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Posts posted by orangekit

  1. Kelly posted a scary picture of herself with a low cut sleeveless top that shows her boney shoulders and  creepy chest !  The people who do her hair and makeup on Live deserve awards ! She is creepy without makeup or the right outfits to cover the bones and skin .

    She looks like she has some kind of weird scaring on her chest and also near her shoulder , like she’s had surgery.  Also her chest looks sunburned .I wonder if they are back in the quarantine house in the Caribbean island that she pretended was NYC .


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  2. 22 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

    Yes well it is a talk show and we really don't know what actually happens in her personal life - 15 minutes of host chat isn't exactly a camera recording her life 24/7 - and how much she helps out other folks.  The highest form of giving is anonymous.  So we don't really know.

    Not saying none of what you say is true , but bringing  up frivolous spending is just insensitive at this time .  

  3. 18 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

    Maybe those people she hired were glad for the job and the $$.

    I’m sure they were, but when people are struggling to pay bills , and talking about doing that when the nation has a higher unemployment rate food lines is out is of touch. Just like saying she didn’t know how she’d pay for college or that her son lives in poverty when kids are living on student loans and working multiple jobs, and he’s coming home to his parents’ multimillion dollar penthouse to do laundry or eat , or quarantining for months on a private island with his family !

  4. Cameron just comes off too over the top which seems fake . He’s just too perfect and a “nice guy” to the extreme. He also just has a horrible  voice and way of talking .  He’s almost shrill when he doesn’t take a breath . He sounds like an auctioneer when he rambles !  I do not think for one moment think he is that wholesomel!  I think he was desperate for a job after his night time entertainmentshow  stint when the soap went off the air , and he’s trying hard to appeal to the people who make up the traditional Hallmark audience 

    I do not get why no one ever talks to him about his speaking voice and delivery ! 

    Debbie doesn’t seem fake , but she seems super sappy !


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  5. On 12/2/2020 at 2:51 PM, ByaNose said:

    How rich is Kelly Ripa? She had people (and, paid them) to come and move furniture for her so they could up the Christmas tree. Now, I know people get their trees delivered (especially in NYC) so I’ll let that slide but having people move furniture to put up said tree is beyond obnoxious & dumb. I think Michael and Joaquin are young enough to move furniture. It’s amazing how out of touch she is with reality. That said, her Christmas tree was beautiful. At least, she decorates it. The Kardashian’s pay people to,decorate their own tree. I’ve heard of “normal” people doing that, too. I always thought why do people do that. I’d gladly do it and get paid. I  do my parents every year and it’s fun. I even use my own decorations or their tree. I have three sets. (Kmart & Target with a little bit of Pottery Barn). Whatever one I’m not using I use another set for them. Yes! I know some people don’t even have one set but that’s different. We’re talking about me. LOL!!!!!

    Kelly is so out if touch with reality . She used to be down to earth and now she is so fake. To tell people she hired movers for Christmas decorationg during a pandemic when there are people hoping that their unemployment gets extended , or trying to decide whether to pay the electric bill or buy food is so out of touch ! It’s like when she said she didn’t know how she’d afford college years ago when her kids’ private elementary school costed more than a private college !  

    We Know she’s making a lot of money , but she is too stupid to not tell everyone how she spends it !

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  6. Kelly seems to be annoying or shocking Ryan at times  as to how tacky and obnoxious she is . Her comment during the family thanksgiving show she could demonstrate how she and Mark made the kids with turkeys , to Mark and the kids was so adolescent and embarrassing, not to mention , just plain weird ! 
    Kelly has not improved since she was making every comment a sex comment when Regis left and she was hosting alone . 

    She’s just crude and lacks any manners or class. It’s no wonder her daughter didn’t know that posting Kardashian like photos on Instagram would get weird responses ! It also make sense that her daughter went into mourning over the trashy Kardashian’s show ending !

    It is also hilarious that Kelly acts like she’s such a feminist because she hates the Bachelor, but likes the Real Housewives, where the name of the show and the show is outdated and sexist! 

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  7. On 11/13/2020 at 6:32 PM, seasons said:

    Strahan wasn't willing to suck up to her every day. Good for him.

