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Posts posted by orangekit

  1. Oh boy ! Kelly actually talked about how sad she was that Lord and Taylor is closing . She said then she first moved to NYC she wished she could buy something there and then she would know her shop had come in. 

    Then she said  “I’m still waiting for my shop to come in”.  Seriously ? How greedy is she , or how xdupid does she think her audience is ?  So obnoxious for someone making 20 million a year to actually say something like that ! 

    • Love 7
  2. On 9/21/2018 at 11:17 AM, junemeatcleaver said:

    They might be trying to generate some (fake) sexual tension between Sarah and Michael like Regis and Kathie Lee back in the day or Joe and Mika.  I wonder if GMA Day would work better with maybe Lara, Ginger and Sarah and if came on directly after the first two hours of GMA.

    If Robin negotiated for more time off, then more power to her imo. 


    Well, Joe and Mika are a real couple , so hopefully they aren’t trying to copy that “tension “

    I think Sarah is more annoying than Michael at this  point. She screams , comes off  forced and fake , and hangs all over Michael all the time , and it’s  gross and cringeworthy!  She can do this  well if she wasn’t acting so ridiculous. I’ve always liked her , but now she’s awful on this show .


    I do think Michael is pretty bad and is his annunciation of words getting  worse ? The one thing that makes him not so annoying is that he doesn’t seem fake like Sarah .  I just do not get the fascination with him by ABC

    • Love 2
  3. 8 hours ago, Readalot said:

    GMA Day - you know Kelly is loving that it’s bombing, it’s “proof” that she carries the show and not Michael. 

    I can’t imagine this show wouldn’t  bomb . They put a  bad copy of Live on at 1pm !   It’s a badly done rip off! Are the ratings bad ? 

    Kelly can grate on my nerves , but Sarah is a more ditzy, more fake , and more annoying version of  Kelly .  I also think Kelly  did make Michael look good  since he is awful on GMA and this mess of a show !


    But as bad as Michael is, I think Sarah is worse on this show .Micael at least doesn’t come off shrill and so fake , even though he is not good at his job! 

    I think that Gelman  is also a way better producer than whomever produces this crapfest, which  also makes Live’s hosts like much better . 

    And what is with Sarah slapping Michael’s butt ? She needs to just stop ! She’s making a food of herself ! 

    • Love 2
  4. GMA Day is painful to watch ! Horribly produced , boring and the fake host “friendship “‘is annoying !

    Michael is bad, but Sarah is way more annoying !  WTF happened to her ?  I always liked her ! Now she’s shrill , loud , fake and hanging g all over Michael like she’s his girlfriend ! She looks and acts like a ridiculous ditz! I’m embarrassed for her !

    Michael can’t  even talk . His lisping and forcing the fake friendship is so bad .


    Why did ABC think that a bad Live with Kelly and Ryan rip off was a good idea ?  Sarah is a more fake annoying version of Kelly , and Micheal is so bad and in competent as a host compared to Ryan.


    Besides the fake , forced host relationship, the show is horribly produced and the audience seems to be told scream and clap at everyone with microphones over them so they a small audience sounds like hundreds !

    i think this will flop . I don’t know why ABC thinks that Michael is valuable .  Sarah can be good in another setting . Michael obviously looked better than he is  on Live because it’s a well produced show and his cohost was experienced . 

    • Love 5
  5. Kathie Lee liked seeing her dad grab her mom sexually and also knew her dad was happy because her mom’s OBGYN  rejuvinated her vagina when she had a hysterectomy?  WTF? Sorry that is just weird  and creepy that a parent would share that information with their daughter ! 

    On 7/19/2018 at 7:49 PM, Mrsjumbo said:

    I think it’s funny how they ran to interview the Trump voters after the Russia trip, expecting them all to complain, but none of them did. Lol!

    How clueless is the Today show ?  They don’t know the mentality of the Trump supporter by now ? 

    • Love 5
  6. Once again, the mystery or how Kelly and Mark miraculously post live Instagram pictures and videos when they are on the beach in a place where there is no internet connection! And we all know how she totally  goes  off the grid on vacation as she states repeatedly on host chat !  It’s a technological mystery and miracle! 

    BTW, she looks  so old without makeup ! It looks like she has botoxed her face into mess and it shows when she is not plastered with heavy  camera makeup for the show . Between being skeletal and Botox , it’s sad what she did to herself . She actually is naturally pretty if she wasnt so obsessed with being size 00 and looking like she’s 15!

