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Everything posted by snuffles

  1. I'm guessing there is a rebel group within the rebel group. Rebel within Rebels: Ryan, Miranda, Lydia, Will (sort of) Rebels: Raina, Dyana, Leon, the author (died 1st episode), blonde female instructor from Farm Poor Innocent By Standers: Leigh, Harry (sort of) Nothing to do with it: Owen Dark horse to be evil master mind of season 2: Brandon Raina probably turned to the dark side because of Miranda's son and Simon. She got close to both of them and both died. It is all part of their Jason Bourne training. Kill or be part of killing an innocent person. :( So the show writers did not like Brexit?, lol. Harry is seriously the only character with actual layers and not a cartoon character. The actor is awesome. I hope he gets a spin off. So for the future seasons(?) location, I predict either Mossad or MI6. I hope the writers do away with the time changes, though.
  2. The show continues the tradition of getting rid of a character in the past when their future self is killed. So long Leigh... The "got to leave because of my kids" thing has been used twice now (Natalie and Leigh). I hope the writers retire that excuse.
  3. I thought it came across as cold and callous when Gloria stuffed the goat in the trash can. Plus, I'm pretty sure it's illegal to put a carcas into the regular trash. Smell and hygiene aside.
  4. Since when does Abby go to crime scenes? At 2am no less, lol. Love Clayton Reeves, but he's being written as such a puss now. He's a MI6, but can't lie to Ellie's brothers? The translator turned meditation guy got the upper hand on him?
  5. James Blonde! The only funny bit of the whole show.
  6. Harry is MI6? So the Farm has 2 FBI agents, 1 MI6 agent and 1 former drug cartel/man of mystery? Getting kinda crowded there. If I was a regular recruit, I'd be mad there were so many ringers/experts there. Could Alex, Ryan and Owen been more obvious they had ear pieces?
  7. I was thinking a similar thing about the wedding planner who is married with 2 kids. One, why wasn't that used as her weakness? Two, they said if they die, then no one really knows the truth (they were CIA in training or CIA agents), even their family. So, what is she telling her family about her extended absence? How is she going to explain suddenly disappearing (to go on an assignment)? Three, if she is this famous celebrity wedding planner (4 Kardashian weddings), how can she be a nameless CIA agent? (I know, Alex is a celebrity too, haha). Four, she supposedly was recruited to participate in top secret testing of mind skills. That's how the CIA found her? I am just finding it so hard to believe a successful married business woman with 2 children would be willing to give all that up and jeopardize her family's safety in order to become a CIA agent. Now we find out she's the one who bugged the CIA farmhouse? Methinks the wedding planner, married with kids is all a cover story. Everything else this week seemed, blah.
  8. He is probably off working with competent, non emotionally compromised agents. Or, not enough money in the budget to pay for him. I hope the writers drop the holier than thou attitude Reade and Zapata continue to display towards Jane. They aren't any better than her in terms of morality. Please give Jane a break. Unless the end game is to show Jane turning back to Sandstorm because the FBI are a bunch of weeny heads. My autocorrect keeps changing FBI to FIB, lol. I guess I have a different take on the mole. I don't think Roman specifically said the mole is a FBI agent or worker. Just that the mole knew the FBI or something. Sandstorm is playing the long game. The FBI team's attention was drawn towards Rich Dot Com in the first place by Jane's tattoos. I am beginning to think Rich Dot Com is the mole. I got the sense he had an "ah ha" moment when he was accessing the FBI computer. I also get the feeling the team really did not get the better of his boyfriend and him. Both of them seemed to be expecting the FBI to catch them. I felt like they were putting on a show again.
  9. In terms of seniority, I thought Torres has been an NCIS agent longer than McGee? I would like to see Torres go undercover again also. What is it with all NCIS writers than no agent is allowed to be married and have children? They are NCIS agents, not CIA agents, lol.
  10. "Always be assessing". Heh, it sounds like a title of a late 80's/early 90's rap song. Could Miranda and the IT guy be more obvious? Maybe Shelby knows what's really up and the dumb blond act is all an act. Why are Ryan and Nimeh allowed to talk so freely? Why are they not being more careful when they are talking? It's like everyone in the room can hear what they are plotting and yet Ryan and Nimeh seem oblivious to this. What's worse is they know there are terrorists among them. The stupidity factor for this episode was a 9.5. Not quite back up to season 1 levels, but getting close. I don't know why I keep watching this train wreck of a show.
