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Everything posted by CanaryFan98

  1. Well we never saw him actually kill her they panned to Abby during the gunshot. Regardless this is the same show that had Marlena kill a bunch of people on screen for the SSK and look at her now. Granted unlike Ben, Marlena had decades of history where she wasn't a killer so it was easy to ignore that. As opposed to Ben who's identity is tied to being the NTK. I prefer they not do it but would you really be surprised at this point? The show is going to make sure Ben is the leading man of this show whether we like it or not no matter who's sacrificed. Hard to believe I actually liked Ben before this. I'm curious if VK leaves what they will do with Ben I mean Cin is a draw and sure they could recast Ciara but it may not take either... By then maybe Days will be cancelled so it won't matter.
  2. I always thought that was Jordan's secret during her first stint on the show and I welcomed it because it would be original and shocking. So if that's the secret I'm all for it. However I don't think that's it.
  3. I think she's only on Monday's episode of Days where Marlena has that dream.
  4. See if Jordan's secret isn't her being the NTK I'll be shocked.
  5. I actually don't mind Brady putting the screws to Eric... although I find it contrived this is all to set up them being at odds just in time for Nicole to show up. Never mind they barely interacted since Nicole "died"
  6. I thought it was Brady but it could've been BB's Stefan. His does kiss Gabi though.
  7. Yes its Tripp/Haley but I think that's a nightmare sequence of Claire's.
  8. I rather he mix it up with Eve again. Would be far soapier to have them hook up again with Jack walking in on it this time than him being in this lame story.
  9. Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting.... if this is an actual scene on the show and not an outtake LOL
  10. Considering BB ends up replacing him like a week later yes this was a precursor to that. I also heard he went to rehab and since he and his wife are Indiana residents it appears she's filed for divorce(there's a petition in one of the papers filed by her for divorce). She's an heiress of Pedigo Racing so I can see how this flew under the radar news wise.
  11. They divorced years ago but coparent amicably. He's seeing someone fitness trainer.
  12. Leo/Ben is tomorrow. I believe this was the last airdate of Tyler's BB comes on the 22nd. So if he was looking drunk well.....
  13. Well except the Lani part since I hate her. Yeah there's something really off granted there's like zero build up but I did like their little duet together however Haley had the worst intro ever. She gets a suicide attempt and then its forgotten. Then this storyline where her backstory changes every 5 seconds. They are trying too hard with this character. They should've just started as friends where he supports her having a terrible relationship with her sister and her support him dealing with Jack back in his life. They should also have delved more into Haley and Melinda's relationship that would've also helped too. Instead we get this and the show tapes 6 months in advance so they can't really correct this anytime soon if at all. Plus Days will likely be cancelled after they hit the 55 mark anyways so I could see them being together by default in the end. JJ/Gabi are never going to happen again because of Abigail and the show has no interest in them. Which is fine with me as Gabi will never love him back anyways so what's the point? This is why I will take JJ trying to seduce Eve from Jack as either revenge for messing with his life like this or to get Eve way from Jack and have him see her true colors. It would be a step up for him story wise. This show doesn't see CM as leading man material he'll get these stories where he's the nice guy loser and advance a social interest issue for the show but not much else. Maybe a sounding board scene or two with Jennifer/Jack but that's about it. They don't care about JJ the way they do Abby😒
  14. As glad as I am to see JJ/Justin scenes I rather they talk about Jack coming BFTD rather than this immigration storyline which is beyond nonsensical for a variety of reasons. Claire is the best part of this storyline because she's acting like a typical soap character and I'm not being forcefed a social issue storyline. I also don't feel bad for Haley either because as I've said before JJ offered her a reasonable solution weeks ago to set her up with an immigration lawyer to stay in the country legally and she turned him down. I mean really if you don't do anything to try and help yourself I am not going to feel bad for you. I wanted JJ to have his own storyline but why do they give him such bad ones.... and why can't he go back to being the fun messy bad boy he used to be *sigh*.
  15. Exactly you can tell who this show care about vs who they don't writing wise. Eric is an afterthought. He could've been a better character but they just didn't care and its a shame because the 20-40 group is lacking and it didn't need to be if they had just invested more in Eric, Shawn, Belle, Chloe, Phillip etc rather than getting rid of them or ignoring them entirely in favor of characters/actors that don't want to stick around.
  16. Except that's not how it would be written. This show isn't original with the good guy/bad girl dynamic which is why I hate that dynamic in a pairing on this show. Good guys knows girl is bad is willing to look the other way when he isn't screwed over then when she screws him over he gets upset and acts surprised she was a bad girl in the first place?! Yes! I mean he's just there treated as an afterthought and while I admit I'm not fond of Eric I like him more than Sami but she's the way more interesting and compelling character. Even Carrie has better development than Eric. He's the default option of Marlena's kids because Carrie and Sami won't come back full time and Belle is with Shawn and the show won't break them up. So that leaves Eric floundering as an individual with nothing to stand on beyond a pairing with Nicole that was barely featured on screen and with a character that comes and goes.
  17. FWIW I do think that GV's Eric and Nicole do have chemistry but not enough for me to want them together. I think AZ can work with just about anyone chem wise but GV? Not so much. Course Nicole is a better individual character than Eric is. Nicole isn't seen as an extension of Eric the way Eric is of Nicole. I don't think the adult version of Eric ever had a storyline that didn't involve Nicole in some capacity. Regardless at this point I wouldn't be opposed to them being together but Days and soaps in general don't write love stories(well good ones anyways) nobody lasts long enough to be together or have a personality which made Bo/Hope, Jack/Jennifer etc so memorable together and the couples that have come and gone in recent years? Not so much. Even ones I liked. However if Nicole does leave again I hope she takes Eric with her. The show doesn't care for him beyond her anyways.
  18. I bet she has amnesia if she doesn't I'll be surprised but she'll probably turn on Eric (see if that's the case I won't be bothered by this). I think Ericole ended when Jensen Ackles left the role. Nicole became a force of nature on her own while Eric has been gone for years while she was off screen. She's best with a guy that has an edge. I preferred her pairings w/ EJ and Brady over Eric.
  19. The set debuted in 2011 I was watching Days on Bravo(before they took it off the air) and they were starting with the 2011 year and the intro to HTS.
  20. It pisses me off she's not Angelica who I find a lot more useful to the show right now than Diana(who I also liked). Angelica would get in Eve's face for keeping Jack from his kids and could torment Justin/Adrienne but god forbid Justin/Adrienne have a storyline of their own.
  21. He has mentioned her and it was largely why he didn't want to sleep with Sarah that and well Rex. Also about how Holly is growing up without a mother.
  22. Yes I too prefer his non Marlena pairings. Izzy B was my favorite of his. I also liked John/Kristen and RoJohn and GF's Diana. John/Marlena just do nothing for me as a couple I tend to cringe when they kiss. I prefer Marlena with WN's Roman(never saw Don/Marlena) Oddly enough I do think their family dynamic works though. I don't mind their scenes with each others kids.
  23. Yeah Don's exit sounds rather crappy however its probably for the best considering how so many characters I like have ended up shells of their former selves at least Don was remembered as a decent character who didn't end up like that.
  24. Then Roman got tossed aside for John in the end. I didn't watch Don/Marlena but I did like JA as Steve's dad on 90210.
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