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Posts posted by orangekit

  1. 11 hours ago, MzTori77 said:

    Wow, just saw an Instagram "Insta story" by Kelly, and she looks frightening. I've never seen a chest like hers before, and I'm not just talking about her bra size. It is pretty sickening IMO. (she's talking about her anniversary with a workout friend or perhaps trainer)

    I saw it ! It is with her trainer . It is scary  . She has bones sticking out all over .  I have never  seen bones jagging out under someone’s neck and she is so skinny she looks like she literally has a hole in her neck above her chest .  Her face is pretty but now she is so boney it’s aging her .  

    When she said she did back to back soul cycle classes the other night, I wondered is she is working off her “extra slice of bread from thanksgiving.   She truly has body issues . Hopefully she won’t pass those issues onto Lola . 

    • Love 3
  2. A Blind Gossip site is claiming that this is a "solved" item. The woman who he supposedly had an affair with and had fired when she wanted a promotion was Amy Robach.    The rumor is that she had the affair to get ahead but was passed over because he had other girls he wanted promoted.  When she got angry, he made sure she was fired.

    Watching Savanna, Hoda and KL crying over him was weird.   

    I wonder if Natalie and Ann Curry will be coming out with accusations soon!  I am sure Ann is loving this!

    • Love 8
  3. What is so obnoxious is how Kelly has to call Mark her “baby daddy”. I hate that term . It reminds me of trashy people who have kids with no relationship . I am sure she thinks it’s cool ? But it just sounds tacky .

    I love her pretend reason for saying she has Thanksgiving at 6pm when she told everyone the real reason before . She didn’t want to have a : pm dinner because it’s not a real time , and then you overeat . That’s what she said before . Now it’s about now wanting to have an early cocktail hour?  How many people worry about the booze on thanksgiving to the point of changing a dinner hour ? I guess she now likes to pretend she’s not obsessed with her bony physique.

    BTW she posted some video without make up with her trainer . Yikes ! She looks so skinny and sickly . The make up people deserve emmys !

    • Love 6
  4. I am home today and turned on KL and Hoda . Wow they are in total obnoxious mode today ! Hoda’s family is there, so they had the little kids say “What” ! Ugh!

    And KL with her constant flirting and and sexual innuendoes with male guests is pathetic . She’s  coming off horny and lonely . Some guy was trying to cook today and said the word “rack”. KL has to make a sexual joke about that !  For woman who is very judgy, she seems to give herself a pass for being gross to the point of laughing at  raunchy not funny , Craig Ferguson jokes and making sexual jokes all the time . She needs so much attention ! 


    if KL were a man, she might be thought of as offensive with her gross remarks .

    • Love 8
  5. 11 hours ago, Tosia said:

    I always figured Mark and Kelly  had security people because they are so rich.  

    And famous. 

    Remember back in the day when European rich kids were kidnapped?  

    I  imagine Security keeps a close watch on all the fsmily. 

    I don’t know, it sounds like Lola and her friends took Uber to a concert and Kelly was trying to watch them , so they don’t seem to have security.

    Also, Kelly caught Lola waiting for  Uber to go to  school one day . You have to use a cr for card for Uber and can’t request a driver . I understand wanting her to be normal, but I think she’s too young to be using Uber without an adult, but maybe I’m too protective.

    i think if I were a celebrity I’d hire a private driver . You never know that kind of people could drive your kids around .

  6. Lola  is a cute kid   As much as Kelly annoys me, it seems like she is a good mom .

    The only thing I always wonder about is allowing Lola to use Uber alone or with her friends at such a young age .

    I wouldn’t let me teen in NYC use Uber with her girlfriends to go to a concert. I’m in a big city in the mid- west , and maybe I just am too protective.

    i would think if you’re a celebrity you might be even more careful, but then again ,  maybe I am too protective.

    • Love 1
  7. Today Kelly was insulted because someone thought she was the mother of an adult wrestling while she was watching her son . The guy was bald and had to at least been in his 30’s.

    I would  also be insulted If I were Kelly’s age, but she does look much older now with her new style . Her poker straight hair which has grey color is not flattering on her very pale , very boney face .  Since she is so skinny, she’s aging much worse . 

