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Posts posted by DanaK

  1. Short clip for next episode Orphan 55. Shown on The Tonight Show last night where Jodie was a guest



    Jodie interview with Paste Magazine Podcast (includes video)



    The BBC has announced two more guest stars https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2020/dw-warren-matthew?ns_linkname=corporate&ns_campaign=bbc_press_office&ns_source=twitter&ns_mchannel=social

    TV stars Warren Brown (Luther, Liar, Strike Back) and Matthew McNulty (Versailles, The Bay, Deadwater Fell) will guest star in an upcoming episode that sounds like Episode 6

  2. Next 3 titles revealed by Doctor Who Magazine:

    Episode 4 “Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror” (by Nina Metivier)

    Per Digiguide, here is the reported synopsis of this episode

    It is 1903 and on the edge of Niagara Falls, something is wrong at Nikola Tesla’s generator plant, where someone – or something – is sabotaging the maverick inventor’s work. Has Tesla really received a message from Mars? And where does his great rival Thomas Edison fit into these events? The Doctor and her companions Yaz, Ryan and Graham must join forces with one of history’s greatest minds to save both him and planet Earth.

    Episode 5 “Fugitive of the Judoon” (by Vinay Patel)

    Episode 6 “Praxeus” (by Pete McTighe)

    Reportedly Episodes 5 and 6 were switched

    Here’s more info from Cultbox on what DWM posted for Episodes 3-6 and comments from some of the writers


    Four Doctor Who Series 12 episode titles and descriptions were revealed in Doctor Who Magazine #547

    Episode 3 – Orphan 55, written by Ed Hime, directed by Lee Haven Jones

    From Ed Hime:

    “The gang know that going anywhere with the Doctor will lead to adventure, so they try to take a different route with this one. They all go on holiday together to a place called Tranquillity, which is an idyllic, all-inclusive holiday destination where they can take some time out and relax.

    “But of course they get there and things go horribly wrong. They’re quickly dragged into a spiralling situation they’ve landed in the middle of.”

    Guest Cast List:
    Laura Fraser – Kane
    Gia Ré – Bella
    James Buckley – Nevi
    Julia Elizabeth Fogle (Julia Foster) – Vilma
    Amy Booth-Steel – Hyph3n
    Will Austin – Vorm
    Col Farrell – Benni
    Lewin Lloyd – Sylas
    Spencer Wilding – Creature

    Episode 4 – Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror, written by Nina Metivier, directed By Nida Manzoor

    “The time: the earliest years of the 20th century. The place: New York City. Inventor Nikola Tesla is at war with his rival Thomas Edison. However, there’s an even greater threat in their midst…”

    Guest Cast List:
    Goran Višnjić – Nikola Tesla
    Robert Glenister – Thomas Edison
    Anjli Mohindra – Queen Skithra
    Haley McGee – Dorothy Skerrit,  Tesla’s assistant

    Episode 5 – Fugitive of the Judoon, written by Vinay Patel, Directed by Nida Manzoor

    “Stomping their way into present-day Gloucester, the Judoon are on the hunt for someone on the run. Who is this fugitive? And why are these alien mercenaries after them?”

    Guest Cast List:
    Jo Martin – Ruth Clayton, Gloucester tour guide
    Neil Stuke – Lee, Ruth’s husband
    Paul Kasey – Judoon leader

    Episode 6 – Praxeus, written by Pete McTighe, directed by Jamie Magnus Stone

    “The Doctor and her friends split up to investigate multiple mysteries across planet Earth. What they find will threaten all of humanity…”

    From Pete McTighe:

    “When we come into the episode, the Doctor, Graham, Yaz and Ryan are already split up around the globe, investigating strange goings-on that are linked to a brand-new alien menace.”

    “Prepare for a fun rollercoaster of an episode with some genuinely disturbing moments. And watch the skies…”

    Guest Cast List:
    Joana Borja – Gabriela, a young blogger
    Matthew McNulty – Adam
    Molly Harris – Suki Cheng

  3. 4 hours ago, andipandi said:

    The whole plane scene: this is a dream right? mind control? because things are blipping in and out (how did barton escape the plane) and suddenly ryan can fly it?



