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Posts posted by orangekit

  1. This show is actually fun if you suspend reality and believe that some girl who only had one year of college, dropped out and is suddenly working as a teacher !  

    I think the woman who  plays Lainey (sp) is the weakest  link  in the show . She has horrible diction and can’t narrate with any enthusiasm.

    i actually never got why this character was such a big deal in the first place to the point that the family and Barry went into major depression over her leaving . She is just blah . 

    If the point of this show was to go into the 90’s as the Goldbergs age out ,  I don’t get why they couldn’t go into the future with the actress four years later with a degree .

    • Love 5
  2. On 2/10/2019 at 2:03 PM, patty1h said:

    Still watching, but mostly because I get stuck on TFN and keep a lot of show s on for company.  What was that cereal she made?  She made her own mini marshmallows and everything - that is a lot of work unless you don't work or have all weekend to tinker with egg whites and sugar.  Not me. 

    She's cute but her perma-smile annoys me.  It bothers me that the female chefs seem trained to do that, put on this grin to make themselves relatable, I guess.  I can't recall any of the male hosts (Flay, Fieri, Brown, etc.)  standing there chopping onions or stirring sauce with a dumb smile on their faces.   /rant over/

    I agree about the annoying smile.  And now that she had the baby she’s posting annoying  expressions and pictures with her tongue out on Instagram.

    And everyone knows she’s pregnant ! She doesn’t need to stick out her stomach and lean backwards all the time to show us her belly while cooking!

    it sure does seem like the female cooks and chefs seem to all more Into annoying over the top cartoon characters on FN .

    Molly now has to smile and act giddy along with making weird noises when she likes her food ! 

    Paula and Rachel also started as likable personalities, not over the top .  They both morphed into loud , goofy and obnoxious personalities.

    Hopefully Molly will not be pressured to be a “relatable” idiot , when she really is an intelligent and authentic person.  

    • Love 3
  3. Wow! Hoda is a real piece of work !  Meredith goes to her home to visit the new baby and Hoda just leaves the room and tells her the baby is taking a nap, and doesn’t say good bye , no “thanks for coming “, she just walks out of the room and that’s it?

    Then Jenna shares that Hoda goes to parties with friends and leaves without telling them, and at times if someone leaves something in her car she texts them later and tells them to come to her apartment to pick up there belongings?

    WTF kind of social skills does Hoda have? How rude and ignorant is Hoda ?  

    I thought she went to parties by herself and just slipped out when she told her stories . But now we find out she just leaves her so called friends and doesn’t let them know she’s leaving , even if she drives them to an event?

    The more I know about Hoda the less I like her . Not only is she not too bright, but she is a self absorbed person with no social skills .  

    • Love 17
  4. 7 minutes ago, OpalNightstream said:

    I don’t mind the friendship angle the show takes. I do mind how “special” everything is whenever it happens to one of them. Everything is so precious with their kids. Their lives are all so ”crazy”. Yeah well try being one of the regular folks. Stop talking to us like we don’t know what it’s like to have jobs AND kids. We also have the burden of having to worry about paying for our kids college, stressing about getting them to and fro all while also cooking and cleaning. 

    We all love our kids. We know you love yours. Can we just leave it at that?

    I really think the sappy factor has been raised since the scandal. They were  always friendly and friends (supposedly), but now they act like every life event needs to be talked about ad nauseam !

    I am so tired of celebrities on talk shows especially pretending to be so “normal “, when they are no way dealing with what a normal person deals with when they are infertile , pregnant , or raising kids .

    It they are infertile, they at least have the financial ability to try to get help , average people don’t always have that option . They also can have s lot to help to raise their kids do they have careers and take several vacations a year.

    Money doesn’t make everything perfect, but it makes life way easier when you don’t have to take out a mortgage to send your kid to college , and you can de stress on some island when you have a miscarriage or some other stressful life event !  

    • Love 6
  5. Enough of the constantly pregnancy , infertility, adoption , baby and children stories !  

