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  1. Her posse is after me now because I asked her to please put on a shirt in respect for others. That makes me a hater according to her fans. I used to weigh 352 and believe you me kept my shirt on at all times! Now I weigh 153 and still am never shirtless.
  2. Masterchef US is such a joke compared with Masterchef Australia or Masterchef UK. Those are all about the food and the cooking with very little, if any, drama.
  3. Is it just me or does George seem to have a thing for Tessa? The way he looks st her...
  4. "My knee ain't havin it" Janine screaming this over and over while trying to stand.
  5. I realized a few weeks ago that I had come to really enjoy Jim. I found him funny, charming and entertaining. I wish someone would give him his own show! Now that he is gone I will have to force myself to watch the finale.
  6. I was finally able to make out the tattoos on each of her arms. The right arm reads "Lil Smokey", the left arm reads "Big Brat". Well, they are meaty looking arms...
  7. Invite me too! I also live in Connecticut.
  8. The body is actually amazing at adapting, especially if one was an overweight child continuing obesity into adulthood. Those people usually manage better than those who gain a lot of weight in adulthood
  9. The reason the goal weights are set higher for the very obese person is that the bones of the very obese person become much heavier and dense than those of normal weight people from the sheer carrying around of the weight.
  10. Could this show possibly be more boring? And half the time I don't even know what they're talking about due to the uneven editing.
  11. All kidding aside, I wonder about the horror of realizing after the bandages are removed and the healing well underway, that your face has been terribly botched. Kathy was pretty in the old picture with Tracy. I can't imagine what you must think and feel. I would so much rather have my wrinkles and sag.
  12. I've had those stomach shots after every surgery and I will tell you that they do not hurt at all. And I HATE needles!
  13. Well for starters why the hell are they standing so close to each other? Look at the sway in Whit's back from her stomach. I'm surprised exercise hasn't helped with that. That can't feel good.
  14. As a formerly very obese person I will say that the surgery really should be performed on the brain, not the stomach. Obesity is a mental problem, the weight is just the byproduct. I also know many people who regained a lot or all of their weight and it must be heartbreaking. I lost my weight over about 8 years by cutting down portion sizes and cutting way down on sweets and junk. I still struggle with the desire to eat and definitely my eyes are bigger than my stomach syndrome. I still tend to cook more than what I need. But I will never say I am cured.
  15. Well, I just finished watching this episode and I cannot believe how Buddy was all over Whitney when she was visiting him in DC. Every other word from him was some kind of sexual innuendo. Is this a producer ploy to start trouble between Whitney and Heather? I just cannot believe that Buddy is truly interested in Whitney. Anyway it just seemed really off.
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