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Posts posted by orangekit

  1. How many show on FN will have gross Guy Fieri?  .  He isn’t even an ok  chef , he dresses like a wanna be frat boy, and his restaurants suck .   
    I guess people relate to mediocre, and don’t feel threatened by a man who stuffs his face and hosts stupid food game shows ! 
    Maybe Guy should use some of his 85 million on healthy foods and exercise equipment,  since he looks more and more gross and unhealthy every day .  

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  2. Wow! Ryan was animated , talking and actually mentioning more than working out and his food intake , or talking about running into friends of Kelly that no one cares about !

    Ali definitely is a breath of fresh air ! She and Ryan actually converse , she’s natural , no  hogging the camera , no stammering to get a boring story out, and no interrupting Ryan every other word to the point where he just sits there and looks like he has to get her approval to finish a thought !  And no cringeworthy “dancing “ while she mugs the camera and looks like someone put bugs in her underwear! 

    I was actually disliking Ryan a lot lately , but when he’s with Ali it reminds me of why I used to like host chat .

    What is sad is that Kelly used to be pretty good with host chat , but now her whole persona is so cringeworthy! Even her Instagram account is embarrassing with constant  wanna be sexy photos of her and Mark, or sexual innuendos ! 

    • Love 9
  3. On 10/26/2021 at 12:06 AM, ByaNose said:

    Now, I know why Jenna (who ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer) keeps forgetting to invite Hoda out and hang with her real BFF Savannah. LOL!!!! I think Hoda rather hang with her kids and Joel but still wants everyone to feel bad when she’s not included. Who wants a friend to skip out on you and not even say goodbye. Everyone has Honda’s number and rather not deal with it (her).

    Hoda does seem very self absorbed and rude . I didn’t get all the Hoda adoration . She steps out of parties and doesn’t tell friends shes  with that she is gone ? She leaves the room after a friend comes to visit her and her new  baby and just never returns ?  WTF is that ? It’s totally rude and shows a lack of decency and consideration !  I remember Jenna said she went to a party in NYC with Hoda and Hoda left the party snd never told her she was going ! Sorry, but Hoda is not a considerate person and she’s teaching her kids to be just as rude and  she is.

    Speaking of her kids , there are trick or treating pictures online and Haley has the same creepy , overdone smile as Hoda! Also, does Hoda ever comb her girls’  hair or wash their faces ? I guess when the nannies aren’t around the kids don’t seem to get cleaned or groomed by lazy Hoda who can’t even shut her kitchen cabinets ! 

    • LOL 2
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  4. 3 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

    Still?   But what “Aunt Becky” did was a crime. Hmmm. 

    Well… she was very obvious ! Most rich parents just “donate” a lot of money to a college’s annual giving campaign , and they donate a lot of money to ensure that their little darlings will never face consequences if they screw up in any way ! And if a student is a good athlete that ensures admission even if they are not really qualified , and a lot of special treatment . Joaquin has both things going for him , along with hovering celebrity parents ! 

  5. I just find it bizarre that Mark joined a gym in Michigan! Why have your child go away if you are going to be extreme  helicopter parents? 

    I can’t imagine parents coming every weekend to be around their child in college . I can see attending parent’s weekend , but the point  of college is to let your child develop independence in a safe environment.  
    I wonder if Joaquin isn’t adjusting too well and Kelly and ‘Mark are hovering to try to protect him.  He was in a small , private school specifically for children with his disability. He wasn’t even mainstreamed like he  would have been in a public school .  Now he is at a huge university and I doubt he’s getting the attention and hand holding kids with his needs get who are rich and  privileged in a private small school which deals specifically with their issues . 

    Although , I am sure he will be fine and if he has issues he will still pass since Kelly and Mark will make huge “donations”.  “Donations” ensure rich kids somehow graduate  from college no matter how well they are doing academically. I used to work in admissions at a college at saw how money talks . 


