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Posts posted by orangekit

  1. Tuned in to host chat yesterday. I like Morris Chestnut.   Kelly did her usual interrupting right when Morris was trying to finish a thought.  Then we had her babbling on and on about running and spinning.     

    The funny part was how she was doing her usual putting herself down to prompt a major compliment about how hot and sexy she is,  and Morris was polite but didn't take it! LOL.  He made no comments about how hot she must be in spin class, nor did he gush over her her boy body! 

    Of course we got the fake smoking again!

    Another interesting thing is how she mocks Lola for being superficial and annoying, but somehow doesn't see that Lola is a teen version of her!  I think Lola seeing Kelly go on and on about botox, extensions,  fake eyelashes and teeth whitening is contributing to her personality, which Kelly seems to find annoying.    Kelly is so fake and obsessed with fake enhancements of her looks, along with her obsession for being size 00,  that it would be hard to not turn out superficial with a mom like her.

    • Love 8
  2. 2 hours ago, Aquarius said:

    The superhero was the Prism.  He made a whole bunch of pyramids from that special sugar, and put the nicest one on the cake.

    A prism is a superhero?   Isn't a superhero a living being of some kind? The cake was pretty, the story was deep, but really Justice was the only one who followed directions and had a real superhero.   

    I think they totally have made this show really bad now. It was cute and it seemed to be pretty fair in the past, now it's just sickening watching Valerie gush over a disrespectful brat and say "love her". ugh!   Also, they obviously were told to pick certain kids based on something besides their baking skills.     

    • Love 7
  3. I wonder how the housewife crowd who adores Kelly will feel about this show on Fire Island.  Some of them already seemed freaked out in the comments section, which is pretty funny!

    I personally don't care who Mark and Kelly vacation with and spend time with, but  it's not hard to see they have many gay male couple friends.    It seems like if anyone gay comes on the show, they become buddies and are suddenly vacationing and  hanging out.    Also, didn't Mark play a gay man in a play in NYC?    Whatever the reason, it seems like they do have some obsession with gay male couples.   But, hey, whatever the reason, it works for them.

  4. 53 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    I'd be okay with Christian Slater as a permanent host. He has enough enthusiasm to do the job without going over the top like Jerry O'Connell. He did a great job today. Of course, Kelly had beat the "Christian in a bathing suit" like a dead horse and step on his lines. He was attempting to read the color coded cue cards but Kelly kept reading all of them. I don't know know if he would even want the gig full time but I wouldn't be opposed to it.

    I don't care for him. For some reason his voice annoys me and he's boring .

  5. Last night FN showed the finale of the KBC from a couple of years ago. Then this morning Valerie had Matthew and Jane on from the competition this year.

    The old finale made me realize how bad this show has become .  First of all, there were four finalists . The prize was not $25,000. It was a combination of prizes including being frying FN magazine , having the winning cake featured in Duff's bakery, and a smaller money prize. 

    The kids were way more low key, no one was snippy or over the top. They mostly acted a lot liike Justice.

    On Valerie's show Matthew and Jane were actually kind of shy and cute . 

    I think the FN has done what they always do. They get a popular personality or show and ruin it by making it cartoonish and over the top.

    Rachael Ray , Guy Fieri, and Sunny Anderson are all examples of people who when from likable and entertaining, to being over the top and annoying.

    I think that the kids in previous seasons mostly could bake and personality was secondary . This season so many of them are not at all exceptional bakers, but they are over the top in personality. 

    I also think they are encouraged to be over the top . 

    Then we have the silly challenges that make no sense. It used to not be so filled with gimmicks, and it was more about baking than "stories".

    Lastly, I hate to say it but I think they are going for making sure that they don't just have 3 white boys  in the finale, so they unfairly elimited Cole .  I think before it comes was more about ability to bake .

    • Love 8
  6. I think in the right setting, like the fourth hour of Today, Michael would be good .   He was good in Live, and seriously saved the show ratings .

