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Jersey Guy 87

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Everything posted by Jersey Guy 87

  1. I'm not sure I see the market for them. Restaurants that use the cheap chopsticks in the paper sleeve aren't going to spend more for chopsticks that have a build in rest for them. Takeout places won't care at all. Higher end restaurants provide a rest already. When my son played travel soccer a few years ago we absolutely played in inclement weather. Lightning would stop a game, and if the field was too wet games would be called but we played in rain, cold and snow. There are a variety of popup shelters available for parents to use at these games, the individual pods don't seem like the best thing on the market to me. I"m shocked that the cat wine guy got a bidding war as well. Seriously shocked. No idea on the seed pod thing, I checked out their web site and wasn't impressed but the idea doesn't seem horrible.
  2. I think it was a bad move. It hasn't worked out for anyone before and there's no way Debbie has the creative smarts to figure out how to make it work for her. Hatch beat out Kelly Wigglesworth. Sue Hawk was gone before that, she delivered the rat and the snake speech at FTC. And it was the other players who decided it would be played by forming alliances - they saw what worked for Hatch and copied it. Let's hope not. It was okay the first time this season but it's already worn out its welcome. I'm not a fan of Sandra's but I recognize she's good at the game. She manipulates people very well and found a way to win twice. I would have been on the "vote Sandra off first vote" bus if I were playing this season, there's no way you let her stick around at all - she'll find a way to keep around another vote, another vote and next thing you know she's sitting up there at FTC and deserves to win. Get her out as early as you can.
  3. Getting to the detour too late to be able to complete it was entirely their fault. They got to the airport late so they were on the later flight, they then got lost badly finding the detour and thus got there too late to be able to safely complete the detour. The other team was slightly more competent in that they found the detour in time and completed the task. Team Long Hair deserved to go home based on their performance.
  4. Isn't that pretty much the definition of money laundering? Using a legit business (coffee shop) to produce funds so you can hide the money you make from your illegal business (marijuana dispensary, which in this case would be quasi-legal). You have to explain where the money comes from at some point.
  5. In any capacity? That seems a bit extreme. Most people I know speed, at least sometimes. Most kids in my high school drank underage, many smoked pot. Apparently I know no people with a moral compass. I loathed Philip and Coach as well. Debbie's issue in the last episode is she invented a story of what happened in the challenge. She blamed Hali for the loss despite the fact that her team was in first place when she started the balance beam stuff and she never finished her part of the challenge. She demanded to be given the balance beam portion of the challenge. She claimed that Hali cost them the challenge and claimed she was across the balance beam in under 2 minutes. I actually went back and re-watched the reward challenge to see just how far her version deviated from reality and her version is not even close to what actually happened. Yes, Hali fell off the beam on her first attempt but she quickly mastered the balancing issues and helped to get her tribe to the lead. Debbie failed completely, never finished and yet claims that Brad wouldn't listen to her. I'm sure she had 10 years of gymnastics training... Then she goes into a rant, blames others, screams about not having rage issues, does her pushups, etc. People on the show to play a character (Coach, Philip, perhaps Debbie) generally aren't people I like as players. The game is interesting enough without manufactured personalities being interjected.
  6. Hatch created the game - he came in thinking alliances and the social aspects, nobody else did. But he didn't really change it - there was nothing to change at that point. I love how so many of these players think everyone is a big threat.
  7. He's the local weatherman here in New York and he continues to create new material for JO every day.
  8. Keep in mind the woman said they found a lot more interest in commercial drone classes than recreational ones - which isn't surprising. My 14 year old son would find these too short. That's a silly limitation. I can see not wanting to have every possible inseam length but how about small, medium and large? The longer Lori talks the more likely she is going out. I'd time it if I were pitching something - if she goes beyond 15 seconds just say "I get it, you're out, thanks for your time Lori" and move on to someone else.
  9. I'm referring to the fact that QVC and HSN are on every single cable system, apparently people watch them and buy through them. If they have web sites as well that's fine, but a separate thing from their TV channels.
  10. QVC and HSN are for people who are afraid of the Internet. Sort of like how America's Funniest Home Videos is for people who haven't figured out YouTube.
  11. Yeah, the crapping on someone's car bit was a bit of a shock - kind of like mixing a dumb college prank with state-sponsored murder. Why? And that Trump thinks Fox and Friends is a great news show says all you need to know about Trump (and about Fox and Friends). The Russian connection is really a problem. I'm worried we won't have a real investigation.
  12. You could look at business travelers who are checking out that day - typically you'll check out early to either go to your meeting for the day or catch your flight. But it seems like there would be some risk (my flight is at 1 PM so I stay in the hotel until 10:30, etc.). Another option for frequent business travelers is to use the airline lounge, that's what I did when I was a frequent business traveler. The cost of joining the airline lounge club is usually around $500-$600 per year, a one day use might be $75. They usually have showers available, free wifi, some sort of food (bagels, crackers and cheese, etc. - not real meals), workstations, etc. And, if you've just flown into town you don't have to go to the hotel, deal with checking in for a couple of hours and then leave - you're already at the airport. I found the club especially useful when I was taking a red-eye flight - land, grab a shower, head out for my meetings. If you're in a city that you drove to you could try what HKIT suggested. Or just time your drive a little differently...