    Barton got whisked away by either the Master or the aliens.

    As for the plane rescue, timey whimey. The Doctor rescued them by setting it up to get Ryan's attention to the instructions and the video she created that got brought up when he connected something to his phone (as instructed). He was then able to level out the plane and some auto-guidance pre-planned route thing by Barton then got activated to land the plane. She got reminded at the end she needed to rescue them so she went and did it. Confuses me some as it seems backwards, in that they got rescued by the Doctor who then gets alerted by Ryan she has to go rescue them


  4. Regarding the Doctor not telling the companions much about herself in Series 11, it's clear now Chibnall planned it that way, to start fresh to bring in new viewers, then to add layers over subsequent seasons (which also included not bringing back known monsters/aliens in that first season). In-show, I figured that with all the angst and trauma from previous Doctors (in New Who at least), 13 wanted a fresh start and just wanted to go on adventures and just have fun. She didn't want to explain things to her new friends because it would bring up all the pain and history she wanted to avoid. I enjoyed the jauntyness of her character, but it certainly adds more layers to her now that she's hiding even more pain and trying to keep up a front

    • Love 1
  5. On 1/6/2020 at 1:59 AM, AnimeMania said:

    Just didn't like this episode. Using the TARDIS to go back in time and get your companions out of a sticky situation. Graham shooting his laser shoes at a crowd of people that included the other companions. Ada using a machine gun in a crowed room, she manages to hit her target and then stops firing? Wanting to use all the people on earth as data storage when a jar full of bacteria would give you the same results. Why did the aliens want to do this and why did they say this would effect The Universe, it would barely effect the Earth, the Earth would probably be better off. How would they prevent the data from being corrupted, would all the humans be in some kind of suspended animation where their bodies never change? Why did the aliens give up their plans? Are there thousands of aliens living in the brains of humans? Are the aliens still here or did they leave? Who's brain is The Master in? Where is the Master's TARDIS? Why did they show swastikas, will they have to remove them to show this episode in Germany? Has The Doctor always been able to touch people and make them forget they met. This sounds like as useful a gimmick as psychic paper, why haven't they used it more?

    Ok, so the part about the Kasaavins using the humans as receptacles - based on rewatching and reading another board that hashed this out, the following seems to be the best read I have on it: The K aliens’s initial plan was to influence computer/techie types throughout history to eventually influence humans to build them a machine to help the K come into our world and take over. Slow and steady, emphasis on slow. The Master finds out about it and raises their ambitions and fast forwards things. He builds the Lady sculpture device and sends it back to Babbage (I’m not sure if to influence Ada or what), then Lenny Henry’s Barton character eventually gets hold of it so the K aliens can use it to infuse it with their energy to allow them to wipe out the humans’ DNA all at once and inhabit them and allow some like Barton to remain in charge. That said, that’s what Barton and the Ks think is the final plan. But the Master apparently was planning to use the plan to murder all the humans and then get rid of Barton and the K aliens, so it’s possible what Barton and the Ks were thinking they were aiming for with the Master’s help wasn’t really workable in full. As for the Ks, the Doctor planted a virus in the Lady device to shut it down, then said she was using the device to exile them back to their dimension

    As for taking over the Universe, it’s possible that K prisoner was lying and making themselves to seem more scary as they seemed focused on Earth 

    I thought initially Noor was involved in the initial plan, but the Doctor figured they were just there by accident after Ada grabbed her hand when she was trying to get back to the present

    • Love 2
  6. I have to say, Part 1 is immensely fun to rewatch for O’s parts, especially after you’ve watched both parts. You notice different things about O’s actions, reactions and words. It’s interesting to watch Sacha’s subtleness 

    • Love 3
  7. @Wulfsige I’m finding Part 2 to be hugely rewatchable, even in full, and the in full part is not something I say about most episodes. There are so many great scenes here, especially between Doctor and Master, but also with Doctor and Ada and other stuff

