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  1. What I laughed at most was Bruno strongly wedging that fruit between the queens' legs & their reactions to it, also Plastique's attempts at math. I am the same way, girl. Math is HARD. Mik getting blocked shouldn't be a surprise especially since odds were there would be another fashion based challenge coming up. At this point I'm wishing for Angeria winning the crown tho I'd love if Plastique would snatch the crown too. I'm wondering if there will be another challenge where the winner could give a badge to another queen & that's how Shannel will get one because aren't we getting close to the finale?
  2. Angeria & Plastique winning the main challenge seemed right to me. I saw a blurb elsewhere that Mik cribbed most/all of her roast from someone else?? If that's true that is bad form, Mik. Ruta Lee is a national treasure & should be constantly feted & protected at all times. She's a hoot! I've seen Seven Brides for Seven Brothers too many times & wouldn't u know it, earlier this month I actually caught her guest role on Three's Company during one of Logo's marathons. Grow up, Roxxxy girl.
  3. Shannel & I are true sisters: I react the same way when I hear someone directing complex mathematical blah blah in my direction. I truly want her to earn at least 2 badges, there's still time. Plastique should've won both badges with that performance but I actually preferred Angeria/Vangie and Shannel/Nina's ads. Plastique is queen of this season's runway, for sure. Some of the judges' choices this season have been headache inducing but I'll keep watching just to see some of my fave queens weeky. Also, Roxxxy backing down & snipping Mik was hilarious. I have a feeling Angeria would've taken those shears to Roxxxy's wigs if she had gotten snipped again!
  4. Yeah I wasn't surprised either that two queens without earned badges won this challenge so now they can say they earned their second badge. And I say that by admitting I like Roxxxy. For me Meow Meow Mix was the top choice. The judging was especially egregious especially with Michelle. WTF. Love love loved the firefighters! I had no idea who the Brothers Osborne were but they seemed game & looked like they were having a great time (I did look them up after and again, they seem like good people). Shannel not having a badge by now is ridiculous.
  5. I feel the same way esp about Angeria. I still love Plastique tho but some past popular winners include queens that didn't have money to burn on wardrobe & accessories. Was hoping both Liberaces would be the winners altho Nina was also giving me Grandpa Munster vibes. LOL The only runway I side eyed was Gottmik's because did I miss a tail? Raven as David gave me serious young Burt Reynolds and I found myself saying "well hello there, David." Unless someone steps up big time I'm picturing a crown for Gottmik. And I won't like it.
  6. Roxxxy is everything to me so reading this made me squeal in delight! Mentioning the rhinestone tank top was too much, lol. Also she did not have to help anyone but she did. Get those karma points in, girl. Gottmik annoys me to no end. Unfortunately for me Ru & the producers cream themselves over her.
  7. I too loved the reading challenge but naively thought these ladies are so good at what they do the reads just seamlessly leave their lips at this point. So in another thread I had admitted to muting Ru's performances but I'm I admit to half listening to this one. I LOL'd when a queen had said "this is all stars, you can't do a step and touch on all stars" when they were choreographing to the main challenge song...and Ru does step and touch during her performance. I want all of them to do well & earn that cash for the charities but I have a soft spot for season one queens song heart hopes Shannel doesn't fall off the stage anymore so she can snatch that crown. Plastique is just on another level now. I prefer her designs to Gottmik's.
  8. I love this season's queens but I seriously miss Bob.
  9. So happy Nymphia was crowned! I love Sapphira (or is that Slew-phira; good one, Visage) but our Banana Buddha shone just a bit brighter in the finale. Congrats, girl, and congrats to Taiwan! Also loved seeing their mommas and the other queens too. It won't surprise you to read I fast forwarded thru Jane's segment and performance, she can take her stank face and burger finger and f--- off. I saw her bodysuit performance as I fast forwarded and knew she wasn't gonna advance. STALE. And I LOVED Amanda's non reaction to Jane's performance. I also muted Ru's performance, been doing that for years. Cassandra Peterson is in icon and its always so great to see her, love love love to the dark goddess AND Sasha Colby on the same ep!
  10. Yes! I'm so glad we got to see her shine here. She sure followed the Silky Nutmeg Ganache Method of Lipsyncing. 😀 Honestly I was so happy to see many of the queens again. Yay for Morphine & Miami representing but I really hope against hope someone talks her into saving some of that money. I do believe my fave moment is the look on Bruno's face as Morphine claps that ass In the final lipsync so hard the astronauts in the ISS heard it.
  11. I loved Nymphia's book cover with Sapphira's next. I love Q but didn't like her cover either. As much as it annoys me I knew Q was next to sashay away, the final 3 were chosen long ago. I'm not on social media either and it saddens me to read here about Q's not nice posts. Can't wait for next episode's lipsync spectacular because I can't wait to see some of the queens I like.
  12. Exactly and I say that as a Sapphira fan. I also like Morphine but 4 times in the bottom meant Ru wanted her gone. Those dancers sure are pretty! Either I was too tired when I watched this episode or totally misunderstood Sapphira's family resemblance runway explanation: so if she was the pageant mom shouldn't her daughter had worn the floofy sparkly dress while the mom wore the sexier shorter dress? I'm confused. Still haven't seen Untucked yet. I am beyond over the camera staying on Plane as others speak.
  13. Yes, yes it was. I actually winced a few times. I like Morphine but she has no wins & ain't snatching the crown, my girl Sapphira is. I have zero interest in watching Jane's struggles to activate her basic humanity chip. I find her odious & don't even look at the screen when she's on it. Honestly, I only laughed once during the main challenge: the TP roll being so far away from the toilet. For me it was a meh challenge.
  14. Y'all know I love Sapphira but I think Q did the best in the main challenge and should've won. I feel devious for wanting to see Q's freak out about it on the next ep. Morphine dismissively flicking her boob at Mhiya was everything. Mhiya flexed by tossing her cape on Morphine but there was no way she was gonna flip her way outta that elimination. Yessica Wild on the Piss Stop!!! LOVE her!!!
  15. This! And no mention of the omission from Jamal either. I thought they all did well but for me it was Sapphira, Morphine and Mhi'ya (I know!) that excelled during the performance. I would've put Jane or Dawn up for elimination for both their performances and runway looks. Also that was one of the worst lip sync songs ever on this show. Ugh.
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