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  1. Mark2

    S37.E13: Finale

    True and interesting thoughts on firemaking to shake things up and for a challenge. But the winner of F4 IC challenge letting someone sit out is a lot of power. Could be not wanting Nick to win, or Mike having known them from the beginning and Nick not being able to "Outplay" him in that regard as it wore on. I still give C-man a more favorable interpretation. I didn't get a read that he thought people would be intimidated, just off-put by the way he talks - like many people here. To the point of understated humor below (I bet he's seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail more than once), you could think of him as discussing whether a geeky guy would be accepted by the 'cool kids' who don't do puzzles for fun :D Some innately, some producer induced I bet...some I missed their humor entirely. Any vote can be a terribly incorrect vote for themself IMO. Even in the absence of all the information, we can't assume that people have formulated a correct premise with the information they do have. Or even that they are thinking things through rationally. The Carl vote is a prime example of a "wrong" vote IMO. Very interesting find.
  2. Just prefacing this on the fact that if I ran into a name from a different season, I tried to skip over that section. To the matter at hand (Angelina's 15 minutes): There definitely are people to truly despise elsewhere in this world...you know, like terrorists and mass shooters. I see little true hatred of characters than I see commentary on behavior. Sure, often with judgement on that behavior. Talking about the foibles and great moves on a reality show is a lot less prone to give one an ulcer worrying about all the evils in the world that are truly worth one's ire. To me, Natalie, Elizabeth and Lyrsa were a little annoying to watch, but generally I liked the tribe post-merge. Certainly nobody to truly hate-on. And of course the most well known player who went to prison. Given that player sentiment, I would say 'goof' is a little harsh. In fact, at this point I think even more so that she's a victim of the editors (except the whole sexism schtick). She's probably the one they could pull the goofiest off-the-wall answers from, who also fit a given archetype they ran with.
  3. Mark2

    S37.E13: Finale

    It puzzles me too that at the most pivotal point, they decide to ditch the central elements of Survivor (IC/voting) in favor of a skill that is arguably one of the poorest indicators of deserving F3. They've have 30+ days to show their fire making. Sure one can argue that makes it a level playing field, but puh-lease do something else. Notice how 3/4 of the last jurors voted for Mike...may say something strong about his endgame. Why not? I've called Nick [too] emotional on more than one occasion as well... Per some other comments, at least one of Nick's outbursts could be heard all the way around camp. I really don't like Flip or Flop hosts, if that's the show I caught briefly. But I didn't mind Angelina's voice or manner of speaking one bit...just the content at times. But over a season, I'm not going to like everything everybody has to say all the time. You mean the humorous sketch like they did for the Brochacho code a few eps back? Might you be open to the fact that you are misinterpreting his expressions, and he truly believed Mike deserved to win, along with 2 of the other 4 final jurors? I won't get all political here :D Either way, for reasons listed in her own thread, success will probably be elusive.
  4. That's why said Rotary Clubs don't need a middle[wo]man....Who is trying to jump into a high level position w/o integrating with others. Selectively quoting to be more generous; I do think her heart is in the right place, but that's not the basis for a successful business or charity. After-school programs would be a better focus. Data shows that these programs lift up students who could/would never even consider student government, college, or some extra-curricular activities. Grooming for student government is about helping the top 10% a little bit, more than helping the bottom 50% in ways they need seriously more resources. And by her subsequent statements, let's see how well that works out. Seems she could have had the foresight to be prepared earlier. I've filed federal paperwork, and it's not as inefficient as many think. Like 24-48 hours response often. Exactly - how about first we focus on the achievement gap across socioeconomic/racial/gender lines and look at everyone at students first. Not girls, not black, not poor. Just give extra attention to those falling behind, first. So give resources for after school programs for the 50% falling behind, as opposed to extra resources devoted to advancement of a particular demographic (girls, in this case) in student government. In my experience as well, boys/men were underrepresented as it is. Just pointing out that I was wrong about predicting second place in a Nick-Mike-Angelina or Alison-Angelina-Mike hypothetical F3. So if I could be wrong about, maybe the multitude of points above could be wrong and Angelina's charity will take off.
  5. I wasn't a huge fan of Alec, and that showed what kind of guy he was off the show. Natalie: throw all the eggs into boiling water over people's objections. PET PEEVE #1: people who do the exact opposite of what someone wants, when both points of view are equally valid. Food is good. Plus Angelina and I both run cold, and apparently cuddling isn't cheating, so...
  6. I have also seen public sector folks go down the tubes because of different public-sector employment that seemed more "noble." And I'd bet most who returned to the corporate world hit a set back compared to if they'd have stayed there. She does list "Ready to Run" in the pre-show bio, along with convenient explanation of what its goals are. But note that her official start date is this month on Linkedin. It doesn't list it as volunteer prior to that, either. One can file paperwork or even just say they've started a non-profit without really having done anything to support it. I'll grant on the show she played up the women's equality angle, but I don't see her pitch translating to mass funding. Why give money to someone who [might] be in and out of your state to raise money, but have no concept how the local people want to encourage student government participation? Parents' helping their own students and donating to local groups (who often volunteer time) seems like the more solid, sustainable route. A lot of student debt, and especially wanting to travel the world are a bit concerning conflicts to running a non-profit IMO. Of course I could be wrong...I did think she'd take 2nd place after all.
  7. You know, Jeff would take her back over Christian. Original thought on Mike-Nick-Angelina 0-6-4 is probably the same, but I see Gabby as the swingiest of the swing votes.
  8. What did she do that was cruel?
  9. Mike-Nick-Angelina 0-6-4?
  10. He's shown himself to bee too emotional before.
  11. And Christian for going along with it, but more on Gabby.
  12. I really wanted a puzzle last week for immunity. After Jeff said the reward today, I was even more bummed because Christian prepared himself in case pasta came up.
  13. How 'bout Angelina and Natalie :D Just kidding...Angelina and Christian? From a producer viewpoint, I'd give a Christian-and-Gabby duo a shot, more so at a weekly independent show than TAR. It would be concerning whether Christian would sign up, but they did spend all but a couple hours together over 32 days.
  14. Two people in particular come to mind as being voted out to make it more harmonious. But I miss a couple people who went before their time. Agree. Except that I think she would interject, rather than just raising her hand.
  15. Ironic this was the first post in this thread that came up for me today... I'm admittedly too in to this season, and had my own dream too. It was the premiere of an unusual season...that included Angelina. She was cold, and asked one castaway for his hat. He said no. Then she asked me for my hat. After asking her whether we were paired up at the start (essentially tribes of two, and we were not), I said no as well. Some time, somewhere, I came across research that concluded people enjoy a book more when they know how it ends ahead of time. Although I don't know of any similar study applied to reality TV. I personally avoid "hard" spoilers of this and past seasons I intend to watch, but watch previews, read [presumably vetted] exit interviews and enjoy Tweets from some current season players.
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