    Host chat is painful. Kelly is back to being a childish tween again.   The pee talk the other day that never ended , then we had to be treated to never ending talk about how Jerry could turn on his wife !

    Oh and no one wants to see some old couple  in the audience kiss and talk about going in thto back room to do it ! 

    The show has reverted back to when Kelly was solo last time, and it was like a middle school girl who just discovered sex.

    • Love 3
  7. 4 minutes ago, CattyTiger said:

    I lean toward Disney is just letting the show run its course and die.  Kelly is long in the tooth, the show isn't funny or even good at this point.  I do check in to see her hair, as somehow we've had the same style a few times, but I haven't watched a show in ages now and don't even check who the quests are since whoever is on will be better on someone else's show.

     I wouldn't be surprised if this is true.  Kelly publicly embarrassed Disney, forced them to dump Michael earlier than planned , and then became a so called "executive producer", even though it seems like the only thing she comes in early for is wardrobe, extensions, and tons of make-up .

    When Kelly was acting like a brat because she only had 5 months notice that her co-host was leaving, and then was so unprofessional that she repeatedly insulted him on the air about his divorces, I think that was when Disney might have made the decision to let her self-destruct .

    For someone who whined about "respect " in the work place, she sat in live tv and kept needling Michael about his divorces , and kept bragging about how wonderful and long her marriage is.

    There was a blind item about Kelly wanting this show all to herself. Now she looks pathetic and  desperate kissing  up to Jerry, so he can save her show , just like Michael did.

    i think Disney/ABC has had the  idea of extending GMA for  while . Since Live's ratings are dropping , Kelly has proven she's a snot to both of her former cohosts, and she did what they did to them in public,  they probably are just waiting until the can extend GMA, have Gelman produce the hour, and have Michael host with someone else.

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  8. I am trying to decide if Disney is just trying to let this show die, or if they don't want anymore of Kelly's public tantrums if she doesn't get her way.  I guess they don't need her  carrying around books about big mean organizations, or wearing  "freedom" jacket, as if she is some kind of indentured servant.  

    The Oscar show is just not good anymore, actually, the show sucks in general now.  Maybe "executive producer " Kelly, needs to be told how to stop interrupting guests, stop being so totally fake, and stop making everything about her.  

    Also, maybe they need to tell her that the ratings have went down 28% since she had a co-host, and if she wants to keep her lavish lifestyle, and be name dropping celebrities, she needs to accept a co-host, so there is some consistency and point to the host chat.

    The Oscar show was embarrassing. It was all about Kelly "getting ready", as if she is nominated for an Oscar!   They actually put a video online of the "team" of about 5 people working on her to make her up to to do what? ??? She wasn't even on the red carpet like Jerry, she was back stage and barely talked to anyone. 

    The whole show is like a way for Kelly to get tons of attention now, and kiss up to her co-hosts, so she can get compliments.  

    I did see the Chrissy Metz interview, and I wasn't surprised Kelly was nice to the "big girl".  Kelly is not threatened by her, because it's obvious Kelly is all about her weight and skeletal body.     Chrissy has more   talent in her baby finger than Kelly has every had.    Kelly is so conscious and competitive about looks that she has to gush over women she thinks are pretty, only to get a compliment in return.   I think Kelly was as fake as usual with Chrissy.   She probably  sat around mocking her behind her back.

    • Love 5
  9. I don't mind Mark as a co-host, but I don't need to know about "grown -up" time, or whatever Kelly calls it.  I get she is desperate to make any conversation, but it's on the level of a 15 year old discovering sex. NO ONE WANTS TO KNOW!   And the "baby daddy" thing is so stupid.   Kelly needs to try to stop acting like she's 16.  She is already fake, now she sounds like an idiot more and more.

