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Posts posted by orangekit

  1. I wonder how long Mark is going to put up with her over the top mocking and exaggerations about him.

    Joking is one thing , but she sits there with her boney body , shaking her legs with her arms crossed like she’s had 3 triple shot venti coffee from Starbucks and just waits to mock him with either very private or over the top jokes .

    Do we need to know that Mark asked her how many pairs of underpants he should pack for a trip ? And when she said he was as afraid in 4ft of water when it was 30 ft when subs diving I wondered why she has this need to make him look stupid on national tv. Mark actually said “why are you saying that ?”, as if he was surprised she was saying something to make him look like an idiot .

    I do think it’s a matter of insecurity and jealously because the audience does respond to Mark much better than they respond to her and he is a natural host, while  she still can’t spit out a story , even if she’s reading it from a piece of paper ! So she mocks him .

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  2. On 6/28/2024 at 7:10 AM, Mindthinkr said:

    I’ve actually been giving this some thought. Could she be a drug user? Now I don’t know that jibes with her alleged personal life of being a good mother and going to church etc., but her tics and thinness seem to go along with it. I’ve heard gossip that Andy Cohen (who is one of her besties) likes to do drugs and perhaps her social use of them has progressed to the mornings as a way of making her more “live” as well as to keep up with her hectic schedule (her working out physically). By no means am I calling her an addict. I just wonder if some use may have caused some of this continual restlessness we see on screen. 

    I have thought this for a while . She has all of ticks and hee extreme thinness is concerning .   And this weird  Andy friendship when he is so sleazy , sending her penis pictures and his misogynistic shows , makes me think there is another hidden side to Kelly .

    Another thing , she is so hyper and unfocused that Mark has to take charge of the show now . He was literally finishing her words for her because she can’t talk fluently , and he has to move the show along because she can’t even pay attention to cues.


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  3. I actually think Joe may be more afraid of  Mika than any other guests .

    Joe can definitely be obnoxious but I think Mika comes across as someone who is very privileged, spoiled and can not handle situations where she doesn’t get what she wants. And heaven forbid  anyone dares disagree with her !

    i actually think Joe should have told her she was obnoxious off camera , but she was ridiculous and angry at anyone who dared disagree with her opinion,  since she feels she knows way more than anyone else else because of her dad’s position .

    Her behavior with The NY Times reporter yesterday was obnoxious and unprofessional.  You could hear her loudly sighing because someone dared add some reality to her fantasy scenarios that Biden is going to “come back “ from obvious progressive decline.

    Mika was snobby a couple of weeks ago when they were talking about summer blockbusters like Back to the Future  and Indiana Jones in a segment about how summer box office numbers were not good .  

    Mika said  “you couldn’t pay me to see  any of those movies” in her condescending tone of voice .! After all how would the daughter of a Secretary of State lower herself to see movies average peons like ?

    I think Mika and Joe both are examples of why there is a crisis so late in the election .  Hiding away a candidate and denying what  the public and the press were seeing what was obvious, and now getting angry when people have genuine concerns .
    Since everyone on Morning  Joe has constantly said that this election could be an existential threat to democracy and to international security , they should have been real about the candidate they support since this issue did not occur overnight . 

    3 hours ago, Anela said:

    I know.  People are talking about his health and decline, and she’s right there to take over, if needed.  I can’t say more, without breaking the rules.  

    Thar is true , but he would have to win the election first , and the concern is that he can not win because of he is unable to handle unscripted appearances.

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  4. Why is Kelly always complaining about weekend weather in NYC when they are never there on weekends and usually somewhere warm ?

    Speaking to d going away , Mark posted a picture of Kelly at a soccer game . After seeing the picture I think the wardrobe people should get an Emmy for dressing Kelly. . Good thing  Mark included her name on the picture . 

    • Mind Blown 3
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  5. You are right @finnzup, I can’t imagine any workplace tolerating getting pictures like that on a work device , and no matter how bizarre the Housewives are or how much Andy thinks his talk show is a big party , they are workplaces .

    Why do they get away with this behavior and or laughing about it when they sore for Disney and NBC ? Other people have been let go for just having accusations of inappropriate behavior .

     Hey both must feel untouchable.

    It sounds like Andy thought Kelly talking about him sending pictures was just fine. And Andy did apologize for sending similar pictures to one of the women accusing him of inappropriate behavior .


