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  1. I believe the question about BTS stuff coming out with season 15 and Jensen's answer was about promotional stuff. Like videos, photo shoots, interviews etc. Jensen said he has no idea about specifics what's coming in that department, but he assumes, that the network is planning something to promote the final season and fans should expecting to get some bonus stuff.
  2. It's a sneak peek from next week's episode. For some reason, the CW released it super early this week.
  3. I agree completely. Especially when he was the one, who literally brought up himself, that he wants to have opportunities to do new projects. And the fact, that went straight into mentioning removing one of the Chrises and putting his name there. It's like he already knows sth is in the store for him...
  4. I definitely think, that it was Jensen's initiative to end the show after 15th seasons and it's mostly because of how Dabb doesn't respect it and the characters. He ruined IMO everything that this show ever stood for. And the most, he is destroying Dean. I also think that Jensen was most likely lured in into signing the contract for s14&15 with false promises and Dabb probably thought that the guy is too loyal to do anything about it. Looks like he was wrong and full of himself. Jensen saw the future scripts and how little there was for Dean (or heck, for both brothers really and how Dabb would much rather write for his per characters) and had enough and probably did what Dabb never thought he would. While I do think that ultimately both j2 made that decision together, it was Jensen's idea and Jared possibly had a harder time making it - hence the difficulties with a scene about accepting the end of something and putting it into a box and how "Dean" quit on them. I also think that Jensen really is thinking about his future post-SPN. He started promoting himself more and more separate from the show - Bacchus parade for example - and while he of course still loves the show in general and working with so many people he's friends with, I can kinda feel, that he's not into the current season. he bearly post about it. All in all, Dabb is getting exactly what he deserves and I can't wait to see what Jensen will do next.
  5. It doesn't make sense canon wise though. The books were supposed to be about how Dean could possibly die. According to Bille, they all were changed to two scenarios: one, Michael getting out, taking over Dean's body, killing him in the process and destroying the world. The second scenario was the box, again, connected to Dean in a sense that this is how he was supposed to die since the book is about his death.
  6. It couldn't be about Mardi Gras King at all, because that was at the beginning of March. They filmed episode 14.15 almost a whole month earlier than Jensen was needed as Bacchus. So yeah, whatever the reason was, it's something else. IIRC, Jensen was briefly seen in Austin when had time off during the filming of this episode. But other than that, I don't think he was seen anywhere to give us any hint what he could have been doing and if his absence in the episode was simply just a bonus time off for him or there actually was a reason why they had to write him out.
  7. Not that I know. They just randomly gave Jensen some time off I guess. I don't think he was doing anything specific - that we know off.
  8. No. The surprise NOLA trip was just after the New Years before they returned to Vancouver after their Christmas hiatus and started filming ep 14. This episode was filmed at the end of January/beginning of February I believe because they switched the filming with episode 16, which was filmed first.
  9. Wait, from which episode they were? I saw the trailer briefly and while I've noticed the very little amount of Dean, I thought the scenes they used were from that episode.
  10. Not necessarily, if Jensen was actually planning to stay until Tuesday anyway and being in New Orleans for Mardi Gras itself - which he might, based on that interview. But I do hope that the weather won't ruin the parade and it will happen tomorrow.
  11. Depending on how long Jensen is planning to stay after the parade on Sunday - I doubt it will be more than a couple of days, as actual Mardi Gras and the end of the carnival is on the 5th. So he will miss a couple of days of ep 19 probably, which is really not more than usual J2 are missing of each episode anyway. All that assuming he goes straight up to Vancouver and won't have any additional time off during the filming of this ep.
  12. Yes, Jensen filmed for at least a day or two for episode 18 - which they currently film. That J2 selfie in the Impala was taken during filming that ep for example. So seems like once they found out, that Jensen will be Bacchus, they worked on changing some of the scripts to give him fewer scenes and allowing time off.
  13. She doesn't seem to be dressed as Anael though. She looks like herself. I think she possibly only visited Jensen with the kids on set because of Vday.
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