powerful in that Tosh leaned into her new friendship with Calder and symbolically left behind her old "friends." And this one was still better than one or two of the previous seasons. Sad we have to wait a year for the next one.
  4. Danielle is playing rather poorly as a traitor, imo. She's very "my way or the highway" in the turret which will come to bite her when there are new traitors because right now Bob is protecting her. She spoke too much and too loudly at breakfast. It was very dumb of her to gather the traitors (minus Carolyn) and meet in the hidden room at the same time. It would have been much better to casually say a few things to the traitors quietly in passing, and ask them for their ideas instead of steamrolling with her plan. Gathering together also caused problems with Carolyn by leaving her out, and she was walking around trying to find them to strategize. Not to mention the risk of everyone else wondering where they were, and possibly hearing them. Unless I missed a rule that they all had to be together to sign the scroll (which I might have). I don't think Carolyn is a hot mess yet. I think she's trying really hard to make good moves, but none of the other traitors are taking her seriously. She's actually brought up a couple good points, and being much more quiet and observant than I initially thought she would be. I like Jeremy and I think he's playing a good game. I hope he becomes a traitor at some point.
  5. Just finished episode 5 here. The spy/Karin info was a crazy twist that happened suddenly, there was no buildup and no tension. I don't know how I feel about that yet. I don't really feel anything. The flashbacks with Euan don't do anything for me either. What I've always loved about Shetland is the theme of small island, everyone knows each other for their entire lives, and how they navigate that into adulthood. For that reason I don't think Annie Bett will be killed by anyone outside of Shetland. Just a guess though. This is not a spoiler just a guess on my part but I keep going back to the fishermen family that Annie was staying with. When Tosh went to their house to meet with her, no one knew she was dead yet, and the "mean son" I don't remember his name, said "How'd you know Annie." I looked at closed caption and that's how it was spelled. In the Vera show, Vera catches when anyone uses past tense to describe someone they shouldn't know is dead yet. So I'm going to guess him at the moment. I could be totally wrong! Also in Vera, if someone seems like the perfect suspect, Vera will say something like "I just don't think ___ did it." Which leads the viewer to keep guessing other people, too. Or she'll say "there's something not right about ___." even though they have an iron-clad alibi. There'll be something that tips off her intuition. I bring this up because Tosh doesn't do that. It's like the mean son said he didn't do it and she took it at face value. I guess Shetland is more about using technology instead of intuition. But Calder did say she didn't believe Malcom shot his brother, so there's that. It's episode 5 and they've left a lot of loose ends, and they haven't been circling back to the info they know. It just feels like a wild goose chase from one thing to another.
  6. I'm in the US and only through episode 4 so far. I haven't read replies on this thread yet for fear of being spoiled, but I'm a little disappointed with how Tosh is handling the investigation, and how it's being presented to us the viewers. For instance, so far everyone has forgotten about Andrew being shot and killed in the opener, and his brother admitting to it immediately. I know it'll obviously come up later and be critical to the plot but Tosh/Calder shouldn't have forgotten about that yet. Annie Bett told Tosh at the party that she did Andrew's books. John Harris the fisherman said Annie did his books. Tosh should have put those two facts together. Malcom the brother admitted guilt right away. Annie left Ian suddenly. Anton Bergen broke up with his boyfriend suddenly. Someone was threatening these people and no one is putting it together. Also the matter of their first suspect Ian Bett. His car was still at the party location, and Donny said they put him in a cab after the party. Tosh's first words after hearing that information should have been to find the cab company and ask where the driver took him. However, that information didn't come up until she was interviewing Bett and told him that they retrieved the cab info. I feel like that was a plot hole so the writers added the line during the questioning. But for nearly an entire episode I was thinking they could have traced the whereabouts on their prime suspect if they just got the cab info first. I can't see how the spy Euan fits in at this time. This latest episode ends with him obtaining a gun, which is like ok I have no idea what his motivation would be to kill who? And I don't know why Calder is withholding the spy info from Tosh (as of yet). She didn't tell Tosh that Euan came to her house. And Euan also could have bugged her house and she didn't look for a bug. There have been several scenes where the investigators aren't involved. It seemed like Shetland used to be more from the DI's POV. We were figuring out the murder with them. Now, there are a number of critical scenes the viewer is seeing but not the DIs. I know this will all come together brilliantly but I'm just a bit frustrated at the moment.
  7. According to Makensy's Instagram, she and Matt are dating in real life? Still don't know if we're being punked.
  8. I went to the Christmas Extravaganza at the Star and Kleine was at the point of the triangle. They danced to Thunderstruck but the word thunderstruck was replaced with “deck the halls.” It was a phenomenal show. They did three dances with three different costumes. Charly walked around the perimeter with Drew Pearson who was the special guest, and Kelly walked the perimeter with Santa. It was so fun to see them up close!
  9. I have such a crush on Danny, and it's weird because he's so not my type. But I find myself rooting for him and hoping he stays despite the fact that I believe he peaked during Dedication Night. I think it helps that he and Whitney have crazy insane chemistry, too.
  10. It was hilarious that during Chelsie's speech she said "I could've been in a showmance but wasn't" to prove that she was focused on the game or something and not because Cam was completely uninterested in her romantically.
  11. I was pretty devastated when Makensy chose Chelsie. It was hard to watch such a stupid mistake play out before my eyes. She had recovered from her disastrous HOHs and made it to the Final 2, and then still threw it away. But I was entertained by Chelsie's responses and speech, and she did deserve to win. There was no way anyone could vote for Makensy after that performance. I hope Makensy learned a lesson through this. Her family might be rich but I doubt they got there by throwing away 750k that could fall into their lap like she did. I truly loved this season. I was about two days behind the whole time so it was fun to catch up here. I was bummed Angela didn't win AFP but Tucker was ok I guess. I'm sure we'll see him on various other competition shows for the next decade+. Rubina was adorable. Leah and Quinn were very smart at the round table and in their analysis. I was even entertained by the non-jury segment and I usually hate that part. Cheers to everyone and I hope we can still talk next season.
  12. I had a sliver of hope that Makensy was possibly trying to make Chelsie feel comfortable before blindsiding her. But she really is just a Chelsie minion.
  13. Yesterday evening I was watching the feeds when they were treated to a sneak preview of the new CBS show The Summit. They had a lot of great conversations about that show and the players on it, and they looked like they had a great time. All except Chelsie who sat like a bump on a log and she kept looking over at Cam and Rubina who were sitting next to each other and laughing. It made me uncomfortable to see her keep doing that over and over. And the camera person must have caught it too because one of the cameras on the quad view was focused solely on her. I don't think Chelsie likes to see Cam having fun or give attention to anyone else.
  14. This was the latest Chelsie meltdown about Cam that I knew about. I’m not sure if there was a more recent one.
  15. Wow from that summary, Chelsie sounds completely unhinged and obsessed with Leah. Hopefully Makensy can see that Chelsie weakened Leah by taking away her allies, and now she's trying to do the same with Makensy.
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