    • Love 4
  10. I wonder if they had to shield Kelly's eyes from Michael bringing out the trophy at the end of the Super Bowl!  She is such a spoiled brat.    I can't imagine anyone cohosting with her and having it end nicely.  Maybe this time they'll pick someone younger, and she will be at the other end of someone else treating her like she treated Regis and Michael.

    • Love 4
  11. 4 hours ago, rcc said:

    Apparently now Kelly has a producer's credit. Insane decision IMO.

    It really is insane.   But I think that Kelly's little tantrum came around contract negotiations, and they wanted to stop the nonsense.

    She can't even read the articles in front of her nose, let alone produce a show.

    • Love 4
  12. Maybe, just maybe Disney is giving Kelly what she wants for a few reasons, she first of all acted like a victimized employee, and was very public pretending her tantrum was to open a dialogue about 'respect in the workplace".  (gag me), so maybe the don't need her being a brat if she doesn't get her way again. Or, maybe they are saving money, and don't care if the show goes down the tubes.  One of the rumors before was that they wanted the show to die, so they could expand GMA, so maybe they're letting it die a natural death.  They have now seen Kelly act like a spoiled child when two co-hosts left. She speaks to neither of them, and they probably don't need the public drama.  I personally feel sorry for anyone who permanently hosts with Kelly. She acted nasty with both Michael and Regis when she found out they were leaving.

    Right now, the show stinks.  It's all about Kelly either chatting with her celebrity buddies about their little parties or get togethers.  It's at times a bit much when  they call each other nicknames, and speak about their vacations to islands.  

    Then we have the other extreme kissing up to celebrities who are not her friends, and it's nauseating.    The gushing over Leslie Mann was pathetic.   Everyone is Kelly's 'favorite', which she makes up these fake stories about loving them so much!! blech

    It's no wonder they are advertising free tickets on their page for the next day!

    • Love 4
  13. I happened to catch Valerie Bertinelli on the Kids Bakery on Championship on food network.  She is nice, funny and real. She's the same way on her cooking show.

    When I think back to how Regis wanted Valerie instead of Kelly, now I can see why . One is natural and  seems nice and real . The other,Kelly , pretends to be so real , but her fake personally, and the fact that she has conflict with anyone who is her permanent co-host,  makes me think her sweet personality is only sweet if she gets her way .

    • Love 5
  14. UGH- Kelly's constant pretend putting herself down is beyond sickening .

    Her way of getting compliments is to totally gush over the co-host, and say how  old and not pretty she is, until finally the co-host fells her how great she looks .   So fake and so insecure.

    Yesterday, what was that stupid thing about her friend wanting 10 thousand Instagram followers? It sounds like something a high school girl would do . 

    Kelly does constantly mock Lola and her mom.  Little does she know, but when she imitates what her daughter does, it sounds like a young version of her .

    • Love 1
  15. Kelly posted a Christmas picture if her family. I really thought Michael was Mark for a second ! Her children are cute . I was a little surprised that Kelly, who wouldn't let her daughter wear leggings, allowed her to wear what she had on in this picture.  I wouldn't let a teen her age dress like that .  But , nonetheless, they are cute kids .

    Looks like they were in Colorado.  Wouldn't be my choice of vacations in winter , but then again, they take multiple vacations, so they go to warm climates.

    i agree about Kelly's hair. It looks thinnned out and damaged . Maybe too many years of extensions have taken a toll . She is looking like maybe being underweight and over exercising are taking a toll on her looks . There is only so long you can do that without it taking a toll .

    im sure that we will be treated to Kelly showing us her overdone exercise routine for the new year new you  stuff . Bring overweight is not healthy, but the other extreme is also not great .

    • Love 3
  16. Apparently,  Kelly's bruised ego is playing a big part in the co-host drama.   She made sure Michael was kicked out early.  Now she is supposedly not into picking a co-host too quickly. I am sure she is loving the "Live with Kelly" title.  She doesn't have to share attention with someone more popular than she is with the audience - like Michael.     Funny thing is, the ratings are going down, she is no longer the "top talker" for any recent weeks.  