    Please read one of my recent posts in the Series 12 Spoiler topic where an article talks about Jodie talking at the Q&A about Chibnall planning things out and that the Timeless Child arc will take time to spool out

    This episode got an Appreciation Index (AI) score of 82, same as Part 1

  8. Per Cultbox, comments from Jodie at the NYC Q&A and at least one other interview about Chibnall planning things and revealing things over time like the Timeless Child https://cultbox.co.uk/news/the-timeless-child-jodie-whittaker-hints-of-a-continuing-mystery

    Just to note, I don’t remember these comments, but I had to duck out for a few minutes and there were times I couldn’t fully understand what was being said because of the accents


    The full set of promo pics for Ep 3 Orphan 55 https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07zr7vt/p07zr7bc


    Really good long (36min) interview by Jodie, Tosin and Mandip with Build by Yahoo yesterday in NYC. I recommend watching it as there's lots of good stuff, including how Series 12 goes compared to Series 11 (much bigger) without revealing much


  9. @elle Gallifrey was freed from being frozen in a pocket universe sometime during the 12th Doctor's era, though I don't think they explained how. They went to the end of the life of the universe to hide, I think because they knew people were pissed at them for the Time War. The Timeless Child was referenced by the cloth creatures in Series 11's The Ghost Monument. I don't believe we know what happened to the Master's Tardis. As far as the mind wipe, I'm aware the Doctor had that ability in the past, but I was wondering if we have seen it since it was used on Donna Noble

    • Love 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

    We enjoyed both episodes, but my husband mentioned that this felt like it was written for 10 or 11, even 12. It didn't feel like last season. 

    Well, it feels like the producers upped their game and gained some confidence. They went from 10 mostly stand-alone episodes to an opening 2 parter and suggestions of an arc and some darkness for 13. Chibnall does suggest this was the plan all along, to raise the stakes for 13 and the companions over time but starting with a refresh devoid of baggage to lure back old viewers and bring in new ones. You do have to wonder though if the BBC demanded a refresh for Series 11 but allowed Chibnall to do it his way after that

    • Love 1
  11. Here’s a summary on the remaining 8 episodes as to what's known for sure (and what rumors said it was) and assuming episode order hasn't been switched

    Episode 3: Title: Orphan 55. Very scary episode. Directed by Lee Haven Jones and written by Ed Hime

    Episode 4: Tesla and Edison in Victorian age in NYC (trailer shows the alien is a scorpion-like creature). Written by Nina Metivier

    Episode 5: Nothing known (Rumors were Sea Devils and plastic waste storyline and written by Charlene Jones)

    Episode 6: the Judoon episode (Rumors were a fugitive Time Lord named Ruth, writer is Pete McTighe)

    Episode 7: Nothing known (Rumor was base under siege type episode with scary creature that can go through walls, but that sounds like Episode 3)

    Episode 8: Mary Shelley episode. Written by Maxine Alderton. (Rumors suggest possible appearance by Cybermen).

    Episode 9 & 10 is a two-part finale. Nothing is known. (I think there have been rumors of Cybermen)

    Not a heck of a lot known at this point, even rumor-wise. The producers/BBC are really keeping things close to the vest. The Master reveal had some leaks but overall they managed to keep it a surprise. It will be really interesting to see how the rest of the season plays out. It will also be interesting to see how the reported special later this year/early next year plays out as well

  12. I have to say, the last shot with the Doctor on the stairs with her back to the yellow  pillars in the background was gorgeous. I really like the changes to the Tardis, including the stairs. The set feels roomier than last season and better used (so far)

    That whole Gallifrey/Master sequence near the end was really superb, especially in that Jodie had no dialogue during any of it. She blew me away with just her reactions

    Before we knew this was a two parter, the spoilers made me think this episode would be solely about the team being in WWII Paris fighting the Nazis with Khan’s help. What we got was probably better given how Khan ended up

    I haven’t seen the Classic series, but I’m glad there were several callbacks for the fans to have fun with. Jodrell Bank was one. Comments I’ve read suggest the wireless contact beats and then the telepathic conversation between the Doctor and Master was another

    @Eulipian 5k Barton did volunteer himself as a test subject, as he said he’s always testing things

    The kneeling scene was interesting because the Doctor was less afraid and humiliated and more disgusted and rolling her eyes 

    Is this the first time time since 10 wiped Donna’s memories that the Doctor has used this technique?