  11. That was by far the worst sex scene I have ever seen/endured on TV. NO set up, no chemistry, illogical timing....... So Nas, Weller, and the red shirt local FBI agent (In Bulgaria?!) are able to take down a 10+ black ops team (who are wearing full body armor) with only hand guns? Right after sex? The new evil assistant CIA director goes around "undercover" carrying his CIA credentials with him? What? I can't believe Weller asked him to prove he was CIA and that Weller believed he was CIA based on his ID badge. Like no one can make a fake CIA badge? Weller knows what a real CIA ID badge looks like? The hypocrisy continues. Reade, Zapata, and Weller crucify Jane, yet they all commit crimes and cover them up. They can rationalize all they want, but Jane is the most innocent of the bunch. Next week looks like a Halloween filler before resuming the Roman and Jane story line. Here's hoping the writer's forget about everything that happened in Bulgaria.
  12. Totally, could be the new "Nikita". As long as she has Birkhoff joining forces with Patterson. They'd be unstoppable. Most hilarious exchange was when Nas and Weller were arguing about the meaning of Roman taking Jane to Lake Aurora. Jane was all, "you know I'm standing right here?" They keep treating her like she is some slow, troubled child. Why must we be teased with more Weller family drama? It seems to me, if you are pregnant, you probably should give up your highly risky Federal Marshall day job and stick to a desk job until you at least give birth.
  13. I'm kinda surprised no one thinks Reade is the mole. Last season, we were shown Sandstorm has erased or manipulated other people's memories too. Also, they went the long game on Weller. Scouting him out years before planting Jane. They even had loads of personal family photos, lol. Seems conceivable they could have modified Reade's memories and made him an unwitting mole. Kinda like on "Dollhouse". This show loves moles/double agents. There was the Russian mole who tried to take down Mayfair. The one Jane killed. Now there is another mole within the FBI. The mole I'm most curious about is the one at Sandstorm, the one who gave Nas the intel about Jane coming out at NY times square. I'm betting it's Roman. Isn't Weller supposed to be the assistant director now? Why is he still running his "own team"? Shouldn't he be overseeing different teams, like Mayfair did?
  14. Andy is leaving for Utah. Who exactly is raising Joe at this point? Or are they leaving him to fend for himself? Caring for babies and toddlers on TV is always so easy.
  15. The young toddler had no injuries from the fire or smoke. Is then dragged the next day half way across the world to a foreign country. Mossad knew Tony would be coming to Isreal. Mossad thought the better thing for Tali was to bring her to strangers who spoke a different language? Tali displays no stranger or separation anxiety and no sleep deprivation. This kid is definitely Ziva's kid cuz she's superhuman :) I thought the unintentionally funny part was when the Mossad director said bring in Tali and everyone is surprised and shocked. These are supposed to be top notch investigators and agents. NO ONE noticed the Mossad team bringing a young toddler in a stroller through security or waiting outside Vance's office? I would have loved seeing Tony and Senior attempting to change Tali's diaper. Raising kids on TV is always so much easier than real life.
  16. I know this is a borderline Sci Fi show, but it seemed weird to me the evil company left 5-6 newborn babies alone with no nurse or caregiver to feed them, change their diapers, hold them, etc. Extracting semen not a big deal. Extracting eggs, huge deal. Waving hand over their ability to extract eggs in one day with no prep and no pain to the woman. I thought the death bed confession was going to be he figured out Jane wasn't Taylor by something Jane did or said and kept the information to himself. I was somewhat surprised the writers choose the route of I actually killed Taylor. The White House person who recruited Mayfair, Sofia and Carter, picked them because of their positions and smarts. Mayfair was the only one with morals and resisted joining Daylight. It took Sofia to convince/persuade Mayfair to join them. Then it seems Mayfair was the brightest of that bunch and figured out a clever way to implement Daylight. Mayfair showed her true grit and moral fiber again when the program went south. Sofia's character and actions have been the exact opposite of Mayfair, which makes her assertion Mayfair needed to be brought to justice completely delusional. I really liked seeing Zapata and Reade bonding and joining forces. I liked Patterson, Reade and Zapata sharing a drink at the end, but it was out of character for all of them to not invite Jane or want to say goodbye to Jane.