    I had to also laugh when Kelly said no one is looking in her windows of her house ! Well, she lives in a penthouse in NYC, and her mentions I am sure are not on public streets .

    • Love 3
  8. 5 hours ago, msrachelj said:

    just channel surfing and came upon this show. kelly looks terrible. i remember when she was cute and although still thin, healthier  looking. and that horrible hair. what the hell is it with women thinking bleached blonde is a good look. her hair is white! and does not look in the least, flattering. today she has white hair, white complexion and a white dress!

    I agree. I don't know why she is going for the white hair look.  She already looked aged from being so thin, and now the pale skin, white hair and skeletal body is making her look haggered.

    • Love 2
  9. This show is OTT, but not as bad as the "real" people.   Carson Kresley grated on my nerves.   I think a lot of his behavior is very put on and away to get noticed and talked about. I have a friend who is gay and he never could stand Queer Eye because of how stereotypical and obnoxious Carson was with his behavior.   He is every bad stereotype about gay men.   His constant comments about the other guy were tacky and weird and just reinforced what many straight people think of gay men.    Glad he is gone.

    I am surprised that I like Perez Hilton, he used to be so nasty and immature. Seems like having children has helped him grow up!

    Melissa is annoying,  but I like Carmen.

    WTF happened to Rachel Ray? She looks bloated and messy.  Ann Burnell  is a good chef, but she reminds me of a very mean person who puts on a fake nice act.   

    • Love 2
  10. I am not surprised that Jason won, but Cory did a much better  pilot than over the top Rusty .

    i thought that Cory came off natural and conversational.  

    Rusty, who I actually did like , came odd obnoxious. The people he was with in the restaurant seems put off a bit by his over the top, annoying and loud personality.  He was like Guy on caffeine.  

    Jason is good in camera,  but he seems all gimmick now . I liked him on the Baking Championship, but now he's playing a character .

    Watching Rusty, who seemed likable transform into over the top,  and annoying in his pilot, and Jason , complete with his goofy outfits and over the top sayings , made me realize that FN is getting even worse with "personalities".


    Also,  how poorly produced was the  show that they had Jason commenting on everything?  There was really no suspense when one contestant was already the "star " of the show .


    I never thought I'd miss Susie or Tush, but I do now after this season . 

    • Love 6
  11. 11 hours ago, Mrsjumbo said:

    Apparently "whaaat?!" is here to stay for awhile because Hoda said her nieces like it.


    orangekit, Hoda showed how she does her selfies a while back. I can't remember exactly, but I think she said she puts her tongue behind her front teeth & exhales? Something weird. Between that & the over exaggerated laughter I think she's less genuine than KLG.

    Hoda's nieces are young children, I can understand them liking something goofy , but so many people comment on the social media sites that it's annoying , but the keep doing it !

    I think I counted three times that did her "what" thing, and one time was with KL. 

    In some ways Hoda seems like a nice person and she is less annoying than preachy, self- righteous KL, but in other ways she comes off kind of fake .   The smile does come off fake and overdone .   I also think she's not too bright at times.  

    I also remember when they used to have the cackling producer laughing at nothing all the time.

    • Love 1
  12. I know that everyone who judges Jason thinks he's so adorable and real , but I find him fake and playing a character. I do not see him as authentic.

    Everything from Jason's goofy outfits , his over top sayings and his overdone accent and will not come off as real over time .  He is reminding me of Paula Deen when she morphed into a cartoon southern woman.

    Cory is a good cook , but he reminds me of a controlled Mathew in some ways . He also  seems to have to try to be real. 

    Rusty can be a hot mess, but he seems the most likable and authentic.  It's too bad he screws up, because unlike huckleberry Jason, he's southern without being a cony character, and overdone .

    Mathew is just hopeless and kind of pathetic. He can cook,  and he can do decent camera presentations, but he's like a child who had no self awareness.  I do have a feeling that he will be somewhere on FN .

    • Love 8
  13. I like Hoda because she is way more real and down to earth than KL who needs Botox  and starve herself  to try to be perfect . But  I agree that the annoying "what?" thing is so annoying ! 

    Also, does Hoda purposely have that open mouth smile all the time ? It's so exaggerated and weird looking, even  on her Instagram account .