    I doubt ABC will do anything and risk another tantrum from Kelly, who acts like she's working in a sweat shop making   25 cents and hour, without a union if they dare cross her and do something she doesn't like!

    I can imagine that ABC/Disney will get revenge on Kelly some day for her silly antics toward them during the Michael situation.  Ratings and money talk, so does youth. She is getting older, and she can't keep the ratings high by herself.  Someday it will be interesting to see her behavior she has shown Regis and Michael come back to affect her during contract negotiations.  She is closer to 50 than 40 right now,  and she knows more than anyone that they want a young demographic.  She never let Regis forget how "old" he was when she would be very disrespectful to him.

    Speaking of youth, What is going on with Kelly lately?   Her hair looks like it's thinning and like she's not coloring it regularly.   I wonder if was damaged by some treatment, or if it's just getting burned out from all of the bleach.   

    • Love 3
  17. I am Italian, and I have visited Italy for a summer. And while I loved the meals, I didn't like the desserts.  IMO they lacked sweetness and had weird flavors. The only Italian desserts I like are canoli and Tiramisu.   And when you have 6 weeks of almost every dessert having some kind of cheese or coffee in it,  in my case I craved sugary chocolate and buttercream! So, I get that Damiano may not be used to American desserts, but, he is there to judge the quality of food, not to keep telling us what he "hates".  He is lacking in any sense of humor, and a horrible judge. Also, I am used to accents, especially Italian accents, but he is very difficult to understand!  When I saw Giada showing her giant teeth grinning at him like a 12 year old during NFNS, I knew we were stuck with the dud for a while!  

    I would have rather they didn't have that horrible " worst bakers" Halloween show, and have Duff judge this show along with Carla and Sandy, than Damiano.

    Michelle got on my nerves !   Anyone who has to show us pictures of people holding the antlers of dead dear as a great thing disgusts me. I am sorry, but I hate hunting and I do not like anyone who can find that a "fun sport".   I get that all meat comes from animals, but to enjoy killing and then showing of the pictures  is sick.   

    • Love 4
  18. Wow that was a hot mess of a Halloween show!  I think they need to stop trying to do their awful skits and just dress up for most of the show.    

    First of all, they stole the "Family  Feud" idea from SNL who did a great job with the Clintons and Trump family.    Kelly's Trump impression was awful, along with Jerry's awful Hillary impression. Why do they need to have scrawny kelly playing a man? It looked stupid and her hair was white.   Art Moore as Ivanka and Chelsea was just odd.  

    The Spice Girl thing was not funny, neither was the Bachelor skit.  (Didn't they do that the last time they were looking for a co-host , or some other time?)

    The Hamilton opening was ok, the back up dancers and singers made it tolerable.  Jerry was actually not bad.  Did we need to hear the "kelly Ripa" song ? 

    I think they have done way better Halloween shows in the past - like before Regis left. Now it just seems like a way for Kelly to do horrible imitations and try to look hot, when she has the body of a 12 year old boy.   Kelly as Beyonce ? Seriously?  

    I actually think the Today show did a better job with their 90's theme.   I thought Hoda as Kathie Lee was pretty funny.   

    Live was just all over the place and it was a mess.     The only good thing is that we didn't have to see Miley Ripa again, humping the men on the show like she did a few years ago!

    I actually went to their facebook page to see comments, and it looks like "visitor" posts are not working. I wonder if they turned off that option.

    • Love 4
  19. On 10/25/2016 at 0:47 PM, hudsbee said:

    Wow, in her immature, hyper sexed dialogue, Kelly managed to put the poor contest winner on the spot today. Hard to have baby number 18 when her husband just died Kelly. She is so inappropriate.

    Not to mention that the women was obviously way past menopause, and she said something indicating how old she was. Of course phony Kelly, mixed with sex obsessed Kelly  had to make a joke about her having another baby herself, when she has 17 grandchildren.   Stupid, tacky and not even remotely funny.

