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Emily Thrace

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Everything posted by Emily Thrace

  1. To be fair Leanne did try to keep Nick out of it by running off to Liverpool. Nick was the one who tracked her down and begged to be let into the mess in the end. Besides Nick is the one who is always trying to control Leanne and ends up sending her running off. (Leanne plays a part since she keeps going back but since most of Nicks insecurities are about the fact that shes smarter and tougher than he is its hard to fault her for it. ) Last time the brain injury just brought out the control issues and removed his inhibitions around them IMO. Whenever Nick gets Leanne back he can't seem to help acting like he did back when they got married the first time. The whole relationship is stuck back in their teenage years. That's why I can never get behind these two even leaving Peter out of the equation.
  2. Shannon was in the first episode this season. She hit Paul after he jumped out of a body bag and scared her. Briana's operation would be covered by the state since she is legally their ward. Its something that can keep kids in care. Since kids with issues like asthma and diabetes are a whole other expense it makes it even harder to find parents who qualify income wise. I've also heard of cases of parents putting their kids into foster care so they can get treatment. It usually more cases of mental health issues but I wonder if perhaps the reason Brianna is in care in the first place is because her parents couldn't afford to treat her CF and abandoned her so she could get treatment.
  3. I think the fact that Chris Gascoyne only came back after Alison King left just confirms all the rumors about those two hating each other in the end. Hell I wouldn't blame him if his contract included that those to are to never ever get back together considering how well that went for Peter's character. Chris Gascoyne really has TPTB over a barrel right now I don't see Alison King coming back with the same clout. Carla was beloved sure but shes not a Barlow and Peter's a lot more versatile a character. I suspect the only reason that pairing happened in the first place is that Chris Gascoyne went along with it to get along. I really don't see how they would get Peter and Carla back together at this point anyway that relationship was seriously toxic. Peter and Leanne I could see because I don't think Leanne wanted to end it and I could see Peter realizing Leanne was actually good for him. Peter wouldn't still be pissing Leanne off as much as he does if she didn't care. Peter was good for Leanne too actually, he really believed in her and brought out her softer side. With Nick I feel like she never quite thought she was good enough for him. Or more accurately Gail never let her forget it. Besides Nick is like a security blanket for Leanne I don't see this reunion really lasting. She doesn't really want Nick she just doesn't want to be pregnant and alone.
  4. Yeah I'm wondering if we won't see a retcon since Peter is coming back. Given how far ahead they plan they might have cooked up this Turkey before they knew Peter was coming back. I still hope he gets back with Leanne they are one of my all time favourite Corrie couples. I don't think Peter is coming back for Leanne at least initially. I think Ken's going to be involved in the whole Pub fire/"Death of Legend" stuff their promoting right. I don't think Ken will actually die, he'll just be injured. They'll make us think he will die and the episode will end with Norris getting a call from Spider about Emily or something. With all the theories about Jim MacDonald returning I wonder if he might be the one who ends up dying. Considering what he was up to last time we saw him I don't see Jim getting out of prison soon, not legally anyway. He could break out and try to get Liz to run off with him again and then burn the pub down when she rejects him or something. Jim MacDonald would definitely qualify as a "Corrie legend". Although I would laugh so hard if its Maria as she is only a "Corrie legend" for being a spectacular idiot or a just plain dull.
  5. Yeah I'm still very dubious about the whole Steve/Leanne baby deal. I kept hoping Peter would pop up and that would be the other big reveal. Its actually kinda incestuous when you think about how its going to affect Simon and Amy. I love Steve and Leanne as friends but I think they might be boring as a couple. Plus after all the drama to get Steve and Michelle back together it feels like a waste to just split them up again. Jack P Shepard is amazing and I hope he gets all the awards for this one.
  6. Well that was interesting. It was nice that Darius and Ruby got a happy ending as Ruby was the only girl I liked. Obvious car crash was obvious. Too bad they didn't stuff Jeremy in the trunk.
  7. Pharma lady is going to save Topher and make everybody like her. Next season she will be the new Ragossa nagging everybody about the bottom line. I'm calling it now. The Briana story would have worked better if the episode were not back to back. Drew punching TC was awesome though. Also on a shallow note Jordan's jeans in the second episode were fugly. Cropped high waisted flares should not exist.