     I like Craig Ferguson normally, but when he is on Wirh Hoda and Kathie Lee I don't find him funny . His humor is so gross and just not funny . Seriously jokes about ejaculation ? It sounds like something someone in middle school would say . Hoda and KL fall off of their chairs laughing over the most unfunny , graphic , sexual jokes with Craig.

    And Kathie Lee with her holy holy act must be so desperate for male attention that she doesn't  care if Craig is inappropriate and gross . Maybe she needs to  add counseling to her routine along with her bible verses .

  14. On 7/29/2017 at 11:25 AM, goldenpuppy said:

    What was really funny is how Kelly was concerned about saying how Joaquin liked  O take pictures in front of cars , but she didn't think twice about getting into gross detail about checking for ticks on his genitals and calling them beans and franks.

    Its very funny how Kelly imitates Lola , the funny thing is , Lola is like a teen version of Kelly! 


    I dont dislike Andy , but they get into the inside jokes and the constant "sweetie" is nauseating.

    Yeah, she talks about Michael's puberty bathroom habits when he locked himself in the bathroom , talks about inspecting her boy's genitals  and nicknames them , but is all concerned if Joaquin hears her talking about him taking pictures in front of cars !  That's just odd !


    The "sweetie" talk reminds me of the old days when she would do her cringeworthy voice and say the word repeatedly . Blech

    I thought it was hilarious how someone last week asked her if she still had a house in the Hamptons and she got all tongue tied !  Too funny!


    It is hilarious that  little, short , Mark is all into MMA fighting and into boxing . He reminds me of guys we would say have "short man syndrome", where they over compensate for being short !  Remember when he pretended he as 5'9"? I met Mark in person, he seems like a nice guy, but he is very short, maybe 5'6" with thick heals !  

    • Love 2
  15. On 6/28/2017 at 7:25 PM, Medicine Crow said:

    Kelly is going to go nuts!!!  LOL ...

    She's already pretty  much having a hard time knowing how to deal with Ryan as it is ! It would be so much fun to see Ryan leave Livw for Idol, and have Kelly trying to fake being "soooo happy for him"!!  

    Right now she is overcompensating and putting on the BFF act with Ryan . It's forced and nauseating, but actually quite amusing to see  her deal with someone walking in above her  level and having to deal with it with a smile .

    it is  hillarious  when the new co-host Is better with the guest cohosts , and has more natural conversations than he ever has with the narcissistic "star" of the show who can't  Do host chat without holding pre typed  clips to her nose and misreading them! 

    Kelly is really getting what she deserves . It's obvious ABC didn't want to a newbie next to her and have her pull the crap she did before  . 

    She won't be able to make a little scene now and it will be fun watching her attempt to be professional when he gets even bigger with the network!

    • Love 7
  16. 16 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

    Hardly. Mrs Consuelos knows his skill set.  He's not a bumbling gap-toothed sub-100-IQ ex=jock who exudes Peter Principle 101 and can't talk current events or pop culture.  She will cash her checks, fire up her production company, celebrate 20 years on Live, and retire in glory/adulation @ 50 --  unless ABC Syndication decides to keep her employed @20M.

    Oh and Kelly's skill set is...?  You can mock Michael all you want, but since he left the ratings have not recovered .  

    So,   basically that means that Kelly knows that she can't get a way with being  her real self with cohosts who she feels that she  feels are not inferior to  her.. So when someone gets old, or someone doesn't have the experience she has - watch out .

    That shows Kelly's true character, and is exactly why ABC didn't pick a newbie to this genre , or Kelly would have felt entitled to treat them like crap when they dared cross her . 

    • Love 9
  17. 1 hour ago, Skyfall said:

    Well to be fair her part wasn't going that smoothly while once Corey started talking the presentation got back on track. Should Matthew have let her continue to maybe find her footing? Maybe, be he's recently been in a group that got dinged for not having clear leadership and if she didn't find her footing they might've been in the bottom. I personally liked that he took charge as the leader/spokesman as it added a sense of unity in the presentation as opposed to just three people presenting back to back to back as a "team"

    I didn't see her having a problem until Matthew physically started getting in her space, talking over her and taking over her presentation. I didn't see Matthew as a leader, he was obnoxious and rude.   Everyone is nervous to begin with, but having someone barge in and take over your time is just wrong.      

