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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. Kelli & Judy gave the ring to each girl separately in the middle of the street.
  2. No. She only has one housemate, and that's Riley.
  3. So Julia is celebrating her birthday, and she celebrated by having a party at her house with at least three people in attendance. I know of children who have had their birthday parties canceled due to coronavirus, but Julia seemingly doesn't care. In fact, she openly advertised it on her Instagram account (as an insta story). She certainly has a reckless, the rules don't apply to me side that I find very unattractive. I'm glad she was cut this year.
  4. I'm hoping the show doesn't happen this year, mainly to spare us all from another season of VK.
  5. DMD Julia DMD Tori DMD Janie DMD Riley DMD Hunter
  6. The new Dallas Dancers will be preforming at the Mavericks games starting in March. They will be more of a hip hop team with male and female dancers coached by Stephanie Di Biase. Raven is on the new Dallas Dancers team and she is thinking about auditioning again for DCC. She was the girl who was late to DCC auditions last year and got cut. DCC Tara is also on the new team.
  7. Julia looks better than I’ve ever seen her in the past. I am sure Sarah is helping her and encouraging her to audition again (Julia has always been Sarah's favorite). She is on the new Mavericks Dance team that will be performing at their first game in March.
  8. To be fair, MOST of the girls on the team are staying thin through unhealthy means. I wish some news organization would do an expose or something on it.
  9. Um . . . just a guess but to try and cover her ass and try and convince people that she didn’t lie (when she clearly did). She’s far from being the sharpest tool in the shed.
  10. At least two insiders who consistently post reliable spoilers have confirmed this to be true. Aside from that, if it weren't true, then the conversation that was shown between Kelli, Jinelle and Victoria would make absolutely no sense. I get that people want to defend Victoria, but this is for sure one place she screwed up big time.
  11. Yes! They should go ahead and put a therapist on the payroll -- next year's rookies will need it!
  12. That and kissing Charlotte's ass. I'm surprised she made it -- her former teammates hate her, and she has a really bad attitude.
  13. She won't. You should see how she kisses Victoria's ass -- it's gross.
  14. As long as Lisa is on the team, Julia has no shot. She has poisoned the well.
  15. Some of these comments are hilarious! You can blame the VK dislike on editing, but keep in mind that most of VK's ridiculousness hasn't even been shown. Specifically, things "editing" didn't do: --Show Victoria lying about a medical condition; --Show Victoria lying about going to the Dr. regarding said medical condition; --Show Victoria blaming Jinelle when her lies were uncovered; --Show Victoria winning a "Barbie" two years in a row despite being unable to do a simple turn without falling out; --Show Victoria running to Kelli with gossip about the other girls. But yeah, editing MUST the reason we dislike Victoria. It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that she made training camp one year, and then proceeded to gain a massive amount of weight. Then told multiple lies to excuse the weight gain and finally, when Kelli had NO CHOICE, she was cut. Only to come back next year -- still unable to do a simple turn and with sloppy technique -- to not only make the team, but make SG AND get a plum spot in the triangle that she totally doesn't deserve. Yeah, must be the editing! :eyeroll
  16. Any isolation she feels is 100% attributable to her own actions. I have zero pity for her -- well maybe a little for having Tina as a mother.
  17. Exactly. Just look at how few of her teammates commented on the Spotlight pix that DCC posted of her.
  18. TPTB can override the vote of the girls -- hence, Victoria will likely win ROTY, which is ironic given that she is the LEAST liked person on the whole squad.
  19. I predict that VK will receive a prime spot in the triangle this year, not point but very close to it.
  20. If she wins, you‘ll KNOW that it’s rigged. I seriously doubt that anyone (other than VK herself) voted for her.
  21. TK wouldn't tolerate any teacher who offered serious critique; they'd just look for someone else. Hence, the poorly developed technique VK has.
  22. I feel sorry for the girls who make training camp this year. The VK/TK machine will try to take down any girl who poses a threat to VK’s status. VK as a veteran is going to even more of a monster.
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