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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. Great point -- oh, and Brennan also has a future beyond DCC.
  2. It's too bad Brennan's mom isn't TK -- she'd be point, on SG, cover of the calendars and have a shelf lined with Barbies at this point.
  3. Yes, but it'd be one less year of the VK show viewers have to endure. I heard she tried to worm her way into all kinds of stories/camera shots this summer.
  4. I haven't received confirmation of that info just yet. Sorry!
  5. Yes! Have any of you seen "Drop Dead Gorgeous"? Kirstie Alley's character reminds me a lot of TK ("Get up, baby -- we have to go to state!!!!").
  6. I know for a fact that several of the ladies who were let go read this forum (and are reading it today), and I just know they are appreciating all the love you're showing them. So thank you!
  7. Agreed. It used to be this amazing show about passionate young women trying to achieve a dream that could be achieved if one were talented and hard-working.
  8. It's a Good Life -- Twilight Zone. 🙂
  9. VK will be closer to the front (as ridiculous as that is).
  10. People don't believe me when I say this, but I stopped watching the show last season. Once it was revealed that VK (who cannot do a turn without falling) was awarded a Barbie and made SG (her rookie year!), I was too disgusted to watch. I follow along with the drama by reading this board and talking to some folks in the know, but I refuse to watch the show that has resulted in so many young women being treated like pawns all for the sake of manufactured drama. I hope more people will consider no longer watching so that this shitshow can come to an end and they can get back to just being a dance team. And let's be clear, she not only lied about having a medical condition, she also lied about having gone to visit a doctor after they scheduled an appointment for her in light of the condition (that again she lied about). What kind of person does that?
  11. VK is, behind the scenes, the laughingstock of the DCC. It's just ridiculous the praise she gets given that she's mediocre dancer (at best), and the girls are constantly walking on eggshells around her and TK. So I can totally understand them letting off some steam by poking fun at her. But this makes me think that 1) someone slipped up and it got back to VK who was saying stuff or 2) someone made the mistake of giving her some corrections (which they should all know by now is a huge no-no). Nobody questions VK, and if you're talking to her or about her, it better be high praise!
  12. Nope, not COVID, but those girls who are perceived as being in her way or insufficiently reverent of her "abilities" sure seem to consistently get cut/denied goodies.
  13. The girls were blindsided and all for ratings. I don't know how these people sleep at night.
  14. With an abbreviated season due to COVID, they had to do something to manufacture some drama. These girls are just puppets to TPTB.
  15. VK could have literally taken a dump on the stage and still made SG. So the fact that she only figuratively did so and still made it shouldn’t be a surprise. That deal was struck a long time ago.
  16. Yes. Toxic — it says a lot about how arbitrary all this is that she wasn’t cut. Short legs and bad attitude. Normally just one of those would get you sent packing.
  17. Tori is a lovely dancer — extremely talented. Watching her makes me wonder why Julia was ever accepted into training camp given that their dance styles are such a contrast. People think Julia was cut for her use of the “F” word, but it was largely because she’s a poor dancer.
  18. I just hope the umbilical cord stretches that far . . .
  19. I can't believe they'd use that photo of VK -- it just further reveals how ridiculous and entitled she is.
  20. I don't know about retired, but Dayton said she wouldn't audition again as long as there is the show. It honestly takes someone willing to be a real kiss-ass who is willing to be publicly humiliated and say exactly what Kelli and CMT tell them to. I think Kitty legitimately likes Victoria.
  21. Kitty doesn't appear on the show anymore because CMT feeds her lines and tells her what to say. She then ends up sounding stupid, and she finally figured that out. Btw, CMT feeds lines to Kelli, Judy and the girls a lot more than you would think. It's "reality" television at it's finest!
  22. Madeline Molloy and Claire Wolford are boot buddies. 🙂
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