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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat
TobinAlbers replied to ByTor's topic in The Young And The Restless
Still catching up on everything but quick thoughts/reactions on the death of Heather and what not - Death of Heather - Already betting that Lucy killed her by 'accident'. Sharon blacked out/was out cold when Heather was killed. My bet is Lucy came home before going to the movies with Daniel, walked in on Heather waking up/holding her head while Sharon was passed out on the floor. Heather tries to explain that Sharon attacked her but Lucy gets hysterical thinking Heather hurt/killed Sharon and that because of this Faith will never want to be friends with her. Struggle ensues as Heather tries to calm her down and Lucy pushes her away too hard and Heather goes down/hits her head and dies. Then as Lucy stares dumbfounded at Heather, Sharon begins to stir and Lucy being a teen, scared, and horrified she killed her mom, flees and leaves Sharon to believ she did it and to clean up the mess. Lucy is blaming Sharon for Heather's death because Lucy blames everyone but herself and the claws are really going to come out when she realizes Sharon is framing her dad. Meanwhile, Lucy gets comfort and attention and Faith is going to really try to be her friend in her time of need- Lucy getting exactly what she wanted- Faith back as her loyal friend. I think the act starts as an accident, but Lucy ultimately gives into her bad seed proclivities to keep Faith close and somehow get Sharon arrested so she and Faith can be together, forever. How Jack didn't deck Kyle and pack up his stuff in garbage bags to drop on the stoop like he did Gloria is beyond me. Jack is too good a father to that dweeb. Theo needs to return to be a thorn in his side just for kicks and giggles. And appeal to Claire's shadier side. Lily conveniently left out her colluding with Victor to take A-C from Billy, LOL. Jill's gonna get her for that one when the truth comes out. Glad Lily finally saw the light on Victor and Nikki's schemes. Nate and Audra are my shining couple. I want a big wedding, a cute baby, and for them to be a stable power couple. Speaking of Audra, this wouldn't be the smartest thing Jack did, but hiring Audra to fill Kyle's role at Jabot would be hilarious. Diane and Summer would both be sucking lemons but Sally would have her new bestie in the building. -
Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat
TobinAlbers replied to ByTor's topic in The Young And The Restless
Ain't no way Jill would tell just Billy that she's leaving him in charge while she pops off the grid for a while without discussing it with Lily. No.way. And it's very curious that not even 2 days after Mamie warned the kids about Jill and Billy and that they'd regret their actions that Jill does *exactly* what Mamie warned them about, LOL. My money is that Mamie's trying to teach her family a lesson and made a deal with the devil, aka Tucker. He waylaid Jill somehow and has her 'secured' for a spell on a nice private, comfortable island with no wifi or way to communicate with the outside world and sent an AI generated video of Jill to Billy telling him he was in charge and she was off on vacation. Billy *is* the type to not look too closely when someone is giving him power/exactly what he wants so he's falling right into whatever trap Mamie/Tucker set him up for. If Mamie and Tucker aren't behind this and Jill DID actually make this dumb move - which I can't believe she did - then she's gonna have a lot to answer for. Devon wanting to break the merger at this point would actually have some validity/legs since Jill pulled this move without talking to any of them. -
Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat
TobinAlbers replied to ByTor's topic in The Young And The Restless
It's possible to avoid the Newmans - or rather they avoid you. Just ask Abby. 😆 Summer could potentially have her own health issues with having a child since she gave up part of her liver for Lola. She could have some complications that make it a high-risk pregnancy. That could be a reason she's holding on to Harrison so tightly. Phyllis and Nick talking about their/Summer's past trauma off Patti poisoning her with peanut butter feels like a reach to give her current reactions to Harrison's kidnapping more heft - but I appreciated the nod to her history. Also going back to how Victor shouldn't be able to say boo to Jack given the Marco debacle, he also played a hand in young Summer getting hurt due to his bringing Patti to town to destroy Jack. It'd be something if Jordan somehow got the drop on Victor and locked him in the cage and left him to rot. Him hallucinating and being 'tortured' by his family and Nikki and Jack could give some interesting insights into how his mind works these days. Between his age, dehydration, and his need to take his heart transplant anti-rejection meds (from Colleen due to the Patti craziness because of, you guessed it, Victor) things could get dicey for him real quick. -
Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat
TobinAlbers replied to ByTor's topic in The Young And The Restless
This kidnapping a Newman kid for Jordan to have her do-over would've landed a lot harder had this been Baby Ava that was kidnapped. Adam would go scorched earth and nearly have a breakdown. Nick would be the big brother trying to keep him together. Adam would be tempted to hold Nikki and Victoria responsible. Victor would have some kind of feelings about Nikki since he told her to leave Jordan alone and it was her need to confront the woman that allowed her to get free to kidnap Ava. Victoria and Nikki would lose their righteous anger at Adam and Sally since their actions put their child in danger. They may have to do some groveling since Victor would take Adam's side in this over theirs. Sally would go OFF on Nikki and Victoria for their selfishness and short sightedness and firmly have a grudge against those two even after they get Ava back. We'd wonder if Adam would go dark over this or shun his impulses in the end to go after Nikki and Victoria for this. In the end he'd turn away from the darkness to enjoy his family with Sally and Ava. Adam or Sally or one of the Newman's would kill Jordan over this. Would Claire feel some kind of way about it? Would SHE go dark? Would she then become a wolf in sheep's clothing as she has a mental break and begins targeting the Newmans as Jordan intended? Would whoever killed Jordan have to pay for it? Adam or Sally would go to trial and then the culprit is revealed - it was Cole. He had to end the madness and killed his own aunt to save the Newmans. Alas, see above as Clair isn't saved and becomes the new Adam, terrorizing the family.... Instead we got Summer pout screeching at Kyle and the Abbotts dragged into this mess. Heck, Abby's son Dominic would've been a better Newman child to take than Harrison but apparently Abby's not a Newman or an Abott anymore.... -
I'm glad that everyone is thinking that this storyline with Eric isn't kicking off a dementia/potential Alzheimer's story and is just more of Ridge's ego vs Eric as the OG. Sheila's blathering today is why I'm Team Steffy and feel Finn can kick rocks. The woman is back to saying she wishes everyone would forget that whole alley incident and wouldn't things be different if Steffy weren't in the picture. She hasn't changed, she's blameshifting, and already itching to do away with Steffy. Admittedly, Sheila would be plotting this whether Steffy took Finn back or not as she's gone past making Finn happy and thinking he'd be better off without Steffy so she's no longer trying to play nice with Steffy or trying to save his marriage to make him happy. Mother knows best afterall... Wyatt and Flo need to be getting married with all the Logan women planning the event and Hope having issues and then reconciling with Flo for Buckingham to get revenge on Flo and kill her off so Wyatt's a grieving widower and falls back in with Katie. Or as Flo dies she admits she gave up their kid years ago for adoption and it sends Wyatt on a journey to find the kid with Katie assisting. Give the man SOMETHING to do and help wrap up the Flo story once and for all.
He learned his lesson after leaving GH and getting fired from OLTL. He's gonna ride the Titanic of Liam until B&B is done with him. Where else can he go? GH has too many people and DOOL is on its last legs with no real love interest for him there. Y&R is a thought but Adam and Chance fill that age group of men so...Waffle Liam it is. At least he's getting a regular paycheck. Pretty much covers it for me! Beth's party was cute but didn't like that they made her 'return date' as her new birthday. We know she was born after Christmas/around New Year's. It was a big deal. And to age her up?! This show. Ain't mad at Liam reminding Hope why he hates Thomas. Has every right to. And she is better than Thomas but if she wants him then let her have him and either be happy or hoe the tough road ahead. So now we're back to 'we need to be together for the children' when Douglas is Team Thope and Beth seems to be okay without Liam in her daily life at the moment. They're contriving a situation for Lope to reunite when neither wants it and Thomas is making a 'sacrifice' so he can be the suffering hero in this when he's anything but. Given the Thope sex olypmics we all know this woman is pregnant with Thomas's child. There is literally no reason why they shouldn't be together at this point but they want to manufacture drama so that Thomas can be the one wronged by Liam in Liam keeping his child from him. Watch. Thope and their baby are the story and end game. What' apparent on this show is that your past mistakes don't count if you're treating me right today; today Thomas is the golden boy and Liam is slinking towards being the full on bad guy complete with baby napping which will make Liam the worst thing EVER and 'vindicate' Thomas when he's been as big or worse jackass. Bring me back Rick, Maya, Amber, Lil Deacon, a resurrected Aly, Sasha, and Nicole so we can have an alt scene/storyline than this current mess.