    I did not doubt Mark is cheating , but think he wouldn’t  leave his sugar mommy ! She makes major money he will never make and he’d downgrade his lifestyle big time ! Kelly would stay with Mark as long as she’s not feeling embarrassed publicly .  She would not want to the world to know she didn’t have the perfect life !

    • Love 9
  7. I hate to say this, but Jenna Bush is the most tolerable host now on the fourth hour of Today!    Hoda is less sappy without Kathie Lee, but she is very goofy and over the top silly.    Her non stop giggling like a 12 year old and fake gushing and enthusiasm is nauseating!  

    Kathie lee is posting videos of herself hanging on Craig Ferguson like she's his real girlfriend, and it's not like they are filming in character.  She is really pathetic and desperate.  She actually wrote a movie and purposely made it in  the country where Craig is from, and also made herself his love interest!   Gross.    The guy is married,  and he's really raunchy to the point where it's not funny, just gross.    But somehow holy roller Kathie Lee  has this made crush on him, and is hanging on him with both hands on his arm, like she's his lover for real.   What a way to live out her sick fantasy!    

    Then again, "christian" Kathie Lee was 'friends' with Frank when he was still married, and I remember his ex-wife spoke about how Kathie Lee was after him and would go out with him to events as 'friends', and then he eventually dumped his wife!  So maybe she thinks she can do that again?   Only problem, is, she's not the younger, more attractive woman now.   She is botoxed, anorexic looking and tries way to hard to look young!

    • Love 9
  8. 2 hours ago, MzTori77 said:

    How I wished Ryan would have called her out on the phone "shut down". Why didn't he ask her how she managed to post so many Baby Daddy pics on Instagram without her phone? Yeah, I know that would never happen. I couldn't believe she had the nerve to even say that she shuts off her phone! She was like, "Oh yeah, you have to." ?

    Yeah , they posted non stop and that is also  when Mark had to post apicture that  was old and Kelly was much younger to prove how “hot” she is in a bikini!

    Mark had time to start an Instagram war with a poster that was all over the internet, but they didn’t have WiFi!  They only had WiFi at a store in town, but somehow did live videos of working out and hanging out on the beach !

    The “baby daddy” and “daddy” labels are so tacky! Sorry, Mark is not perfect ! He’s very short and he does look his age . He’s not bad looking , but the gushing is nauseating!

    It just always seems like both Kelly and Mark have a need to show everyone constantly how hot they are for each other ! It seems like there is insecurity there and they have a need to keep convincing everyone of their great, hot relationship !(or convincing themselves!)

    It reminds me of how Kathie Lee had to gush about the “love machine “ , Frank , who  was doing other women !

    • Love 13
  9. Hoda's giant, open mouth smile is in full force this week, now that she's in England for the royal wedding!  Actually, covering fluff is the exactly what she and Savannah should be doing.   They are no way serious or professional enough to be taking seriously most of the time!  The scary thing is that someone actually wrote to Hoda on Instagram and said that  Hoda is the only person she trusts for her news!  It's sad that women have appear to not be too smart, and appear smiley all the time, or else they are not trusted.

    • Love 7
  10. So,  Kelly tells another BS story about "daddy" going outside to stop the paper delivery person from blasting his radio at 2am when delivering papers!   I almost thought it was real, until Kelly said that Mark aka "daddy",  couldn't find his pants, so he put on Kelly's sweat pants!    Right!  Mark can fit in size zero pants?  If he can, it's no wonder that she has to keep talking about what sexy hunk he is, because a guy that think and small would be anything but hot and sexy! 

    • Love 7
  11. 37 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

    I think it’s all about social adoration. Kelly is used to having a live studio audience everyday to laugh and clap at her antics. Mark too, when he is there. It’s also the attention on the streets and the paparazzi when they out in public.  When they take a break from the spotlight they miss it. Hence they begin posting on social media to get their “I am loved” social fix. 

    But, they aren't even away from it before they start posting non stop.   I think it's weird that they are on their anniversary trip, and they are very interested in getting attention from strangers, rather than focusing on each other.

    • Love 10
  12. Kelly and Mark are quite unlikable on social media.  They brag, and need to share too much info about how hot they are for each other, and they act  childish and thin skinned if anyone criticizes them.   They are like those  "friends" on social media who are constantly posting "fun" pictures and needing to show  how great their relationship is.    I wonder what  what the motivation is for middle aged people  to behave like they are in high school with the stupid, non stop pictures and the need to brag about their hot love lives!   If you need to brag that much and need to keep posting through out your vacation you are either a kid, or you are putting on a good show. When someone is having a great time, they don't usually take time to post pictures to strangers online.