    They need to remanme the Today show to the Mommy Show! So boring and annoying !

    I remember when Bobbie Thomas had her fertility issues . They had segments about the infertility and treatment, and it was informative and emotional, but it wasn’t talked about in every freaking hour and segment and all over social medial in repeated posts !

    It seems like since Hoda came on the show, whatever issue she is facing dominates every single hour of Today , until she has a new life experience!  First it was non stop cancer talk, books and celebrities doing music videos . Now it’s all about adoption and babies !

    is this all Today thinks women think about ?

    The sad part is, Dylan’s secondary infertility is an issue many people don’t know about , but the overload of Hoda baby talk makes one more pregnancy or baby story too much ! 

    • Love 14
  6. OMG! Every time I click on any social media there is the same pictures of Hoda with giant mouth , grinning with the baby and either someone from the Today show or someone from her family ! And Hoda can’t just post one picture for Easter, she had to post multiple pictures today of coloring eggs, her mother , Joel and of course some corny quote ! 

    And Hailey is already doing the giant fake smile  time  like her mom !

    Every picture Hoda posts is then reposted by Jenna, the Today show, and even People reposted a picture !

    I just do not get what it is about Hoda adopting a baby that is such a miraculous event!  It’s not like she’s a big celebrity or as if Harry and Meghan had their baby ! 

    I think that Hoda posting so much and talking endlessly about anything she does  creates her own publicity! She didn’t even need a publicist ! She is the biggest self promoter I have ever seen ! 

    • Love 6
  7. 2 minutes ago, OpalNightstream said:

    What’s next? It’ll be what a great sister Hailey is. Then every single mind blowing thing Hope does like poop and burp. Then onto how Hailey can put on her own socks, then how she’s can write her own name, then how Hope says mama. It will never end. Everything that Hoda and her kids do is treated like it’s just the most precious thing. I can’t stand it. 

    Ugh I know ! She already talked about how wonderful Hailey at two years old is with her baby sister !

    And it looks like Hoda’s teaching Hailey the same smile she has! 

    • LOL 8
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  8. 37 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

    Possibly unpopular opinion, but, I find it really selfish to have two babies when you’re over 50.  Hoda is 54 and has had cancer.  Joel is in his 60s, and, it’s not clear to me if he also adopted the two babies, or not.  Hoda’s siblings are somewhere around her age.  Her mother must be somewhere around 80.  So, God forbid something happens to Hoda, who among this geriatric crowd takes over?  I’m sure Hoda has a plan in place but it just seems unfair to me.  

    Plus, if she can’t handle one kid and a dog, how’s she going to handle two?  I want to know what happened to Blake!  Obviously my dislike for Hoda is growing by leaps and bounds.

    I think her sister is younger, and I have a feeling that she would probably have the children if heaven forbid , something happened .

    She doesn’t have to handle two babies, she has a staff .

    • Love 1
  9. 8 hours ago, OpalNightstream said:

    I knew a mom in my daughters preschool who was 53 with a 3 year old. I really thought she was the grandma for the longest time. Thank goodness I never said anything!

    For all intents and purposes, Hoda is really living the life of a grandmother. Nannies are taking care of her babies while she works, socialized and takes trips, like the weekend  for Joel’s birthday without the baby ! 

    Grandparents are always saying they have the best of both worlds, and so does Hoda because she is rich and can afford the help.

    • Love 7
  10. 24 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    Hoda can hardly hold back tears talking about 1 kid. Now, with 2 she’ll be a mess. Thank god Kathie Lee has left. The two of them talking about Haley Joy like it’s some anomaly was so annoying. I’m sure another book will soon follow how Hope chose her. Of course, you have to write a book about it and get even more money because you aren’t rich enough. Good grief!

    Jenna is no better ! She is always on the verge of a crying fit with her raspy voice every time Hoda makes a sappy observation about life or says some corny quote about life ! 