  17. I was so relieved the Quantico writers are not going to let a minor rule prohibiting the CIA from operating on US soil hinder them from great story telling. Graduation Shelby was beyond grating. Snubbing and snarking on Alex is one thing, but she was a downright spoiled brat when she learned Caleb was going to have a corner office. She acted out of malice and pettiness. Caleb, Iris, Alex, etc were all trying to help her and cared about her. Iris may have been overboard, but at least all her actions came out of concern and wanting to help others. For a moment there, I thought the set up for next season was going to be the Scooby/Avenger gang fighting crimes together and Alex's apartment was going to be HQ. Shelby, of course, would finance all their cool weapons, tech support, clothes and hair products. They already had radioactive Will (too much?). I think no future Brandon was a running gag among the writers. Not showing future dead characters in the flashbacks after they died in the future must have been another gag. Not that I care too much at this point, but: 1. Who was Caleb calling after he snuck out of his house with Alex earlier in the season? 2. Why would Liam and Madam Vice President want Alex to go through all the trouble of switching out her BP meds when it would be pretty easy to find out if she has hypertension or not? 3. Where is Hannah? I thought she was the highest ranking female in the FBI? Did Miranda take her job? 4. Does Raina still work for the FBI?
  18. So Liam continues to show us what a liability he is to the FBI. He compromises himself and the FBI frequently, but gets promoted. No wonder Miranda is pissed. All an "enemy of America" needs to do is have a non white female make goo goo eyes and get him drunk and bam they have enough to blackmail him or get access to whatever they want. I could actually understand Miranda's and Iris' motivations this week. Miranda's spill didn't seem out of the blue if you consider she had just been demoted and the person she had fired was the one who took her spot was in the good ole boy club. Iris did seemed genuinely concerned about Will. She didn't know Will had left for a meeting with the higher ups when she made the call. She probably didn't want Will, Caleb and Shelby to get in trouble with the FBI so that is why she didn't go to the FBI. Also, we saw what would happen if she did go to the FBI. Nothing. Clayton would have swept any information from Iris under the rug and booted Iris out. Shelby on the other hand, was the one who seemed selfish, revengeful and childish. She ratted out Caleb to Liam because she thought Caleb had sold her out. Denying Iris security clearance because her tech companies employed foreigners was hilarious. I don't think the show can name one tech company that doesn't hire foreigners. So past twins decide to come up with a 3rd persona but the previous future twins have never been shown to be that 3d persona. Clayton back to being shown in the past and Caleb back to being shown in the future. Guess this means Clayton is alive. Caleb actually doing drugs to go "undercover" is stupid and reckless. Still no Brandon in the future. The funniest part of the episode is where Brandon checked "yes" to trying every illicit drug during college while Raina looks on incredulously. Then Brandon tells Raina he understands her religion/faith has kept her from experimenting with drugs. She replies it's not her faith keeping her from trying, "I'm not an idiot".
  19. Another week highlighting how incompetent the TV FBI agents are on "Blindspot" and "Quantico". I really truly hope the real FBI are not like this otherwise we are in big trouble "against America's enemies". So I'm thinking Marcus is going to turn out to be evil and in on the honey pot trap. Or depending how the wind is blowing in the writers' room, he'll be an innocent by stander forced to do evil for the greater good. It feels like RichDotCom's purpose was to show how dumb the FBI are and continue to shove the anvil sized Weller-Jane relationship hints down our throats. Of course the team is going to outsmart RichDotCom and his boyfriend eventually, but they have to show how brillent RichDotCom is before then. So it makes it appear how awesome the FBI is once they catch RichDotCom. In actuality it just shows how incredibly stupid the FBI are.
  20. As a germ freak, I was horrified when Claire brought home the "stray" dog and proceeded to let the dog go around the house and on the couch. Yeech. They didn't give the dog a bath and assumed the dog had no fleas or contagious diseases. I knew the dog was not really going to be a stray, but Claire did not know that.