    Matthew was not acting as a leader, a leader does not bully.   Then again, as someone else said, lately it seems like bullying is being seen as strength, when in fact it's a sign of an insecure twit

    Matthew was not worried about  Amy he was worried about himself.  He said right before the presentation that it was not  about team, but about the individual.  So, he decided to be selfish.

    Giada annoyed me a lot.   So,  Amy has to be the adult "mom", but the so called men can  act like children that Amy has to discipline?  WTF???      How about telling the men to grow up and have some manners?

    Is FN trying to appeal to the alpha male this season?   I think I've see enough big mouth men, who bully everyone, but especially women in "leadership roles".  do we need to also see it on a cooking network?

    • Love 12
  18. Matthew wasn't bugging me too much this season , until tonight! WTF? Talk about blaming the victim ! What was Amy supposed to do? If she got pushy or confronted him , she  would have been a "bitch" in everyone's eyes . Typical sexist crap ! A man can interrupt , be rude and take a woman's time, and she either is accused of not being assertive enough, or she's a bitch  if she does get tough.  Really awful that two so called strong women blamed another woman for a man being a jerk !

    As hard as I try to like Jason, his annoying voice and stupid sayings are grating !  Also, he annoyed me even more when he stupidly put peanuts in that dessert and almost sent his teammate into anaphylactic shock ! What a moron ! There is no excuse for that . Sorry, but that is a big deal and you just don't do that !  It's obvious they were told about 

    I think Trace was really bad tonight . I won't miss southern Bieber .  If I wasn't looking at the screen it was hard to tell his annoying nasally voice from Jason's .  Only think missing was the annoying sayings .  

    Speaking of southern cooks, I think we have enough southern twangs and dishes on FN . As I type this , I am watching nasal , twangy Damaris , another southern cook on beat Bobby Flay .

    Rusty is not only southern, but he's another Guy Fieri type. I felt sorry for him tonight , but please, no more  frat boys either !

    At this point I am liking Cory, even though he is arrogant. He can cook, doesn't have some  "homey" back woods persona like Jason, and he's not too bad as far as his on camera persona. 

    I also  think that Amy is good too, and she can cook,. She also didn't have some annoying schtick.

    David is likable , and can cook . 

    Cao has a bad attitude, and she is just boring.

    Addie is ok on camera , but she consistently didn't cook too well. 


    It it will be interesting to see who wins, not that it matters too much , the last few winners don't do too much .

    • Love 8
  19. I watched  Monday and yesterday, Abigail Breslin sure has grown up! What a contrast between her and her down to earth attitude, and Kelly's fake plastic persona and with her obsession with  botox and everything plastic being down to her face!

    Watching Kelly with Ryan is hilarious!  Kelly is trying so so very hard in every way possible.  First of all, she acts like Ryan was her BFF for decades! She went through withdrawal over the weekend? LMAO!    Seriously?  To fake.  Then she gushes over him like crazy, and suddenly she is  trying to act like she is some kind of host and  not giving him a chance to even ask a question in while interviewing.

    What's funny is watching Ryan. He is of course doing a little over the top "we are so happy" stuff, but in general, he looks very chill, and he looks like he doesn't really have to try to hard.   

    First of all, whatever anyone thinks of him, Ryan is decent host, he can move things along, and he has the interview skills and the persona of a broadcaster. Next to shrill, self- absorbed Kelly, it's obvious he is the professional.   

    Sure seems like Ryan is the darling, and Kelly is very insecure and trying way way too hard to keep up.

    It's too bad that Kelly acted like a stupid, spoiled brat, and was so nasty to Michael and Disney when she didn't get her way. Otherwise, I have a feeling they might have allowed her have a novice next to her, and allowed her to not be upstaged by the bigger star.  

    I have to say, I don't mind Ryan, and it is fun watching  Kelly finally get some consequences for being a such a witch during that whole Michael fiasco.

    No matter how much money Kelly has, her giant ego can not handle being upstaged, and it's great entertainment! 

    • Love 5
  20. I don't like Ryan's hair either.  Kelly would look nice if she wasn't emaciated.  Looks like they pad her for her outfits. I have seen bikini pics of her and it's scary. She has ribs showing, and back ribs.  Blech.   Anyone who is 93lbs and 5'3" needs help.   