  8. Given the freezing nature of the virus and the fact the Qresh is flooding, I was thinking it was actually to slow the flooding by re-freezing the planets ice caps. I'm also starting to think that Qresh is headed for some kind of environmental collapse and they want to actually take over Westerly as a back up. That's why they want to imprison the population so they can terraform Westerly into something better.
  9. Love how this show actually had the boys do most of the childcare. Pawter is a mess but she and Johnny are an awesome team. I actually think she has better chemistry with him than with Davin. Also Davin and Dutch are still totally a thing even if they don't admit it and end up screwing other people. I would totally be down to go on a roadtrip with Fancy and Klein (Yes I know that's not how they spell his name but the way the show spells it is stupid so fuck that noise.) I'm wondering how long Kendry and Klein go back. Her Daddy likes me better comment to Dutch makes me wonder what exactly is their history. It was a small thing but I liked the idea the Owen was implied to the be learning disabled (his dad saying he still mixes up his letters) but not to stupid for the genus school. I kept expecting a reveal that the school was screening for dna not intelligence. The show gave me a nice surprise and actually pointed out a learning disability has nothing to do with intelligence. Dyslexics, Disgraphics, etc untie.
  10. Warren Brown landed in Budapest Sunday according to his twitter feed so shooting for season 3 starts soon. Even more spoilery Sara Garcia tweeted she arrived there early this morning. Hopefully that means Miri's fate will be revealed in the first episode
  11. Yeah the writer probably planned this though before most of that happened. I do think they should show more of the black characters not just Jay. I am hoping we get more next episode. Like when Mary died last year. We got a whole episode of everyone dealing with the aftermath. I just hope its not a mess.
  12. I get that someone who is in treatment and living with the illness would have some warning signs and how to control them Rachel isn't though so It seems odd to me that she should have any kind of control. She is very deep in denial so the idea that she is controlling her reactions seems off. I also think it would be just like the show to be feinting and making us think Rachel is bi-polar only to say she is not later on. Also wasn't Rachel in a psychiatric faculty after her breakdown before last season? I haven't re-watched lately but I seem to remember in the episode with her mother Rachel said the doctors there said she wasn't any of the diagnoses her mother was spouting. It might have just been a 72 hour hold but it could have been a longer stay. I don't have the episode on demand otherwise I'd re-watch and check but does someone else remember that? I've always thought there was some truth to that quote. I know when my anxiety has gotten to the point where I'm having trouble leaving the house I didn't think that was unreasonable at the the time. Schizophrenics don't see their delusions as that, they think the rest of us are missing something. Hell a I've met more than a few bi-polar people who think their diagnoses is a crock cooked up by the pharmaceutical companies. I always felt like it acknowledge that my anxieties may be exaggerated but they are real to me
  13. The sticking point for me with Rachel and Bi-polar is that Rachel seems to have some control over her moods and the mania in particular. The Bi-polar people I've known do not get calmed by a pep talk the way Rachel was in this episode. Chet talked her down way about Jeremy really quickly in this episode and she agreed with him. Most Bi-polar people you might redirect them but if they want to do something they will do it. To paraphrase Lost "Mentally ill people don't think they're going insane they think they're getting saner ".Rachel seems very aware when she being manic and better at shutting it down then she should be if it was an actual chemical imbalance. I'm not saying she faking she definitely has issues I'm just not convinced it bi-polar yet.
  14. I almost felt sorry because she is clearly a small town girl just trying to GTFO but then I remembered the repugnant way she was seeking attention. I just can't with someone who clearly knows better deliberately employing racists bullshit to get a head. I might have found some empathy if she had simply been ignorant but this episode made it clear she knew exactly what buttons she was pushing. As for Rachel, I've never felt the need for female characters to be soft or cuddly to identify with them, Hell I'm not even all that picky about likable. I just want them to be entertaining and she certainly delivered on that score tonight. I'm still not sure if she is actually crazy. She definitely acts out but that doesn't mean she has any underlying imbalance or pathology. In Rachel's case I almost wonder if it a case of her being told shes crazy so much shes learned to act that way because she was never taught an appropriate way to handle things. Her mother certainly never would have encouraged healthy coping mechanisms. Someone who is truly Bi-polar doesn't react that quickly to going of their meds for one. We saw that last year with Mary. I think on some level Rachel believes she is crazy and so that amplifies her dysfunction but I'm not sure she is suffering anything other than depression.
