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Everything posted by TVFANNO1

  1. Ha ha - love the Michelle Turr - friends call her Shel. That's been going round for ages Shelter ha ha.
  2. I'm not sure about Denise - I reckon Denise swears 'in front of her kids'. remember on that reality show she said she was going to try to stop swearing in front of her kids and if she did swear she'd donate something to charity. She's got a potty mouth most of the time sir I imagine it's gonna be hard not to swear in front of her kids.
  3. She was known as a 'diva' on Dancing with the Stars. https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/33055762.html?page=4
  4. Oh - I kinda get it now - so if it went up double in value in a non-moving market - it was probably VERY under valued originally. Thanks.
  5. The 'scamming' case looks very complex to me. I see it that he allegedly did the guy out of $8M but there's talk on other SM that he could be sued for the actual profit they made which would be a heck of a lot.
  6. I am so shocked at how thick the make up is on all of them. When we saw them getting done up before the show it was totally piled on like a trowel. It showed you that they might not be as good looking without all that gunk on eh. I really got a shock.
  7. If I could like this a million times I would - yep - love that she kept them waiting and dropped them right at the last minute ha ha ha. She played em good.
  8. So reading that Umansky's insurance company did not pay out for the original amount asked for. I believe this was settled out of court?
  9. Yes that's what I think - she might even have some sort of public relations person going through things for her and letting her know what to say about certain things? Maybe I'm being OTT though.
  10. https://realityblurb.com/2019/07/11/rhobh-star-kyle-richards-husband-mauricio-umansky-dealt-minor-blow-in-lawsuit-over-32-million-home-sale/ Information regarding Mauricio Umansky's lawsuit - the judge has decided that it's not going to be dismissed.
  11. I saw that - it looks a lot more serious than I thought. If proved I think he could get jail time for fraud. Gosh it's like Teresa and Joe!
  12. It wouldn't surprise me if Andy HAS asked Lisa to do a rebuttal but Lisa is over it and understands that if she did it would make her look like she's trying too hard. We all saw what happened on screen and those who don't believe her will not be swayed by a separate reunion. I think Lisa has definitely done the right thing by walking away from this dark show.
  13. Started watching this season but was fast forwarding most of the episodes - watched the big fight in the kitchen and since then not been watching. RHONY is pretty good but the OC is just trash now. RHOBH was always my favourite but I think the whole thing is boring now. I did think it was wrong the way the women ganged up on Lisa Vanderpump - BUT I think this has worked in her favour in that she's leaving. She's getting out at the right time IMO.
  14. Apparently Lisa has quite RHOBH - wow I am so happy for her. She can now get on with her life and enjoy everything without worrying about this stupid show. Plus she didn't go to the reunion ha ha ha ha ha. Good for her.
  15. They both look look beautiful. Pandora suits the plain colour rather than the flowery look she has worn in the past - English Roses.
  16. Teresa was sent to prison and is a convicted felon - they took her back with open arms.
  17. Scared if saying this - but I don't mind Dorit. Oh dear I said it.
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