    • Love 11
  13. ABC is disgusting for putting on a woman who was banned from her sport for being a part of injuring another athlete.  They obviously are desperate for ratings and will put on any trash they can to get controversy.   Tonya should be banned for life from skating.  I don't like Nancy, but people knew how hard it is to train and compete at that level, and then have some trashy, jealous , low life losers  smack her so she was injured, is just beyond disgusting. I remember Tonya was so obviously guilty and knew what was happening.  And she's still trash.

    I am all for redemption, but Tonya just blames everyone else, and boo hoo about her childhood!    If she showed some change or remorse, I would care, but she still seems like the same trashy, nasty, low life who would do what she wants to get ahead. 

    And why did ABC have Tonya on Live with Kelly and Ryan?  They typically put people on who were eliminated.  What kind of organization is Disney to promote a person like Tonya in a special way to get more attention? 

    Sorry, but this is part of the reason that we have such a messed up country where celebrity and ratings are more important than any sense of decency or rules.

    What's next?  OJ Simpson staring on the "Felon Dancing with the Stars"??

    • Love 12
  14. Why was Tonya Harding on the show yesterday?  I don't watch DWTS, but apparently she was not eliminated, so why was she on?   

    It's sad that ABC and Disney are promoting this trashy, disgusting excuse for an athlete to get ratings during sweeps, and then featuring her on Live for no reason!   Sorry, but this woman has never taken any responsiblity for her actions, and she was banned from skating for a reason. So why are they using Live to promote her?

    • Love 7
  15. When Ryan and Kelly think it's funny to taunt contestants on the phone, I find it annoying.   I think kidding with them is fine, but it bugs me when they start off by playing games that are childish.   Last Friday, someone answered the phone and said, "may I ask who is calling"? And Ryan said twice,  "yes you may", and the person finally hung up.   Why do they think it is funny to do that?  I would think it was a prank call and hang up too!   First of all, I would think if they keep playing games like that, their lawyers would advise them no to do so, since they may end having someone hang up who then complains that they missed out on a chance to win a prize.

    At first it seemed like Ryan was a nice change, now they are reminding me of how obnoxious Kelly is with Andy Cohen with the " sweetie" talk, and their wealthy celebrity problems!  Both of them have went to tropical islands and take multiple vacations.  but they whine about about bad weather constantly. 

    When Kelly was so envious of houses in LA because they have pools, that was also obnoxious!   She has a freaking penthouse that she bought from Nicole Kidman, and had it remodeled while her whole family lived in a NYC luxury hotel for a year!  Poor baby has a two floor home in Manhattan , while most have an apartment where you barely have two rooms!  Then she also has  pool in the Hamptons with her other multi-million dollar home!  Oh and does't she also have a home in Colorado when she tires of her hot, tropical vacations?   

    I don't blame either for taking vacations or buying nice homes, they have the money and should spend it as they like.  But, it's once again acting like the rich little buddies who prank the poor people on the phone, and also whine while they are   living very cushy lives.

    • Love 9
  16. 11 hours ago, goldenpuppy said:

    I notice that Hoda and Kathie Lee did not even mention Jesus Christ superstar which was a huge hit for NBC. I wonder if Kathie Lee would have been negative because she takes her bible literally and somehow now feels she’s some bible expert since she’s had a few retreats in Israel and wrote a book!  She couldn’t put it down on the air since she knows where her bread his buttered with NBC ! 


    Kathie lee would like everyone to believe she's this musical theater "artist", and hangs with the big  names, but down deep she is corny and close minded. Not everyone needs to like all musical theater, but the fact that they didn't mention Jesus Christ Superstar, when they mentioned every other poorly done live NBC musical in the past, was very telling.

    Kathie lees sees herself as   a bible "expert", who just knows all that happened 2000 years ago would be horrified and break out in a rash if she had to even dare watch Jesus Christ Superstar!  Don't you know? She and all of her friends like Franklin Graham, who preaches hate and homophobia, know exactly what happened, and it's all with a blue eyed Jesus, who looks European and not at all Jewish, and he also has all white apostles!     JCSS may not be faithful to the bible that Kathie lee believes in, but it showed a human side to the characters, and the music is great IMO.    Kathie lee is so close minded she probably couldn't even watch it as theater!

    Besides all of that,  is something wrong with Kathie lee's little nephew or is it a great nephew.  Hes' very cute, but is he like 4 years old sitting in a high chair?  And he barely talks and just looks like he has some problem.