    Given a lot of what I thought would happen throughout the season happened in these first 2 episodes, I’m not really sure how this season is going to go and it’s exciting. I hope it ends up being a lot of fun and that more fans are engaged this season than last

    I’ve rewatched this a couple of times and parts of it several times. It’s a bit complicated and doesn’t fully hang together, especially if you nitpick, but it was entertaining, I enjoyed Ada a lot, and we got some great stuff with Jodie and Sacha. I think it managed to stick the landing, though it wobbled some

    • Love 3
  13. The episode got 4.6 million in the overnight ratings, not a bad drop from Part 1. It was up against the premiere of live show Dancing On Ice, which got 5.14 million. Call the Midwife was 1st with 6.97 million. The episode was 5th for the night, which included at least one other live show. Consolidated numbers, which include catch up via streaming and other means, should be available in a week or so

  14. 1 hour ago, phalange said:

    The Timeless Child is something we’ve heard about before, right? Wasn’t there something about it in last season’s premier? 

    It was referenced in Series 11, Episode 2 The Ghost Monument by the killer rags (the Doctor had a quick flashback this episode)

    I’m glad they opened the season with a big bang given the long hiatus. I just fear the rest of the season won’t quite measure up, though if they keep the threads they’ve started running through and keep doing interesting stuff, they’ll probably be ok

    • Love 2
  15. Jodie listening to the Master talk about destroying Gallifrey and the secret that was kept was really terrific, especially in that she had no dialogue, she just reacted

    I'm surprised Chibnall went this dark, as I had the impression he and/or the BBC had intended to keep this Doctor hopeful and cheerful

    • Love 3
  16. 52 minutes ago, elle said:

    Can you tell us about the Q&A?

    It was Jodie, Tosin, Mandip and the presenter. They had apparently watched the 2nd episode in the back of the theater with the rest of the audience (at the Paley Center in NYC). They talked a lot about what the show means to them and how much they appreciate the fans. Mandip's favorite episodes in Series 11 were Rosa and Demons (because Demons represented part of her heritage) and Tosin's was Rosa. I don't recall Jodie saying her favorite. They worked very hard not to spoil upcoming episodes, but they did say the Cyberman episode was really good and it helped that they could interact with them instead of them being a special effect added later. They were asked what percentage of episodes were filmed overseas and which were filmed in Cardiff. Mandip thought it was 50/50. A funny thing was Tosin and Jodie conferred for a bit as to which filming blocks were done where and it seemed like they were trying not to reveal too much. Episode 3 is pretty scary, but they've already said that. There was other stuff I can't remember at the moment, but all in all, they are a nice bunch of people and very appreciative of what they are doing and of the fans

    ETA: They had a quick birthday celebration for Mandip (she's 32 or 33). They were asked to sum up the season in 3 words. According to other people's memories, they said something like Tosin: A Mad Thing, Mandip said something like Planet Hopping Mayhem, Jodie said something like Adrenaline Fueled Rollercoaster

    • Love 7
  17. Maybe I can get this on rewatch, but I had trouble understanding why Ada kept getting taken to the alien place since she was young

    Did it feel a little wrong for the Doctor to remove the Master's perception filter and get him turned in as a spy to the Nazis? I guess she figured he would survive but he could have ended up with a violent death. But he's a Time Lord and would regenerate so I guess it wouldn't matter much in the end

    As much as I loved this episode, there's a lot to take in and perhaps a little too much timey-wimey stuff that produces some head-spinning. But it was still enjoyable overall. I think both Jodie and Sacha were excellent here


    • Love 2
  18. Trailer for episode



    Longer trailer via BBC America



    Note that the cast has said this is a pretty scary episode





    2 new promo pics to go with the other 2. Looks like the Doctor is wearing her new sweater/jumper