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  6. Here is the article! Why would Kelly talk about that on a podcast ?  And on a work iPad ? What else is she into .


    Did Andy Cohen’s racy photo high jinks, drug-fueled self-pleasure confession slip Kelly Ripa’s mind?

    Bravo and its reality ringmaster Andy Cohen have recently been ensnared in various battles, legal and otherwise, with “Real Housewives” stars over allegedly bad behavior — all of which the host has adamantly denied.

    Most recently, former “Real Housewives of New York” star Leah McSweeney filed suit claiming that Cohen did coke with some Bravo stars, that the culture at the networks is so crude that one senior producer (not Cohen) “routinely sends unsolicited pictures of [their] genitalia to lower-level … production employees” and other grim allegations.

    Last week one of his besties, Kelly Ripa, rushed to his defense on her podcast “Let’s Talk Off Camera,” declaring herself “so angry” and “so offended” by the allegations.

    Really, Kelly? There was not a single thing, for example, in an episode of your very own podcast from less than a year ago that might have tipped you off at least to the possibilitythat Cohen has it in him to be anything less than a choir boy

    Back in May, the daytime legend had Cohen on as a guest and told a story about how she had once found herself in an awkward workplace situation because she received an unexpected d–k pic… that he had sent her

    So, my work iPad is open and I’m sitting here reading through my notes and [‘Live with Kelly and Mark’ executive producer Michael Gelman] is over my shoulder trying to show me something,” Ripa said. “And suddenly a completely erect penis pops up… It’s, like, a text from Andy Cohen [showing off a potential romantic partner’s privates],” she added.

    Not to leave all the dish to Ripa, Cohen cheerfully chimed in himself, joking that when he gets frustrated by the lack of freedom that comes with parenthood, he reminds himself what he’d be doing if he was magically child-free again: hanging around his apartment, he said, “masturbating and getting high.”

    If not the random boner SPAM and drug-fueled masturbation marathons, it’s hard to imagine what would make Kelly Ripa think someone’s a potential candidate for some slightly unsavory antics behind closed doors! 

    Apparently this lady’s seen some things.

    Either way, Ripa’s publicist told us: “Kelly never referenced Leah McSweeney [on the recent podcast] and doesn’t even know who she is, but Kelly stands 100% by her defense of Andy and his character.”

    Cohen’s lawyers have called the cocaine claims a “shakedown,” demanded an apology and added, “Mr. Cohen never used cocaine with any cast member on any ‘Real Housewives’ show or with any other Bravo employee.”

    A rep for Cohen didn’t comment for this story


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  7. 1 hour ago, Onefineday said:

    Yes, she is your typical mean-girl hypocrite. It's ok for her and her friends to discuss the Princess, but of course, they are not the common other "gross" people that are speculating about it. 

    Yes ! Kelly and Andy remind me of the mean girls and boys in high school who mock everyone !

    Yes , we common people are “gross” because we are so mean but when her buddy snarks it’s ok !  Not to mention their buddy Anderson who acts like the nerd who wants to be with the popular kids so he laughs at all of their mean behavior !

    It’s very telling that Kelly has such a huge enemy list .  
    i think Mark is saving the show at this point . He reminds me of Regis , he is a natural host 

    i met Mark at a charity event when he was on All My Children . It was a lunch and then a photo autograph signing event .  He was super nice . I was very impressed that he didnt get into the many women who were outwardly flirting with him ,  and some were raunchy.  Mark was so nice and purposely ignored the very attractive, flirty women and ate  lunch our table of very average women!  He was super nice and talked to use a lot ! He actually seemed annoyed with flirty women .  That impressed us a lot since we had gone to other soap events and many of the other stars ignored anyone who wasn’t a pretty flirtatious woman .

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  8. Kelly has now  added scratching her head to her ticks ! Now she shakes her legs , plays with her clothing non stop and scratches her arms .

    Why can she not sit or stand still ? She acts and looks  Cohen sharing his “candy” with her with her nervous ticks,  boney  body and endless hyper energy , in spite of not eating enough for a toddler !