    Hoda didn't gush over Haley Joy too much, which was good.

    WTF is John Cena doing showing up out of the blue ?  I am sick of his square head on the show.

    • Love 7
  17. 3 hours ago, finnzup said:

    She's such a liar!  You can see all the guests including "Daddy,"  at the private island with their phones out filming a sunset.  They are clearly NOT in the little store, they're all the beach.  Why does she feel the need to lie all the time?

    Does it make her more relatable?  Does it make her feel like one of us?  Her entire vacation is something most of us can only dream of, and that's ok!  We all know you can afford anything you want.  The chef at your private island has been making Mark's favorite birthday cake recipe from his mom for years and years now.........certainly only a celeb thing not something I can relate to and I'd guess, most of the audience. 

    Don't know why it irritates me so much when she lies, but it does.  It's like she tries to make a fool of all of us.  No WiFi but yet she and Mark film and post her doing a training routine pulling Mark around with a yoga band and vice versa. 

    She just doesn't get it.

    And don't get me started on her and Ryan's best friend status, really?!?! lol

    I really do not care if she has a lot and can afford 2 weeks on a private island either.  But yeah, the lying is so annoying, as if we are two dumb to know that she had stupid wifi!  The same thing with the fact they stayed at a very expensive hotel in NYC as soon as their power went out during Sandy, but she had to pretend her poor, deprived children were sitting on the streets of NYC outside of Starbucks (not even inside, because how can they afford a latte !),   just to get WiFi to do their homework! LMAO.  Oh and they were in one room - aka a luxury suite, that was probably as big as 5 apartments in NYC!

    Another thing,   somehow Kelly trained for two weeks of vacation just to make sure she could run the 10K on the island?? But OMG she had no idea that they were leaving on the date of the race!   So, they had no signs or notice of the date of the race for 2 weeks while she ran and trained???    Such a fake!   Anyone can tell that she is addicted to over exercising and would have freaked out if she gained 2lbs over vacation!  She had to make up the excuse that she was training for a race and somehow had no clue that they were returning the date of the race!    She knows her obsessive behavior is weird for someone on vacation especially, so she has to make ups stupid excuses.

    Oh and she was so happy her size 00 jeans could get on easily because she ran and exercised so much!    

    I really wonder how long Lola will be able to have a normal healthy relationship with food and exercise when her mother is so over the top obsessive, and her father is praising her over the top, unhealthy disorder.

    Kelly also now just did some interview where she talks about the "cleanse" she does, which is basically barely eating anything for days, to cleanse herself.   

    I can not imagine how long Kelly's bones and organs will take the excessive exercising and low calories.   It's good to do what she does , but not to the extreme. She has major issues, and sadly, she  and her hubby are making it look like a great thing, which is not what women with eating disorders need to read.

    It is annoying that she has so little respect for the audience that she thinks we are too dumb to know she is making up BS stories.  

    Ryan actually was way more  likable and real yesterday.  Sometimes he looks at her as if he wonders if she is for real, especially since she suddenly has him as her BFF, when she never mentioned even knowing him in the past!

    • Love 8
  18. On 3/30/2018 at 9:51 AM, finnzup said:

    Yeah, agree, this whole kerfuffle is a publicity stunt, imo.

    I also noticed Mark's got a spelling error in his rant, because that's what it is--a rant--even to the fistfight he's alluding to-- and I agree orangekit, are they 12 year olds defending their bff's?!?

    I really think it's all to keep their names in the news and to keep them relevant. 

    Keep your mouths closed, take the high road and stop goading posters into fights on social media. 

    They truly are very odd, even for celebrities.

    Exactly !  So ridiculous! What  are they trying to prove ? Are they that immature? Or are they just trying  to get headlines ? 

    At first I thought it was just Mark trying to brag about his “hot” wife , then Kelly had to do the “D” comment ! Weird ! 

    Oh and Mark finished the day by showing a picture of Kelly and writing “present”, as if she is his birthday present! Gag ! 

    I did notice after he postrd the picture of Kelly with her rib cage and other bones showing, he now only posts pictures of her covered or hazy and photoshopped !  He knows very well  that it’s not about her age, it’s about her unhealthy , boney body which is disturbing in a bikini !

    I do think it’s weird that posters would tell Mark his wife looks bad , but even weirder he gets into l fights online !