  15. Actually statistically child predator and abduction rates are lower now than they were in the sixties and seventies. Your child literally has a higher chance of being struck by lightning than being abducted. Its just Nancy Grace and her ilk make seem like there are predators lurking on every corner.
  16. 1. Teasing is how native people express affection. This is how I know Shannon actually has the hots for Paul 2. Bullying implies an imbalance of power ie. a bigger kid picking someone smaller Paul actually outranks Shannon. 3. Paul was the one following Shannon around all night trying to get her attention. 4. Paul is grown assed man if he doesn't like how someone treats him it is his job to let them know. Shannon went off on Annie because Annie was preaching about AA and Shannon was in AA and relapsed at some point previously. Shannon reacted personally because Annie made it that way. Shannon made a smart assed remark and Annie was the one who kept pushing. Someone who works with junkies should learn to be a bit thicker skinned. Not to mention not to poke at what was obviously a sore spot. I'm not saying Shannon was innocent there but Annie was not as innocent as her poor me eyes would have you believe. Also can I just say it feel a little like what you are doing to Shannon the same thing she did to the OD kid. Since Shannon is outside your experience your basing your opinions of her on your own per-conceptions more than anything else. Its not to same extent obviously because Shannon is fictional and you can judge her on her actions but it still feels like you writing her off based on very little information. I find this happens way too much when privileged people interact with POC you say you want to understand and learn about other cultures. Until we express opinions and viewpoints that challenge or contradict your experience. Then we must be wrong, ignorant, bitches etc. I have encountered very few people willing to try to understand why POC might see things differently. I get that some of the problem is the writing but with a female POC I always wonder if that's all it is. I just can't help comparing how Shannon is being received to the white male Mario Carcetti over on Code Black. Both characters have very similar backstories but Mario was given a lot more leeway and actually has fewer redeeming characteristics. True Code Black had better writing but I think this acting is stronger for Shannon.
  17. Yeah its interesting because Chafe would probably like to think he is progressive about women but his reaction to Charmaine's success in that episode was telling. I feel like Charmaine and Kristin should meet and compare notes on Bryan. It would nice to have some female interactions on this show that didn't revolve around Charlie and his band of crazies. Also from this episode the way Bryan was talking about being "sick" when he came back from Viet Nam and Kristin reaction it seems she nursed him through withdrawal before. I wonder if she would do it again. Also weird is that Chafe didn't have any family of his own to go home to at that point. I always assumed his family disowned him when he married Kristin now it seems more like he didn't have one to begin with. A moment I liked in this episode was Charmaine reaction to the term "chauvinist pig". It was clearly a light bulb moment for her and now she can actually name what shes been putting up with. Something that doesn't ring true about Charlies manipulations is how brutal it is. True abusers will switch between rage and love to destabilize their victims and keep them compliant . Charlie just keeps up a constant stream of threats. It doesn't true for the level of control he has or for his brand of sociopathy. Fear will only keep people compliant so far eventually they wise up and run. Love will keep people around through all kinds of shit. Like broken bones or dead bodies.
  18. Your not alone at least. Although I love Shannon she a total Rez girl and its awesome. She is totally a product of that whole Aboriginal mindset where girls do not get told their opinions don't matter or that girls should always be "nice". We are expected to take charge and be tough. Shannon also adds her own spice of not giving a fuck what other people think too it as well. She an extreme version of that mentality but its kinda hilarious to see her contrasted with "I predicate a third of my opinions with I'm sorry and another third are phrased as questions" Jordan Alexander. I doubt TPTB realize it but there is a whole feminist essay about how these two handle people. At least they aren't saying Shannon needs to be more of wallflower. Less abrasive sure but not that she needs to shut up and look pretty. I also like that while Jordan is the mentor and is teaching Shannon how to speak better white people and get along but Shannon is also helping Jordan live a little. Jordan's previous BFF's existed solely to prop her and lacked purpose and personality. Shannon not only has her own purpose on the show but has somethings to show Jordan as well. I am side eyeing the braids a little though. Its one of those things that varies a lot but I know a few native women who don't wear their hair like that because its such a stereotype. It kinda feels like TPTB wanted to make it clear Shannon isn't Hispanic at the wrestling match. Drew with the little girl was adorable. Does she have a dad? cuz if not I half expect her mom to die and Drew and Rick to end up adopting this kid for the amount of screentime she's gotten. Judging by the preview Topher made the terrible mistake of standing too close to Terrible Catastrophe. Lets just pray its not a fatal one
  19. That was better still messy but not bad. I think Rachel is playing Coleman. I think she likes him and thinks maybe it could be more than that someday but for now its about the show. I suspect Yael taking the keys is about wheels. Either she and Jeremy are going to get hammered and smash a production vehicle or she needs to get off the set for something. Jay reaction to the baby on set was hysterical.
