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Everything posted by slasherboy

  1. Now this is totally disrespectful to Derrick's wife, who I know nothing about other than what you guys have said about her. I believe wedding rings are an expression of love that shows the world you're married to this one special person and the rings are sort of a sacred representation of that love. I don't think wedding rings/bands should ever be taken off unless it would be a possible danger to the person, like working with some machinery. To let another person play with your ring or wear it is, in my humble opinion, very uncool. Derrick should have known better. If I was his wife, I would be horrified. But that's just me. Other people probably figure it's no big deal. Aren't there 16-ish contestants on "Survivor"? I'd love to see all the BB16 hamsters on the island together and see what happens. Wouldn't that be a hoot? Caleb would run away with the win. I see that they're getting some food brought in. The only thing I've seen is the Chinese. Do they do this every season? What other places have they ordered from besides Chinese? When Julie told Frankie she'd tell him about it later (or however it was worded), I thought it was a time constraint and she just wasn't able to go into a long, drawn-out conversation with him at that moment. Somebody many pages ago said that Brittney is hanging out with Cody's brother. How do all these people know each other? I've read that Donny's girlfriend is friendly with Derrick's wife and such. Are they all give each others' family's info or something? Five minutes until BBAD. I hope Victoria is on fire since I haven't seen any of her dramatics of which you all speak and I want to see some action! P.S. Since is she or isn't she in love with Derrick, I'm still of the firm belief that yes! she is!
  2. I don't get the live feeds and would love to know, specifically, what Victoria is saying to Derrick that is so annoying. I watched BBAD last night but she spent the time laying on her stomach out back, silently, then she played cards with Cody and shrieked and squealed the whole time. I didn't hear her say anything to Derrick other than general conversation. Could somebody please tell me some of the things she's saying? Hopefully, she'll still be at it tonight for BBAD. Thanking you!
  3. I stand by my theory. However ..... I could be wrong. We'll see!
  4. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is a producer-driver plot and isn't real in the least. June and the girls will move out and get their own place, tons of drama will ensue, and I wouldn't be surprised if we even get to see Sugar Bear go on a couple of dates. By the end of the season, June and SB will be back in each others' loving arms. I suspect the Boo Boo gimmick is wearing thin and they need the publicity. YMMV
  5. I believe Cody will have regrets about his physical relationship with Christine the minute he gets home and real reality sets in. I believe that was fucking Jesus. That from a nice Catholic boy. This goes back to my comment about her "playing house" with Derrick. She's the only HG I've ever seen who is loving her time stuck in that place because she's confined with the man of her dreams. Sadly for her, she's in for a rude awakening in just a few more days. I so totally agree with this. I don't get the feeds but do watch BBAD and have heard him refer to them as little sister/big brother a lot. In fact, last night he said they could name their alliance the Brother/Sister Alliance. Too little, too late Princess. I suspect Derrick's wife can't wait to get her husband back in the safety of their home and her arms. No, not yet! Please wait until BBAD so I can see it! Cody, sit ... stay ... good boy! Who's a good boy? Cody's a good boy! Anybody know how old Cody's brother is? Is he as cute as Cody? Are they the only children?
  6. THIS! This right here is why I have absolutely no animosity toward Derrick for his manipulations, lies, comp throwing and even his "You're taking food out of my baby's mouth." Half-a-million dollars is nothing to sneeze at and if I'm going to invest 3 months of my life in that boring, nasty, dirty, stinky hell hole with people I may or may not particularly like with zero connection to the outside world and a very young daughter who is developing and changing every day, changes I'll never experience, you'd better believe I'd pull every trick in the book to win. Yes, he's playing undercover cop to win and I say, "Go for it!" Hell yeah I'd take Victoria to the end to ensure my win and Cody would just have to get over it. Could somebody please tell me how to make the little tm sign? Thanks! HOLLER!!