    • LOL 2
  9. Kelly’s dresses , hair makeup were well done for the Oscars , but wow she is now so gaunt and boney from her “healthy diet” that it has ruined her face which always looked nice in the past .  Does anyone around her not worry when they see what is basically a cleanse being presented as her “healthy diet”, and seeing how she looked in her black outfit the past show in the studio before the Oscar’s ?  Her “nutritionist “ is a chiropractor and her trainer looks like she is fanatical and lacking in balance and moderation.   


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  10. 4 hours ago, finnzup said:

    Welcome back to the jet-setters!  

    MARK CONSUELOS!!! is getting so good at cutting her yapping off at the knees.  She begins her "uhh, uhh's" and he immediately either changes the subject or finishes the story.  Thank you!!

    Do we know which property they are talking about when they say they should take off to view the cherry blossoms?  Can't be their Colorado chalet...where else do they own?  Too soon for blossoms at the "Long Island" property, lol.

    On a side note, Kelllmeee's poor shirt sleeves, thought she was going to tear the cuffs off to be able to push them up her arm.  She's really a nervous mess, between pulling at her clothes and the leg shaking, wonder why that is?


    Not to mention her inability to stand  still and finally having to cross her legs in front of her when Mark was announcing the Oscar contest !  Do micro greens and almonds cause someone to pick at their clothing ,  shake their leg while sitting and also make them unable to stand still ? It reminds me of when I was a kid and older women would be in amphetamines which were called “diet pills “ so they could exist on hardly any food and have energy .  Is her bestie Andy sharing his goodies with her ? She seriously is a jittery mess and it’s weird that she can work out for hours every day without hardly any calories or protein in her diet that her “nutritionist “ shared with entertainment sites !

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  11. Kelly and Andy remind me of high school kids who think they are cool  and snark about others all the time , and then pretend they are friends with the people they talk about . And Anderson reminds me of the nerd who hangs out with them because he wants to be popular and laughs at their stupid jokes .

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  12. 1 hour ago, babyhouseman said:

    I don't care for Andy Cohen. I remember Kelly gushing about the Housewives when Regis was still there, and he was shaking his head because he had good sense. There's just something insincere about AC.

    Yes, and for a man in his 50’s who has a child , he is still getting drunk on national tv and insulting people ? I know people find it entertaining or funny , but for me it’s a huge turn off .    
    I don’t know how Kelly doesn’t see a man who produces shows where women are called “housewives” and encouraged to fight as misogynistic.  
    It’s obvious these women do anything to be famous , but the fact that people make careers producing it and women like Kelly think it’s wonderful is disturbing.

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  13. I wonder how long Mark will laugh at Kelly bringing up person things and his quirks down laughs.  I think Kelly likes having Mark on the show but she’s also a bit jealous of his popularity. He is better than her as host and she has been doing this for over 20 years!

    it looks like Kelly and Mark going on WWHL  , probably to support their buddy Andy .  I will never get how Kelly comes off as such a feminist that she can’t handle the bachelor or bachelorette , and gives lectures on how degrading it is , but she watches Real Housewives and had her daughter watching them as a child with her ! Talk about degrading and misogynistic! And her son works on  that sleazy franchise ?  With all of the legal drama now , it should he interesting .  Hard to believe Kelly defends Andy when he can’t  control his drinking on national TV and is behind such a degrading franchise !

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  14. Kelly’s nutritionist stated what  she eats in a day for E News .  I work in an office with nutritionists , I showed them the article and they were surprised that any nutritionist would find a diet so unbalanced , lacking in variety and so low in protein healthy 
    it’s like she’s on a perpetual fad weight loss diet 


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  15. Looks like there are no no episodes of GMF for the next couple of weeks . Was the show cancelled?  Molly went from being the next big thing on FN, complete with a home renovation , to being nowhere .  I wonder if her  awful hosting of the baking championship was prepay a factor in her losing ratings for GMF. 


    How could Kelly and Mark not know what cacao is ? So weird! And throwing in her mouth was just gross and weird !

    A friend of mine told me her daughter’s classmate in college in NYC worked at Live as an intern on the show when it was Kelly and Michael .  She said Kelly was demanding and not very nice if she didn’t get her way .  She said Michael was very nice .  I tend to believe this /

    Kelly reminds me of a friend I had  to exercise every time she put something in her mouth she thought was fattening and lived on minimal calories .  They hiked everyday on vacation and she still had to run ? Talk about obsessed , and her exercise teacher always seems extreme and extremely underweight like Kelly when she’s on the show .


