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Everything posted by CanaryFan98

  1. RSW is staying I mean I'd love it if he left because then I'd be spared this Ben redemption tour but I'm not that lucky. VK OTOH I could see her leaving however if they want RSW to go with her that works for me. I could see the show keeping Jordan/CH. Her husband is on NBC's biggest hit(which could get people interested in watching Days until they realize how bad it is...), her character is related to one of the more popular characters on the show at the moment, and there needs to be a female on this show that isn't related to most of Salem. She could be paired with any guy on this show.
  2. Well ones we see onscreen because they can't afford them(like the blanket er Charlotte). Honestly if they can't afford kids why write them into the show.
  3. I really hated that they were given a baby in the first place to lose it lacked the emotional impact considering this show just threw the plot point together but there weren't any real stakes involved. Gabi wasn't even around this storyline. Eli and Lani weren't fleshed out as characters despite being on for years for me to care about this. JJ was MIA from the show for the most part at that time too(although Casey was filming a movie so that might've been why). Plus I find it lazy to give 20/30 somethings babies. I mean really it kills the character/couple so quickly. At least Brady and Nicole had decades of drama before they had their kids. They were better off for it.
  4. Yet you know that they will be taking over the Chabby mantle soon if they haven't already then again the airtime seems a bit more balanced even if the stories are just.. bad. Yet as bad as it is at least its soapy material and not some lame attempt at a social justice story.
  5. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvesiz9ndmb/?utm_source=ig_embed
  6. I thought that's where they were headed but I guess people(the writers I guess) found it hard to take that he was a drug dealer, who loved pot, and banged his GF's mom. I agree they should've just had him own his darkness and have moments of decency like how he began but alas that would require nuanced writing and on this show you are either good or bad rarely in-between if ever. Also doesn't help that Abby was on and she always got the attention while he was an afterthought. Much easier to be an afterthought if you are the "nice" one. She was gorgeous however Allison Paige (Bev) is the one that has the Primetime success. Adriana Manifriedi(Roxanne) doesn't have a lot going on if her IMDB is any indication so I don't get why they didn't bring her back. She would be perfect especially since her character knew Jack/Jennifer/Eve and would be a better fit to this story than Haley. Course we'd be spared this stupid immigration storyline and we can't have that....
  7. See that would've worked for me if she was Paige. JJ needs a chick with an attitude to bring out the edgy side. I loved that they were both potheads and were wild. Instead of making him the generic character he has turned into now. I think they should've been the OTP(if JJ was to have one I'm not sure he was meant to honestly) both went through messy drama then later on when they were both more mature finally get together to get it right but he would be chasing her this time around. Roxanne oddly enough was who I thought Bev could've been if she matured but retained her sassy side.
  8. In retrospect Paige was one of JJ's better love interests that's not saying much I know but TOB wasn't much of an actress to me. Plus I resented her for pushing Bev and Roxanne out of the way both of whom I preferred with JJ and thought he had chem with. I liked him and Gabi the first time around but she was always going to want Chad and honestly how offensive that JJ would be second choice to him. Pass. I think JJ/Theresa should just stay frenemies I can't imagine them as an actual couple. She would never love or appreciate him and he'd be her lapdog who wouldn't be that accepting of her antics when he gets negatively affected (they would be the low rent version of Lucas/Sami) Despite all that as a young female character I did appreciate Paige actually had goals in life that didn't involve just getting a guy she wanted to be a doctor, had a best friend, a complicated relationship with her mother. Unlike the other females that came after her...
  9. This is rather funny I remember something similar when they said Andy Murray and Brooklyn Decker were having a kid but obviously it was Andy Roddick they meant.
  10. I think Paige's mother was going to be a hot mess regardless she probably was going to be an addict or something and Paige was embarrassed. However yeah Paige was never intended to be Eve's kid in the first place they just threw that in there to add juice to the JJ/Paige story with their feuding moms. I don't think the show knew what they wanted but honestly KDP should've just been some random character rather than Eve. Course this probably explains why so many characters are ill conceived because the show doesn't really have a good plan for this sort of thing.
  11. Paige was just some random character at the time Eve wasn't in the plans just yet because they were trying to get Charlotte Ross to return and it didn't work out since the taping schedule of Days is far in advance and she was on Arrow and had other gigs. So they went with KDP instead as Eve and decided to make Paige, Eve's daughter instead of having Paige be just some outside character with KDP as her mom which I heard was the original plan. They figured a star crossed lovers thing with their feuding moms would be better. On paper sure? On screen? Yeah no. Many thought Bev was going to be Eve's daughter. I would've preferred Bev she really should've been JJ's OTP IMO. The JJ/Eve thing was fine with me I mean CR would've been my first choice but Paige was pointless. They could've just had JJ/Eve bang a few times and then find out who the other was after the fact. Then secretly had a fling behind Jennifer's back because their feelings couldn't be denied. I digress though.