  7. This answer kind of surprised me, then I remembered I lived in Nashville (don't judge me ... I'm old and my memory is too) and it seems like Rascal Flatts' is/are (?) all over the place here all the time and I guess I just take them for granted. Certainly wouldn't be my choice ... THE STONES!!! 3. People watching said people play televised backgammon and are certain they (the people) have the game figured out even though it looks nothing like backgammon. And are enjoying themselves because hey, it IS backgammon. See? That happens to me too and I just say fuck it. I did not know that! So thank you. I learned something because of Big Brother. Had to laugh at the flashbacks from the clip show when Derrick and Cody were thinking of a name for their alliance and Cody suggested "Undercover". HA! If he only knew! Bein' from the South like Donny, I'll end this with a "HOLLER!" Edited because I can't spell the word *I*
  8. I stand by my original post. Unfortunately, it didn't come to this post with me, so I'll re-create it here. Basically, I said that when Derrick served Victoria a plate of zucchini, she said, "Thanks, love" and that I believe she is playing house. Like you, I've heard them all call each other "love" all season. Still, the way Victoria gazes upon Derrick is not how a "sister" feasts her eyes on her "brother". I believe she has fallen hard for this man, or her ideal of who this man is, and thinks she's in love with him. Derrick serving Victoria a plate is a non-issue. I just described the scene when she said, "Thanks, love" so people would know what I was talking about. Yes, Victoria is young, naïve and inexperienced with men, but from all indications she's healthily curious sexually. Of course, all this is moot because even if she admitted or denied her true feelings for Derrick, there's no way we'll even know. And because we won't, I don't feel comfortable continuing a discussion about something that could be extremely injurious to her. That being said "tm", in my mind there absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Victoria goes to bed every night imagining herself with Derrick sexually and also, in my mind, she envisions herself as Derrick's wife and his daughter as their child. Of course, and as always, YMMV and this is mine.
  9. I'm the sarcastic type and don't believe a word of it. I feel sure it's all just a set-up for next season's need for drama. This will also be their reason for moving into a bigger and better home. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
  10. Derrick served Victoria a plate of zucchini and she said, oh-so-casually-and-with-great-familiarity, "Thanks, love." This chick is playing house big time with somebody else's husband.
  11. Thank you! Could you explain the editing? I watched it, but didn't notice anything untoward. Of course, I never do. I didn't even see Frankie throwing the confetti. My mind wanders..... Oh, I have too. I detested almost everyone last year and didn't enjoy them together at all. But this year I really enjoy watching them just hanging out together and talking about this, that, and the other. Their games and conversation topics are fun. I'm truly going to miss them on BBAD. I just wish Caleb was still with them instead of Victoria. Not for gameplay or strategic purposes, but for throwing limes and chasing rodents. Victoria drives. me. NUTS!! Her voice is so irritating and last night, just out of the blue, she would squeal, "DERRICK.......!!!" then grin like a Cheshire Cat and giggle. She'd say a few words, real quietly, and people will have to strain to hear her or try to understand what she's trying to say. I hate that! Also, does anybody believe Derrick is actually going to include her in his family gatherings and outings? He keeps saying it'll happen, but I just don't see it. Is he just feeding her all this bullshit for gameplay? I don't think he needs to, so it seems really risky making promises he may not intend to keep. And I love how Victoria keeps "suggesting" (without actually saying it on live TV) that she's going to share the money with Derrick if she wins. Who's sleeping where these days? I wish I could see Zach when he's reunited with his little brother and Cody when he's reunited with his dad. I know some people thought their hugging and kissing (on the lips) was weird, but I appreciate their closeness and see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Cody obviously comes from a very loving family who aren't ashamed to show their affection with physical gestures. No wonder Cody would cuddle when anybody and everybody in the house, although I don't think he ever cuddled with Victoria. He would lay his head in her lap to get a scalp massage, but I think that was the end of it. Thanks in advance for whomever answers my questions! I'm sure going to miss you guys after next Wednesday.
  12. I think Frankie's extra weight was in his head as it got bigger and bigger.
  13. I love this! Others have already expressed how he wears it well, he's no doubt healthier, and it'll kill him until he loses it and more. He barely ate on this show ... I don't see how he gained 29 pounds. Zach seemed to have a heartier appetite, so 15 pounds doesn't surprise me. I got the distinct impression Zach led a very active lifestyle. Well, when he didn't sleep for 3 days in a row.