  19. Per Digiguide and other known bits

    Title: Orphan 55

    Date: Sunday 12th January 2020

    Time: 19:10 to 20:00 (50 minutes long) on the BBC (BBC America will show it at 8pm ET)

    Having decided that everyone could do with a holiday, the Doctor takes Graham, Yasmin, Ryan to a luxury resort for a spot of rest and relaxation. However, they discover the place where they are having a break is hiding a number of deadly secrets. What are the ferocious monsters that are attacking Tranquillity Spa? Guest starring Laura Fraser and James Buckley, alongside Jodie Whittaker as the 13th incarnation of the Time Lord, and Bradley Walsh, Mandip Gill and Tosin Cole as her trusty travelling companions.

    Director: Lee Haven Jones

    Writer: Ed Hime

  20. As I indicated I was going to do earlier, I saw this at a local movie theater with Part 2 and a cast Q&A. I enjoyed watching it in full a second time around. I thought I would be bored watching it again in full, but I wasn’t. It looked and sounded great on a movie screen. The noise the white aliens were making when they appeared really boomed

    This time around, I got that Sonya was asking Yaz for Ryan’s number at the beginning. For some reason, I thought she was asking for her boss’s number or maybe a message from him, to check up on her or something. That bit makes sense now

    • Love 2
  21. I just got back from seeing this and Part 1 at the local movie theater plus the Q&A with the cast. I really, really enjoyed this. Who knows if it all hangs together on close inspection, but it was a lot of fun and looked and sounded great on a movie screen.

    And holy crap, I wasn’t expecting that ending between the Master and the Doctor, about a ruined Gallifrey and the Timeless Child reveal. Clearly they are setting up a running theme through this season and maybe even next season

    As for a ruined Gallifrey, it feels like stuff set on Gallifrey, at least during New Who, never goes well because they come across as buffoons against the Doctor, so this plot point keeps things away from there

    Yeah, I had a little trouble keeping track of the Tardis stuff as well. I would have thought the Master would have prevented the Doctor from using his ship and vice versa

    i need to see this again and can’t wait until it comes on BBC America in a few hours. I also had trouble with some of the dialog so I missed some things and will need the closed caption on my TV to better catch stuff

    I have to say, I’m so happy seeing the positivity for Series 12 so far from so many fans, particularly those who didn’t like Series 11 or were tepid on it.

    One complaint I’ve seen previously I don’t get is that the 13th Doctor era lacks humor when the humor is one of the first things I noticed and appreciated in Series 11 as a new viewer

    • Love 3
  22. The Doctor was also probably horrified at the Master reveal because she and probably past Doctors have been having an email/text correspondence with O for awhile. You wonder what they have been telling him

    • Love 3
  23. Graham did say to O that they would ask the Doctor about things but she would avoid answering, so it looks like they will learn more things this season. I think the Doctor strongly wants them to be family because she’s so lonely but she didn’t want to open up to them

    It certainly seems surprising the team didn’t learn much about her last season, but Chibnall and/or BBC seemed determined that the first season would be stripped back and be easy access to lure back old viewers and entice new ones, including much of the Doctor’s mythology and old monsters, then to add things back in in subsequent seasons 


    I think the Master’s it’s all a lie thing is probably about the glowing aliens and the current crisis and not anything about the Doctor’s history. 

    Chibnall has made it clear that the team will learn more about the Doctor this season and that Gallifrey and Time Lord will be mentioned. It seems clear he’s upping the ante this season and certain gripes will be dealt with

  24. I’ve seen quite a few comments from people online saying one of the improvements over last season was splitting up the team to do important stuff. I don’t understand this because the team split up several times in Series 11 to take care of things. I can think off the top of my head Rosa, Kerblam, The Witchfinders, It Takes You Away though that was mostly Ryan who was separated, and Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos

    One thing I’m a little unclear on is about the Master reveal. The Doctor went from uh oh to OMFG. What was she initially thinking after she saw O’s house from the plane window and then went Ohhhh? The Master then went on to give her another clue with Spy...Master and she seemed to fully understand. What was her likely understanding after the house reveal, that O was not who he seemed and had betrayed them somehow but not that he was the Master?

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