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  6. 18 hours ago, Cementhead said:

    Kelly Ripa should thank her lucky stars every day for being in the right place at the right time because she has had a miraculously long run for someone with her skill set.  To be paid so much to do so little.  Day after day, year after year, decade after decade.  And the longer she's there, the less she does.  I'm waiting for the day she can't even properly form a sentence anymore, but there she'll be!  Not a bad gig if you can get it!

    ITA! She is so talentless .  Also her narcissism gets worse everyday ! Ryan looks like he’s given up trying  to even contribute to boat chat since Kelly constantly interrupts and makes every conversation about her .

    Host chat which used to be so good totally sucks now .  Between the two self absorbed hosts talking about the meals , when we know Kelly lives on salad , and also obsessing about their exercise routines , it’s awful . 

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  7. Valerie called someone on Twitter an “asshat” for insulting Wolfie !  She also posted a picture of Eddie again on the anniversary of his death ! Oh and she’s following Wolfie around on tour like a groupie .

    WTF happened to her ? I saw a repeat of her show earlier in FN this weekend and she seems sane ! She talked about Tom and friends and was not obsessing about her time with Eddie .

    Will FN be ok with her swearing and insulting on Twitter when she judges kids in baking shows ?  
    Did her  sitcom with looney Demi Lovato car picked up ? BTW today crazy Demi made a statement that the term alien was offensive to extraterrestrials! 

  8. On 9/22/2021 at 1:03 PM, Yogisbooboo64 said:

    You ain't never lied....his birthday was August 14th and she used to give greetings on her Twitter and IG.  Matter of fact, she always had pics of him on her IG account, I don't know when's the last time I've seen his face.

    Now it seems she’s too busy obsessing over Wolfie and reliving her tour days she has wirh Eddie !

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  9. Valerie’s Home Cooking is off of the schedule except for older episodes early in the morning.  The show used to be so enjoyable until her ex died . 
    Looks like Valerie is done taping Kids Baking Championship and is now following Wolfie around on tour . Her latest post was eating tour bus food .  Is she now on the tour bus ? I think it’s great to support her kid but weird that she’s following him around  like a groupie ! Why do I have a feeling she’s reliving her time following Eddie around on tour ?  
    I highly doubt she is still with Tom, there is never a mention or a sign of him .  
    She definitely seemed to be having some kind of breakdown on the Today show with her cringeworthy appearances , now she’s all out wacky !

    I wonder if NBC will pick up her pilot with Demi Lovato who is also a mess .

    I guess the next thing we will see from Valerie is promotion for her book. Should be interesting!

  10. Kelly and Ryan are two boring, narcissistic, mirror images of each other !  They always say a husband and wife team would be dull since they have nothing to talk about , but they are worse .

    They are obsessed with working out and diet . Kelly just pretends to love food , but she goes to every restaurant and eats salad. She is wacky .  She looks like a pencil with clothing hanging !  Ryan is obsessed with being thin too but he does eat at times .  They both  have to work out obsessively so they stay ridiculously thin abs somehow think it’s interesting for the audience to hear about it ! 

    Besides their boring work out talk , they also have to talk about their mutual friends and their boring personal text messages .  

    Host chat plainly sucks now ! They need to produce that 15 minutes with some human interest stories .  The only problem is any story they cover Kelly hijacks and turns into some long winded repetitive story she tells about herself !

    And Kelly looks like someone put bugs down her clothing with her so called dancing ! I can’t imagine how ridiculous she looks when she says she is on the  dance  floor at parties all night ! It’s like Elaine on Seinfeld ! She shakes her bag of bones and looks like stupid .

    And can they stop with the pretend crap about  Ryan marrying a woman ? It’s obvious his relationshi with Women are business arrangements .  They are all younger and wanting to advance their careers , and he needs to appear to be a straight man . His constant comments about men seem way more genuine than any of his relationships .  He just needs to come out of the closet and have a life, it’s obvious why he isn’t married or having kids with a woman .  I do think that is sad , but I think his family wouldn’t be too accepting if he came out . 