On X (fka Twitter) someone said Finn was giving Jodeci in his impassioned pleas to Steffy 😂 I think seeing Finn in satin open oversized shirt and flowing pants with a wind machine blowing as he begged her to come back from the ground floor as she looked down from the. balcony would’ve been more entertaining. Tanner certainly has that boy band hair. On one hand I want Steffy to give Finn another chance just so she can go ‘See? You suck! Go live with your momma and leave me and mine alone’ when he messes up again but that second chance could end up costing her. Finn’s possessive and myopic blame shifting inclinations are edging close to obsessive. Read the room, dude, even if you think Liam is the issue when everyone is telling you Liam isn’t the issue then pivot to the argument that will get you what you want and settle his hash later if need be. Bell knows what he’s doing putting Thope on pause. It’s all anyone is talking about and a lot of fans are waiting in anticipation of Round 2 and what will happen next. This ain’t over by a long shot.
Ridge is a flaming hypocrite an sanctimonious jackass but I ain't made at him getting into Finn's face but STFU whining about Liam and take responsibility about what HE did to drive Steffy away. Ridge doesn't have much use for Liam but I liked that he didn't give Finn an inch and even underscored that whatever Liam's motives, he is Kelly's dad and had a right to tell/snitch to Steffy about his concerns re Finn/Sheila. The one thing TK's Ridge really hangs his hat on is his love for his kids so I get why he's in Finn's face and defended Liam on that point. Having said that Finn giving Ridge eyerolls and attitude made me chortle. Ridge wasn't having it but Finn was also like I ain't kissing your butt, sir. Finn is so gonna go running to Mommy Sheila whining about how no one understands him/how someone else (Liam) is the problem/and people don't understand! Sound familiar? Sheila genes are activating. I....well....Liam I try to defend you man, but you make it so damn hard when you do crap like you did today with Steffy. You haven't learned anything and looks like you never will. I don't wish you death or ill will but really wish you'd have learned something over the past 10 years about your interswapping these women in your heart, bed, and mind. You need some therapy my dude. Damn Hope only mentioned Liam to basically shade him. Please let her go flouncing off with Thomas only for Caroline to return from the dead and take back her child. Hope is playing the victim/martyr card a little too hard for my tastes.
I can rationalize that Liam isn't harping about Beth at the moment because a) he doesn't know what Hope has done with Thomas and can live in denial that they've bumped uglies and distract himself with the Steffy situation and b) there isn't any need to worry about custody of Beth just yet until Hope decides she wants to move in with Thomas. THEN I would expect Liam to blow a gasket and start threatening custody with Hope and Thomas (oh, the irony) dragging him for trying to take a child from her mother and using a child for his own agenda. Nevermind that Thomas did all that himself, Today, this week, Thomas is different/change/saved a life (TM Finn) (rolling my eyes). Regarding why Liam hasn't shown urgency about Sheila's threatening Hope and Beth due to their connection to Brooke - I agree he ultimately should be but Sheila's more recent deadly moves have been made towards Steffy and Finn who Kelly is in direct line of fire and Finn until recently has had some cotten pickin' sense to not want Sheila anywhere near Steffy or the kids. The fact he's saying 'cut her some slack?' makes Finn stupid and dangerous and the fact Kelly had a near drowning on his watch makes it pretty easy to me if I were Liam to say keep that man away from my kid especially if his own WIFE left him because she thinks she can't trust him. And being real, Deacon is actually putting Hope and Beth in danger if Sheila every got it into her head they were obstacles to her relationship with Deacon or she turned on Deacon and wanted to get revenge. Right now beggars can't be choosers so she's content with Deacon until she isn't. Steffy telling Finn about Liam's video allowed Finn to try to pivot the conversation to make Liam the problem when he isn't. Look, if you think Liam is a threat to your marriage, that's because you think STEFFY would ALLOW him to be a threat your marriage in which case Liam ISN'T the problem- your wife's loyalty is. Liam can be wrongly trying to insinuate himself in that marriage but that doesn't mean Finn isn't hella wrong in his handling of Sheila and discussions on this topic with his wife. Liam is wrong about some things but he isn't the issue in the Sinn marraige. Steffy was up Finn's butt from their wedding day about her no toleration of Sheila so HTH is in that Liam's the one planting seeds of doubt about Finn when Finn is doing exactly what Steffy was afraid of and proving him right? Finn's considered Kelly one of his kids from even