    On 3/30/2018 at 9:55 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    The entire thing about Mark posting Kelly the way she looks on Instagram is so bizarre, imo.  I would think that knowing how she obsesses about size, that he would be careful to not focus on that.  And I would think he would be more concerned with addressing her health and medical needs, not trying to glorify her body.  Is he sick?  It's pathetic.  What he sees as awesome, others see as sad.  Now I see that both of them are clueless.  And childish.  Too much bragging.  Just go away and have quiet time. And leave the phones in the room. lol

    I think it’s bizarre too, but then again , I remember when Mark guest hosted with Kelly and was making comments about her eating too much ! He seems to like her boyish body ! That’s a whole other issue ! 

    • Love 8
  19. Another thing , WTF is with Hoda happily letting Kathie Lee slap her butt for the ridiculous Spanky Tuesday! It’s back !  

    When I see Kathie Lee preaching or singing religious songs , and her other weird things , I now have sympathy for Gelman , and I am glad she was not able to turn Live into a the weird m we that Hoda and Kathie Lee is right now !

    • Love 4
  20. What is with John Cena cohosting all the time ? I don’t dislike hm , it’s just awkward having three hosts .

    Is h going to be Kathie Lee’s host when Hoda finally gets tired of double duty ? I have a feeling she will be leaving show and John is the replacement .

  21. 17 hours ago, goldenpuppy said:

    More drama one instagram ! Mark posted a picture of Kelly on Instagram stories lying next to him in a bikini . Her bones muscles and bones were really prominent. I thought it looked like Kelly always does in a bikini,  disturbing , but apparently, people.  made comments about how she looked. 

    Instagram stories go away  , so the picture is no longer available for there and you can’t  see comments .

    So now, Mark  posted a distant , hazy photo  , obviously photoshopped  to increase Kelly’s breast size,  and to get rid of the creepy ribs,! He then he makes a staement  defending Kelly’s body and putting down the people who insulted her .

    Honestly,  I thought she looked awful in the first picture, but I wouldn’t send a message to her husband! And why is anyone surprised  that she looks like that ?  

    If is amusing that Mark posted a hazy photo shoppped picture to defend  her body !

    Oh, and today Kelly posted some weird video of her exercising Keith some resistance band around her and Mark holding it and calling it yoga ! Lmao! She can’t even take a break from obsessing about being a skeleton on her vacation ! 

    It’s so hilarious how the PR machine is working to put the message out that people were commenting on Kelly being too old to wear a bikini,  and of course everyone is getting all upset about that ! Even E News and People had to  repost Mark’s Instagram post!

    Any  negative moments I have seen about Kelly have been about her before my skin and bones , not about her age !

    It’s totally funny that Mark har to put some photoshopped , really hard to see pic of her was to write his little tribute !

    BTW, what is with them arguing and defending each other like teens on social media?

    Also, do they really need to tell each other how “hot” they are on Instagram? Seems like they are trying a little to hard to let us know how hot they are for each other ! 

    • Love 5
  22. Carrie Ann is a dancer and doesn’t know enough not to do a split in high heels like that ?  No to mention her clothes were so tight it’s amaZing she didn’t split her pants ! 

    I like Carrie Ann when she isn’t putting on an annoying over the top personality .   

    Her laugh is super annoying and I think it’s mostly fake and put on. I notice she would turn it off on a split second .

    • Love 4
  23. UGH I don't care about all of the ridiculous sob stories!  Such a gimmick!   And who didn't know Katy Perry is a mess?  Is Disney hiring idiots lately?  Katy Perry has been a trainwreck for  while.   And the irony of having someone who sings monotone judging voices is hillarious!  She is popular, has catchy songs, but as a vocalist she is horrible.  As a judge she's embarrassing!   So they have an accused sexual harasser as a host, and a person acting like a disgusting, childish horndog, who is obviously wasted as a judge. Good job ABC! 

    And having Kelly Ripa tell us her three children turn off phones to watch this mess is just a bit much.   I get they have spent a ton of money moving Seacrest, having him co-host Live and also over 20 million on Katy, but the show was flopping on Fox.  Bringing it back was a stupid idea! 

  24. I had a feeling this would be  a mess, and I couldn't understand why ABC bought a show that was not doing that great anymore!   They have invested a ton of money into  this show in advertising, not to mention it's obvious Ryan was hired with Kelly partly to promote Idol.

    Katy is awful.  I keep reading not so blind items that she is drunk on the set, and her behavior and acting like she's in heat when she sees the boys is making me think the blind items are not so off base.

    The format is so so boring! 

    They need to have someone with a little edge, and by that I don't mean someone coming onto the contestants! 

    They need a real producer, not a bunch of singers who have no clue.

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