    Also,   Kelly's stories about her mom are really over the top. If her mom was really as wacky as she says she was,  maybe it's best to use some of her millions to get therapy and not bring it up on national tv!

    • Love 3
  20. So, now she ate an entire cheese platter because the debate stressed her so much!  Does she really think anyone believes that she eats anything with any real fat or calories? She doesn't weight 100lbs.    

    The co-host search was just stupid! Why didn't they just let people vote for 5 finalists and then let all 5 host one show for a week? The challenges were just dumb, especially the dance challenge.

    • Love 2
  21. I love Matt Bomer too, don't blame her for fan curling but her acting all sexually attracted to her openly gay male friends is just weird .  I think Matt is very cute, but she does the same thing with -Anderson Cooper.   She alway will say she wants to marry her gay male friends . Maybe she feels safe doing that because obviously they are not going to leave their spouses to go with Kelly, but it's still awkward. 


    I also still fo not get why she and Mark have almost no straight couples that they hang out with .  Nothing wrong with hanging with gay couples, but it's  rare that they are not just friendly with every gay celebrity, but they vacation with them . Is it possible that Kelly may not be able to handle a straight couple being too close to her and Mark?

    We also have Kelly just being so super phony too .  Yes, it's not a serious show, but she's just so fake that she's beyond cringeworthy.

    • Love 3
  22. On 10/9/2016 at 10:02 AM, iwasish said:

    They probably had to see Kim's ugly cry face for days and needed a laugh. 

    Seriously though, I can see Rob saying that's just his "crazy" sense of humor. But I thought Chyna had more sense especially since she's going to be stuck raising her kid alone and it would be nice to have some family support. 

    My guess is that  shit like thIs can cause a split in the family. Kim is probably justifiably offended and   Kris will need to either support her and chastise Rob for his mean spiritedness or  risk losing her Kashkow.

    Chyna has sense?  She is about as stupid, trashy and low life as a person can be!   Her circle of barely functional illiterate friends and family - including Rob, are beyond repulsive.   I wouldn't doubt if Chyna, Rob and their trashy group wouldn't commit a crime to get some money from the Kardashian crew. I used to feel sorry for Rob, now he is just a disgusting mess. I only feel bad for any baby who is born to the tacky couple.

    • Love 8
  23. Rob and Chyna are two disgusting, trashy, low lifes.   Too bad a poor child will be dragged into their mess!  Chyna's whole circle is is just so low class and gross.  I feel no pity for Rob anymore, he had every advantage and chose to hook up with a low life.

    • Love 3
  24. I think Jerry O'Connell is a good choice, way better than Fred Savage who seems desperate and so over the top to  have the job.   

    I would almost hate to see someone nice like Jerry or Fred get this job.   

    Kelly is pretty petty and nasty when she doesn't get her way or feels threatened.    She never spoke to Regis after he left, and from what a recent blind item is saying, which is obviously Kelly, she can carry a grudge.  Apparently, it seems as though there is a rumor that someone has a secret child from his past, and it might be Michael.  So,  Kelly is mocking him and sending this article around.   

    I have a feeling that someday all of Kelly 's spoiled brat behavior will come back to bite her. She is not the young star anymore, she is middle aged, and doesn't have a lot of options after this show.    

    • Love 5
  25. Anderson would be good, but Kelly's track record with being jealous and petty with cohosts  might end their friendship. I think she is very insecure and gets jealous easily. Now Anderson is fine with her, she is the star. But what will happen if he gets the gig and has a lot fans ?  When Kelly gets her little feelings hurt, she is a super bitch, and holds a grudge. Maybe it might be best not to hire anyone  she is friends with.

    Maybe if Mark's  sitcom is a hit Kelly will want to move to LA! I think of they could get a good cohost and then replace Kelly of she left , that might be the best thing.

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