  20. I think Hodiak thinks of his two proteges as family though too. Or at least that they would at least have his back on something like this out of loyalty if not understanding. He's stuck his neck for both of them more then once and Charmain in particular I get why he thinks they might do the same for him. I think Hodiak just underestimated how idealistic Charmain still is. Its interesting but there's a bit of a parallel between how Hodiak is cultivating these two cops and the way Manson is handling his followers. Of course the difference is Hodiak actually cares about Charmian and Chafe so he still has her back even when she's disagreeing with him. Chafe still had a wedding band on when he was calling Hodiak in the flashforward. so he can't be truly divorced yet. Given his wife involvement with the Panthers I wonder if she isn't killed sometime in the next year and a half. Bunchy was shot at more than once before he was finally killed. The infighting between the Panthers and the other group got real ugly. Hell some random could just decide shes a traitor and take her out like those cops who had white partners last year. Or Charlie or the bikers could decide to take her out to get back a Chafe. Something terrible happens there in the next few months though. I think divorce would be a bit to close to Hodiak's story I think they might go a different route for Chafe. Plus Chafe looked guilty as hell in that flashforward for something.
  21. Big brother does for sure. At least in early seasons I remember when one guy was throwing over the tables and stuff a few people were actually in the back rooms where the cameramen usually sit.
  22. That was good. Hopefully last weeks mess was the anomaly and this is the rule. The more we get of Jay the more it becomes obvious he probably cares too much. He is seriously invested in Ruby. Although I have to admit I have too she is easily my favourite girl so far. Beth Ann is not making her people look good. Madison doesn't even really have to try to make her look like a dumbass. So looks my wish for Chet to die in a fire may actually come true? He is definitely unhinged and it actually explains a lot about the MRA kick he is on. As long as he doesn't take the poor baby I would settle for a hail of gunfire. Although he is rich and white so Death By Cop isn't very likely in his case
  23. Yeah I can see that what went on last year Jay might be a little more hesitant to fuck people up. Not just because of Mary but the way Chet screwed him over as well. I do think some Jay's pushback with Rachel is because he actually cares about her and is worried about what she is doing. I suspect he considers her a friend and may even turn out to be a better one than Quinn. He just needs to adjust to the new power shift and learn to check Rachel without undermining her. If you put Jay's attitude this episode in the context of their old dynamic its a lot less self serving. That's not to there isn't some jealousy on his part mixed in I just think there more too than Jay trying to stir the pot. I do think even if only for the sake of balance we need to see one man on that set in Rachel's corner. The world isn't split into MRA assholes and feminists if the show is half as smart as it thinks it is they will show that. Something else I wonder if the show might touch on this season is how the gender dynamics are different with black and whites and how that intersects with feminism. Darius and Romeo reactions to Rachel highlighted that already whether the show meant to or not. Both men were a lot less threatened by Rachel's power than Chet or Jeremy, Romeo even seemed attracted to it. His reaction to Rachel's sexuality when contrasted with Jeremy's was a stark difference. Some of that is the writers wanting to show Romeo as a potential love interest but the language he used puts a racial element to it as well.
  24. Jeremy should be fired seriously. Regardless of his history with Rachel he is being completely unprofessional. He is one wall of crazy from being full on stalker Madison has potential although the actress seems a little weak. Where did Shia go?Did she just quit when Rachel got promoted? Like the new suitor and some of the new girls. Also I kinda love Jay and Rachel. Its seriously layered. Chet should DIAF. He sounds like a Reddit MRA forum.
  25. The way Rachel was grinning at the dead swan makes me think shes going to try to take out the head of Leda. Whether that means her mother or Sarah I'm not sure yet. I don't see Rachel surviving another attack on Sarah. Although I wouldn't be shocked if Susan doesn't last past season. Either way I don't see both mother and daughter surviving the season.
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