    • Love 4
  11. And what is with RR throwing salt over her darn shoulder over and over ?  The throwing of salt over the shoulder is a superstitious thing if you spill salt, not every time you put it on a recipe ! She can add stupid to her other annoying personality traits ! 

    • LOL 1
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  12. I think Rachael is more of a beer drinking, cigarette smoking bar  person  who is crude and mean, then she is the nice person everyone thinks she is.

    There was an article about her coming back with 30mm and someone commented on how her brother worked in retail in a town she visited for $40 a day. The opened the store after hours for  RR to get clothing because she needed something to wear . She apparently was rude and ungrateful, and awful to the staff in the store.

    I doubt this is a new personality we are seeing as she barks at the crew on 30mm, she’s just showing us her real self ! I just don’t get why FN thinks this is good for her brand or their brand.

    She behaves like a rude and crude person , and I think it is her real self .

    • Love 4
  13. Hoda is truly stupid ! She thought the marching band was the entire student body of Houston High school ?? She doesn’t  know that  Houston high school would be a big school ? 

    There were about 50 students in the video ! Jenna had to tell her that it was the marching band ! 

    How did Hoda ever graduate from college? How was she ever a reporter?

    She’s so stupid she’s annoying ! 

    And you don’t take the bar exam without going to college!  They both seemed so dumb about Kim Kardashian!  In California you need to get a bachelors degree and a Juris Doctor degree BEFORE taking the bar exam ! Ugh 

    • Love 4
  14.  .Kelly is looking even more scary skinny than usual ! She said she lost weight on their latest vacation , and it shows .

    She posted an Instagram video of herself and Mark in the car on the way to work . She looked grossly skinny and creepy . Her hair was pulled back and her face looked like a creepy skeleton! Yuck 

    I wonder if she had a wig on Monday because her hair looks damaged and thin lately .

    Then there was  an after show video of her and and Mark, and you can see the gross breast bone showing on her upper chest ! Blech 

    If she thinks that looks good or healthy , she needs help! 

    • Love 5
  15. 8 hours ago, susied2009 said:

    Hoda is lucky she can afford a staff to make sure her home and baby aren’t  totally depending on her to take care of them !

    She’s so dumb and immature , and I think she s so fake with her open mouth giant grin and stupid , non- stop laughing !

    When Hoda said she loves when Joel McHale is on because she gets to say her boyfriend Joel’s name 8000 times ,  I felt like I was listening to a person with the maturity of a 14 year old who writes their boyfriend’s name all over her notebooks in high school .

    And Joel McHale is so annoying , and not very funny at all . Between his no-stop jokes, and Hoda’s cackling, it was obnoxious!  

    Oh and and Hoda asked Joel about his dog and started cackling before he even answered.

    I wish someone would ask Hoda what happened to her poor dog ! Did she have it put down? I am sure she was unable to keep that dog since it takes some discipline to care for an animal , and she probably couldn’t find a nanny who could take care of her baby and dog .  

    • Love 6
  16. 16 hours ago, Mrsjumbo said:

    *sigh* yet another let’s organize Hodas closet (purse, office, etc). How many times are they going to attempt to organize her stuff, & then she goes back to being a cluttered mess? 

    Yes, and it’s really not too cute or  funny when they show her apartment and she cant remember to close cupboard doors !

    • Love 2
  17. 18 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

    I wondered about her dog, Blake, too.....she used to talk about him all the time & show pictures of him, now she Never mentions him...maybe the dog did not get along with Haley Joy?

    More like Hoda is not able to handle things very well .

    She does seem like a very kind person, but not smart and she seems like she’s really a mess as far as organizing her life and being logical .

    When she said she was thinking of sewing  Haley Joy’s pj legs together so she didn’t jump out of her crib , I was shocked. Her baby is lucky to have nannies and others compensating for Hoda’s stupidity. She seems like a loving mom, but as dumb as a rock ! 

