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Everything posted by Ms.C.

  1. Most of this I agree. Sending the jewelry away was a slap in the face to Jake. She can’t figure when guy gives jewelry he wants to see you wear it? And the hugs thing. Her social sensibility is as deep as an onion peel. I think it hurt Jake but I also believe he’s a better person than she is and escaped a miserable marriage. So glad it’s over.
  2. These three couples only see what we see. I had no interest in hearing their opinions and was out early. But some interesting observations above. And, of course, I continue to like Jamie O. ☺️ Another season like this one ... how could they purposely make so many poor matches? Didn’t Vincent he particularly asked for a soft match? Opposite of Briana. Really, not one couple seems like a match to me.
  3. Good read. First time but been watching a few weeks. I thought Lauren told Matthew? those details about her previous sexual encounters bc he wasn’t into the sex. Her way of saying this is what I need. Trying to light a spark. I think he’s just not into women. A total pleasure reading about Inez’s narcissism which I agree. And the tongue rolling OMG! Somebody needs to talk to Lizzie about editing her make up. I have to check her out on the later season. She looked porn to me. Anybody know how Bronson made his millions?
  4. You read people well. LOL! Even Sam sent her packing It was a joy to watch The “moral compass” remark trimmed her sails a bit.
  5. Good post. Haley too insecure for Jake. To me, he’s comfortable with himself. And an observer. And remember Jamie falling down laughing when first met Doug? I find no wrong in a woman with that much grace and acceptance to share. And she didn’t settle. She fell in love. ❤️
  6. Funny. I fell asleep and missed last half hour or so. Too many mismatches. Older settled Eric with teenager Virginia? Aka The Bickersons. Done with them. Jake and Haley mismatched bc he needed older bit more desperate woman. I like Jake but mismatch esp in age Needs someone in on eighties joke. Clara and Ryan - don’t really care. Used to but repetitive. Going nowhere. Chris - 💤💤💤. Paige - I’ve grown to like her bc authenticity finally coming out. Congratulations, Vincent and Brianna. Only normal couple. Vincent, keep moving forward Last hope for this dreadful season Glad Top Chef started tonight
  7. I agree with this. Personally, I think he’s already decided she’s not the one. Could very well be wrong. She disses him too often. He notices. She’s told him he’s boring, shown him her kids will become her, and his non-sex approach is his message “you’re not the one.” Maybe she’s already received the message and dissing him is her defense Obviously, I like Ryan 😋
  8. I can’t remember names but Cindi? The ice skater and Henry. But if the producers don’t try for better matches, I wouldn’t want to see them go through it again. Had Jon not married the sex therapist, he would have been my first choice.
  9. Nailed it. Thanks. I wish he’d had an older match. Someone with a sense of humor and life experience.
  10. We’re all different. I don’t see him that way at all. She makes me nervous. So anal.
  11. Maybe Ryan likes her but seems like some things not so much. He’s conservative. He’s looking for manners (donuts), someone who cares how he’s seen, cares for his health. Do you think he thinks she’s mom material? I think not. We’ll see. Match ups this season are crazy thus boring. (For me 😎) TOTALLY. I couldn’t agree more.
  12. Honestly, I don’t understand how anyone supports Haley here. Jamie felt same about Doug but he never knew it. And she fell for him. That’s a good healthy personality. Sam could not stand Neil and was mean. She fell for him. Even she was real. Haley is not psychologically healthy. There is nothing genuine about her. Jake is attractive, interesting, open to trying whatever might work. He’s smart and based on his thoughtful answers and direct responses, he comes off pretty normal and good husband material to me. Haley needs some counseling to find out why she emotionally and physically puts up walls. It’s more than unattracted. She freezes The best thing she could do is hold hands, try the kiss in the morning if it’s safer to her. She’s giving it nothing. And Jake doesn’t seem to be taking it personally but it must be hard. will always like Jaime because of her kindness then love for someone she wasn’t attracted to. Haley should see a sex therapist.
  13. I was so happy when Jon and Dr Jessica got together. He was such a great catch. Jamie loves life and is an exuberant extrovert. I bet she never says anything negative about anyone. Really.
  14. Thank you. All the put downs make me tired. Jamie O loves life. I love her. Resentment/envy anyone? just found. Hoping kinder more tolerant than MAFS site.
  15. It shows how edited the show was. Edited to make them into loved or vile characters. Getting worse.
  16. We’re seeing these people in real lives. And they’re so like-able. Much different than they were shown on MAFS.
  17. I figured Jamie in IT makes good $$. Also they’re still getting paid for couples cam. They’re making money for Lifetime and well paid for it. Honestly I don’t see him taking daddy’s money.
  18. I’m so glad to read your comment. I feel exactly the same. She was always kind and positive with Doug even when so disappointed. I wish her all the best. Success couldn’t have happened to nicer person. And she came from humble beginnings. Remember the first visit home?
  19. I really miss the old MAFS when the experts did get involved and some couples made it despite no attraction at first. Jamie and Doug, Miles and Karen who hadn’t had sex until after end of filming, Sam who did fall deeply in love with “unattracted to” Neil and others. This is not Attracted at First Sight. The producers have turned it into trash. I’ll still watch. For a while. But no longer addicted. One more thing. Jamie was so kind and had such a great way of handling Doug from totally unattracted to love that I’ll always respect her. She has fun. I like all her questions and she sensitively asks them and having been there herself she relates. My only criticism is on Couple’s Cam I think she ought not be so flashy about the two houses. Breeds resentments. Haley good job with the shirts Try holding his hand once in a while. You might get comfortable Vincent a sulker. Not going to last. Paige putting good face forward bc committed contractually IMO Eric and VA will stay together but divorce later Ryan horrified with the discussion over donuts and my guess is who knows? LOL! Haley god riddance unless she can soften up but I don’t think she can Intolerant Bring experts back and remind them no one promised love at first sight. What they were doing before wasn’t working. Get real and put at least be gracious enough to try for partners sake. Jake came into expecting a partner who would at least try. FFS, I’m done. Resign experts. Moneys not worth it. Well, this was fun. Cleansed my soul. 😎
  20. Possible no one is good enough? She comes off judgmental to me. Maybe why still single. I haven’t seen much of a fun side to her at all. Took Jamie a long time to fall for Doug. But she stuck with it with good humor. She laughed and was kind most of time. Really sort of same with Miles and Karen. What’s so special about Haley? Forgotten Jamie and Doug? Miles and Karen? Anymore?
  21. Thinking same. Never heard onions although maybe ok. ???
  22. Sam fell deeply in love with Neil. Maybe someone should mention that to Haley.
  23. Laughing bc I’ve noticed the same similarity with the white couples. Hmm, except for C and R you think?
  24. Sulkers not marriage material IMO. Had to comment because his sulking in my opinion going go get worse. Seems like they have few conversations on air. She shows zero interest or curiosity. All i really know about her is the countries traveled. Can’t figure the angle MAFS is taking with this match up. I’ve started ignoring some ie Chris and Paige. I think the put-upon poor woman Paige a mistake. She’s obviously capable of speaking up as on the phone. BTW I LOVE LOVE NEON! Had hunter green livingroom with pink neons a d tried to find coppersmith to do windows but failed then. Now I see pictures of copper all over the place. Gorgeous.
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