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Janelle used the money from an inheritance to buy the Utah house and she cashed in her retirement to help with the move to Vegas. I think she was generous with her money. Just what did Robyn do to help with the family finances? Did she ever have a job after marrying Kody?
Are they just giving lip service to "we want to buy land so that we can build?" Don't they understand that they will never own a home if they don't take out a mortgage? Buying land and building a house takes a lot of money. With the fires in California and the flooding in Tennessee, NC and Florida building supplies are going to go through the roof. Selling prayer cards will never bring in the kind of cash needed to pay for land and a home without some financing.
Kody cannot sell the lots that have Meri and Janelle's names on them. They are co owners. So they would have to sign off on the sale also. Everyone is acting like Kody is in charge of selling the property on his own. Kody says he was left holding the bag and he and Robyn don't know what to do. What is the big mystery? Sell the property and split the money. He is deliberately obfuscating the issue of selling the property so that he can keep Janelle and Meri in the dark.
And the fact that he went ballistic when he found out that Dylan brought up his name. His comment that if anyone mentioned him he would go all ham on them. It was almost like he felt entitled to win this game. Everyone at some point will most likely have their name mentioned even BTDQ. His reaction should have been a clear indication that he was scared of being found out. And Danielle crying and carrying on when he was banished should point the finger at her.
UH OH Rob better watch out. He may have over played his hand.
Thank God, Finally!
And Gabby was on the right track but just dropped the ball. She's just like oh I thought I had something guess not.
I didn't watch this show. I can't bear to watch anymore. Did Glen enforce the 2 drink limit or no tip? It is amazing to me that he would approve any drinking while off the boat with the guests? Big issue with liability if the crew gets drunk and an accident happens or someone in the club assaults a guest and the crew is unable to prevent or stop it. These below deck shows have gone from being professionals working at their boat jobs to a bunch of drunks and horny individuals willing to have sex basically on camera with the first person of the opposite who looks at them. Please Bravo either go back to the original format or take this trash off the air.
Elmer the cow was Elsie's husband. If you google Elsie the Cow you will find out how she came about to be the iconic mascot for Borden. And there is a picture of how Elmer looked. Elsie is on Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk cans. Bordens is also on the can. If people like the name Elsie that's OK with me. To each his own. But I've been on this earth a long time and the only time that I have ever heard the name Elsie is when it is associated with the cow and old ladies. Look up Mrs. Hughes from Downton Abbey. Not the actress but the character portrayed. This is what I think Elsie looks like .
I think people are under estimating how much money they make off of their YouTube videos. The videos are usually sponsored and they do commercials for various items. Some of the videos have over 1 Million views and most have over a hundred thousand. That combined with his music career probably brings in a nice income. I have no idea how successful his music career is but he does write songs and I assume sells his music. Did they sell their house in New Jersey? While I don't think it is a good plan to base one's financial life on Youtube and influencing if it woks for them no skin of my nose.
Is Mika taking another well deserved day off? It seems like since Christmas she has been off more than she has been on.
I have a Gen X daughter and a Millennial daughter. I am going to have to quiz them and ask if they know the name of the cow on the Borden cheese products. I suspect the older daughter will. We would take her to see Elsie when she came to town back in the day. Maybe they will name their next boy Elmer. Won't that be special, Elsie and Elmer?
It's such a fuddy duddy name for a child. If they wanted another E name to go with Emma there are so many pretty names. Too bad people under 30 have no knowledge of Elsie the Cow. Borden used to bring a large cow to town in the spring. She would be set up by the Hilton Hotel in a covered breezeway. She had her own gated and comfortable cow pasture. Kids loved going to see Elsie. She was as iconic as the Pillsbury doughboy and the Jolly Green Giant. What simple pleasures us old folks had back then.
Why would anyone name their little daughter Elsie? All I can think of is Elsie the Cow. The other twin got the pretty name Emma Kate.
Except Rob knows when to keep his mouth shut. Bob does not know and