    And the days Hoda takes pics of Haley Joy when she’s on vacation, the baby looks like a mess.  She always looks disheveled and has a runny nose or food on her face. Babies do  look like that at times , but I would wipe a baby’s  nose and at least clean her up a little before posting pictures .  Whenever the baby is clean and has her hair combed ,  I think the nanny was there! 

    It’s no surprise she wants another baby, she’s able to go to work at early morning and stay until the afternoon, and have someone take care of her baby .   She also works out, and is able to take a lot of vacations .   That is probably why she’s able to sit around  finding it interesting when her baby poops her diaper on a flight and smells up the cabin , and report on it like it’s some deep experience! 

    • Love 6
  18. 59 minutes ago, justjen said:

    There was one point where Duff tweeted something like "not tweeting, too fascinated" and I wanted to respond "But you were there!!!" 

    But really I thought Buddy was being a jerk because there was some huge age difference with him being in his mid/late 50s and not understanding Duff's style. Now that I realize Buddy is barely a year older than me, I really hope this jerky thing is something he does for the cameras otherwise how does he get through life!

    I read some responses where people said that Buddy is short tempered and kind of a jerk on his own show !

    I am sure some people find the “how ya doin’” personality attractive , tough or fun . I find it embarrassing as a person of Italian heritage, and I soooo sick of these men who now think this is somehow ok !

    • Love 7
  19. 1 minute ago, justjen said:

    I did the live tweeting with Duff during the show (mostly so I could remember stuff to share here). 

    Stuff I tweeted: 

    1. Buddy: If we don't win we'll know the fix is in. (Does he work for the White House?)

    Haha! Thought the same thing ! It is so tiring seeing these thin skinned man babies who have no class, behave in ways that I would not allow a four year old to act !

    The “tough guy”’act , is pathetic !  It’s more like a bunch of childish bullies who can’t handle anything !

    Hopefully , kids will see how their peers acts in the kids baking championship and realize the man babies that are like Buddy, or those in other high power positions ,  are not what they should imitate ! 

    • Love 7
  20. Wow , I have never seen cake boss , or Buddy in any show except Bakers Vs Fakers.

    I am Italian , and I can say that Buddy is a bad stereotype of an Italian. First of all, his horrible grammar and speech patterns are cringeworthy ! I understand years ago people didn’t leave their neighborhoods and maybe didn’t even go to school , so they spoke like Buddy, but he’s not that old . He sounds uneducated and ignorant when he speaks .

    Then he is such jerk from the start .  Talking smack and insulting Duff.  

    Also, he may  be a good baker, but he’s not artistic.  His assistant did most of the sculpting and design .  And the cake did look like a child’s birthday cake .   It was tacky , garish, and childish , just like Buddy himself !

    The childish walking out after he lost was just ridiculous and make him look like a bigger jerk than he did throughout the show .

    The gold chain necklace just topped off the bad stereotype!

    I would rather watch the kids bake and compete , than see some egotistical baker who  feels entitled and can’t be an adult if he doesn’t get his way .

    Honestly, Buddy makes the show almost unbearable to watch .

    I watch FN and HGTV to  escape obnoxious  things and  people .  Buddy is a horrible person to put on a family network .   I think we have enough horrible role models  including some leaders who whine and cry and insult others if they don’t get their way. Wr don’t need some tacky baker doing the same thing ! Maybe they should think before they put someone like Buddy in a competition. Duff is good natured and fun to watch, but apparently Buddy is short tempered .  Hopefully he will not win! 

    • Love 23
  21. No American Idol talk ?  Last week was all the fake fussing over  the judges by Kelly, and begging to go to dinner with them .

    Monday after the premiere of AI , not one mention by Ryan or Kelly ! Ryan didn’t even mention a word.

    No more viewing parties on Kelly’s house where the kids sat mesmerized by AI as teenagers, and it was the only time they don’t look at their phones ?

    The silence about AI was weird and obvious . I wonder is Kelly is pissed  about something and is now not going to mention the show again ! Is AI on her “list “ is things and people she hates now ?  If so, how will ABC and Ryan get free publicity every week ?