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  17. I didn’t see today’s show yet . It is replayed later today so I can see if something happened in that interview.

    I meant to come on before the holidays to comment on the show where Lola and Michael came on to cook . I think Michael is a lot like Mark and well, Lola acts a lot like Kelly . I will leave it at that !

    i am surprised that Michael works on a Housewives franchise as a producer. He almost seemed embarrassed about it . He seems like a kid who is smart and has integrity and that show is misogynistic and tacky .   
    I am wondering if he felt pressured into taking that job . I wouldn’t want that in my resume .

    i also never get the repulsion Kelly has to the Bachelor which is no way as degrading as the Housewives franchise where women are encouraged to get drunk and fight for entertainment, and they are called “housewives “! But she loves the show and even would sit down with Lola to watch it ! 

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  18. Give me a break, Duff has no clue how to manage his time to bake cookies ? And Damaris wins even though it was obvious the other person was better ?

    They wanted Damaris and Bobby to compete . I am glad Bobby has won .

    i didn’t mind Damaris in the past but now she annoys me with her overdone stupid behavior. Her voice is also an irritating .


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  19. I think they eliminated the right person . Now if they could eliminate Damaris it would be great !

    She is just negative and nit picks . And her nasally , twangy voice is like nails on a chalkboard! I always thought she was bizarre when she was on Beat Bobby Flay with her stupid antics , but I had seen her on other shows and found her likable .  
    Besides needing to be superior critical she is the one judge who really isn’t a baker but acts like she’s an expert !  

    Hopefully she’ll join Molly and not come back .

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  20. Rich celebrities find enabling therapists who don’t want to piss them off ! They pay a lot of money for therapy , so I’m sure some therapists don’t want to use the money , so they kiss the celebrity’s butt instead of confronting them when they are doing something unhealthy .

    Also , Valerie seems to cut anyone off who dares challenge her ! She argues with posters and plates victim . I’m sure she’d fire any therapist who didn’t kiss her butt !

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  21. More unnecessary Eddie talk today !  she was cooking to fill up Wolfie’a fridge and wearing the T shirt for his band . She truly seems like a narcissistic, entitled woman . You would think Eddie was her husband when he died. So ridiculous.

    i have a feeling the problems with her ex were not all his fault .

    I like her recipes , but does Wolfie need fatty cookies and other recipes that are so heavy ? She acts like his 5 years old 

    Is she stuck back in time and reliving the 80’s ?  I can’t imagine being her son’s fiancée !

    Oh and she doesn’t have to put baking instructions on the ziti she’s leaving for Wolfie because she’s going to go over and bake it for him ! He can’t put a pan in the oven ? 


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  22. Let’s be real , Kelly sucked when a Regis left and she had  guest cohosts . The show was a mess until Michael came on .  Kelly’s “talent “ was telling raunchy sex jokes like a 12 year old who just discovered sex !  . 

    Ryan quietly handled the show and moved the show alone because he is a very skillful host . Kelly is just so narcissistic she would interrupt him and go off on tangents and he would put up with her BS and then handle interviews and move the show along .

    Kelly’s ego is now huge but her skill as a talk show host is not any better than it was when Regis left .

    I feel bad for Mark, but I am glad it’s not some other inexperienced cohost she could blame when things are a mess !

    Maybe this is karma for trashing Regis when he could no longer respond , and playing victim in her book and podcast and acting like a spoiled brat playing hooky when Michael left,  and treating him like shit on the air so he left even earlier than planned .  She even trashed Disney for the paparazzi carrying a book about being a victim and airing dirty laundry to the audience since she isn’t professional enough to handle issues off camera .

    Kelly suddenly says everything is sexist and acts like she was a victim when in reality she was very lucky to be working for ABC when they wanted to cross promote their shows and soaps and put her on Live when she was not up to hosting with Regis . 



    16 hours ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

    Regis was the last of the greats.  Ripa was lucky to ride the coattails . Never have watched much of the show since Regis left. Maybe Ripa and hubby can do Hallmark movies about how they are the perfect couple,so young feeling, in shape, and so much in love. 

    I honestly don’t think she can even handle the acting in a hallmark movie ! She wasn’t very good on the soap ! She only was good with Mark because they were a real couple .

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