    Kelly got presented with a New Jersey Hall of Fame award by her dad, which is very sweet.   It is funny that she never took her kids once to the Jersey shore, and talked about that after hurricane Sandy.   She can take them to islands all over the world, but not across a bridge! I think Kelly feels a bit above her past.  She  use to be down to earth, but now she is all kinds of snobby and into the celebrity fakeness.  Her personality is as plastic as her face now.

    • Love 8
  21. 12 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

    My first reaction when I heard Seacrest was the new co-host, was oooh Kelly you'd better watch yourself.  I don't think the producers have forgotten about her little hissy fit when Strahan left.  She acted totally unprofessionally (no matter if she thought she was owed the head's up first); show business is a tough business.  People are slighted all the time.  You pull your big girl panties up and get on with it.  She made herself look petty by her actions.


    I agree! It says a lot that Disney picked someone who is a heavy hitter like Ryan, and not a newbie . They are paying  a lot, I am sure . And is it true he also is a producer?

    Whatever went down behind the scenes , even if Kelly had good reason to be pissed, you don't take your grievances against your employer to the public . You also don't skip out of work , and the come back and insult your cohost on the air ! 

    Disney is a huge corporation and brand that has an image. Kelly trying to make them look bad by carrying around that stupid book, basically comparing them to Goliath, and dissing them with a message on her outfit, shows how stupid and delusional Kelly is about her importance on the show.

    They also see that Kelly is such a baby that she won't even speak to  Regis,  the man who gave her a big break when she was no way qualified to even host the show, and was pretty bad when she started .

    If Kelly thinks that ABC/Disney will allow her to treat  Ryan like she treated Michael , when they chose him to take beloved Dick Clark's place , she's going to have a rude awakening!  Ryan also will make mincemeat of Kelly if she pulls what she did with Michael.

    I'm actually glad that they  chose someone who is not  going to be butt kissing and deferring to Kelly. After a while, watching Kelly try to carry the show , and just trying to get compliments from her butt kissing cohosts was  intolerable . 

    I have a feeling Kelly may be the one to leave next because she  not be able to walk all over her cohost , and  she will look even more incompetent than she already does . 

    Whatever anyone feels about Ryan, he can interview, he can tell a good story, and he also is professional.  I have listened to his radio show which is syndicated in my area, and he's very good .  Kelly still is quite pathetic after all these years.  

    • Love 10
  22. 12 hours ago, Showwatcher said:

    I think Live With Kelly picked Ryan because they believe they would have serious competition with Megyn Kelly when her new show premieres on NBC at the same time in September, so they wanted a really strong and experienced person.  They knew Kelly Ripa couldn't compete by herself or with a lightweight.   It won't take him long to be the dominant one.

    ITA! It's obvious that Ryan can handle interviews, Kelly can't.  He also has a lot of contacts in Hollywood and NYC, and I see him going out , kind of like Regis did, and being able to do more than talk about the boring, self absorbed stuff Kelly brings to the show . Maybe we won't need constant clips  for host chat if he can actually get a word in without Kelly interrupting him!

    • Love 2
  23. They need to rename this show to "Live with Bragging, Pretensious, and Out of Touch Kelly ".   

    We get it, Kelly is wealthy , but bragging and showing the room there looked like a full hotel, and pictures of the room, is just tacky. Oh and poor Kelly who was away for weeks in the sun didn't consider it a vacation because he kids were with her and Mark! Poor dear! She's been back about two  weeks and needed another vacation .

    Then today ,  John Legizamo is trying to read one dumb,pointless, clippings that Kelly makes 20 million a year to read, since she can't do any real spontaneous conversations , and she constantly interrupts until he just puts the clipping down.

    What used to be the signature part of the show- host chat, just sucks . Kathie Lee and Hoda are way better . 

    Host chat now consists of Kelly gushing over her cohosts and telling them how gorgeous they are, and what a shocker - they tell her how gorgeous she is! Of course she says "no"! Even though it's obvious that she keeps putting herself down until she gets a another compliment.

    It's very dull now, and I just tune in to see the guests, but self absorbed, insecure Kelly really is almost too much to tolerate, so there's a lot of ffwding.

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