    Oh, it looks  like Ryan and Shayna are broken up . She posted a video thanking everyone for nice comments , and seemed to be upset . 

    • Love 2
  22. On 1/24/2019 at 8:51 PM, readster said:

    In the 90s if you had at least an associates degree and passed the main teaching test you could teach a subject you specialized in. However, when 2005 rolled around, there were so many dirt bags that got into the system that were dating, and abusing their students. That they started coming out with "better tests" for teachers and then needing various required classes such as: assessment, Special Ed, classroom management and reading comprehension. Not crazy hard classes mind you, but it would take you a year to a year and a half and need to have a semester internship of teaching "real kids" to get your license. Then, somewhere, don't ask me how, especially in places like: New York, Illinois, California. Some helicopter parents got on a set of grade school teachers who didn't know "algebra". Started complaining to their congressman, then the No Child Left Behind crap started and all of a sudden student teachers were told to take this test and then this test and then this test and had to ace a trigonometry section in math to get a score to be told they had a high enough score to just get the state to say: "Ok, you can be a teacher now." Basically: "Harder test would make better teachers." It all backfired from 2010-2015 because while other people were passing these tests turned out to be crappy teachers and the ones who couldn't pass the tests were loved by their students and schools, but couldn't get their full license because they couldn't pass one math test. True story. Because we know if you end up a history teacher you should know how to teach a student if: xy-78 = x +8/4. Yeah, then just last year they finally did away with that and now just do what they did in the 90s for testing. 

      As they say: "If it isn't broke, don't fix it." Back to the episode, yes, so many of my friends had Tamagotchis and before that, high school kids were sneaking their gameboys in. Now, it's smart phones and student addicted to Snapchat or trying to blue tooth in some stupid Jack Ass video. Times might change, but something "biggest toy ever" is going to always come along. 

    I grew up in NY and Pa and teachers had to have a bachelors degree to teach and also had to specialize in a subject area , even to teach elementary  school . And you had to pass a certification exam and take classes to get permanently certified , along with getting tenure . My dad was a teacher in the 60’s and 70’s and had to do that, and my sister had to do their in the late 80’S .

    Private and Catholic schools had their pick of certified teachers because of a job shortage. And schools had to hire certified teachers in those roles states and some others . 

    You also had to post jobs and hire the most qualified person .

    I have a hard time watching a show where some young woman walks into a principal’s office and gets hired because her ex fiancée’s mom pressures him!

    Shes a college drop out and has no experience except some band called the Drop Outs !

    I know it’s fiction , but it’s annoying when you have people in your family who took our loans and had to show competence in a subject area- even music, along with student teaching and passing certification exams !

    I will never get the fascination with Lainey the character or the actress .

    They took away two good characters from the Goldbergs for this totally out of reality show .

    • Love 1
  23. 19 hours ago, ChitChat said:

    Thanks for sharing your story, veronicamers.  That's cool!

    Aw, I love Madison!  I don't see her as playing the victim, but just being snarky about what's going on around her.  She didn't have a good day making that tart and owned up to not putting the cornstarch in to begin with.  And in the prior episode, Jaxon was condescending to her, so I enjoyed her comments about him!   And ouch to Paige with that burn.  I hope they had aloe to put on that.  I keep a little bottle of aloe vera gel in my kitchen, and for any little burns, it takes the hurt right out.  Of course her burns were more serious and needed a medic.  Hopefully she got some topical anesthetic.  It was nice of the other kids to step in and help her.  

    I agree , Madison held it together , and so did Meadow wit the obnoxious boys they were stuck working with ! I almost wish they would have argued back and put them in their places , but Madison ended up winning, and Jaxon was not even polite and seemed pissed ! Kartnik was also bossy and obnoxious, so glad he is gone . I am hoping Jaxon goes next .

    Davis is the only boy that I wouldn’t mind seeing win at this point . It’s only too bad they sent Misha home and kept Jenna who messed up repeatedly!

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