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Everything posted by suzywallis

  1. I thought the same thing. He seems to nurture the baby and she seems irritated with him. I have done a 180 on my feelings about her. She pisses me off now.
  2. YES YES YES!! My husband is listening in the background and even he said, "Wait, she complains that she is by himself and now she is complaining that people are there?? What is with her??" I have lost all respect for her. It's all about her and no one else. I was so pulling for them and now I think Binyam would be better if her spoiled ass left. Spot on. She is the most selfish person ever. I am going to Jordan. I am not going to Jordan. I am worth more than that. I am going to Jordan. It's a girls' trip. (Said no woman ever before--Jordan is not a girls' trip place.)
  3. I was half-listening and completely missed that! Thanks for the heads up! I will go back and watch closely.
  4. Regarding Yazan and Brittany, I wonder if the producers (who we know like to stir the drama cauldron) sent the photos to Yazan's father? They would obviously have the information since he consented to be on the show, and heaven knows it's not hard to find Brittany's T&A hanging out everywhere on any social media platform.
  5. OMG, right off the bat! I had Post-Partum anxiety and high blood pressure, so I am trying so hard to be understanding with Ariela, but I wanted to smack her! Binyam has been SO patient with her, and he has not been mean or rude at all. He has frankly, been a saint with her, and she has gone off the deep end! It's my baby! It's My baby! Uh lady, you didn't have that baby on your own. You two need to talk things out. GEEESH.
  6. Pretty much a given.
  7. I had two C-Sections myself. I just remember feeling nauseated after the first one for some reason. I don't recall much of anything. I remember not being able to hold mine for a little while because my arms were numb and kept falling off the table!! Yikes!
  8. Yes, this!!! That's the biggest load of BS!!! I always liked him but he definitely soured in my opinion.
  9. I used to pull for Ari and Bini, but man, Ari was getting on my last nerves. I had a C-section. I was scared to death, but she seems to have gone extreme. Where the heck did she get that number of $70,000? Yes, the cars were overpriced, but unless daddy is going to bring her one from overseas, if you want a car, you have to pay to ride. At least the cars were Toyotas and would last forever. I think Bini is seriously losing his patience with her. Brittany needs to get off my screen. Her and her entitled and whiny self is on my last nerves. LIke Yazan's family won't see all of the lies she is telling? It's nice to see Deavan smile, but how have we gone from "I don't think I will stay here" to now be all, "I want a wedding!" WTH? For those who have asked my didn't Kenny learn some Spanish? If he knew he was moving to Mexico, he should have started learning Spanish! And for Melyza and CHeesedick? Please. Give me a break. They won't be together past the Tell-all, if not before.
  10. Yes, that woman in the car was her mother. Brittany was on my last nerve with that, "I am just going to tell the judge I need a divorce." You can tell that batting those fake eyelashes has gotten her far in life. I agree with whoever said her smile/smirk is totally grating.
  11. Ok, is it just me, or were Georgi and Stacey wearing the exact same pants, two days apart?? Stacey was wearing them at the restaurant, and Georgi was wearing them at the BBQ at her family's house. WTH?? I can't believe I am watching this nonsense...
  12. Kalani hasn't done anything to deserve Coltee and no woman on earth deserves to be stuck with Pole the asshole.
  13. So, did anyone else think that Larissa's voice sounded more nasally? My husband and I thought so. (I have had sinus surgery and had my septum straightened and it didn't affect the way I sounded.)
  14. Ok, Asuelu and Kalani--divorce Syngin and Tonia--divorce. I am shocked that he DIDN'T stay in South Africa. Hell, I thought it was beautiful. Paul and Karine--not even mentioned in this episode. I PRAY that she gets away from him. Erickee and Larissa---I see them breaking up eventually. Angela and Michael--who knows. He will eventually get to the states, probably. Colteee and any number of girls, no. It will be a few years before he grows up enough to get anyone and stay with her. Andrrrrrreeeiii and Libby---meh, they will probably stick it out.
  15. My husband who doesn't normally watch with me saw Eric, Larissa, and "the new girls," and said "Those two aren't in love." There's no way.
  16. I completely agree. Unless he is carrying the baby, he isn't pregnant. I can't stand him and he looks even worse with that mop of hair. I have had no problem with him not being on the show in recent years.
  17. She probably didn't want to see that she was close to the end. It's her own mother. She also desperately wanted to marry Michael. Denial was strong with this one.
  18. I hope the other couples give her a piece of their minds. She is a horrid woman.
  19. SORRY...yes, I meant Paul's mother Mary. NOT Debbie. Mary works for UPS.
  20. YESS. Please. She does nothing. I was hoping that they would deport her butt back to Brazil after the court hearings, but no such luck. I can't believe that TLC kept her around except to stir up trouble and call Colt's girlfriend.
  21. Mother Pole (Mary?) works for UPS. They have a HUGE hub in Louisville. When she drives the car and the seatbelt is covering most of the logo, you can see the outside of the shield.
  22. You KNOW that will be the first thing she breaks out with..I'm done. You need to leave. UGh. I don't know why he puts up with her. I do feel for her being all the way over there with her mom being unresponsive. I could have definitely done without the barfing sounds. He and his caterpillar mustache skeeze me out, especially after we learned that he was showing his privates to anyone who would look. I agree with you about Asuelu too. I was proud of him in this episode and then we see the preview for next week and how he is lying about where he is going? I have always said she needs to divorce him but after we hear that Mother Asuelu and that horrible sister Tammy want him to get divorced, I want them to make it just to spite them!
  23. Charlie needs to get his ass kicked. I hadn't thought about the sibling jealousy. I didn't know there were that many siblings! I was trying to figure out where Paul and Karine were driving in Louisville. The armory-looking building looked familiar--the one withe the display guns on the outside. @mamadrama, could you tell where that was? That wedding was something! I can't imagine the cost of that. IT was beautiful, though!
  24. YESSS! That was so offensive and to do it after the wedding, what the hell?? She was great the whole trip and then that came out!
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