    Too bad Ryan doesn't realize or care about the same thing for himself. The pay must be really good.

    Ryan isn’t stupid , he’s a savy businessman who has built an empire at a your age .

    He may be sucking up on the air , but I’m sure he is in tight with TPTB and he will not take much shit when it counts !


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  8. On 11/8/2020 at 1:39 PM, NYCRunner said:

    If you go to old YouTube videos of the show, Kelly was a completely different person.  She was really very funny & endearing.  Fast forward to the last few years & there are no words as to the person she has become.  If I happen to be working from home I will turn on the show & have to turn it off within 5 minutes.  Her stories are drawn out, boring, repeating the same sentence over & over, um, ah, um, ah - get to the point!!!  She is just not funny AT ALL anymore.  Ryan will tell a good story & she just can't wait to jump in & start telling another boring story about herself.  You can tell he is trying to be nice but also gets annoyed with her.  He is very patient & much more likeable than she is.  And what has happened to her voice?  It is all raspy & deep now.  Is she a smoker?  She is constantly playing with her sleeves, jumping around in her chair.  And whoever dresses her in these long baggy clothes should be fired!  With her tiny frame she should be wearing fitted clothes that don't swallow her up.  Last, if you go to Live's instagram they have videos of Kelly & Ryan walking out to the stage. WOW.  Her ego is on full display for many of them.  She has just become completely unlikeable.  Okay, rant is over LOL!


    ITA!  She was very normal and  likable years ago.  I also remember meeting Mark at a soap event years ago, he was so nice and down to earth and not the egotistical “daddy”,  wearing shirts that were 5 sizes too small to show off his biceps!

    I read an article about how Kelly gushed over Ryan and apparently teared up over her comments ! That made me laugh since Kelly dumps her friends constantly ! I wonder if what will happen if Ryan doesn’t make Lola who’s the most amazing musician the world has ever heard a big star!  He will probably join NPH with the long list of Kelly enemies !


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  9. 3 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    So not only is Ryan a liar, but Julianna Hough and Shayna are liars also?

    Totally absurd, this is worse than The National Enquirer.

    It does happen in a lot . Like how Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart had a romance throughout the Twilight series , and now we know she is not straight .

    Ryan’s appeal is to the very traditional women middle aged and older , he would sadly not want to come out if he is gay 

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  10. 8 hours ago, Quof said:

    What's wrong with that?   Are their rumours that he is abusive, a cheater, or worse?  Maybe he doesn't want to be married. Maybe they don't either.  They stay together as long as the relationship works for both of them, then they move on.  As long as he isn't making them promises he won't keep, what's the problem?

    Well, he is way older and he’s using young women for sex and a good time and acting as if there light bis something more .  Very sleazy .  He is not the good little boy he pretends to be . He also created the Kardashians!

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  11. If Ryan isn’t gay he’s a real asshole to women ! He is with women way younger than him , he lives with them and dates them for years and then dumps them.   

    I think he’s a closeted gay man otherwise Kelly would be angry with how he treats women .  I think Shayna will suddenly have a “new” boyfriend she gets married to very quickly .  

    If he’s not, he’s a sleaze ! He somehow found a new women when NY and California are on lockdown ? I think it’s major BS! 


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  12. 22 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

    I got a new episode today. Kelly talked about dropping Lola off at college and Ryan talked about a colonic. So riveting.

    The colonic talk was too much ! Yuck ! I did read that Ryan was back together with his “girlfriend “ Shayna, so I guess he wanted privacy and decided to talk about his colonic instead !

    20 million dollar Kelly was back to behaving like a prepubescent teen who just couldn’t stop saying the word “Ragina”! You know which word that rhymes with !  So funny, if you are 12!  And she was getting grossly detailed about the colonic! 

    It seemed like Ryan tried to diffuse Kelly from bathroom and vagina humor  and chance rhe subject a couple of times .  When all else fails bathroom and sex humor are Kelly’s idea of hosting !

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  13. 7 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

    Ongoing chemo/treatments for a cancer recurrence.

    She never had chemo the first time. And  she seems to have all of her hair and be out and about.   I really don’t know any woman who has had chemo for breast  cancer that kept w full head of hair.  And most who have had radiation are not usually in the run while going through treatment . But if she isn’t getting those side effects, that’s great .