  13. I didn't necessarily mind the Gere reference, although it's pretty old. But, it's a ridiculous concept that obviously can't be true which was a his point, I suppose. Still, he could have used something more recent. Trump holding up a printout of a Breitbart article as proof was scary. The number of people who don't understand what fake news really is scares me. I've seen people I knew in high school claim that Breitbart, InfoWars, etc. are reliable sources on Facebook. They really don't understand how to tell a legitimate source.
  14. I would have to assume it's batter powered. A power cord would be a strangulation risk. I'm sure you can sell those things, though, because new parents will buy lots of crap trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. The ointment guy was bad. Dressed like an idiot, all sorts of wild claims about his product and the packaging stunk. I'm with Mark - you want to make claims like that you better have some research to back them up. Firefighter bags were confusing to me. I'm not really clear on how they get their raw materials and the idea of creating a knock-off of your own product seemed dumb to me as well. She should have taken Robert's offer. At least the fruit roll up guy dressed appropriately. His packaging didn't play up the social enterprise end of things, I'm not sure why he thinks anyone is buying his fruit snack instead of any other one.
  15. The Kooler seemed vaguely interesting although I would pitch to beyond the bodybuilder market. And the inner container can probably be used for more than just holding liquids. Little Nomad, on the other hand, was way overpriced and seemed targeted at the "I have kids just so I can brag about my kids but I wish they would just keep out of my way" crowd. Seriously, for the relatively short period of time you might have these mats around who cares if they're brightly colored or not? It's not like you cover all of our floors with them, they typically go where the kid(s) will be playing most of the time. I didn't get the need for RinseKit. I guess the idea is you fill it up in advance and bring it somewhere to shower off when you finish surfing/camping/whatever. I can wait until I get home. The dbest guy was way too hyper. Plus, if he's constantly short of cash I don't see what another cash infusion is going to do other than delay the next time he's short of cash.
  16. Not a huge surprise, especially after Heidi was knocked out last week. I'm not sure I like the new format for picking your team for the finale, I preferred the overall winner of the challenge gets first pick although I'm not sure if the results would have been so different. I loved Andrew hoping Heather would pick Paulie only to get shot down every time. I didn't think Ryan was handling Paulie well in the planning meeting, basically telling the rest of the team to pull together and Paulie to be on an island. Glad to see I wasn't the only one hoping something would be done with Ryan's eyebrows during the makeover.
  17. Etymotic has a proven track record and sells a similar product for less. They've got a number of ear plugs available, designed for musicans. Pet stores buy lots of crickets. I'm sure the cricket farmers would love to expand to providing food companies as well. The pop up toy houses company was clearly not in the pop up toy house business. It would have been nice to understand what they were really selling to figure out if they were worth an investment or not. I think the tiny houses guys can probably do okay renting to hipsters. Because for hipsters $100/night is a cheap night out, and staying in a tiny house in the middle of the woods is something they would probably like to do because it's authentic.
  18. Check with your credit card company. There's no law against charging a card before the product ships but many credit card companies don't allow this.
  19. I don't think it matters how far they went, the fact that he'd clearly make any move on a woman on national TV while engaged should have been enough for his fiance. And it apparently was.
  20. Wasn't really expecting a double elimination last night but I'm thrilled to see Paulie go. He constantly blamed others, never owned up to his mistakes and was completely unpleasant. If Heather had promised to take Kimberly on a trip she was wrong to change it to Heidi. Although Heidi's half-open eyes during her Vegas talking heads were funny. The right two people went home. Kimberly had given up and was in over her head. She seemed almost relieved to be sent home. Paulie screwed up multiple times, didn't own it and was arrogant beyond belief.
  21. This was the most enjoyable episode in a very long time - not a lot of concentration on the drama, mostly focused on the cooking. No GR screaming at people. The first two challenges were good - everyone had the same ingredients (and seemed to struggle with the same ingredients as well). The last challenge was a little too broad - make whatever the heck you want but, on the other hand, it was for the final black jacket so why not let the two remaining chefs show what they can do. Glad Andrew is gone. My only question going into the three-step challenge was whether Gordon would pretend both guys had a chance or whether he'd have Paulie and Andrew face off for the last spot.
  22. What "people on the internet" agree with and what produces ratings on TV aren't necessarily the same thing. I don't pay all that much attention to ratings but MC:US is obviously doing well enough that Fox keeps renewing it, adding celebrity versions, etc. Would it do better with more focus on cooking and less focus on drama? I'd love if they decided to find out.
  23. I would take that claim with a grain of salt. Or perhaps that means he's the only cook at a diner.
  24. The reward choice was, shall we say, questionable. A lot of people would like the trapeze thing, a lot of people wouldn't. I thought it was completely unnecessary to show Wendy not being able to work up the nerve to try it. I felt bad for her - it had to be humiliating in front of her fellow cheftestants and even worse having it shown on national TV. Paulie sucks.
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