  21. That was really cool Gwen-Stacys! Thanks for putting up those screen shots. I went back and watched again. You are right, she didn't swipe it while they were going into the WellSpring. What I noticed on the 2nd viewing was the camera zooming in on the knife attached to Alice's back hip and then showing Julia (who is further back) raising her hand. The scene ended with Julia looking around and then closing the door using telekinesis (she raised her hand again). I think you are right again, she must have used telekinesis to swipe the knife. No other explanation and the editing seems to support the telekinesis theory. Julia is not actually shown entering the WellSpring, so I guess that must be significant too. Another question/mystery to me. Why does the Beast use the moth disguise? None of the Scoby Gang knew what adult Martin looked like until he shed the disguise at the end. On a shallow note, I thought the adult Martin looked older than adult Jane. For some reason, I imagined adult Martin having a more youthful appearance. I guess it was because of the distinctive dance walk he was shown to have in the pilot and the way he spoke. I was expecting the adult Martin to look like the "Charlie's Angels" movie villain who kinda walked like the Beast.
  22. I agree it was almost a great plan and was beautifully executed. As DrLar pointed out: I'm not sure in the real world, someone wouldn't be stopped after having their passport scanned 3 times within a few hours (assuming Nimah's passport was scanned once while entering Canada). Liam was an idiot to try to shut the twin program down. That being said, the exercise was supposed to be about human trafficking. Their strategy did not show the flaws in security in preventing large groups of people from being smuggled into the US.
  23. I thought they stole the other passport from the lady wearing a similar red coat. I disagree with the twins winning the training exercise. They cheated. Nimah wasn't there when they all had their passports taken from them. She came later. Nimah and Raina went to the bathroom and changed into matching outfits. Raina returned to the US using Nimah's passport while Nimah got back using the stolen passport. The whole point of the exercise was to demonstrate how easy it is for human traffickers to smuggle people across borders. Unless human traffickers are going to only smuggle identical twins, don't see how the twins method showed weaknesses in mass illegal border crossings. All the teams except one showed how to get across the border if you are a spy, convicted felon, etc and not if you are trying to smuggle people. Of course, team Alex, demonstrated how to get multitude of people across the Canadian border. Just walk. Lucky for them, the Contrivance Fairy paid a visit and arranged for an unoccupied, snug log cabin complete with firewood and matches so they didn't die from hypothermia. I wonder what happened to the blue Big Lot parkas from 2 weeks ago?
  24. I thought they said he was ex military? Welcome back Contrivance Fairy. Leaving a random nail on the very same pole Patterson was tied to at a height Patterson could get to was genius. Granting her MacGyver skills was good. The absolute best was giving her invisible slippers so her feet did not get cut, frostbite or injured in any way while running away from 2 armed and dangerous men, one of them being ex military. Hypothermia and frostbite is real and deadly. There's no way Patterson would have survived that long out in the cold without shoes, a coat, gloves, and a hat. More ridiculous was she was injured from cutting out of the ropes and her scuffle with Owen/Mark, but able to elude them in the forest that is well known to them. I loved Weller automatically going to Tasha to pick the lock. I believe the whole team including Patterson share one brain. This week was Tasha's turn to carry the brain. Imagine if Jane was on NZT? They should do a cross over with "Limitless" and "Quantico". Have them all participate in a nonsensical training exercise. The winners get a month supply of NZT and immunity shots.
  25. I hope they don't go the "Witchblade" route with a complete reset. I think that ruined the whole show. Let the time loop paradoxes, headaches and hi-jinxes begin. So let me get this straight, in the original time line, the Witch and the Fool (love the names and love Quentin not knowing who was who) were the ones who rescued young Jane from the enchanted trap but they were trapped in a time loop created by older dead Jane and sent to the future Fillory by older alive Jane? I have so many questions and nit picks now: Who really wrote all the Fillory and Further books? Plover was already trapped (and being tortured) in Fillory when young Jane met the Witch and the Fool. Are the books enchanted? Why didn't Julia and Quentin tell Jane/Eliza the beast had killed her? Why didn't the Watcherwoman Jane tell Julia and Quentin the beast was Martin? Why did Marina come help Julia? How come she knew how to modify memories? What did they do with all the blood, body parts and bodies? Does Marina know or feel Julia is a special snowflake? Marina could have simply erased Julia's memory of everything (like Brakebills erasing any memory of being there once you get kicked out). Why did she create a new "good" memory and have the Goddess tell Julia her destiny and mission was to use magic for good? The show answered my previous questions of why the Beast was so powerful and why the God Ember was doing nothing. So now this Wellspring is the source of all magical power and it created the Gods? What? Still don't understand how the Library and Librarians fit in the magical hierarchy. The scene when they are all going into the outhouse/Wellspring, Julia lags behind Alice and swipes the knife.
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