  12. Strangely I don't think it would be him either I bet its a Dimera not Chad's but Stefan. I find it hard to believe this show won't have a Dimera around in some capacity even if both Stefans will be gone. The only other guys we haven't seen her meet on screen are Brady, Eric, JJ, Eli at the top of my head but I don't think they would be options either. Eli maybe if Lani is attached to the kid... but since he's half black himself I doubt Jordan could lie about paternity here.
  13. Jade Harlow(Sheryl) talked about her time on Passions and since there are other Days actors who used to be on Passions as well I found this rather interesting https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-tdwkc-aa3531
  14. Yep they've been together for a while raising her daughter with Robert Adamson(Noah on Y&R) she was there for the Clueless reunion yesterday and tweeted everyone about it.
  15. Jordan recently had a baby. She left the baby with a friend in California. She asks Rafe, to bring her baby to her. Rafe goes to California and brings "baby David" to Salem. Lani immediately forms a bond with the infant, especially with his name being "David". Source: TV Guide Soaps If this is the secret I'm so relieved although I wonder who the father is if its a baby its definitely not Chad or Rafe. I doubt she'd have a kid with some unknown not in Salem anyways. I wonder if she had a random hookup with another Salemite and unlike other females she's not related to most of them so it could be anyone.
  16. Well I forgot about that however yeah I would prefer JJ/Lani never interact again. I mean if JJ/Gabi can't be allowed to interact why can't I get it for JJ/Lani at least JJ/Gabi had more chemistry and depth to their relationship in comparison. Yet the show acts like they don't know each other I wish JJ/Lani got the same treatment. They made Paige Eve's daughter at the last minute it wasn't planned. Bev would've made more sense but I digress. They thought it would be a better story for Jennifer/Eve to have their kids fall in love. On paper I think it would work. However on screen? Eh I thought JJ was hotter with Eve... that's a very unpopular opinion I know.
  17. See that makes sense since Theresa was in the party/drug scene. I did find it baffling that he would stand by and let her be subjected to being a drug lord's sex slave or not paying for Paige going to Stanford(or not attending her funeral but I digress) I would say in recent years Shane/Kim really turned out to be bad parents/grandparents.
  18. I would say that about DA's Kate but in recent years Kate has become rather cartoonish except when she was with Will he humanizes her. ICAM with Theresa which is why I never understood the love for her people have or wanting JJ with her. I do think the actors have chemistry but a pairing between them wouldn't make sense beyond fuckbuddies. Despite her being a decade older than him he actually acts like an adult and when he does bad things he shows genuine remorse something I never got from Theresa who's only sorry she gets caught. Hitting John with a firepoker and setting Brady up for it, falsely accusing Xander of rape etc. She was a pale imitation of Sami who I also hated but at least she made sense because we saw how she got to that point and they bothered giving her a backstory.
  19. They do seem like a sweet couple. I haven't gotten around to watching The Fix. I didn't realize Scott Cohen is in this show too(fab and underrated actor).
  20. I think JJ ends up visiting Jordan in the hospital on the job(much like he did Gabi when she got beaten in prison). Jordan says something that makes him question the fire. What if Claire moves in with JJ and Tripp/Haley live with Ciara in the loft. I mean if they want people to believe Tripp/Haley are married Claire shouldn't be living there. Plus JJ loves taking in stray women and it would keep Claire in his orbit.
  21. NTK although I would prefer it if she was Ben's mom I thought during her first stint that was her big secret. That Ben was the product of Clyde raping Jordan and he was raised as her brother. It would be an original shocking secret for this show which means its probably not true. I hope that turns out to be the secret but I doubt it.
  22. Not necessarily she can do both its not like she's on a whole lot now on Days. I agree she is much better in scenes with Bonnie/Eli I do wish Sheila interacted with more characters I did like her and Xander.
  23. Allison Paige used to play Bev on the show. https://www.mylifetime.com/movies/killer-in-red-wt
  24. He might recognize the lighter or as a paramedic knows its a fire hazard and wonder why Claire has it. I don't think he's going after Claire as much as he's probably going after Eve(who's conspiring with Claire) and wants to get dirt on her to sink Jack's campaign but stumbles onto Claire's dirt instead. Won't be right away though they will drag this out...
  25. This show doesn't write individual characters well let alone love stories involving them. Everyone is so generic and interchangeable and that wasn't the case in Days' heyday. Bo/Hope would never be interchangeable to Jack/Jennifer etc. Plus when they get a couple the audience likes they make them the focal point of the show and write them to the ground until there's nothing left. That being said I see Gabi as an interloper/vixen rather than a romantic lead and that works because she won't be stuck in a pairing but seen as a solo character and when one leaves the other ends up getting written out because the audience can't accept them apart. Surprisingly Hope and Kayla haven't been written out of this show but others have because of it. I find that very short sighted.
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