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Posts posted by DanaK

  1. 2 hours ago, The Companion said:

    Deaths were on screenish (the sauna scene in particular).

    It's funny, I've seen some people criticizing it in part because the deaths were all off-screen

  2. The BBC's listing for Episode 5, "Fugitive of the Judoon" has this for the synopsis:

    Ko Sho Blo! Trigger-happy space police the Judoon are targeting 21st-century Gloucester. The Doctor, Yaz, Ryan and Graham race back to Earth in order to prevent them doing too much damage to the cathedral city. But who are they looking for, and what did they do to incur the wrath of the Judoon?

    The listing also indicates that Chris Chibnall and Vinay Patel co-wrote this

  3. I was underwhelmed by this and didn’t find it enjoyable. It didn’t really click for me until the last few minutes. I can’t really explain why it didn’t work other than I wasn’t really engaged by the “flashbacks” or people dropping in on them

    • Love 6
  4. On 1/12/2020 at 9:11 PM, Terrafamilia said:

    If the oxygen level was 1% what was burning in the tunnel and how?

    I’ve seen some suggestions of magnesium given the color

    On 1/13/2020 at 10:02 AM, libgirl2 said:

    I thought she looked familiar and looked her up. She was in quite a few movies int he 60s including Alfie. 

    She’s also Ben Fogle’s mom and some people online kidded she’s better known as that these days

  5. Ed Hime seems to like to overstuff his stories going by the 2 Doctor Who scripts he’s written. And it did have too many characters and too many plots going on. And it certainly has divided the fans. 

    That said, I still enjoyed it in spite of its flaws. I especially liked the attack on the truck and the scenes surrounding that, and I liked the Doctor taking charge, particularly given the complaints that she didn’t do enough of that in Series 11. I thought Jodie was pretty strong in this episode

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  6. I appreciate that Kane was trying to terraform the planet and bring it back to life and of course, getting rich people to pitch in their money isn't a bad thing either. But, she was very, very wrong to drag in vacationers without telling them the real risks (assuming she hadn't already and that it was just Graham who didn't read the fine print); at least the Doctor called her out on that. The Tardis team was also stupid in agreeing to go on the vacation in the first place without looking into it first; maybe they assumed Graham already had. But all that was cut short when Graham accidentally put the teleport cube together and whisked them away

  7. 5 minutes ago, Eulipian 5k said:

    Is this the first, and only. time this Doctor has called herself a "Time Lord"?

    Apparently so. Chibnall indicated in an interview that she hadn't said it before in Series 11, so we would hear her say it in Series 12

    Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean much at this time to the team, but Graham did say he still had loads of questions. It was a short and curt autobiography and the Doctor wasn't really up to offering more information at that point given she was still hurting over Gallifrey

  8. On 1/2/2020 at 11:44 AM, chitowngirl said:

    I love that he calls her “Doc”!

    I read somewhere that this was Bradley Walsh's idea, apparently having to do with his Cockney roots of shortening things or something

    Final consolidated numbers for Part 1 were 6.89 million viewers with an Appreciation Index of 82. It was 8th for the week (ending Jan 5). There were a few days of Coronation Street ahead of it plus a Fireworks special and Call the Midwife

  9. 26 minutes ago, phalange said:

    I didn’t have a problem with the sign not being translated. I always assumed the TARDIS translates spoken language but not necessarily written. 

    I think that’s been an issue that’s been raised numerous times before; some fans have said it just takes longer. How much reach does the Tardis have in terms of being separated from the Doctor?

    Really liked Jodie’s sweater and her gloves. Made for a nice change of outfit

    Good to see the Doctor was affected by the low oxygen levels after a point. Time Lords may have an advantage, but they aren’t completely immune to low/no oxygen issues


  10. I thought this was pretty good and enjoyable overall, particularly for a “base under siege” episode, though it was a bit ragged in places. I can see this is already a polarizing episode though, especially for the ending. Ed Hime writes weird stuff for sure. It definitely was several steps down from Spyfall, but I expected that following a huge season premiere

    I thought Jodie did well and it was good to see the team again call the Doctor out on her mood. I enjoyed most of the funny lines and bits. As usual, the Doctor barges in to take charge and bark orders, though she and Kane clashed. I found the Dregs creepy, but not the scariest things ever. But as I said, I did get spoiled after the UK broadcast

    I suspect the Russian didn’t get translated, nor the Dregs’s speech, because the Tardis wasn’t there. The team was teleported away from it. Or does it work regardless of the distance?

    Of course, it might be a good idea in the future for Graham to better check out a spa offer

    The Doctor’s speech at the end didn’t bother me because she was speaking to her friends and trying to help them not despair and helping them to understand the future can be changed and how

    The actress playing the old lady is supposedly pretty well known and respected but I can check further on that

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  11. 1 hour ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    When have the Doctor and the Master been able to communicate telepathically? Or were they talking in morse code and it was a shortcut to not have us sit there through incessant beeping?

    I like how the Doctor was 'doctoring' in the Master's TARDIS and the ladies were both amused and confused at the same time.

    Time Lords have telepathic ability, especially with each other. The talking was probably a shortcut to them just talking with their minds. 

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  12. Airdate: Jan 19, 2020 (7:10pm on BBC, 50minutes; 8pm ET on BBC America)

    Synopsis (from Digiguide): It is 1903 and on the edge of Niagara Falls, something is wrong at Nikola Tesla's generator plant, where someone - or something - is sabotaging the maverick inventor's work. Has Tesla really received a message from Mars? And where does his great rival Thomas Edison fit into these events? The Doctor and her companions Yaz, Ryan and Graham must join forces with one of history's greatest minds to save both him and planet Earth

    Guest starring: Goran Visnjic, Robert Glenister and Anjli Mohindra

    Written by Nina Metivier

    Directed By Nida Manzoor

    Trailer from BBC

    Honest to God, I hate that they play the theme music over the dialogue in these trailers. BBC America will probably have something better

    ETA: Trailer from BBC America. Much better, right? And longer


  13. I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would (I like musical shows, but the premise sounded a little weird). The True Colors scene really got to me. Very well done. I'll definitely continue to watch

    As a former software developer (now retired!), I was annoyed they didn't think of checking the interface between the device and software a whole lot sooner


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  14. I've not finished with Smith's era yet, as I got stuck at the beginning of Series 6 when Amazon  dumped Doctor Who from Prime, but I had trouble understanding the end of The Big Bang in Series 5. Did Amy just wish or demand the Doctor appear after he got stuck on the other side of the crack or what? As I think I understood it, the cracks and the Tardis exploding apparently messed up the universe, Earth and Amy were among the dying embers of the universe. So the Doctor took the Tardis to close the cracks and reset things, which then brought back Amy's parents and Rory and things were right again, but the Doctor was stuck behind some crack. Then Amy demanded at her wedding that the Doctor come back and he did, I guess? If this all gets answered later, then just say that, otherwise is there a good explanation on how everything turned out alright?

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  15. On 1/8/2020 at 2:06 PM, DanaK said:

    Reminder that Jodie is on NBC’s The Tonight Show tonight

    The Tonight Show apparently cut this segment from Jodie's interview about dressing as a panda and dancing



    FYI, Jodie was the answer to a Jeopardy question the other night on a prime time edition of the game show in the US. The clue was "Feeling regenerated in 'Doctor Who', this actress confessed 'Sorry, half an hour ago I was a white-haired Scotsman'"

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