before they got married with few peeping they didn't like his co-opting Liam's kid so not seeing the issue of Liam telling Steffy he's concerned for both of her kids (one of which is his). If he just mentioned Kelly he'd be accused of not giving a damn about Hayes; mentioning Hayes in his concerns he's said to be trying to co-opt Finn's kid when Finn's made mention of Kelly in the same context. Man, can't win. AND honestly, it didn't sit right with me that Finn was trying to squeeze in a Step-daddy/daughter beach day BEFORE Kelly was to spend quality time with her father Liam. Of course they should bond and have fun together but to do it on the same day when she has plans with Liam and when he's on call? Feels like some territory marking on Finn's part on someone else's kid that isn't cool and a bit disrespectful.
Ha! Finn's face cracked wide open when Steffy countered to his edict that Liam can't come to the house anymore with 'Not a problem. I'm taking the kids and leaving.' He went for righteous to begging in 0.2s flat. Why she's leaving HER house I don't get but at least we'll see Eric and Donna doting on the kids. Crap, hope this doesn't end up with Donna watching the kids and cracking her over the head to kidnap Hayes and leaving her for dead. Steffy signed Liam's death warrant telling Finn about his snitching and the video. He got buggy eyed the same way he did with Vinny and is first gonna go punch him in the face and threaten him to stay away from his family, then go whine to mama Sheila who will want to prove herself to her baby boy and solve his problem. But seriously, Tanner's played Finn being all zen and good guy on the surface except for a few peeks at his very intense rage that tells you he's got potential for a dark side. Sheila Carter genes are ready to activate.
James needs to come back to romance Taylor and have Ridge's face crack over it. James could also be a way for Finn to learn to forgive his father for is lies as James would tell Finn how easily Sheila seduces and pulls you into her web before you know it. I feel like we need to see more of Sheila's kids. Maybe they could come for her funeral! Mary Warwick and/or Diana Marone can come to the show with Mary being a psychiatrist like dad and become Liam's psychiatrist and transition him to healthier actions while Diana can be his new love interest -only he wouldn't know she's Sheila's daughter and Steffy's auntie, LOL. Mary could be for Thomas so he'd have a new love interest for a change.
The difference for me is that Liam doesn’t work with Steffy at Spencer Publishing or FC for long hours into the night with the knowledge that Steffy has designs on him and is actively trying to snare him away from Hope. His time until recently with Steffy was in connection with his daughter. And given he does share a child with her it’s reasonable to me that he spend time at Steffy’s house to visit Kelly and we’ve been told that she comes over to his home offscreen to visit as well. Also Steffy is committed to Finn and shares a child with him and Finn is very much keeping his eye on Liam and letting Steffy know his feelings on the matter. Thomas has no one he’s dating or committed to that would make him think twice about cheating with Hope. Heck when he was Zoe he was playing/using her to make Hope jealous so we know with Hope, Thomas is willing to do anything or steamroll over anyone or use anyone to get what he wants -collateral damage be damned. Ask Emma and his Douglas. Liam’s expressed his concerns to Hope and she point blank lied to his face knowing that he was right about her having feelings for Thomas. This thing with Thomas didn’t ‘just happen’ without warning but had a long build up that Liam was warning her about which Hope willfully ignore/lied about so that she could keep Thomas close. She knew what she was doing and did it anyway which is why I have a hard time with her plea for grace in this instance. Liam is a clueless careless jackass to be sure and he’s been due for his dose of karma but I consider Hope smarter and more self aware so her pulling the show me grace for making a choice that she knew would be destructive after being warned? Doesn’t work for me. Her actions afterwards reinforced to me that she really didn’t want to be forgiven or shown grace since we went off to jump Thomas so her continuing to beat that drum just grates. She can retire that part of her woe is me speech as far as I’m concerned. 😂 Liam spending three days humoring a traumatized amnesiac Steffy at the urging of her psychologist mother. I didn’t see that as him cheating or giving into his feelings for her. That was a uniquely contrived and stupid plot twist for Bell’s giggles. Aside from the most recent two kisses and his asking Steffy for marriage advice in the lead up to the kiss, Liam’s been pretty much on the level in having his focus on Hope and his family with his obsession being Thomas rather than Steffy for once. And while he was annoying in his obsession he ultimately wasn’t wrong about what was going on.