    • Love 4
  11. 10 hours ago, cameron said:

    If you look at Alex's videos of Ava on Instagram, it's very obvious that her weight problem encompasses her whole body.  She should be  old enough to be able to control her eating habits or since she is such a great inspiring cook to cook herself something healthy.

    If that was the case,  the weight lose industry would not be worth billions of dollars and adults way older than Ava would not be getting gastric bypass to get to a healthy weight !

    When you are surrounded by fatty, high calorie food , you may not know what is a healthy or good food or portion .  And even if you know, there is way more than just habits that control eating and weight . So much is emotional for many people, and that is difficult to control . 

    I sympathize with Ava when she brings up overeating or wanting to lose weight . For years I either starved or overate. It wasn’t until found a program that encompassed a plan that was livable for me , so I could incorporate foods I like, along with also addressing emotional and mindless eating, I could never lose weight !

    I also was raised in an Italian family where food was involved in almost everything. In many cultures like Italian culture many people were poor and food was a way to show someone you cared .  Alex is Italian and her parents are from Italy , she may have been raised as I was raised  with regard to food .

    I do think now Alex should know this is not healthy since she is the adult and create a more healthy environment with “moderation”  as the key instead of making it more difficult for a child by cooking so unhealthy all the time.

    On 9/15/2021 at 5:01 PM, bichonblitz said:

    I saw that and thought it was sad. She was walking in to the school and there was a group of girls off to the side talking with each other, before going in to class.  Ava looked lonely, like she didn't have any friends. There was Alex in the car commenting on her baby Ava. As if she was sending her off to kindergarten. She is too much. 

    I also cringe at how Alex treats her daughter like a baby ! I think it’s natural to feel that way, but it’s just too much and not helpful .

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  12. There is an IG live video on the set of the kitchen .  Jeff is doing some  exaggerated breathing like he’s trying to be funny while waiting to tape .  The funny thing was how Katie and GZ were both totally ignoring his goofy show !  I really wonder what they run about him and Sunny .  Both used to be tolerable but are now unbearable!  Alex seems to find Jeff hilarious and laughs at his stupid antics .

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  13. 1 hour ago, buttersister said:

    I’ll suggest there is a lot of room between what most of these people cook and what’s considered a weight-loss diet. When Julia Child said everything in moderation, she meant you didn’t have to pile on a pound of cheese to make something taste good, Alex, Jeff, Sunny, and most guest cooks. GZ and Katie use a bit more restraint—or at least don’t grin manically when loading on and on. Every. Time.

    I agree, and it’s one thing to cook like that for FN shows where they are so our of touch with reality and think that no one would watch a show with healthy recipes , but Alex seems to cook very high calorie , fatty, unhealthy recipes all the time at home .  Her daughter also seems to have learned to cook that way too. It’s like they are in an alternate universe where they don’t know that tons of saturated fat, fried foods is not good , and fresh fruits and veggies are almost non existent.

    It is no way ok for anyone to be bashed no later their age because they are overweight or obese ,  but the health issues are a concern and for a child to already be at such an unhealthy weight is sad .  It’s very sad that Alex’s daughter repeatedly says she’s “working on losing weight “. She probably has no clue on how to do that ! I know I didn’t when I had to lose weight , but at least I didn’t have my parent cooking such unhealthy food all the time .

  14. 5 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

    On Instagram yesterday Alex posted a short video of her daughter saying “see ya” at the car as Alex dropped her off for her first day of high school.  Today Alex addressed the comments that must have been negative about Ava.  Sunny then chimed in about how she “will tear a troll up” and that trolls lack any family values, etc.  Alex replied to Sunny “you are the troll police.  A one woman squad.  Do not mess with Sunny”.  I am sure Alex has no idea how awful Sunny is to folks who even slightly disagree or question her on Instagram.  Once upon a time I enjoyed Sunny but now I think she is brutal and ugly and very self-righteous.  As a result, I don’t like watching Sunny at all because I think inside that obnoxious loud extrovert is a mean, insecure person.

