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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. Great episode. The first challenges were hard. Counting goats, matching sounds. I don’t know if I could have done either. I wonder if they got to order what type of subs they got? right now I like all the teams and will be sad to see anyone go.
  2. Is the Food Network trying to kill their contestants? We had Alaska where they nearly froze to death, did one actually get frost bite? And now we have people passing out from the heat. And speaking of heat there is no way I would wait 50 minutes in the heat for food from a food truck.
  3. Didn’t Tyler used to go to each truck and taste their specials? He doesn’t seem to be doing that now. I would love to see him try the food more.
  4. I think winners should be determined by number of sales not amount of money made.
  5. I think I am in love with Flynn. I loved how he was having a wash in the background at one point. Like “ oh, I am on national TV. Let’s make sure my private parts are clean”
  6. Drea has such lovely facial bone structure
  7. Gosh. Instead of pizza give these people steak and potatoes. And hot fresh buns. With lots of butter.
  8. Thanks. Canada gets different commercials.
  9. What is The Challenge you guys keep talking about
  10. I have never liked Romeo but now I really don’t like him. He just rubs me the wrong way for some reason
  11. Rotten move. Sending them to a new beach with no shelter.
  12. Wait, what? a new camp? they really can’t expected to create a new shelter at this point in the game
  13. I don’t think Jonathon is a big cake and cookie eater anyway.
  14. Chocolate cake and cookies may taste good but will not lead to do them any good.
  15. I had to put closed caption on to understand her.
  16. The ending reminded me of the time when Lucy and Carter were stabbed in ER. They were both laying on the ground dieing while there were a party going on.
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