  14. Victoria was obese? I hadn't heard this before. She certainly isn't fat now, but sometimes when she's wearing leggings and sprawling on the bed on her stomach, the view is less than flattering. Is this gang going to get together and watch BBCanada together? I've never watched it and hope I can find it online somewhere. Finally, Stinger97, will we be allowed to have a live discussion of the finale as it is aired? Which thread would that be? Thank you!
  15. With Frankie gone, there's nobody to fix dinner for the remaining four. Wonder if they thought about that before they voted?
  16. Wait, wait, wait just a doggone minute! Please back up your statement with a picture, or two, of Mr. Cody growing in the shower. Pleaseandthankyouverymuch.
  17. Be careful what you wish for! (not just you ... the generic universal you) My car has a crank-up Victrola! I got such a kick out of the whole Victoria-getting-tipsy thing. She gets that big Cheshire Cat grin on her face and she's just glowing. But my favorite part was when she crawled into bed with Caleb and his face registered total, 100% confusion. They all keep saying they're going to bed but end up getting back up and roaming around the house. Are they told to stay awake during BBAD? I know one or two of them are asleep on some episodes, but I just wondered what the protocol was.
  18. Me, me, me, me, me!!! His fingers went inside her drawers? I don't get the feeds so I have to ask my dirty questions in these forums, as we KNOW CBS isn't going to air the good stuff. Oops, I meant the dirty stuff, not the good stuff. Because Cody sticking his fingers inside Christine's drawers isn't good, it's dirty. I mean ..... nevermind.
  20. Is anybody watching the HH-ish show called "Big Sky Montana" (I think that's the name of it). It's just like HH only all the homes are in Montana. I've seen it twice and since I love those big log homes, will most likely continue to watch, if I can figure out when it airs. There's also "Buying Alaska" and "Living Alaska" and I enjoy those too, because the homes that are off the grid as SO primitive. Outhouses anyone? Nails pointing up on the outside steps to keep bears away? Tote your own water and light the house with oil lamps? Might be fun for a long weekend, but not for my permanent home. There are also beach houses, bayou houses, islands ... pretty much anything you want to buy.
  21. This is an honest-to-dog true story. Earlier this year I went into a store that carries CDs and asked if they carry cassettes. My request wasn't so odd ... I still have a cassette player in my car. Yes, my car is old and so am I.
  22. Christine: "That's disgusting." THIS is why I love "Big Brother"! A big ole crow would just swoop down and carry the scoundrel away. I like how they all sit down and have a "family dinner" together. I know it lessens/removes the drama, but I enjoy watching these people just being together and interacting with each other so much better than last year's hate-fest. Dull as it can be at times, I still find it interesting. In fact (and I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this) it's kind of comforting to listen to their voices as I watch BBAD and drift off to sleep. Don't judge! Sorry for the double post, but I got my quotes all screwed up. That's why the following looks stupid too. I'll do better next time! QUOTE: If they only accepted votes on the CBS site (they have a limit), that would deter those who hang out on twitter. You have to register with CBS to vote so it is a step that may slow people who don't really care. I can hear them say, fuck that. REPLY: Yeah, tweens aren't going to go to all that effort. I signed up exclusively to vote against that dumbass "play". QUOTE: I love how Caleb told Frankie that he is annoying when he eats. Lol. REPLY: I would loved to have seen that! How did Frankie respond? QUOTE: How many people in Jury did Cody say Christine was ugly to and how annoying she is? REPLY: Cody really said that? Cool! I would definitely watch a reality show with Caleb and his brothers. I wouldn't watch them killing the animals, but that's what mute is for. I looked up their website and Facebook page and got a kick out of it. While I'm thrilled that Frankie is going to be disappointed with reality when they get out of the house, I'm sad at how let down Caleb is, no doubt, going to be.
  23. Victoria has never heard of French dressing. Victoria has never heard of the shoulder of a road. Victoria has never heard the word scoundrel. I seriously can't believe I'm sitting here watching these people sleep. On a Saturday night. I'm pathetic.
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