    I can’t imagine that Alex doesn’t see Sunny attacking posters. She also sees her obnoxious personality on the Kitchen.

    Alex seems to have a higher tolerance for obnoxious people.  She also seems to find Jeff hilarious when everyone else is rolling their eyes or ignoring his behavior.

    Today someone on IG asked Alex’s daughter what her biggest regret is and she said “overeating “.   It’s sad that a kid who appears to be nice, talented and very intelligent has a weight struggle which can cause serious health issues at such a young age   Plus it obviously bothers her .

    Alex seems to adore her daughter and they seem to  have  a great relationship.  I just don’t get why she would make such unhealthy , fatty foods all the time when her daughter is obviously unhappy with her weight and seems to have trouble controlling her eating . Honestly, I would be  obese if I had Alex’s food around all the time ! I have ordered her food from QVC and it’s delicious,  but it is very rich and high calorie! It’s special occasion food in our home! I  It’s great she doesn’t pick on her daughter for her weight , but her daughter might also need her mom to modify the foods they eat and help her . I doubt she’d just act like smoking was ok if her daughter did that , overeating can be just as dangerous.

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  15. On 9/2/2021 at 12:55 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    How does she look so young ? Regular Botox and fillers ! Plus , she does not look like that without makeup . She has posted pictures of herself snd looks quite haggard and her face is beat up from injections !

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  16. I actually heard an interview with Buddy on a podcast .  He not only seems very smart as far as running a business and also creating baker recipes , but he seems like a decent guy, not one bit of superiority or snobbery . In fact , he talked about doing all of the jobs including cleaning toilets when he started working in the bakery. He never we’d allowed to feel above any of the workers he supervised.  
    He also seems very charitable and it seems sincere .

    Duff seems like a nice guy with the kids on the baking  championship, and not a bad guy , but he definitely us some superiority complex when it comes to his artistic ability . He is very artistic, and his team is good , but it is obvious they do look down on  Buddy and his friends .

    It does bug me when I see someone looking down on a person because they are of a certain ethnic group or not very educated formally .  My mom’s family was from Italy and I saw people laughing and smirking at their accents and use of English all the time . Funny thing is , when they needed a good worker at the business she worked for , my mom was always chosen . And my uncle stated a plumbing and electrical company and those families  that mocked my family are now calling him and his sons all the time because they are good at what they do and very honest . 
    Education is not all about books !

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  17. Valerie’s food looked pretty good except for the coconut milk in the tomato soup.

    No mention of Wolfie or Eddie , or Mrs. VanHalen.  She also didn’t mention Tom when talking about cooking ahead meals .   It was all “I” talk . I know they are saying all is ok in the tabloids , but it sure seems like they are not together .  She mentioned her dead  ex-hubby and his mom all season and no mention of the man who is supposedly her current husband ! 

    After next week Valerie’s Home Cooking is not on the schedule except for the early morning repeat hour . A repeat of Girl Meets Farm is in it’s place .

    I wonder how long FN will keep swearing , vulgar Valerie who attacks anyone who is mean to her big baby 30 year old son, and is very  political and angry on Twitter .  She tweeted something about ejaculating  when someone posted something anti abortion, and uses the “F” word all the time .   Too bad she can’t control herself and not engage with Twitter posters; her cooking show is not bad and she’s a good judge on Kid’s Baking Championship.  

  18. 3 hours ago, Maverick said:

     I know Buddy has done these big cakes for years, but that's not the core of his business.   It's the traditional bakery business.   Pastries, pies, birthday and wedding cakes.   It's obviously a good business.  I don't look down on it but I think Duff does,  He just comes across to me as someone who's too good to bake a 3 tier birthday cake or turn out a good Danish.  That it's all well and good if you can do that like Buddy does, but doing that doesn't put him in the same league as him.   I completely agree they're not comparable and that's been the major flaw in this show from episode 1.   