Catching up on the show and man oh man. Finn? You still haven't learned. First, I know Liam's being an obnoxious, hypocritical punk but he ain't totally wrong in the basics of what he is saying. Sheila is dangerous, Finn is leaving her an opening, and that's dangerous for everyone if she thinks she has Finn baited on her hook. Secondly, Finn isn't being thrown under the bus IMO for Liam or a potential Steam reunion. Finn made a critical and bad mistake taking his eyes off Kelly but given who he is (a doctor) and his inexperience in wrangling kids he made a bad decision at a critical moment. It happens and he's learned from it. Where his perfect image is somewhat authentically cracking big time for me is that he's letting Sheila in after the woman shot him, Steffy, and nearly killed Li. That all should have Finn drawing a hard line for her but he, like James Warwick before him, needs to learn the hard way that if you give Sheila another chance, she'll hurt you, if you give her an inch, she'll take a mile; she can save you one day and throw you under the bus the next to suit her needs. He's only had one round of psycho with this woman - which should be enough - but he's going to need another round of understanding her ebbs and flows to realize for himself that she's never going to change. Will he still have his wife, access to his child, and his sanity by that point? We'll see. Between Kelly's prophetic dream, Sheila walking free, Liam wanting Steffy back and supplying ammunition to her that Finn isn't cutting Sheila lose, it feels like Liam really could be going down with Sheila taking care of Finn's 'problem' while also getting her revenge on Bill. Sheila overheard Hope talking about Liam's neverending attraction to Steffy and knows Lope is broken up, Finn is going to be LIVID when he finds out Liam showed that video to Steffy and will warn him to stay away from his wife probably with a punch thrown in for good measure. Then he'll complain to Sheila about Liam, Sheila will go into 'Defend my family' mode and will concoct a way to get rid of Liam which will either have him dead or in a coma/injured. Finn will then feel like he's an accessory to it and double down on keeping it from Steffy and falling further into Sheila's web and clutches and his sanity being chipped away until he's the male Sheila of the show. In any case Kelly is my hero in that she didn't waste time catching her mom up on almost drowning, it being Sheila who saved her, then bopping off to bed oblivious to the rage about to be unleashed on Finn. Cracked.me.up. That Finn could fix his lips to say to Steffy that Sheila was a hero shows he's a lost cause. 'Today, she saved a life!' Sure she did Finn. But saving Kelly wasn't about saving Kelly, it was about making sure Steffy's kid didn't die on your watch and your marriage implode. She was thinking of a bigger picture than Kelly. And BTW, not even a week after shooting you and Steffy and leaving you both for dead, she 'saved' Taylor's life when she almost went off a roof saving her from a suicide attempt. Did that save wipe out what she had done to you and Steffy? What about how months later she ran your beloved adopted mother off a pier with her truck exploding and left HER for dead. She'll save a life today and throw that same person off a cliff the next damn day if it suits her needs. You haven't learned, buddy. But you will. And you'll realize how big an idiot you were saying all of this to Steffy and wonder how she didn't clock you upside the head and kick your ass out of her house. In other catch up thoughts for the shows over the weeks, all I'll say about Thomas, Hope, and Liam is that they're all buttholes in their own ways. Actually, I'll say a few more things - Hope keeps saying Liam gave up on their marriage and didn't fight for it and didn't show her the same grace she did him. I don't think that's true; how many arguments, pleas, confrontations did they have up to that Italy trip with him begging her to see what was happening? Liam point blank asked her did she have feelings for Thomas and she tearfully said no and hugged him tight and said her heart was for him and their family. Liam did fight and then he saw Hope pull him to Thomas and kiss him and then skip away to enjoy the city with him. What is there for him to fight for at that point after weeks/months of fighting prior to that. HOPE made her choice. She