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Posts posted by DanaK

  1. https://deadline.com/2020/01/tosin-cole-bentley-green-join-courtney-b-vance-amc-61st-street-1202839424/

    Tosin Cole (Ryan) has been cast as one of the leads in an AMC (US) series. It’s been ordered for 2 seasons of 8 episodes each and will debut in 2021

    Good for him. That’s a good step up for him. It likely means he’ll be leaving Doctor Who after this season as I can’t see him managing to fit in the AMC filming during his hiatus, but who knows for sure

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  2. FYI, reportedly director Nida Manzoor is the first South Asian woman to direct an episode of Who. And she gets to do it again for the next episode (the Judoon one)

    At this point, I feel this episode's title is probably the best and most whimsical one of Jodie's era


    On 1/19/2020 at 3:17 PM, Joe Hellandback said:

    Nice depiction of Victorian NY, as the Dr said, an age of huge progress and utter deprivation. 

    Just to be that annoying person, for the US, we call it the Gilded Age, though 1903 was probably just past that era (which runs from the 1870s to about 1900 or just a little before). It falls more into the Progressive Era though, but 1903 probably melds into both eras

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  3. This show tries to thread the needle between comedy farce, light comedy, drama, and important social topics and sometimes it doesn't succeed very well when the comedy craziness overwhelms the more real stuff. It just makes it hard when they want us to take these people seriously. One good example, noted above, are the times they made Diane to be very mean and, in a farcical way, make it like she was really disturbed. That works when you keep a comedy a comedy, but it makes it harder to maintain when you go for the drama and social issues

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  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000f1wx

    From the BBC website for Episode 6, Praxeus:

    Synopsis: What connects a missing astronaut in the Indian Ocean, birds behaving strangely in Peru and a US naval officer who washes up on a Madagascan beach? Team Tardis investigate.

    Also, the episode is co-written by Pete McTighe and Chris Chibnall


    Jodie answers Doctor Who questions for Twitter. She’s a lot of fun


    Entertainment Weekly interview with Jodie. She confirms that she’s staying for at least one more season https://ew.com/tv/2020/01/22/jodie-whittaker-doctor-who-3/


  5. One interesting thing I noted after watching a couple more times is that when the Doctor and Tesla were in the Tardis and the Doctor pressed something to send energy or something through some cables to the tower, the lighting in the Tardis changed from bright and orange supports to darker and white-blueish supports and stayed that way through the end of the sequence, with Tesla standing there alone in the Tardis near the columns. It was some interesting looking cinematography

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  6. 2 hours ago, taanja said:

    The Doctor never dresses in period costumes.

    What about Thin Ice, I think it was, where the 12th Doctor went back to some 1800s Ice Fair thing with Bill Potts

    6 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    Is in new that the screwdriver does so much more than just open things? I honestly don't recall it being so versatile before, but I admittedly don't dissect canon with this show as much as some others (hiding my face from my common Supernatural fans here). 

    It seems to be a lot more versatile with New Who

    In regards to Tesla, Goran has been a fan of his all his life so hopefully that informed his performance. Also, it turns out Tesla was a germaphobe, which explains the character’s awkwardness when it seemed like there should have been a hug or handshake

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  7. Next-time trailer

    Guest cast:

    Ruth Clayton - Jo Martin

    Lee Clayton - Neil Stuke

    Gat - Ritu Arya

    Written by Vinay Patel and Chris Chibnall

    Directed by Nida Manzoor

  8. I did find it interesting that they didn't portray Edison as an absolute bastard, because he was. Or I guess you could say he was more about the PR and money than being the one to come up with the ideas. Tesla was a bad businessman though even if he was a great inventor. Somehow Tesla won the current war but Edison got all the good PR and is the one people remember and idolize and Tesla ended up broke and forgotten. I guess the show tried to balance things and be fair.

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  9. Since the Judoon episode topic is closed for now:

    Next-time trailer from the BBC for next week's Judoon episode

    It seems BBC America played a trailer after the Tesla episode that was about several upcoming episodes. I don't know when or if they will put it on social media

    Also, man, these BBC next-time trailers truly suck. I have been told that the usual BBC America trailers right after an episode are from the BBC, which shows the longer trailer sometime after it shows the next-time trailer. The longer ones are definitely better

  10. This was a very enjoyable and fun episode

    Great period costumes in general and for the companions. Too bad the Doctor didn’t dress up

    Good stuff between Yaz and Tesla and Graham and Edison. Good confrontations between the Doctor and Queen Skithra

    The Doctor at her sciency best

    Good performances from the guest stars, especially Goran as Tesla. Jodie and the other regulars did well also. I thought there was fairly good chemistry between Jodie and Goran

    Also, I read this is only the 3rd time in Doctor Who that both the writer and director have been women

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  11. I started suspecting Street was undercover about halfway through. Glad to see I was right. I do wonder if Street really shot those robbers or that was a setup

    As for Deacon, he’s right to be cautious, but not for the reason he gave. Buck came off as a little too desperate for the deal to go through

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  12. 2 hours ago, Eulipian 5k said:

    Did I remember correctly that the Doctor mentioned that the Fam was already building up "void stuff" from their travels?


    12 minutes ago, Llywela said:

    She did, yes - she said it was why Yaz survived being snatched by the aliens, because she confused them so they just transported her instead of killing her.

    The Doctor actually said she and Yaz were fizzing with "Artron energy" because of their time travels and the Doctor wasn't human so the aliens got confused. It was never explained why Yaz got transported to Australia in place of the alien prisoner, but I guess we're left to assume it was so the aliens could trade her for their compatriot

  13. 8 hours ago, The Companion said:

    The episode definitely had a lot of close up of drooling monster teeth, which I like as a sci fi/horror fan, but not so much as a parent of a 6 year old.

    Understandable. A young child might get easily upset over something an adult wouldn't think is an issue

    8 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

    I do think it had a good story on there but there was too much going on. Which I do think is the too many companions. Writing for an ensemble takes some skill. There are only few writers that are good at it. 

    I think it was more too many guest characters. I think Hime might not be best suited to write for a 50 minute TV episode. His two Who episodes so far suggest a lot of interesting and complex ideas but he tries to cram too much into an episode and things probably had to be cut out. I felt the same way about It Takes You Away, as it felt like there was more to the middle section in the Anti-Zone that got cut out and it felt like 3 different plots going on between the first, second and third sections of the episode. I ended up liking the episode, but mostly for the final 3rd of it; the middle part in the Anti-Zone did little for me

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