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Everything posted by kangarara

  1. Wait, what? #correction (maybe?) "Nancy is Will's sister" Isn't Will the missing kid who is Wynona's son who also only has a brother? Isn't Nancy Mike's sister? (this is not jerkitude, these kids (including Eleven) all look WAAAY too similar to me)
  2. "And in a remarkable feat of eyesight, Brienne and Jaime somehow see each other in spite of the terrible lighting." SO much worse on the West Coast (I assume) b/c they show it at 8pm here instead of 9. So it's that much lighter out! (I went back & rewatched this after sundown and it was still barely visible. Who is this for?)
  3. Thanks to the Saskatoon School Board (who couldn't deal with mid-July birthdays, apparently, too young for vaccine one year, too old the next), I didn't get the MMR as a child and got the mumps when I was 25. Those prosthetics... they're damned accurate. I looked like the fat kid in the Gary Larson cartoons (my neck was wider than my head). And yes, it fucking hurts. Alternating ice packs & hot packs - I think it must have been that ANY sensation other than what was going on on the inside was preferable.
  4. Given the COMPLETE lack of chemistry between Alexis Bledel and _any_ of the boyfriends and how much better she & Paris were together, can Rory have eventually realized she's gay?
  5. I assume the skull is because the bite of a blue-ringed octopus is gonna kill you unless someone gets you on CPR & respiration for the next 24 hrs?
  6. I went for a VERY deep pull with "Top of the form" (b/c it was parodied on Monty Python) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_of_the_Form_%28quiz_show%29
  7. There's one situation in which women consistently sleep in their bras - drunk-sleep. I haven't seen this show (I hadn't seen most of the shows that TWoP covered, but I learned to love many of them purely because of the recaps) - but did was she taking on a Cougar Town level of wine, by chance? That'll lead to a bra-sleep, and one more morning pain.
  8. I don't actually watch the show but take great joy in the write-ups. But that means I'm missing more context than show-watchers. Is there perhaps a typo in this sentence? "she drives herself to the hospital because her baby's child is legally prohibited from doing so; " (is it her baby's father who is prohibited from driving?)
  9. ^Kat, I am probably making this up, but I'll be damned if that isn't Jack Black as a toddler. ^Glark, was the "Utopia" mentioned in the podcast the same one as is described here: http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/09/15/libertarian-utopia-styled-after-ayn-rand-book-spectacularly-falls-apart-almost-immediately/ Or, dear God, is there more MORE THAN ONE?
  10. Dave, the reason you may have pictured an Indian actor for Dirk may have been that his real name was Svlad Cjelli? The 'Svlad' doesn't sound Indian, but the 'Cjelli' sort of does.
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