    I thought it was more likely that the baby had a problem , but who knows .

  14. 14 hours ago, Pickles said:

    I think Hoda is way too self absorbed to even think about her coworkers. I wonder if she is in over her head with the second baby? I honestly have no idea. It just makes no sense that the show has given zero time frame for her return. To me, that means it hasn't been decided yet. But, why not?? It is so odd. A total mystery. Was she getting extra time off to "write" her book? 

    She is extremely self absorbed!  Only a rude , self-absorbed person would leave friends at a party and not tell them, and then expect them to pick up girls they left in the car !

    And walking out of a room without saying anything when someone makes an effort to visit you and your new baby?

    She’s  so self absorbed that she couldn’t be bothered to attend training with her dog that she named after a singer like an adolescent girl !  I am sure Blake is in dog heaven, Hoda probably let Haley Joy do whatever she wants to the dog and the dog probably got angry !

    Hoda is her own biggest cheerleader. She wants to be seen as this wonderful , charitable person, and amazing mom, when in fact she makes everything about her , and has a staff to watch the babies she pays for in adoption !

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  15. 20 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

    Clearly she negotiated the time off.  It may be a combination of countless things:  FMLA, short-term disability, vacation, unpaid time-off.  I work for a Fortune 500 company.  One can take as much time as one wants for the birth/adoption of a child - mother or father.  You get fully paid for part of the time off and can add in whatever banked vacation time, then add in additional weeks at reduced pay. At some point, you don't receive pay and have to cover your own health insurance.  But you can remain an employee in good standing. The only time limitation is 364 days.  And likely that's even negotiable with your immediate manager.

    Hoda isn't working behind the 7-11 counter or sitting behind a desk staring at spreadsheets.  She is a 20-year employee of one of the world's largest media companies. And she likely negotiated a real sweetheart deal when NBC was in Panic Mode post-Lauer.  

    At our company, employees get 18 days of annual vacation from Day 1 (plus 8 paid company holidays).  After 10 years, it goes to 28 days.  At 20 years, it maxes at 35 days/year.  I imagine that Comcast/NBC/Universal has similar guidelines for its staff.  On-air talent could even have more negotiated into their personal contract. Hoda may have had weeks and weeks of time off due to her.

    Maybe someday we will hear the full story of her time off.  Hoda has always milked her personal life for story ideas.  When JBH announced her pregnancy, NBC pretty much threw in the towel for a Fourth Hour Re-Launch.  NBC may have circled November Sweeps or even January 2020 as the launch date for the New Fourth Hour and told both mommies to be back on their stools for that.

    Why would disability time be factored into Hoda’s time off?  Unless she hurt herself taking selfies or going to the beach.

    I’m sure she has a good contract , but the secrecy is obnoxious. And  even when KL Took off a lot of time we always had updates as to when she was coming back .

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  16. 20 hours ago, schroeder said:

    I’m all for Hoda being able to take time off with her baby. I don’t want to dump on her for having the means to take time off. This baby may also have some medical issues we don’t know about. Or not. Even so, if she’s been able to negotiate this time off, then good for her. She’s been loyal to Today, ready to chip in during crises. It’s true that I am surprised, as her leave came soon after launching the new show with Jenna; I assume Hoda would be a stabilizing presence for viewers and advertisers would want her there. It would be difficult to gauge ratings for the new show and now that Jenna is going on leave, there will be even less stability in August. I’m sure Hoda is very aware. Maybe she is dealing with personal stuff and just needs time off and maybe she’s even taking less pay - we don’t know. I’m willing to give her the benefit of a doubt. 

    Looks like she’s dealing with beach days and fun with her family while her nanny watches the newborn!

    I was beginning to wonder if the baby had some kind of medical condition and that was the reason for Hoda taking such a long leave , but she seems out and about and the baby isn’t with her quite a bit of the time !

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  17. 8 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    I don't know if Hoda has a staff or not. It actually looks more like her mother than anything but I think she should have come back before Jenna was taking her leave. It's her second kid and she's had over 4 months of leave. I think that's more then enough considering there weren't any medical issues. You have a job and are the host (star) of the show with your name in the title. It's time to get your a** back in your chair and do your job that you are paid millions to do.