stopped fighting her feelings and for her marriage and gave into her feelings for Thomas. But let's say that Liam did try one last effort with Hope and they tried to talk through what happened in Italy? Would she fire Thomas from HFTF to put space between her and Thomas? Doubt it. Would she limit Thomas coming to their home to see Douglas and have more neutral site drop offs to limit her interactions? She'd come up with some reasons not to. Bottom line, she wasn't cutting Thomas out of her life and they both knew it. Liam wasn't going to do that merry-go-round again and I couldn't blame him. Could he have been less nasty about it? Sure, but I got why he was pissy and was over it given the circumstances. As for not showing her grace and forgiving her - IMO she didn't' want to be forgiven given that she doubled down on her 'mistake' with Thomas and hunkered won with him for a make out love fest for several days/hours mere hours after Liam left her again. Just as she lied to herself and Liam about her feelings for Thomas, she's lying to herself that she wanted Liam's forgiveness as it gave her the freedom/justification to do what she's wanted for some time but couldn't admit which is to give into and enjoy her attraction for Thomas. Honestly, I'm glad Lope is done for the moment so Thope can have their moment and we see what hurdles are in store for them and it be about their pathology and leaving Liam out of it.
Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat
TobinAlbers replied to ByTor's topic in The Young And The Restless
Nikki can relent in her hatred sometimes to express sincere emotions and not be a 100% bitch. I think she was 10% expressing condolences (she did after all lose her son with Jack late term so she knows that pain) and 90% doing a temperature check on Adam’s head space. She knows a hurting spiraling Adam can be a dangerous Adam for all of them but especially for Victoria since she currently isn’t firing on all cylinders and has her head up Nate’s butt. Adam is feeling low and is lashing out and spoiling for a fight and Victoria has weakened herself to be taken down or at least severely wounded as far as Newman is concerned by dumping Nick and bringing up Nate. Nikki can only do so much so she’s working all angles. She immediately alerted Victor to wrangle his son. Also while I agree Connor could be a balm at this time for Adam and he should ‘remember’ him I don’t think that he’s forgotten him so much as is feeling like such a POS that he’s avoiding Connor to ‘protect’ him. He also is such a live wire and in such a bad head space I’m not sure he can/should be around him at the moment. No, he shouldn’t be ignoring him and yes Connor needs reassurance but can you imagine if Adam in his current state was around Connor and he snapped/momentarily misstepped/misspoke and Connor got upset? Both Chelsea and Billy (ugh) would be on his ass to only make the situation worse. Adam’s got to get his ish together but I get he also needs a minute to deal with his own personal emotional crisis. Chelsea was given her time, Adam should be given his. He might be still in the ‘he’s better off without me’ phase since losing Sally and Ava has done a number on him. -
Well, while I agree he should confront Hope, what good will it do? She pointedly lied to his face when he asked her point blank if she had feelings for Thomas. She either lied to him or lied to herself so either way she’s a hot mess that he can’t trust right now. Similar to when he found out about Steffy’s tryst and paternity debacle, I can see him shutting down for a bit before lashing out. Thomas is playing the white knight right now but he will be itching to rub Liam’s nose in this and bait him about how he’s the one pushing Hope away and let this work to his advantage. I say let Hope have Thomas and Thomas have Hope but she needs to have consequences for her actions and let that be she loses custody of Beth for a while. Liam legit has reasons to not want Thomas in his daughter’s daily life. Have Liam take Beth for the summer to a little town in Wisconsin where he is surprised to find an on the mend Sally who can use a friendly face and cute kid to lift her spirits. Hope can kick rocks. I’d love for fiesta Sally to emerge to roll her eyes at THIS Thomas and not be so impressed at all. I don’t hate RJ and Paris. But then I didn’t hate Paris/Zende and show messed that up.👎🏾