    They are not comparable at all .  Duff and his buddies met in college and are more artists than bakers . That was obvious on Ace of Cakes . 
    Buddy dropped out or high school to run his dad’s bakery .   He’s not educated and sounds like his not very smart when he talks , but he obviously is smart enough to run a very successful business .

    I do think Duff  looks down his nose at  Buddy because of how he talks and the fact that he and the people who actually work in his bakery are not college graduates who spent years smoking weed and being artists .  Buddy and his group are working class people who have had to work . 

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  19. I knew this would be the sympathy season for Buddy ! I knew he would win .  
    I bet FN some bad feedback from parents who were worried their little fragile children were seeing had sportsmanship from Buddy the first season , and Buddy got a lot of backlash on social media.  So this season it is fake friendship time!

  20. I like a lot of Alex’s recipes and I have blight some of her prepared foods which are very good, but can she cook any more unhealthy ? 
    I think food thar she l cooks is good  for a splurge , but I follow her on Instagram and she is the saturated fat queen !

    And now her daughter who is 13 and seems like a very smart kid is cooking the same very unhealthy food all the time too .  It’s no wonder her daughter looks so much older . She is so big she looks way older . It’s sad to see a kid that young already looking so unhealthy . Does Alex not see the connection between constant high calorie food and saturated fat and the fact her child is having a hard time losing weight even though she is expresses a desire to lose weight. It’s not really about looks , she should look however she likes to look, but it obviously bothers her since she states it does , and more importantly it’s super unhealthy .

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  21. 8 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

    I took a nap right after the show, I woke up really early this morning and was crazy tired, and honestly the nap was some of the best sleep I've gotten in like 2 weeks, so I wasn't even sure I was remembering the right show! LOL! But, yeah, that little tidbit didn't need broadcasted to the world. Somehow I doubt that would have been something her mom would have been bringing up in a cooking segment. Did she run this past her brother? He might have feelings on this being told to the world. Not to mention the catty way she brought it up. Oh, Eddie and I got married x months after we met and I wasn't even pregnant like my mom. Damn, that was just mean. 

    She’s now ridiculous and has no boundaries at all !  I wonder how long before FN cancels her . They like their hosts to not be controversial . She fights on Twitter with strangers all the  time .

    Today her show was just weird ! She was talking so much about things she barely could fit in her recipes ! I know sharing the background of a recipes is interesting, but she just kept babbling to the point she had to rush in the recipe,  that along with Eddie talk, mom being pregnant and other oversharing made the show not flow well.  She obviously has a lot of issues from her past and needs to work through those things with a good therapist .  Right now it’s like she’s just not in control of herself and it’s hard to watch .

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  22. 2 hours ago, cameron said:

    Another lets talk about Ed and how they met episode.  Really.  If my husband ever brought up his past girlfriends constantly like she does about Ed, I would show him the door.  Sorry to watch.  

    OMG! I actually thought she would get through one freaking show without talking about Eddie or his family !  She is wacko ! Sorry , but she is obsessed with him like a teenager talking about her teen idol ! 

    12 minutes ago, buttersister said:

    Every time. I think of his widow and cringe.

    Every time I think about her husband or Eddie’s widow I cringe ! She is a mess ! 

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  23. I totally get wanting to support her son and even going to a couple of his concerts , but. she already went to three and talked about how being on tour is so much harder now than when she was in her 20’s!

    I want some therapist to tell her she is not in her 20’s and married to Eddie and her son needs to grow up ! I understand feeling nostalgic, sad and mourning his death , but her constant need to talk about a dead man she divorced over 20 years ago , when she’s supposedly  married again seems weird .  She also is way too much of a smother to her son !

    I wonder if she’ll have time to do FN shows once she starts her sitcom with wacko Demo Lovato ! I can’t believe the producers thought having  Demi , who is really mentally unstable and has major addictions she won’t address sign on to do a sitcom !   And the last thing Valerie needs is some addict who is crazy working with her! Valerie seems like a sweet person who will try to help anyway possible, but she’s had enough of her own problems lately without having kooky Demi to deal with !

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