    Hoda is no way just depending on her mom to take care of her kids and her life !  Her mom does not live in town and there are many pics of her out without the baby .

    Also, her mom and family coming to town is always a big deal with Hoda posting pictures of them with her giant open mouth smiling like a muppet like it’s a great occasion!

    She  obviously doesn’t  shop for herself or she wouldn’t find it so exciting to go shopping with a two year old ! 

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  18. So, somehow a woman who adopted and has a staff to help her with her babies is taking almost five months of parental leave ? 

    Why would NBC allow Hoda to not come back when her cohost her to leave to have her baby?

    The more I see Hoda the more I see a narcissist personality who makes everything about her .  She’s not mean, but she’s super self absorbed and rude.

    Besides that , she is very stupid when she speaks and has the grammar of a child elementary school !

    How did she ever rise to the level she is at right now ? 

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  19. 11 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Got my issue today.  Her article is smaller than the full page picture of Hoda doing her Muppet grin that is in there as well.  Haley is doing it too:/

    Ugh!  Hopefully Haley’s DNA from  her biological parents includes a higher IQ than her dippy mother!  The smile is just cringeworthy on Hoda , and seeing it on  a toddler is weird ! 

    • LOL 2
  20. On 7/18/2019 at 8:19 PM, ByaNose said:

    So Savannah said to Jenna is due two weeks. There’s still mention of Hoda either. I can’t believe Hoda isn’t coming back for a two week overlap at least. It makes me wonder if there is some drama behind the scenes. Maybe, Hoda wants do drop the 4th hour and just concentrate on the 2 hour morning show. I mean we can’t expect her to work 3 hours a day. She has to deal with the commute being driven in by a driver, getting her hair & makeup done professionally and then having to wait an hour in between shows. The struggle is real for Hoda. Too funny!!! 

    And when Hoda’s kids get to be too much work she hires more help. Or when her pet gets to be too much she sends it away for training, and later sends it away for good, or more likely had Blake put down because she is too lazy and stupid to teach her kid how to act with a pet !

  21. On 5/4/2019 at 4:50 PM, goldenpuppy said:

    Katie Lee has the most annoying voice !  Sunny is loud and obnoxious !   Together they are super annoying g!

    She has a horrible voice for any kind of broadcasting or tv, but when you are in your 20’s and are willing to do a man in his 50’s because held Billy Joel, and then do the producer on the FN , you can get ahead even though you are an average cook and have a super annoying delivery ! 

    On 6/13/2019 at 4:43 PM, suev33 3 said:

    I guess if she works out hard and her diet is mostly veggies, then great for her.  She deserves it.  Shes a better person than i.  Lord knows i could do that, but choose not to.  Or maybe I'm just lazy🙄

    She’s also very tall, which helps a lot !   I wouldn’t say marrying men who help you get recognition and jobs makes her a hard worker !

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  22. 15 hours ago, suomi said:

    It shouldn't happen even once because Lock Your Door - but after the first time WHY did it happen again? Twice? Because they wanted it to happen again. 

    Kelly is a raging narcissist and evidently Mark is as well. 

    I think it’s more Kelly.  She seems to need all kinds of attention and to let everyone know she is HAVING SEX with MARK CONSUELOS!  She has done that for years . We had to hear constant sex stories about how he is always after her! Yuck ! He must be desperate for anything to want to have sex with a bag. of bones with Botox !

    I think on some weird level Kelly likes being caught , she is a major narcissist.

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  23. 2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

    Lola really is a beautiful girl. I thought her dress was inappropriate for a high schooler in that it exposed way too much of her breasts. The color was gorgeous on her. Kelly looked like a cadaver next to her-pale and nothing but bones. 

    I agree .   She is very pretty . The color of the dress is very pretty , but it looked like it was a size or two too small .  

    I have the same kind of issue trying to cover up because of my breast size, and really , a V neck is the best look . So, I get why she  was wearing a V neck, it just looked inappropriate for a high school prom. Most  schools do not allow that much exposure , but when your parents are paying tuition that is like a good private college , you probably don’t get told what to wear !

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